Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 52 Repeated Disease

Chapter 52 Repeated Disease

Looking at Wu Linger with questioning eyes, Qin Xiaojing really couldn't imagine what she would do to force her aunt to Switzerland. Wu Linger smiled proudly: "I told her that I have no other relatives in the world except her and my uncle. People like me who get sick once a year, if my aunt can't take good care of her health and live well, in case I really can't move, I will stay at home alone and wait to die. So I want her to go to Switzerland quickly and come back to recover and let me grow old!"

"Will she believe it?!" Do idiots believe such a reason?

Wu Linger shrugged her shoulders: "My illness is worse than a year, and she can't help believing it! Now I'm in good health and can stand it. If I'm older, I don't know. It's okay if I really die of high fever one day. If I become an idiot, who will take care of me if she doesn't take care of me?

I don't know why, Qin Xiaojing felt another pain in his heart when he saw Wu Linger talking so lightly about her own affairs. He had never had this kind of heartache before, but he didn't expect that he would feel it twice this night. Without much thought, Qin Xiaojing has said directly, "I'll come!"


Seeing Wu Linger's surprised expression, Qin Xiaojing wanted to slap himself for the first time in his life: "I'm a doctor, and I will come to you at this time every year!"

Wu Linger suddenly smiled and hugged Qin Xiaojing with a happy expression: "Brother Qin, you are really a good man!"

When Wu Linger threw herself into her arms, Qin Xiaojing suddenly felt that a fragrance that belonged to a girl made him distract him, but this body seemed to be too hot. Qin Xiaojing was shocked and pushed Wu Linger away and found that her face was really flushed again: "Do you have a fever again? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"It's still... found! Fortunately, I deliberately asked Xiaolan to dim the bedside lamp!" Wu Linger gasped and spoke very weakly. Qin Xiaojing had no strength to scold Wu Linger. He hugged her directly, threw her into the bathtub, and then poured half a bucket of ice into it: "Stay inside, and I'll ask for some ice!"

"I'm sorry! I'm going to bother you again!!" Wu Linger, who was gasping in the ice water, didn't even have the strength to open her eyes. Qin Xiaojing patted her head: "I'm your brother!"

"Yes, it feels so happy to have a brother!!" Wu Linger lay in the bathtub and gasped, but with a happy expression.

Qin Xiaojing smiled at Wu Linger, looked at the used infusion bag, turned around and walked out.

Brother Ying, who had been coiled on Wu Linger's wrist without saying anything, suddenly asked, "Hey, is it really uncomfortable?"

"Nonsense! Isn't this the first time you've seen me like this? Do you think it's uncomfortable? This is also the reason why Wu Linger's small apartment has a bathtub and a large refrigerator. Without these, it would be difficult for Wu Linger to spend her birthday every year.

Brother Ying looked at Wu Linger's frown and was a little worried: "But this year seems to be very powerful!"

"There are still three days left, just get through it! Don't worry, I'm not that easy to die!" She can no longer speak, so Wu Linger can only communicate with Brother Win with consciousness.

After a while, maybe even the consciousness will be blurred? Damn body!! Wu Linger cursed her body, but ignored Brother Ying's anxiety because of the high fever.

Normally, it is difficult to survive a day, but now it has been three days earlier. It seems that Wu Xiaoxuan is right. Twenty years old is a big hurdle for Wu Linger. If this hurdle passes, she can no longer be so painful in the future, but if she can't pass...

Thinking of the ending, Brother Ying sighed, and he could not judge whether Wu Xiaoxuan was right or wrong. Twenty years of pain can be exchanged for a lifetime of silence, or 20 years of pain and the life of close relatives can be exchanged for a lifetime of silence. Is such a life what Wu Linger wants? If Wu Linger knew her fate, what would she think?

"Brother Win... Do you think I will die?" Wu Linger, whose consciousness was already vague, suddenly asked this sentence, which shocked Brother Ying: "Woman, what are you talking about? How can you curse yourself? Usually, you are not always full of vitality. Why does it defeat you with a little high fever?!"

"Actually, I'm scared! I'm afraid that I will fall asleep like this and never wake up. In that case, what will you do? Like you... Even if it's a witch pet, if you don't have the power to protect yourself... It's hard to live in that world, right? It's not easy... I was summoned to this world without fighting. It would be pitiful if I died and went back!"

"Bah, it's pitiful for me to be bullied by you. I'm more comfortable than anyone else when I go back there!!" Brother Win didn't say this sentence in his heart, but he just pulled the back of Wu Linger's hand impatiently: "I don't want me to be so pitiful, otherwise I don't know it will take hundreds of years to be summoned by others again!"

Hearing Brother Win's words, although Wu Linger was very uncomfortable, she couldn't help laughing: "Please, besides me, who else will sign a contract with you? It's as long as a maggot. If it's a girl... it will scare away, right?"

