Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 5 Untrusted

Chapter 5 Untrusted

Li Tianzuo let Wu Linger yell at him but did not refute it. He just looked at her with a pitiful look and seemed to feel sorry for her past. It was not until Wu Linger roared that Li Tianzuo handed her a glass of water: "Tianyou was kidnapped. In that kidnapping, he fell into a coma and never woke up again. At the beginning, they had always been anonymous in order to escape from the witch and our Li family. If he hadn't been seen by the enemy when he went shopping for you on the street, he would not have been kidnapped. After saying that, he took out a silver necklace from his pocket: "This is what Tianyou bought for you, but now he can't give it to you by himself."

When this very exquisite silver unicorn necklace fell into Wu Linger's hands, Wu Linger was stunned. She obviously didn't expect this to happen. Holding the silver unicorn in her hand, she looked back at Li Tianyou sleeping in **, and something bred in her heart...

After a long time, Wu Linger sighed, "What do you want me to do?"

————————————The dividing line of Wu Linger's safe return————————

After returning to F City from Li Zhai, Wu Linger has been in a daze. She didn't even hear Brother Win talking to her. It was not until the phone rang that she realized and quickly reached out to answer the phone: "Hello? Who?"

"Dead girl, where have you died these two days? Why is there no one answering the phone at home and the mobile phone can't get through? Don't tell me that there is no signal to practice in the mountains, otherwise I will make you unlucky for a month!!"

Hearing Aunt Xuan's voice on the phone, Wu Linger suddenly forgot her headache: "Aunt Xuan, just in time, I have something to tell you. Do you know Li Tianzuo?

The method of diverting your eyes is really effective. Aunt Xuan on the other end of the phone suddenly stopped caring about the fact that she couldn't get in touch with Wu Linger in the past two days, but lost her temper: "The Li family came to you? Do they still dare to come to the door? I'm going back to China now to destroy their family!!"

As soon as she heard that Aunt Xuan was furious, Wu Linger quickly stopped her: "Aunt Xuan, he didn't come to my house. He just told me to be careful that I was targeted by the witch people, and a few days earlier, I also found that someone was watching me in the house opposite me, but those people were scared away by me!!"

"Do you use witchcraft?" Suddenly, Aunt Xuan's voice on the other end of the phone became a little too calm. This calmness really made Wu Linger a little uncomfortable. She immediately laughed heartlessly: "Aunt Xuan, you don't know my half-hearted level. How can you use it to scare people? I shot two arrows with my hand, and they obediently withdrew. But at such a poor level, are they really witches?

Wu Linger's words made Wu Xuan think about it and then said, "You are packing up and going out to play for a month. You don't have to worry about things here. I'll solve it with your uncle!"

Although I don't know how powerful the witch clan is, Wu Linger can remember Li Tianzuo's serious appearance when he mentioned the witch clan, not to mention that she was far more powerful than Aunt Xuan's mother at the beginning to escape from the witch clan. If she and her uncle faced these witch clans...

After thinking about the consequences, Wu Linger shook her head: "Aunt Xuan, you and your uncle don't have to come here. No matter what the witch wants to do, they can't do anything about me without witch power. Those things my uncle taught me are enough to protect myself! Besides, at least it's a legal society now, and they can't do anything to me in broad daylight. I'm packing up and going to Hong Kong for a walk. I'll be back in a few months. I'm sure they can't do anything about me.

Hearing Wu Linger say this, Aunt Xuan naturally knew that she was worried that she would not be the opponent of the witch. However, knowing that Wu Linger was going to Hong Kong, she was a little relieved. In these months, maybe she could come up with a better way: "All right! But remember, call me if you have anything, don't cause trouble, don't do anything dangerous!!"

Wu Linger on the phone smiled bitterly while listening to Aunt Xuan's instructions. After finally hanging up the phone, Wu Linger collapsed to **: "Brother Ying, help me pack up my things. I don't want to move! Aunt Xuan's broken thoughts are refined again!!"

Brother Win, who had been busy on the ground, threw a longan on Wu Linger's head angrily: "You are content! Fortunately, she didn't really come back, otherwise I'll see what you do!" Obviously, Brother Ying is very dissatisfied with Wu Linger's next plan.

Wu Linger lay on ** and sighed: "Brother Win, I also know that guy is not credible, but... that's my father! Although he didn't look at me or take care of me, I still don't want him to lie down like that. I want to hear his explanation of the past. I..." Next, Wu Linger didn't say anything more, but turned over and buried her whole face in a soft pillow.

Although Wu Linger said that she didn't mind not having parents, did she really not care? It's okay if she didn't know before, but now she is inevitably uncomfortable when she sees the person who has the closest blood to her lying quietly **, not to mention...

"You are a face control, I think you are reluctant to bear the hardships of other handsome men, right?" Brother Win pointed out Wu Linger's thoughts angrily: "Well, if the witch people want to ask you something from your mouth in the future, don't torture, and the work of beautiful men, I'm sure you will even say how old you are to wet the bed!"

