Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 4 Sleeping Beautiful Man

Chapter 4 Sleeping Beauty

Li Tianzuo shook his head: "It's useless to fight! Change your clothes and we'll leave in five minutes!"

"Five minutes?!!" In Wu Linger's doubtful eyes, Li Tianzuo took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. He cried until he was almost in a coma and calmly said to his mobile phone, "I'll give you five minutes!" Then he hung up the phone and smiled at Wu Linger: "Ov, we'll leave in five minutes!"

In the face of this emotional change faster than the summer thunderstorm, Wu Linger was dumbfounded on the spot. This... the chameleon didn't become so fast, did he? What do you mean by five minutes? It should be time for her to have a meeting with Zhou. Is it time to go out? What? Fight ghosts?!!

When Wu Linger was about to say no, Li Tianzuo suddenly looked at her with a pair of pitiful eyes: "Linger, you won't regret not wanting to go, will you? Your father is still waiting for you, you can't..." As he said, Li Tianzuo's tears were about to fall down again, and Wu Linger waved quickly: "Don't, don't cry! I'm afraid of you. I'll change my clothes right away. We'll leave in five minutes!"

As soon as he heard that Wu Linger would not repent, Li Tianzuo immediately closed his tears and looked at his watch and said calmly, "You still have three minutes and 45 seconds!"

"I sue for the wrong!!" Wu Linger suddenly shook the door, went back to the room to change her clothes, and then threw Brother Win, who was crooked in his ear, into her bag: "Shut up. Do you think I want to go? You can't stand his crying!! If he makes trouble like this, I won't say sleep!! There won't even be peaceful days."

Although he knew that Wu Linger was right, Brother Ying twisted his body dissatisfiedly: "This guy is not an ordinary person. He can make the whole floor cry and wake you up. Be careful!"

"Well, who can do anything to me except Aunt Xuan and you?" Wu Linger disdained to stuff Brother Win's outstretched head into the bag again: "Stay obediently and don't let anyone find out! Otherwise, I won't have to fool around anymore!"

"Bah, it's a shame to have a master who is so frustrated as you, okay? I didn't dislike you, and you dared dislike me!" Obviously, Brother Win is very dissatisfied with Wu Linger's words.

But Wu Linger was indifferent to Brother Win's protest: "As a summoning beast, please know that earthworms are earthworms. Even if they are summoning beasts, you are just an earthworm. Stay obediently, or I will leave you at home!"

Threatened by Wu Linger, Brother Win really shut up. Although Wu Linger looked down on him, Brother Win was even more unwilling to leave Wu Linger's side

Opening the door, Wu Linger said angrily to Li Tianzuo, "Let's go!" How do we get there? Walking there? Go by car? Or fly away?"

Li Tianzuo opened the elevator door and smiled at Wu Linger, "It's good to fly, but you don't need to ride a broom. If you don't apply for a channel, it's easy to crash!"

"I ¥%T&%&*(%^*@#......#¥@#¥%..." Facing such a disconnected uncle, Wu Linger was so mad that she was speechless that she scratched her paws on the wall of the elevator.

The elevator stopped on the first floor, and Wu Linger heard a strange sound. She looked in the direction of the sound, but saw a helicopter parked outside through the floor-to-ceiling window.

turned his head stiffly and looked at Li Tianzuo. Wu Linger asked, "Flying? Helicopter?!"

Li Tianzuo nodded seriously: "That's right!"

After getting the definite answer, Wu Linger had no strength to have any more expression. She said feebly, "Then let's go!"

"We are going to fly for hours, and you can sleep on the plane!" At this time, Li Tianzuo became considerate. I don't know who was at her door just now, which made her unable to sleep.

However, Wu Linger, who was extremely sleepy, had no time to complain any more. After getting on the plane, she directly chose a comfortable posture and fell asleep.

When Wu Linger woke up again, she found herself sleeping in a soft **. Because it was too comfortable, she was reluctant to open her eyes, but she heard a soft voice in her mind and said, "Close your eyes and continue to pretend to sleep!"

Hearing this sound, Wu Linger muttered, turned over, and continued to lie down on **. She seemed to sleep very comfortably, but her spirit has been connected with Brother Win at this moment: "How are you?"

"It's okay. There are no practitioners in this family. It should not be their old house. Even if there is a true person, I can't find my existence. Brother Win's voice seemed to be in his ear, and Wu Linger was a little strange: "Where the hell are you?"

"You have hair rings on your hair! Keep less hair next time. It's very tiring to circle like this!" After saying that, Brother Win also twisted his body. Wu Linger suddenly felt the movement in her hair and resisted the instinct to scream: "You guy, you have to take an inch. Come down quickly, or I will cut you into a basketball team!!"

Brother Win twisted his body and had no intention of climbing down Wu Linger's hair: "The bag has been taken away by them, otherwise how can I stay with you? Become the embroidery on your clothes or a flower on this skirt? You are not afraid of walking away, and I'm afraid of being thought of me as a hooligan!"

