Wu Rebellious Universe

1920 Bone Fatan

Chu Nan's magic weapon, whether it is physical or soul, can be practiced to make perfect; not to mention the alchemy, which is made dozens of copies at the same time, which is not a problem; in theory, the difficulty of refining the "dharma elixir" should not be too great.

However, a few days later, Chu Nan's failure has exceeded hundreds of thousands, but the "fama elixir" has no prototype at all, which makes Chu Nan more or less annoyed. After a series of failures, no one will be happy.

Chu Nan knew that there was something wrong with his mood. In this case, if he refined it again, the ending would definitely fail. Therefore, Chu Nan stopped, calmed down his mood, and at the same time thought about what went wrong with the "d magic elixir".

"There are many similarities between magic weapons and elixirs, and they are not as incombable as water and fire, but why can't they be refined? It doesn't work to use the magic weapon as an elixir; it doesn't work to use the elixir as a magic weapon; so what should we do?

Chu Nan thought hard. He must refine it out. In that case, there was a little more security in the hands of his parents. Geng Lao, who had been leading the road in front of him, casually asked when he saw Chu Nan's state, "If you encounter anything difficult, it's better to say it out and listen."

"Can you calculate?"

"There must be a clue."

"Well, I want to combine the magic weapon with the elixir to refine it, which can be swallowed or detonated like a magic weapon."

After saying that, Chu Nan stared at Mr. Geng. He really expected that Mr. Geng would surprise him, but Mr. Geng was in a different state. His face was full of embarrassment, and he hated why he was nosy. How could he deduce this? If this can be deduced, he will directly calculate the most powerful skill under the sky, and then practice it. At that time, he will be the first in the world. Nothing can make him difficult, so there is no need to work hard work and help him.

However, if you don't say anything, it seems to be too much, so Mr. Geng also remembered it. After the embarrassment faded a little, Mr. Geng realized more deeply that Chu Nan's idea was really extraordinary, and it was difficult for others to think about it.

With surprise, Geng Lao thought to see if he could find something in common. However, he didn't get anything. He said to Chu Nan, "Try your refining process, and what other methods have been used."

When Mr. Geng's face was embarrassed before, Chu Nan saw it clearly and understood that this "fabao elixir" could not be calculated, but he thought of the identity of Mr. Geng and the age that Mr. Geng must be very scary, so he said it out.

Mr. Geng heard more and more that Chu Nan was a demon. Although he did not specialize in alchemy or alchemy, he lived so long and heard a lot. However, Mr. Geng had never heard of Chu Nan's ideas.

"That's about it."

Chu Nan used this sentence as a conclusion. After saying that, he saw Mr. Geng looking at him like a rare treasure, and couldn't help asking, "Mr. Geng, my face is strange?"

"I really don't know how your brain grows."

Mr. Geng muttered, frowned and said, "To be honest, this thing can't be calculated at all. However, everything in the world is inseparable from the word balance. Water and fire are a pair of balances, good and bad are a pair of balances. The so-called justice and evil are also a pair of balances. Men It's a pair of balances, and yin and yang are also a pair of balances, and there are many more. Therefore, it is possible that you have not refined the magic weapon and the elixir, and you have not found a balance..."


Hearing this, Chu Nan immediately fell into meditation. Geng Lao's words really inspired Chu Nan a lot. "Indeed, whether it is refining the magic weapon as an elixir or the elixir as a magic weapon, there is no balance. Where is the balance point of the magic weapon elixir?"

When Geng Lao saw Chu Nan's appearance, he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he didn't care whether Chu Nan could figure it out or not. He hurried to the front and continued to lead the way. Chu Nan thought about it from the word "balance".

"Is it time to refine, half of it is used to refine elixirs and half to refine magic weapons?"

Chu Nan felt that this idea was not right, but he still took out the medicinal herbs to refine them. He thought that even if he could not be refined, he could get some new ideas and a new understanding was not bad.

Sure enough, dozens of times in a row, all of them ended in failure, but Chu Nan was still refining, but when refining, it was no longer half and half as clear. The time was slowly shortened until the moment, Chu Nan's body suddenly shook and said, "Balance is not simple. The balance is not to forcibly combine the elixir and the magic weapon, which becomes the 'the magic weapon elixir'. The 'the magic weapon elixir' is a new thing, which not only has an inseparable relationship with the elixir and magic weapon, but also has its uniqueness.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan's thinking suddenly became much clearer. "The magic weapon elixir, in the same moment, is not only refining the magic weapon, but also refining the elixir, but also refining the magic weapon elixir, so that it is the real balance."

When I thought about this, the stove appeared, and the alchemy materials and refinery materials were all put into the stove. Chu Nan carefully refined it, but he understood that it was one thing. There was still a long way to go to do it.

Although it is still a failure, every failure now, more or less Chu Nan will gain some harvest, over and over again. Exactly seven days later, Chu Nan failed to refine 320,000 drugs.

But at this moment, Chu Nan's face is full of brilliance. He has piled up a road to success with countless failures. Chu Nan believes that the next one will definitely succeed!

Half an hour later, three identical red beads jumped in the palm of Chu Nan's hand, shining brightly. Uninformed people thought that this was the magic work of nature; each bead was not big, only three thumbs the size.

Chu Nan poured a little energy into it, excited red beads, and threw them somewhere in the void. At that time, there was a bang. The void was turbulent, and the ripples had not dispersed for a long time. Geng Lao, who was leading the way, suddenly turned around and asked, "Is it done?"

Everyone else looked at Chu Nan, but Chu Nan threw a red bead in the palm of his hand to Geng Lao and said, "Try it." Geng Laozheng's eyes flashed suddenly, took the red beads, and thought about the power of the red beads' explosion just now. It was almost the full-out blow of a real ancestor martial artist. He thought that even if the red beads had an accident, he could deal with it calmly and could not hurt him.

As a result, Geng Lao swallowed the red beads. As soon as he entered his abdomen, the red beads melted, and the huge energy surged into Geng Lao's body. These energies were indeed very violent, but as long as he could withstand this violent energy, he would get great benefits.

"I didn't expect you to be refined."

Geng Lao was full of surprise. Chu Nan said, "Now I can only do this step. How can I swallow this red bead without that violent energy, but the one that penetrates peacefully, which is better."


Mr. Geng gasped a cold breath. He thought Chu Nan would be very happy. After all, this was a new direction. Unexpectedly, Chu Nan was not very dissatisfied with such an achievement. Mr. Geng asked, "What's the name of this thing?"

"It is both an elixir and a magic weapon, and the prescription of bone alchemy is added, which is called bone elixir."

Chu Nan gave him a new name. Geng Lao read: "Dan, Fa Dan, Dian in Dian, Dian in Dian..." Geng Lao, who kept reading repeatedly, seemed to have learned something from it, but Chu Nan ignored it, and he had to transform the bone elixir.

There are three aspects to the transformation. One is the swallowing problem mentioned by Chu Nan before, and the other is that when the magic weapon is used, the power is not strong enough; and the other is that since it is a magic weapon, it can only be a one-time use of magic weapon? T