Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 124 Second Kill

Chapter 24 Second Kill

The white body usually twists around in his hand, but at this time he lies in Shang Yaling's hand lifelessly. Shang Yaling doesn't believe this fact at all.

"Ling!!" Shangyahua shouted in pain and threw Jizai to Hase Daya, but before Jizai could breathe fire, a figure had caught him quickly.

Daya Hase's hand clasped tightly to Yaling's neck and sneered: "Is this bird more important than your life?"

Shangya Ling's eyes have been red, like a monster that has lost its mind. Even if it is stuck in her neck, a roar still comes from her mouth: "Ah————————!!"

This roar made Daya Changgu's ears suffer a sharp pain, and his eyes went straight. Under the pain, he actually let go of his hand, and then the sharp pain from his neck surprised him. He was bitten!!

At this time, Shangya Ling completely seemed to have lost his consciousness and became an animal that could only fight instinctively. She forgot all the fighting skills and wanted to do was to attack her enemies. At such a close distance, her teeth were the best weapon when there were no other weapons in her hand, so she didn't think much about it at all and bit directly at Hase Daya's neck.

Under the severe pain, Daya Hase pushed hard, pushed Shang Yaling out fiercely, hit a paper door heavily, and broke the paper door. Shang Yaling roared again to jump on the meat crumbs in his mouth.

Suddenly, one hand held Shang Yaling tightly: "I'll do it!"

Maybe she was thrown down and let Shang Yaling recover some reason. She looked back, but it was a handsome man in white who had been missing for a long time: "Get out of here, I'm going to kill him!!"

In the face of such a violent Shangya Ling, Brother Win has a headache. Now his power is losing crazily, and there is no time to talk nonsense. He directly reached out and cut his palm on the upper Yaling, and then raised his hand to easily block the attack of Daya Hase: "Dead old man, if you have enough trouble, lie down!"

After saying that, Brother Win punched Daya Hase's heart heavily and punched him through his body. With such a strong fist, Hase Daya's eyes widened and couldn't believe it. At the moment of his stunnedness, Brother Win's other hand had turned his head down.

The old vampire who beat everyone half to death, Brother Win actually defeated him with only two moves, and reluctantly propped up: "Father, you..."

"Xiaohua, in the future, Ling will ask you to take care of it! She is a little awkward and doesn't like restraint. You can give her more! Remember, don't ask her by her mother's standards. She can't stand it!" Brother Ying ignored Yahua's dissatisfaction, just walked over and put Ji Zai in her arms: "Dead sparrow! Although this idiot woman is stupid and ugly, she really cares about you! Don't be so mean to her in the future!"

"Dead earthworm, why are you talking about this?" Such a winning brother makes Ji Zai very unaccustomed, and he is also a witch pet. He can obviously feel that the witch power in Win Brother's body is losing a lot, and even his body has begun to become transparent: "Dead earthworm, I warn you, that idiot woman, I can't take good care of it. I'm not as you. A housekeeper, I..."

Brother Win squatted on the ground, stretched out his hand to cut his hair, and smiled rarely: "Although I think you two are very troublesome, but... I'm really happy to be with you!" After saying that, Brother Win's figure became lighter and lighter, but in the blink of an eye, he had disappeared in front of their eyes!


"Dead earthworm!!"

There was only the call of Xiaohua and Jizai in the room, but there was no reply. The two of them didn't believe it at all. The usual poisonous tongue was gentle, grumpy but powerful winning brother would disappear!

Shangyahua leaned weakly against the wall behind him: "Ji Zai, father..."

"If you have lost the body that can rely on Wuli here, you should go back to this world, right?" Ji Zai said uncertainly, "After I advance to the grade, I will go back there to have a look!!" Now its strength is improved by the spiritual fruit that Brother Win brought from the world last time. It is not really advanced, so even if he may become a human, he can't return to that world.

Shangyahua is obviously a little worried: "Is it really just going back? No..." Yahua dared not say it on the word death, as if she was afraid that after she really said it, Brother Win would really disappear and never come back.

Ji Zai is also a little weak: "I'm not sure. Anyway, if it's like this, let's call up the coffee and Ling first! Can you still move?"

