Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 125 Soup, meat and rice are indispensable!

Chapter 125 Soup, meat and rice are indispensable!


"Ling! Ugly!!"

Listening to the shouting outside, Shang Yaling sat down with Brother Win's body in his hand, closed his hands, and pressed it tightly on the heart of his chest: "Brother Win, there are only two of us left! Now, no one will disturb us anymore!! Don't worry, Ji Zai and Xiaohua will be very safe!!"

The water spirit beads are in the hands of Shangyahua. No matter how high the flame temperature is, when the coffee takes them out, the water spirit beads will protect them. This is why Shangya Ling dared to let the coffee jump out of such a horrible flame with Shangya. As for her... Now she just wants to stay with Brother Win.

Reaching out and gently touching Brother Ying's body, Shang Yaling's tears fell down one by one: "Idiot, why are you so stupid? Do you really think you have strong regenerative ability? You must have finished reading that joke, right? The earthworm son wanted to play table tennis, so he cut himself into two pieces and generated two earthworms to play table tennis. The earthworm mother wanted to play mahjong, so she cut herself into four pieces and then formed four earthworms to play mahjong. The earthworm father wanted to play football, so he cut himself into more than ten pieces, but finally died! The earthworm... can't be cut into a football team!! Why did you believe my jokes?

"If only... I didn't make this joke on you! If I hadn't told you this joke, and if I hadn't told you this joke, you wouldn't have thought you were really so strong, and you wouldn't have taken such a risk! Always call me an idiot and an idiot! In fact, you are the stupidest one, right? Only idiots believe such a joke, right?

"Brother Win... What should I do without you? No one answered the phone for me, no one helped me clean the house, no one to sleep with me, no one to help me deal with my Aunt Xuan, no one... Brother Win... What should I do without you?

As the temperature around her became higher and higher, Shang Yaling's consciousness gradually blurred. Until she fell to the ground, she still protected Ying's body tightly in her arms.

When the temperature of the sun came from her skin, Shangya Ling slowly opened her eyes, but found herself lying in Shangya's own room. She moved her body. Although it was very painful, it did not affect her actions. She desperately recalled what had happened in her head.

When Yaling finally recalled what happened last night, she suddenly jumped up from ** and began to find it crazily in the room: "Brother Win? Brother Win, where are you?

The movement in the room shocked the people outside the house. Shangyahua, coffee and Liu Jingbin rushed in. As soon as they came in, they saw Shangyaling searching for something in the room like crazy, and kept saying, "No! No!! Where is it? Where is it?

"Mother!!" The first time she saw Shang Yaling like this, Shang Yahua seemed to be scared. She rushed over and hugged Shang Yaling: "Mother! Calm down!!"

"Xiaohua, where's Brother Win? Is he with you? He likes you the most! I always look at you as a son and always run to you. Is he at your place? He must be with you, right?" Shang Yaling grabbed Shang Yahua's hand tightly: "Xiaohua is the most obedient. Can you give me back Brother Ying? I will not be capricious in the future. I will be a good mother. I promise not to be corrupt. I promise not to stop looking at other handsome men and hugging other beautiful women! Would you please give Brother Win back to me? Please!" In the end, Shangya Ling had already cried and knelt down, holding Shangyahua's legs and crying bitterly: "Xiaohua, I beg you, give me back Brother Win!!"

Shang Yahua knelt down with tears: "Mother, Father... is no longer there! Don't scare me! I don't have a father anymore! Please, don't let me lose you too!! Mother!!"

Shangya Ling suddenly pushed away Shangyahua. His strength was so strong that he did not cherish Shangyahua as usual: "It's a lie!! You must be jealous that Brother Win is with me every day, so you hide Brother Win now, right? Give it back to me! Give it back to me!! Give me back Brother Win!!"

"Ling!!" Such a crazy Ling's appearance made him can't stand the coffee. He came over and hugged Shang Yaling: "Brother Ying is no longer here!! His body is still in the next room! We just don't want you to be stimulated, so we dare not put it together with you! You..."

