Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 73 punishes you on behalf of the moon!

Chapter 73 punishes you on behalf of the moon!

Obviously, the murderous spirit was not aimed at ordinary people. At least James didn't feel uncomfortable. He just stood up and poured a glass of wine from the cupboard beside him: "Don't worry, there is no woman I can't handle so far! Because that kind of woman has long disappeared from this world!!" Saying such words so coldly only proves that James and George are the same person, and they only care about what they care about.

Suddenly, Wu Linger remembered Shi Zhijun's warning: "The Houston family's reputation in the business world is not good. Rumors are that their methods are very disgraceful and make many people shameless. If their family is too strong, maybe..."

Is this the disgraceful means? Wu Linger tried her best to keep her breathing steady. At least she hoped that as James, she would not want to perform the 18 bans in front of her men. In this way, she may still have a chance...

Fortunately, James, as Wu Linger thought, was not interested in letting everyone visit his "sexual" life. After waving his men to retreat, James gently closed the door.

When Wu Linger was thinking about what to do, she only felt that the pressure on her arm was reduced, and then a voice came: "Idiot woman, you are going back more and more!!!"

"Brother Win?!!!" There has never been a time when Wu Linger has thanked Brother Win for his sudden appearance like now.

"Idiot woman, why didn't you call me if something happened?" Brother Win told her while untiing the rope for Wu Linger: "Be careful, don't let that guy find out!!"

Wu Linger lay quietly on **, but her ears listened carefully to James's movements. Fortunately, he just poured a glass of wine, which may suit his taste, so he is now sitting comfortably on the sofa watching TV.

"Isn't this guy too bold? Is he going to wait for you to wake up..." Brother Win cursed James while untiing the rope for Wu Linger.

Wu Linger said to Brother Win in her heart, "Don't worry, I will 'love' him well later!! Absolutely!!" No one dared to do this to her. This time, Wu Linger was really angry: "There is another guy, please help me pay attention later!" 1.85cm tall, chestnut hair, left-handed, named George. If he comes over, remind me!!"

"George? When you say that, how can I remember that your uncle has a student named George? Brother Win replied strangely to Wu Linger's words: "Don't this guy know that Li Linger is you? How dare you help James catch you? Is he tired of living?

"The guy who was driven away by my uncle a year ago heard that something happened to his family and his whole family was destroyed, right? After that, his temperament changed greatly, and his uncle also wanted to help him, but he only believed what he believed, and his whole person became unscrupulous and unscrupulous to achieve his goal. Later, my uncle couldn't stand it and expelled him from the teacher's school, but it is said that this guy is very smart. He has learned at least 70% or 80% of his uncle's things. Wu Linger sighed in her heart. She also had some friendship with George, but she didn't expect that he would help James today. And when he said that just now, it was clear that he knew his identity.

Do you want to kill people? It's not that you can run rampant after learning the skills of your uncle!! Wu Linger sneered and quietly moved the loose rope in her heart. I have to say that their defense is still very strong, and the ropes are very strong and tight, which is why Wu Linger fell down just now.

Just after Wu Linger found that the rope in her hand was loose, she also heard James's footsteps and sighed in her heart that she was lucky. At the same time, Wu Linger was also ready to attack.

When James sat by the bed, Wu Linger suddenly got into trouble. As soon as she broke the rope in her hand and broke away from the bondage, she had tightly wrapped the rope around James's neck. The whole process was clean and neat, and it didn't even make a sound. But think about it, after all, Wu Linger is professionally trained, and it is absolutely easy to deal with an unprepared guy.

Suddenly, he was strangled by the rope like this, and James suddenly couldn't make a sound. Wu Linger directly knocked him unconscious and threw him to **.

Seeing Wu Linger holding a rope and playing against James, Brother Win twisted his body impatiently: "Woman, do you still have time to play? Have you been beaten dumb?

Wu Linger tied Brother Win and said impatiently, "It's talkative!! Play it and you won't die!! How can I let go of such a bastard?!"

After tying James with a rope, Wu Linger rudely took off all his clothes, leaving only a pair of shorts, and then stuffed his socks into his mouth, which woke him up with wine: "Hello! Good evening!!"

"Wo!!" James struggled angrily, but the rope was tied very cleverly, which was not only very tight, but also made him very uncomfortable! Of course, anyone who is forced to put his feet on his head and tied with a rope will be uncomfortable! Being able to tie up such a posture, Brother Win has to admire Wu Linger's creativity.

Wu Linger smiled and poured a bottle of red wine on James: "What did you just say? Want to have fun with me? Now I am satisfied with your wish! Good boy, don't worry too much. The night is long. We have plenty of time to play, don't we?

The cold wine poured on his body, and even if it was a hot summer, James got goose bumps. Under the soft light of the bedroom, Wu Linger smiled particularly sweetly. This sweet smile was not usually seen by James, but this smile made James chill and wanted to ask for help, but because his mouth was blocked, he could not make a sound at all.

Wu Linger picked up the bottle opener for red wine from the wine cabinet and looked at the light: "Well, it seems to be quite sharp!" It should be no problem to plunge into the meat at once!! Then slowly twist it in, I don't know what it will feel like?"

"Woman, you are a queen now! What a pervert!! If you have enough, go quickly!! There are a lot of people guarding outside. In case you rush in, you will die!" Brother Win wrapped around Wu Linger's wrist to remind her that this guy is too confused, isn't he? What's the situation now? Unexpectedly, she still plays like this here. Doesn't she really know how to write dead words?

Wu Linger walked to the bedside with a bottle opener carelessly: "If you are a subordinate, will you rush into the master's room at this time? Don't worry, it will take at least two hours for them to come in. It's not easy to escape from this building. There is no rope in this room that can be used as a rope. If you want to escape, you have to find another way!"

Hearing what Wu Linger said, Brother Win knew that she was still thinking about how to solve the problem. In this way, Brother Win was a little relieved: "I asked Ji Zai to stay in the parking lot below. If you can go down, you can steal a car and escape!"

"Go and see if there is any place to escape outside. I'll take care of this guy immediately!! Also, I want you to pay attention to the guy, help me pay attention! If he wants to come in, remember to inform me in advance!" After saying that, Wu Linger has jumped to **: "I've heard that the human body is very wonderful. Stimulating some parts will make the body strong. On the contrary, stimulating some parts will cause strong pain, and even make men imhumane!"

After hearing Wu Linger say such words, James was scared to death, but he had no choice but to be tied too tightly and couldn't move at all. Wu Linger smiled and stretched out her hand to push him. James was like a turtle that had been turned over: "Don't be afraid, my sister will love you well!!"

Looking at James's pale face, Wu Linger has no pity. Such a man, let alone a handsome man, can't even be counted as a person. If you really want to say it, he can only be regarded as a scum! It's unforgivable to treat girls like this!!

"Today, I will punish you on behalf of the moon!!" After saying that, Wu Linger raised the bottle opener and pierced James fiercely...

"Woman, let's go!!" Brother Ying's voice sounded from the window: "There is a decorative cement edge outside the window. If you stick to the wall, you can go to the other room, find a way to enter from there, and then go downstairs should be no problem!!"

Wu Linger took a look at James who fainted and sighed disdainfully: "Useless guy! Vivian is really blind to like you!!" After saying that, she opened the window, walked in the direction of the other room against the wall as Brother Ying said.