Shangyahua struggled to stand up: "I'm fine!!"

Ji Zi ran over to check the coffee and found that although he was seriously injured, he was only stunned. When he woke up, he was not unable to move. However, Shangyahua is in a lot of trouble. After waking up, Shangya Ling found that there was no reaction to the body of Hase Daya around him. He just stood up, walked over and put away Brother Win's body.

After Brother Win disappeared, the earthworm body on the ground also recovered to a small piece. Even if Brother Win has evolved, the piece of body is the size of a finger, which is not difficult to collect.

Shangyahua originally wanted to help, but the coffee grabbed her and handed the water beads on the ground to her hand: "Let her come!" Even Jizai, who is usually the most impatient, stays quietly on the shoulder of the coffee without saying a word, just looking at Shang Yaling busy on the floor.

It was not until Shangya Ling collected all the bodies of Brother Ying that Shangyahua walked over: "Ling, let's go back first!!"

Shang Yaling sat on the ground as if he had lost his soul: "Xiaohua, doesn't Brother Win always say that he is an earthworm and has a strong ability to regenerate? He will come back to life, won't he?"

"Ling, your father will definitely be fine! It's too dangerous here. Let's go back first! In case someone comes again, we can't protect ourselves or our father! Saving his body is the most important thing now! In case he comes back to life, he must also need this body, right?

After hearing Shangyahua say this, Shangya Ling slowly stood up from the ground: "Xiaohua, why did you think that handsome man didn't appear earlier? If he had come out earlier, Brother Win would not have... not become like this now! Why did he have to show up when I was about to die? Doesn't he know that some people, some things, are more important than my life? As he spoke, Shang Yaling's tears fell down.

Looking at Shangya Ling's tears, not only did Shangyahua lose words, but even Jizi lowered his head. He did not forget that Shangyaling had to protect himself even if he was caught by Daya Hase just now.

Shangyahua walked out of the big house quietly. After coming to the garden, she said to Ji Zai, "Brother Ji, burn this place!" We don't need to appear again!!"

Ji took a look at the old house with hatred, and suddenly jumped on the head of the coffee and spewed out a fire!

The coffee standing under Ji Zai suddenly shouted: "I'm going up and down. What are you crazy about Ji Zai?"

A cyan flame spewed out of Jizai's mouth. In less than a second, the whole house had burned, and even many plants in the garden had burned, and the water in the small pond beside it all vaporized in an instant. All three people were trapped in a sea of fire.

Shangyahua looked at Ji Zai, but found that Ji Zai was also stunned: "Brother Ji?!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't control it at once!!" The loss of Brother Win also makes Ji Zai's mood a little chaotic. In its heart, Brother Win has always been an invincible existence. As long as there is Brother Win, whether it is it, Shangya Ling, or Shangya Hua, anyone who causes trouble can easily solve it. Now suddenly this guy is gone, which makes Ji Zai's mood. Very bad, even hated this house very much, but I didn't expect that I didn't control the flames for a while and trapped everyone in it.

Facing such a flame, the first thing she couldn't stand was the plant-shaped flower. When Shangya Ling found that there was something wrong with Shangyahua holding her body temperature, she quickly grabbed Shangyahua and changed the positions of the two.

After carefully observing the surrounding environment, Shang Yaling suddenly turned his head and looked at the coffee: "Can you jump out from there with Xiaohua in your arms?"

Looking in the direction pointed by Shangya Ling, Coffee immediately understood what Shangyaling meant: "I'll pick you up as soon as I send him out!" The original shape of the upper arrow flower is a plant. He can't withstand the high temperature than ordinary human beings. Now he must be sent out first, otherwise his life will be in danger! Although I'm worried about Shangya Decoration, in this case, I can only give priority to Shangya Decoration!! If Shangyahua doesn't leave, Shangya Ling will never leave, and his current physical condition is absolutely impossible to take the two away from this place at the same time.

Without thinking much about it, the coffee hugged the upper arrow flower and jumped out from the place where the flame was relatively low. Just as they jumped out, the flames around them suddenly burned more fiercely as if they had been poured with gasoline.

When Yahua and Jizai put down the coffee and wanted to jump in again, they found that there was no gap at all: "Ling!!"