When she heard the coffee, Shang Yaling suddenly broke away from the coffee and ran to the next room. She didn't even look at the Liu Jing bottle next to her!

She suddenly opened the door, and Shang Yaling was knocked open regardless of her wound. She rushed directly to the small wooden box on the table. Although she could not feel Brother Ying's voice and consciousness, she lived together for so long. As long as she stayed together, she could find Brother Ying immediately!

"Ling!" Shu Tuo, who had been staying in the room to deal with everything after the fire at the Hase family, was scared by the sudden appearance of Shangya Ling.

Shang Yaling ignored the existence of God Zhu Tuo at all, but just sat at the table with the wooden box in his arms: "Brother Win!"

God lived and Tuo walked over and supported Shang Yaling: "Ling, Brother Ying... has gone! You have to take good care of yourself! You need to know him..."

"Fal! Brother Win won't die!! He is my witch pet. If he dies, I will definitely feel it! Brother Win is not dead!" Shangya Ling rushed out of the room with the wooden box in his arms.

"Ling!" Liu Jingping hugged Shang Yaling: "No matter what happens to Brother Win! Now you need a good rest! You said that Brother Win lives by absorbing the witch power in your body! If you don't take good care of yourself, you can't provide him with enough witch power, and he can't recover!!"

Shangyaling, who was still struggling, finally calmed down after hearing Liu Jingping's words: "Bingbin, as long as I take care of my body and eat well, Brother Win can come back soon!!"

"If he can come back, you can definitely make him come back faster, can't you? And if you don't take good care of yourself, he will definitely scold you when he comes back, right? Liu Jingping has heard a lot about Brother Win from Shangyahua and Coffee in the past two days, and naturally knows the mode of getting along with each other: "If you don't keep up your spirits, you don't have the strength to scold back, do you?"

If it is the usual Shangya Ling, he will look up disdainfully: "Scold him? That's a piece of cake!!" But today, she just nodded obediently: "Well, I'm going back to rest!!"

Back in the room, Shang Yaling obediently lay down to ** and let Shang Yahua and Liu Jingping re-wrap the wound for her. Without saying a word, they just held the wooden box containing Brother Win's body tightly and refused to let go.

When the wound was all wrapped, Shang Yaling said, "I'm tired and want to sleep alone!"

Such an obvious eviction order stunned everyone. Usually, what Shang Yaling hates most is to stay alone. She always likes to laugh with everyone, but today she is...

Liu Jingping wink at everyone. After everyone withdrew, Liu Jingping gently covered Shang Yaling with a quilt: "Have a good rest and I'll bring you lunch later!" What do you want to eat?"

"Beef cover pouring..." Shangya Ling just said a word and shook his head: "Everything is fine except this!" After saying that, she closed her eyes.

Liu Jingping sighed gently and withdrew from the room.

Hearing the sound of the door being closed, tears rolled down from the corners of Shang Yaling's eyes. If it were in F City at this time, Brother Win would have climbed to the kitchen impatiently: "Idiot woman, what do you want to eat for lunch?"

"Beef covered rice! There is more soup and more meat than rice!!" Wu Linger, who reluctantly got up from ** and walked to the bathroom wrapped in sheets, would definitely answer Brother Win like this.

And Brother Win will also curse Wu Linger rudely: "I eat so much every day without exercise. I'm worried that you will turn back and become relatives with Wu Neng!"

"People who are so fat that they have no curves are not qualified to teach me a lesson!!"

On the days when you don't have to eat instant noodles, the beef cover made by Brother Ying is the best delicacy in the world for Wu Linger. She often sighs: "With a meal in hand, there is nothing else to ask for!" Of course, such compliments will also be laughed at by Brother Win with great disdain.

It's just a mockery. The next time Wu Linger wants to eat beef covered rice, Brother Win will also endure the discomfort caused by the high temperature to make a large bowl of beef covered rice with soup, meat and rice for her.