Thinking of an earthworm coiled into a flower on his chest, or lying on today's short skirt, Wu Linger suddenly felt a chill: "Stay like this! What are we going to do now?"

"Your uncle is not as harmless as it seems. You should worry about it! No matter what he asks you to see or say to you, you can't agree easily, otherwise you will be in big trouble!" Although he followed Li Tianzuo here, Brother Ying has never liked this guy who changes his face faster than turning over books. Last night, he cried so sadly at the door of Wu Linger's house, but as soon as he heard Wu Linger agree to come here, Li Tianzuo immediately became normal. Such a person is either out of line or has a terrible mind. No matter what, Brother Win doesn't want Wu Linger to have anything to do with him.

After listening to Brother Win's warning, Wu Linger didn't care about it: "Don't think that the Li family's industry is so big. If he really gets off the line like that, can he live to be the head of the family until now? I'm not an idiot. Are you all right? I'll 'wake up' if it's okay!"

"You're really not an idiot, you're just a idiot!" Brother Win thought in his heart but dared not say it, otherwise he was afraid that he would really be cut into a basketball team.

After getting the confirmation of Brother Win, Wu Linger turned over again, but she didn't want to fall from ** to the ground suddenly. Fortunately, there was a thick carpet beside the bed, otherwise she would really be a nine-day fairy who came down to earth and landed first.

rubbing her painful nose, Wu Linger sat up dissatisfiedly: "Where is it? Don't make a better bed for others!"

"Miss, didn't you fall?" Perhaps after hearing the movement in the room, a woman rushed in. She was a little embarrassed after hearing Wu Linger's complaint.

Wu Linger sat up depressedly on the edge of the bed. When her eyes fell on the ** beside her, she suddenly became embarrassed. THIS BED IS AT LEAST 1.8 METER WIDE, AND A KINGSIZE BED MADE HER ROLL TO THE GROUND. IT SEEMS THAT HER SLEEPING STILL needs TO BE STRENGTHENED: "SO I STILL LIKE TO SLEEP ON THE FLOOR, AND I WON'T FALL!!"

After making an excuse for herself, Wu Linger said to the woman, "Where is Li Tianzuo? That guy tricked me here and won't run away by himself, will he?"

"The master is next door..." Before the woman finished speaking, Wu Linger had jumped up from the ground and rushed straight to the next door. The woman quickly chased after her: "Miss, you can't rush around and avoid falling asleep..."

"I'm still going to beat Li Tianzuo while sleeping. Banana, you big watermelon. After cheating me here in the middle of the night, he ran away!" When Wu Linger opened the door, she was stunned. The room was white and very quiet. Except for the sound of some instruments, there was no other sound.

The woman chased over and seemed to want to say something, but Li Tianzuo waved her hand and asked her to retreat. Wu Linger seemed not to see Li Tianzuo. From the beginning, her eyes were attracted by the people lying down.

From the photo, Wu Linger knew that he was a handsome man, but she didn't expect that the real person was far more handsome than the photo. The long ink hair gently spread on the white pillow, with clear eyebrows and handsome eyes. Even if he was wearing a hospital uniform, it did not harm his demeanor at all. Just lying quietly makes people feel like they want to be close. Is this... her father?

Looking at the ** person, Wu Linger exhaled gently after a long time and suppressed the excitement in her heart and said, "I... have never seen anyone who can sleep so handsomely!"

Hearing the sound of someone falling down, Wu Linger turned around and saw Li Tianzuo barely standing firmly: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay! Go on!!" Li Tianzuo gritted his teeth and spit out these words. If he hadn't believed in his subordinates ability, I'm afraid he would have begun to doubt whether Wu Linger's brain was normal at this time.

Seeing Li Tianzuo's expression like Wu Linger's proud face from the corners of her eyes, this is what she wants. If you dare to take her away, you must be conscious of bearing the consequences. Yesterday, he made Wu Linger messy by thunder. Today, she woke up and won't call Wu Linger if she doesn't retaliate.

However, when Wu Linger's eyes fell on the sleeping man again, her heart still couldn't help feeling a little sad. Is this... the so-called nature? Anyway, you can't escape the fetters of blood?! No matter what he has done and how he has hurt Wu Linger, will Wu Linger still be sad to see him like this?

Thinking of this, Wu Linger snorted coldly and shook her hand to leave, but Li Tianzuo grabbed her: "Ling Er! After all, he is your father!"

"Did he do his duty as a father? Where was he when I was born? Where was he when I was laughed at as a fatherless wild seed? Where was he when I was bullied? Where was he when I was defiled? Since I was a child, the unfair treatment I received was all because of this person, because of him, which made my mother die of haggardation when she gave birth to me. Because of him, I lost my family happiness as soon as I was born. Now you want to find me?! I'm not an idiot, and I'm not that great!!" Wu Linger admitted that she was stupid sometimes, but she was not stupid. Wu Linger didn't believe what Li Tianzuo said in front of her house last night.