Brother Ying's words finally made Wu Linger sneer laugh: "Of course, as a senior member of the Appearance Association, of course I want to save the handsome man from the deep fire."

"Help, let's see what you do when you fall into the hands of a handsome man!" Speaking of this, Brother Ying is still a little worried: "Are you really not going to tell Aunt Xuan about this? If she knew afterwards, you would be afraid..."

At this time, Wu Linger finally controlled her emotions and sat up from **: "Brother Win, Aunt Xuan and my uncle have done too much for me. Now... I've grown up. There are some things I want to deal with by myself.

In fact, there is no need to remind Brother Ying, and Wu Linger will not trust Li Tianzuo too much. Among other things, the kidnapping of Li Tianyou alone is worth pondering. As far as Wu Linger knows, after Li Tianyou disappeared, he sent a divorce agreement to his mother. Can he still send a letter after being kidnapped? Is it true that her head is offline?

The winning brother who knew Wu Linger's past was silent after hearing Wu Linger's words. Wu Linger began to copy some data from the computer to the mobile hard disk and her netbook. Although she is going to Hong Kong, her career is very free. She has a computer that can access the Internet, and it is OK if she has the Internet, so even if she wants to go out, it will not affect her work.

While Wu Linger was busy copying the information, Brother Ying had packed his luggage. He took a look at Wu Linger and said, "I don't know what will happen after we go to Hong Kong to find that person. I suggest you take advantage of your time now, even if you are not afraid that others will post your phone number to those cattle. In the advertisements of ringworm, gonorrhea, disease, plum and poison, you should also worry about the editor's urging method.

As soon as he was reminded by Brother Ying, Wu Linger sat down again with a bitter face**: "I'm so pitiful!!" Although Li Tianzuo didn't say what the person she was looking for was, it was definitely not easy to do with the financial and human resources of the Li family. She still had at least 100,000 words of manuscripts to hand in every month, and suddenly she also had a feeling of regretting being so impulsive at the beginning: "Brother Ying, can I reverse it back? Come on?"

Brother Ying spit out a longan nucleus angrily: "Rewind? Not to mention that you don't have a moonlight treasure box, even if you have one, do you think it will change your decision if you go back again?

Wu Linger thought about it seriously and shook her head: "It seems not! I..."

"This is a typical dog that can't eat shit!" After saying that, Brother Win straightened his black bow tie: "I seem to have gained a little weight recently. Let's order some bow ties for me later!" Last time I fell in a fancy to a heavy silk fabric..." Brother Ying didn't finish his words and only felt a heavy pressure on his head, which hit his head on the floor, but the heavy pressure on his head has not been reduced by half: "Who do you think can't change eating shit? Believe it or not, I will immediately throw you into the toilet and flush you into the cesspit? I think you are getting bolder and bolder, and you still want to make a bow tie with real silk? Believe it or not, I will strangle you with a silk scarf right now!!"

He was crushed by Wu Linger's fist, and Brother Win did not dare to talk more even if he was dissatisfied. That... The practical person is handsome.

Seeing Brother Win shut up, Wu Linger then withdrew her fist head and asked, "Brother Win, why do you think Li Tianzuo asked me to do these things? Is it really to save my father?

"Is it just him? How is that possible?" Brother Ying stretched out and found that he had not been hurt except for a little pain, so he did not care about Wu Linger: "That guy, I guess he will take advantage of even when a mouse passes in front of him. This is the essence of these big families. You are still too soft-hearted!"

When Brother Win said this, Wu Linger rarely refuted it, but gently touched her chest. There was the silver unicorn that Li Tianyou bought for her who was not yet born, and it was precisely because of this silver unicorn that he exposed his identity: "What do you think... made Dad like that? Although the Xiuzhen family has been defeated now, Dad will not be woken up for more than 20 years, will he?

Brother Win shook his head: "This is the reason why I don't want you to get mixed up. No matter whether Li Tianzuo wants you to do those things for your father or not, just rely on these people to make your father like this and make the Li family at a loss for more than 20 years, you can know how terrible these people's strength is. I don't want you to do this. , too dangerous."

Continuing to copy the information in the computer, Wu Linger returned to Yingge's words and smiled at Yingge: "Dangerous? Horror? Brother Ying, do you think there is anything more horrible in the world than being urged by my editor at the end of each month?

Seeing Wu Linger's gag like this, Brother Win knew that she was afraid to persuade her again. It seems that this time Wu Linger decided to help Li Tianzuo wake up her father.

After packing up, Wu Linger went out with her luggage, and the room suddenly became quiet, but in this silence, she suddenly heard a soft sigh. Suddenly hearing this sigh in this uninhabited room really made people feel a little scared. Fortunately, Wu Linger was not there, otherwise she would be scared to scream ghosts. She really doesn't look like the heir of the witch saint.