Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 3 Uncle

Chapter 3 Uncle

Not as angry as Wu Linger thought, Brother Win, oh no, the white earthworm didn't even look back: "State secret! No comment! In my opinion, if you have time to care about my neck, why don't you take more time to care about your figure? There is almost no gap between your upper and lower hemispheres!"

"Ah~~~~ you hooligan!!" Wu Linger screamed and covered her chest and buttocks. Especially when she saw the disdainful look in Brother Win's eyes, she jumped up.

Just as Wu Linger was about to rush to teach this guy who hurt her young innocence, Brother Win suddenly stopped: "This guy doesn't seem to be false!!"

Although she has a problem with Brother Win, it is impossible to say that Wu Linger is not curious about what happened tonight. Hearing Brother Win's words, she immediately came over and said, "Why do you say that?"

Brother Win pointed to the computer and motioned Wu Linger to look at it by herself. Wu Linger looked at the screen, but Brother Ying just opened the other party's QQ space album, which contained many photos, among which the earliest uploaded photos were transmitted four or five years ago. Well... as he said, this man has been looking for Wu Linger for five years.

Wu Linger looked at her parents smiling happily in the album and looked at her own photos in the album. There were many photos that she didn't even have. There are notes under each photo. Some of her running injuries, some of which she win, some of which she cried when she was disappointed in love, and some of the expression of crying or laughing when her first novel was signed for sale. Looking at the expression of crying or laughing in this photo, Wu Linger didn't say anything for a long time, but felt that something was growing in her heart...

Half a day later, Wu Linger suddenly lowered her head and gritted her teeth and scolded Brother Win: "This despicable and shameless voyeur!! You also said that the two people in the opposite building have nothing to do with him? I'm looking for a salted fish to drive the human engine!!"

The salted fish in Wu Linger's mouth is her good friend. He used to be a general in the Chinese hacker alliance, but for some reason, he had to withdraw from the hacker alliance, but if he just finds someone's information, it is still easy to believe that at the level of salted fish.

Just as Wu Linger was about to find a salted fish, a fat earthworm of about 15 centimeters crossed to the keyboard: "Will you die later? Everything is so impatient! I really don't know how you have lived until now!!" After saying that, the earthworm turned his head and looked at the photo on the screen: "You can ask your uncle about this first! He will definitely know something! Also, tell him that someone claims to be your uncle, including that he has secretly taken so many photos of you in recent years!!"

Five years ago, Wu Linger still lived with her aunt. If Wu Linger was secretly photographed and they didn't know it, the uncle's methods would be a little terrible. You know, Wu Linger's uncle is not an ordinary person. For example, Wu Linger's beautiful archery just now has to be passed on from her uncle, and these, only But it was his most disdainful thing. Thinking of this peaceful and prosperous era, Wu Linger had something to defend herself, so she passed on her simplest skill.

Wu Linger looked at her photo with hatred and was furious: "Did I let go of this voyeur like this?"

"Don't say that you are not sure if he has anything to do with him now. Even if he is really your uncle, your father has already divorced your mother. You have nothing to do with this person! I want you to ask your uncle, just make sure this is true or not!" The earthworm stretched his whole body as if stretching, and then withdrew back to its original state: "Well, it's getting late. Call your uncle and go to bed. Don't spend Washington time every day. Beware of premature aging!"

Wu Linger looked at the computer and found that it was past four o'clock. If she didn't sleep, it would be dark tomorrow. She quickly picked up the phone and said, "Aunt!"

After talking on the phone with her uncle for almost half an hour, Wu Linger hung up the phone tiredly, climbed down from **, did a strange set of gymnastics on the open space, and then fell on **: "Brother Win, help me..."

"It's all turned off, sleep with you!!" Brother Win is still in front of the computer, but the phone line next to it has been unplugged, and the mobile phone has been turned off by it for a long time. Now Wu Linger can sleep well, but when she wakes up, she may have to face more troublesome things.

As soon as Wu Linger fell to **, the doorbell suddenly rang. Wu Linger hugged the pillow and turned over: "Brother Ying, the doorbell forgot to close!"

Brother Win was stunned for a moment and glanced at the strange face on the electronic screen. When he was about to tell the "thief" outside the door that there was someone in the house, he heard a sound from the doorbell: "Is Miss Wu Linger live here?"

Brother Win hesitated for a moment, but turned to Wu Linger and said, "Someone is looking for you!"

"Let him come back tomorrow!!" Wu Linger buried her head in the pillow in pain: "I'm going to sleep!!"

