Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 74 Win Brother's New Trick

Chapter 74 Win Brother's New Trick

The building is very high, with more than 20 floors, so the wind outside the building is also very strong, making Wu Linger's hair fly around. From afar, it looks like a female ghost: "It's so annoying! I knew I should have done something to tie up my hair! Brother Win, why don't you fix my hair for me?" Although at the beginning, she was not used to winning brother staying on her head at all, now Wu Linger is very used to this.

Brother Win was also worried that his hair would affect Wu Linger's sight. Rarely, he climbed directly to Wu Linger's head and rolled up her hair.

After walking through one wall, you can reach the other room as long as you walk through one wall, but Brother Ying suddenly strangled Wu Linger: "The person you mentioned...worry!"

Before Brother Ying's words were finished, the gunfire had sounded. Standing on the edge of cement only 20 centimeters wide, and below was the ground dozens of meters away. The only thing Wu Linger could do was to close the wall as much as possible, shrink behind the decoration statue in the corner, and at the same time not let herself fall down. Facing the bullet, Wu Linger was very Even the most basic escape can't be done.

"Bang!" With a sound, the stone statue in front of him was cut off one wing by a bullet, and Wu Linger shrank her neck: "I'm sorry!! If you want revenge, remember to find that guy!!"

"Ling Er, I haven't seen you for a long time. Do you leave without saying hello? Isn't that rude?!" George's voice came from the other end of the wall. I could hear that his voice was very pleasant: "I miss you very much!!"

"I don't miss you at all!" Wu Linger muttered, feeling that George was moving this way, and she also accelerated her movement. If she was caught up by George and had a gun in his hand, Wu Linger would really die. This guy... would never let her live!

George was not angry when he heard Wu Linger's words, but laughed: "That's really a pity! Originally, I wanted to catch up with you after Master Houston finished his work!!"

"I'll talk about your mother!!" Wu Linger was finally angered: "You guy, my uncle took you as an apprentice when he was blind!! Be careful! People are doing it, and God is watching! You will suffer retribution!!"

"Retribution? I never believe this. I only believe in my own strength and the power of money. As long as I have these two, I am not afraid of any retribution! You or Wu Ningfeng, as long as I dare to stand in front of me, I will tear you to pieces without hesitation!!" George finally came to the statue, and Wu Linger's wall was only halfway through. Now if George shoots, she will not be covered by anything, and she can't even dodge. If she is not careful, she will fall down and fall to pieces.

George raised his gun with a sneer: "Farewell, Linger!"

With the sound of the gun, there was a sharp pain in her body. Without thinking about it, she knew that she had been shot. Wu Linger took the silver letter-opening knife in her hand and didn't even have time to see if the knife had hit the other party. Just with the severe pain in her shoulder and the force in her hand, Wu Linger finally lost her balance and fell downstairs...

"It's so annoying! Idiot woman, hurry up!!!"

Before Wu Linger understood what was going on, she felt that her waist was suddenly wrapped in something, and then a huge force pulled her fiercely: "Ah!!"

"What the hell? I want you to hold on to me!! I can't die!!" In her ear came the angry voice of Brother Win. Wu Linger subconsciously grasped the thing wrapped around her waist, but the touch of the hand was so familiar: "Brother Win?"

Looking down, Wu Linger found that her waist was wrapped around a white thing. Looking up, the other end of the white thing was fixed on another sculpture at the corner of the building.

"Brother Win?" Wu Linger still looked at the longer and longer winning brother in disbelief: "How can it be? Have you really evolved into a white snake?

Brother Win, who protected Wu Linger, almost fell down after hearing Wu Linger's words. Is this woman really rootless? Shouldn't you worry about her own injury now, or worry that she will get hurt if she falls? Is that all she cares about?

"You have become a white snake, and your whole family has become a white snake!! I have evolved!!!" Brother Win scolded Wu Linger while looking at the guy who fell faster than them: "Is this kind of guy worth worrying about again and again? You said so many times, I thought how powerful he was, but didn't you deal with it? Or are you too confident in yourself?

Wu Linger couldn't help sighing at George's body, who fell faster than her: "Brother Win, he is very talented. If he hadn't believed too much in the gun in his hand, he would have been better than me!" After all, I haven't practiced martial arts for so many years!"

For this mechanical era, it is right to trust firearms, but George ignored another point. Guns are not easy to use in all places!!

"It's too painful for him to live like this. It's better to get rid of him earlier!!" Wu Linger sighed and found that her falling speed was getting slower and slower: "Brother Ying, are you all right? These 20 floors are more than 70 meters!!"

"You can do it if you don't die!!" Of course, Brother Win knows what Wu Linger is thinking.

Seeing that Brother Win said this, Wu Linger no longer talked too much, but quietly let Brother Win bring her to the ground.

After throwing Wu Linger to the ground, Brother Win withdrew his body and changed back to his usual size: "Woman, are you all right?"

Wu Linger smiled reluctantly: "No matter what happens, you have to leave here first. Where is Ji Zai?"

Brother Win suddenly turned around and suddenly turned into a white whip more than three meters long and slapped them fiercely on the two bodyguards. At the same time, Brother Win said, "Parking lot, parking space 204 in Area E! Go there, I'll be right over!!"

Wu Linger took a look at the bodyguards who came one after another, and then at Brother Win, knowing that she couldn't delay any longer: "Don't worry about yourself!!" After saying that, she covered her wound and gritted her teeth and ran to the parking lot.

Sure that Wu Linger could no longer see herself, Brother Win's body suddenly soared again and formed a big circle in mid-air, tightly wrapping everyone together: "Although I haven't done such a thing for a long time, I should not be sent by God to kill people to protect my master! You are unlucky!" When the words fell, Brother Win's body suddenly turned into a very thin steel wire, which cut everyone in half.

After shaking his body and throwing away the hot blood, Brother Ying didn't even look at these people who were still wailing and turned into human form and ran in the direction of Wu Linger just now. Wu Linger is injured now and will definitely not be able to drive, but the Houston family will certainly not let her go easily. Even if she is fighting to reveal her identity, Brother Win must take her away from this dangerous place.

Sure enough, as soon as he ran two corners, Brother Win found Wu Linger leaning against the wall and gasping.

Hearing the footsteps behind her, Wu Linger suddenly turned around and saw the white figure that always appeared in her most dangerous times. Although there was still a little blood on his face and the white shirt on his body was stained with a lot of blood, Wu Linger felt particularly safe when he saw him at this moment: "Hi! Handsome man!!"

Brother Win took a look at Wu Linger. It was not until then that he found that the bullet hit Wu Linger's abdomen, and the blood had been dyed red. If he didn't think about it, Wu Linger would be in danger!

Perhaps seeing the worry in the handsome man's eyes, Wu Linger reluctantly smiled: "It doesn't matter. That guy is used to using powerful guns, and the distance is close. The bullets are not left in his body. Just find some medicine to disinfect and stop bleeding. I..."

Before Wu Linger finished her words, Brother Win had already picked her up and ran to Ji Zai's position.

Although it was strange why the handsome man knew that Ji Zai was there, Wu Linger had no strength to speak anymore at this moment. She just quietly leaned on the handsome man's chest, felt the cold touch, and listened to his powerful heartbeat. I don't know why, Wu Linger felt particularly calm.

"It's not bad to have such benefits when you are injured!!" Looking up at the handsome man's frown, with a slightly tight expression because of anger, Wu Linger reached out and touched him: "Don't always break your face! Obviously so handsome, there will be bored times when you keep breaking your face and pretending to be cool! Smile once in a while! Just like behind the bar that day!"