Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 53 Fang Wei is missing

Chapter 53 Fang Wei Disappeared

Throughout the night, Wu Linger's body temperature has been in a high fever, and even ice and infusion could not be relieved. This situation gave Qin Xiaojing and Wu Linger a headache. According to Ji Yanran's proposal, it would be better to send Wu Linger to the hospital for emergency treatment, but Qin Xiaojing objected.

Wu Linger's high fever is probably not an ordinary physical disease, which may be related to her less pure witch bloodline. If you are sent to the hospital, Wu Linger's physical condition will soon be passed on to the witch people in such a mixed place. If the witch people come to the door, it will be troublesome.

When Ji Yanran was still preparing to persuade Qin Xiaojing, the door was suddenly knocked open, and Wen Bao ran in urgently: "Miss Ji, Mr. Qin, young master, the young master is missing!!"

Qin Xiaojing raised his eyebrows and said, "What's going on?"

"When we went to deliver breakfast just now, we found that the window of the young master's room was open. The young master was missing, but the wheelchair was still by the bedside. Will he..." Wenbao sweated with an anxious face and hurriedly told Qin Xiaojing what he had just found. Although he has only known Qin Xiaojing for three days, the young master has already said that if he has any accident, please ask Qin Xiaojing for everything.

After taking a look at Wu Linger, Qin Xiaojing frowned and closed his eyes and thought about it. When he opened his eyes again, he had already made a decision: "Yanran, Ling'er will give it to you first!" After saying that, he stood up and walked out: "Has the room moved?"

"No!! The young master has said that if something happens to him, don't move everything in the room and ask you to solve it directly!" Wenbao followed Qin Xiaojing closely. Although he didn't know how powerful Qin Xiaojing was, it was not wrong because it was ordered by the young master.

Pushing open Fang Wei's door, a faint, sweet smell penetrated into his nose. Qin Xiaojing sniffed, smelled it carefully and said, "Fant fragrance!!"

After checking the room for a moment, Qin Xiaojing's eyes fell on the osmanthus tree in front of the window: "Why is this tree still there?" Fang Wei ordered someone to cut down the tree the day before yesterday. Why is it still there today?

Wen Long quickly explained as if he knew about this matter, "Brother Zhang seemed to have been sent to the hospital with food poisoning yesterday, and we were busy with Miss Ji's matter and ignored the matter of the tree!"

Qin Xiaojing's hand supported, and his whole body immediately jumped on the window sill. He glanced at the osmanthus tree and jumped out of the window, causing the maids in the room to exclaim, but only halfway through the call, Qin Xiaojing's figure appeared in front of them again, but he was already standing on a branch of the osmanthus tree, carefully After checking the osmanthus tree, Qin Xiaojing found a nearly transparent line on a branch.

"Give me a machete!" Qin Xiaojing ordered Wenlong at the window. Before Wen Long could react, Wenbao ran out quickly. In a short time, he appeared at the window with a machete: "How can I give it to you?"

"Throw it over!" Qin Xiaojing didn't want to say a word about such an idiot as Wenbao.

Wenbao hesitated for a moment and threw the machete at Qin Xiaojing. Perhaps he had never thrown the knife like this before. The knife thrown by Wenbao actually deflected and shot straight into Qin Xiaojing's chest.

Looking at the machete flying to his chest, Qin Xiaojing just snorted coldly. With a smooth hand, he firmly took the knife in his hand. He ignored the maid who would be stunned and the nervous literary leopard. Qin Xiaojing stretched out his hand and cut down the branch wrapped around the transparent line, and then easily Jumped down from the tree.

Seeing Qin Xiaojing landing safely, everyone's tense hearts relaxed. They quickly ran downstairs. As soon as they ran to the first floor, Qin Xiaojing had already walked into the hall with the cut line. Seeing Wenlong, he threw the thread to Wenlong: "Let's find out what this is and who can get this kind of thing."

"Yes!" Wenlong took the line and turned away. Qin Xiaojing ignored Wenbao, who stood aside with a guilty expression, and went straight upstairs to Wu Linger's room.

Wenbao saw Qin Xiaojing's reaction and thought he was angry: "Mr. Qin, I'm really sorry just now. I didn't mean to!"

"It doesn't matter!" Qin Xiaojing had already walked upstairs and saw that Wenbao was still following him. He frowned: "Go and cut down the tree!"

"Ah?! Yes!! What about you? Don't you go to the young master?"

Qin Xiaojing looked at Wenbao with an idiotic expression: "Wenlong will check!" After saying that, he went into the room.

As soon as she entered the room, Qin Xiaojing was stunned. Wu Linger was sitting in ** and talking and laughing with Ji Yanran. The morning sun on her bright face looked a little unreal: "Ling Er?!"

"Hee hee, good morning, Brother Qin!" Wu Linger greeted Qin Xiaojing energetically and was so energetic that she didn't look like a person who had a high fever all night. And she smiled happily after seeing Wenbao: "Wenbao, I'm hungry! Please ask someone to help me prepare breakfast!!"

Wenbao was stunned, nodded, and left the room a little depressed.

Qin Xiaojing went to the bedside and carefully checked Wu Linger's body and found that her body temperature and heartbeat had returned to normal: "What's going on?"