When Brother Win was about to go back to tell the man, he heard an earth-shaking cry outside the door: "Ling Er! Open the door!! I'm your uncle!! Your father is dying. Go back and have a look with me! Otherwise, I won't see him!!!"

She has lived in this apartment for more than a year. Even in the last World Cup, the opposite couple fought and threw the TV on Wu Linger's door. Wu Linger has never been woken up. What she has been most satisfied with about this apartment is its sound insulation effect, but today the sound insulation effect of this building has failed...

Although she buried her head tightly in the sheets, the heartbreaking cry penetrated through the well-sealed anti-theft door and crawled into Wu Linger's ears, as if something had been scratching in her head, crying with bursts of anger in her heart. Don't sew the man's mouth with a needle.

Angrily kicked Brother Win away, and Wu Linger suddenly opened the door: "Is your brain caught in the door or shot? Are you sick when you run to other people's doorways in the middle of the night?!!"

Wu Linger, who was trapped and could hardly open her eyes, just pulled her head from the pillow. Not only did she not open her eyes, but also had a messy hair that almost covered her eyes. Even cursed people, she almost closed her eyes and cursed. She was suddenly held in her arms by a person without beingware of it: "Linger!! Your father is dying. Come back with me to see him!!! Whoo... He is so pitiful. He has been lying in ** for 20 years, and I haven't even seen you yet... I only have this younger brother. I'm too useless to save him..."

"What's the matter in the middle of the night? So noisy?"

"Miss Wu, is this man really your uncle? He seems to be very pitiful!"

"No way? Her own father is going to die, and she can still sleep?!!"

It seems that this guy's crying skills are really powerful. Not only did he wake up Wu Linger, but even her neighbors were woken up. Without knowing the truth, they were confused by the tears of this man and began to look at Wu Linger with different eyes.

When others said this, Wu Linger's anger was even worse. She pushed away the hair that blocked her eyes and roared, "Are you pitiful? My father abandoned me before I was born. If it hadn't been for him, my mother might not have died when she gave birth to me. I don't have to be an orphan for more than 20 years. Now he is going to die. Do you know you want to find me? Are you sick?!!"

When Wu Linger yelled like this, everyone's balance seemed to lean towards her side again: "Ah? Such an inhuman guy? It's better to die early!"

"It's so abominable that such a person will thunder!"

"No wonder Miss Wu ignored him, and I wouldn't want to see such a person. I said why do I always look at her alone? It turns out to be an orphan..."

The man who claimed to be uncle in front of the door ignored what the people around him said. He just continued to cry in his arms and cried sadly, which made people think that he would convulsion and faint the next second: "Ling'er, your father had no choice but to leave you that year. He got sick. He was in a coma before you were born. He was This is to avoid dragging down your mother and daughter. According to your mother's character, if you know that he is so seriously ill, you will definitely accompany him to die, so what are you going to do? You are not born yet, and your father doesn't want to deprive you of the right to survive!! Linger, your father is really pitiful. Such a young man has been sleeping in ** for 20 years. If it hadn't been for the help, I wouldn't have come to you like this!! Ling Er... I'm so useless that I can't save your father and take care of you. If I'm not worried that my father will die and no one will take care of you, I really don't want to live. I beg you to see your father. He really won't be able to live in a few days..."

Ah? What a pity!"

"Oh, my God, is there really such a thing in the world? I'm so touched, husband, will you do this to me?

"Miss Wu, your father is really pitiful. You'd better go and have a look!!"

"That's right, you see, your uncle is so old. In order to find you, it's not easy not to sleep in the middle of the night. You just want to take a look at the old man's face!!"

Facing the slanting balance again, Wu Linger is a little speechless. Aren't these neighbors too gossipy? Are they all gossip??!

Wu Linger, who had a headache, scratched her head in pain and finally opened her eyes: "Please don't cry, and be careful with your tears and runny nose. Don't rub against my clothes." After saying that, she pushed away the person holding her tightly and walked into the house.

Li Tianzuo, who claimed to be Wu Linger's uncle, was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Wu Linger still ignored himself. When he was so sad that he was about to continue crying, Wu Linger suddenly turned around and looked at him: "If I cry again, I won't go!!"

Hearing Wu Linger's words, Li Tianzuo immediately stopped crying: "Then let's go now?"

"Do we have to wait for dawn? Go at this time? Did you hit it?" Facing this obviously disconnected uncle, Wu Linger suddenly felt that her cultivation was not enough. If Brother Win hadn't asked her to calm down, she would have gone again.