"Do you mean you're not a girl?" There is no match. Brother Win and Wu Linger maintain a spiritual dialogue. At this time, whether it's poisonous or warm, keep talking to her and let her know that there is someone around her, and there will be a reason to stick to it, right?

"To be honest, Brother Win, you never seem to have called my name. That's too much! It's been more than five years, and you haven't called me!!" I have to say that even if Wu Linger is sick, her head is still empty. Just now, she was still discussing the appearance of Brother Win, and now she immediately changed to herself.

However, when Wu Linger said this, Brother Win was also stunned: "Hon't you called your name? So what have I called you in the past five years?

"It's like fools, idiots, crazy women, women, nymphomaniac, etc., but they haven't called my name! That's too much. I always call you Brother Win as agreed!" It seems that when it comes to unhappy things, Wu Linger's spirit becomes better. For her childish performance, Brother Win looks very helpless: "Well, as a birthday gift, I will call your name on your birthday!"

"What, do you have to wait for three days?" Although he got what he wanted, Wu Linger was still a little dissatisfied: "Can't you pay in advance?"

"Linger, what should I pay in advance?" Qin Xiaojing's voice came to her ear. It seemed that he had returned, but Wu Linger had little feeling to the outside world now. Although she heard Qin Xiaojing's voice, she could not respond.

Ji Yanran said to Qin Xiaojing while infusion for Wu Linger, "It should be a whisper when she has a high fever! This guy is probably still thinking about her contribution fee, right? After saying that, she stretched out her hand to cut Wu Linger's hair: "How can she be so happy if it's so painful every year? What on earth is this guy's nerve made of?

While speaking, Ji Yanran remembered that Wu Linger had been scared to death in Hong Kong, but she had been bold to protect herself behind her. This guy is obviously younger than herself!!

"Although... Brother Qin, you approached me to take advantage of me. However, once, twice, three times, whether it's Brother Qin or Ling Er, you have never left me when I was in danger... So, we are even!!" Speaking of this, Ji Yanran looked up at Qin Xiaojing: "You and him have an agreement, and I don't care about Xiaowei. As for Ling Er, since she didn't know before, I won't tell her in the future!!"

Qin Xiaojing looked at Ji Yanran. After a while, he nodded: "Okay!"

Ji Yanran moved two chairs from the room: "It seems that Ling'er's condition will be repeated. I'll guard her with you tonight!"

Qin Xiaojing did not agree, but did not object. He just took the chair and sat quietly by the bathtub, put his hand on Wu Linger's wrist, and kept an attention to her heartbeat.

Looking at Qin Xiaojing's expression, Ji Yanran suddenly said, "Brother Qin likes Ling'er, right?" Seeing that Qin Xiaojing did not answer, Ji Yanran continued, "Actually, I felt this way when I was in Hong Kong last time, but you said she was your relative, so I just thought you cared too much about this sister. But... in fact, you are not related by blood, are you?" After saying that, Ji Yanran slowly fed Wu Linger some water: "In fact, I also know that it is difficult for a person with a personality like Linger to dislike her."

"She's just my sister!!" After Qin Xiaojing said this, he added some ice to the bathtub and stopped talking. His profession is too dangerous for Wu Linger. He will never let Wu Linger intervene in his world. I never thought that someone could still call his brother with a smile after knowing his true identity. This feeling of being trusted and relied made him want to be a guardian and guard all the time.

Wu Linger, who lay quietly in the bathtub, seemed to have fallen asleep, but her ears faithfully transmitted everything she heard to her heart: "Brother Win, what's going on? Has Brother Qin been found out? What agreement did he make with the little boy? Unexpectedly, Brother Qin can give up the task. Also, Sister Yanran said that Brother Qin likes me. How can it be? He is like my brother who has been scattered for a long time.

"Idiot woman, now you still have the leisure to care about other people's affairs. It seems that you can easily survive these days!!" Brother Win fiercely despised Wu Linger's dull nerves: "Why do you care so much about them? Now that the matter has been solved, Qin doesn't have to kill the Fang family anymore, and you don't have to be afraid of Ji Yanran's sadness. How nice?! Don't think I don't know. You are actually very concerned about Qin's murder, especially after meeting the little boy!!"

"Of course, if you make such a cute Xiaozheng too sad, you will be punished by God!!" Wu Linger smiled happily in her heart: "That's great!!"

Qin Xiaojing, who had been looking at Wu Linger, found a faint smile on her face. Although her face turned red because of the high fever, the smile really bloomed: "This guy!"

Seeing Wu Linger's appearance, even Ji Yanran couldn't help sighing: "No matter when, it seems that she can laugh out. It's great!!"