Ji Yanran shook her head: "I don't know. It feels like the sun shining into the room, Ling Er's fever subsided and her heartbeat returned to normal!" Ji Yanran met this strange condition for the first time, and she had never even heard of it before.

"Hey, just like the cursed princess in a fairy tale, she becomes ugly at night and returns to normal when the sun rises." Wu Linger smiled, but she didn't want to be laughed at by Brother Win on her elbow: "Idiot, that's the scene of the monster Slekley, and the curse is to become a beauty during the day and return to the original state at night!! Don't pretend to understand if you don't understand! Shame!!"

Wu Linger directly pulled off Brother Win, kneaded it into a bed and threw it on the bedside table. She didn't bother to pay attention to him at all. However, when her eyes fell on the mobile phone on the bedside table, she couldn't help screaming: "Ah, I'm dead!!" After saying that, she picked up her mobile phone and pressed the power-on button. She looked bitterly: "It's over, the editor is going to kill me!!"

"What's wrong?" Qin Xiaojing is now more used to Wu Linger's exaggerated statement and no longer believes her words about her editor's murder.

Wu Linger looked at the mobile phone with a bitter face. After the animation, the mobile phone immediately showed more than a dozen text messages and more than 20 un Answered calls. These numbers were all from one person - her editor.

Suddenly, Wu Linger handed her mobile phone to Ji Yanran: "Sister Yanran, please call my editor for me and tell her about my high fever last night, so that she won't scold me again!"

Ji Yanran answered the phone with a smile: "Do you have people in the world who are afraid?" With Wu Linger's offline personality, few people in the world can cure her.

While talking and laughing, Ji Yanran dialed the phone: "Hello, I'm Ji Yanran, doctor. Who is the patient?"

"I'm her editor. She's in the hospital?" The nervous voice of the editor came from the other end of the phone, which also scared Wu Linger to shrink behind Qin Xiaojing.

Seeing Wu Linger's expression, Ji Yanran shook her head amusedly: "The patient was sent to the emergency room of the central hospital last night because of a high fever. After one night of rescue, her condition has improved and her body temperature has returned to normal, but she is still very weak, so I want to contact her family."

"Her parents passed away, only her uncle and aunt, but they all immigrated to Switzerland! Is Ling'er's situation serious? Do I have to be accompanied by my family?"

Hearing the editor's words, Wu Linger quickly shook her head at Ji Yanran. Ji Yanran stared at Wu Linger before saying, "No, there are nurses in our hospital who can take care of patients. I have to contact the patient's relatives now. Hang up the phone first!"

"If she has anything, please remember to let me know!!" The editor said this before Ji Yanran hung up the phone. Ji Yanran was stunned and answered well, and then hung up the phone.

After returning the phone to Wu Linger, Ji Yanran bounced her head with a smile: "You guy, you don't know happiness in happiness. Not only do you not smile when you are cared about by your friends like this, but also ask me to cheat her for you. It's too much!!"

"If you don't lie to her, she will definitely come to the North Sea!" Her current job is not easy, and she has so many authors in her hands. Can't let her leave everyone alone for me? Speaking of this, Wu Linger sighed and stopped saying anything.

Qin Xiaojing touched Wu Linger's head: "Don't think too much, sleep for a while!"

"I'm hungry!!" Wu Linger looked at the door: "Wenbao is so slow!"

"You were so ill yesterday. They didn't dare to give you random food. I guess Wenbao is going to cook porridge in the kitchen. You can sleep for a while and call you when breakfast is ready!!" Ji Yanran took a look at Qin Xiaojing and seemed to want to ask him something, but she seemed to be afraid of something difficult to speak.

Qin Xiaojing took a look at Ji Yan and then continued to check Wu Linger, but while checking, he said, "Last night, someone climbed along the osmanthus tree to Fang Wei's room, stunned him with miko and kidnapped him! I have found a clue for Wenlong to check. After finding it, I will go to save people!!"

It's rare to hear Qin Xiaojing say so much in one breath. Although she looks like a businessman, Ji Yanran is relieved. When she was about to say something, the door was suddenly knocked open, and a man rushed to Qin Xiaojing with a cry like Pavarotti's beautiful singing.

Qin Xiaojing fell over the shoulder like a reflex. When he was about to step on it, he heard Ji Yanran shouting: "Sh on!!"

Called by Ji Yanran, Qin Xiaojing saw that it was Fang Wei's father, the puppet boss of the Black Cloud Gang, who was restrained by himself. After let go coldly, Qin Xiaojing warned Fang Jietian, who was still on the ground, "Don't touch me from behind!"

Fang Jietian, who was thrown to the ground and fell to the ground, ignored Qin Xiaojing's warning after seeing clearly, and directly rushed over and hugged Qin Xiaojing: "Xiaowei is gone!! Help me save him!! He is just a child!! Who is so cruel that he took action against a child?!! My poor son, if you have a long and short one, Dad, I won't live!! Xiaowei, where are you?!!"

"Give it away!!" He had never been hugged like this by a stranger. If he hadn't been a guest at Fang's house now and had an agreement with Fang Wei's little child, Qin Xiaojing would have killed the guy in front of him directly.