Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 26 I'm finished

Chapter 26 I'm Finished

"Dead woman, shut up!" Hearing Wu Linger's messy words, Brother Win couldn't help interrupting her: "As long as you are honest, Xiaohua won't worry us! You are the most worry-free person in the whole family!"

"Where do I have?! I think it's you! Last time, I don't know who deliberately pretended to be dead and cheated us into so many tears. I think you obviously did it on purpose. You E%^%&I*^&^$%^@#$^%^*^&..." To some extent, Wu Linger's broken thoughts are not inferior to Xiaohua at all. Of course, the premise is that she is broken. The goal is not Xiaohua, otherwise she will definitely return.

Although Brother Win wanted to continue to quarrel with Wu Linger, he finally closed his mouth obediently after seeing Xiaohua's unhappy expression: "Dead woman, I'm too lazy to quarrel with you!"

Wu Linger finally won Brother Win once, but after seeing Xiaohua's expression, she obediently withdrew into the quilt: "Well, I'll sleep obediently and not quarrel. Is that okay? Xiaohua, don't always have a straight face! It doesn't match your expression at all! I want to pinch it! I will feel comfortable if you pinch your face into a smiling face!"

Xiaohua reluctantly smiled and covered the quilt for Wu Linger: "Well, it's getting late. Go to bed early!!"

Wu Linger aggrievedly shrank in the quilt and nodded. In the face of such a little flower, she did not dare to resist, but couldn't help slander in her heart: "It's unfair and unfair. Obviously, I am the owner of this family, and obviously I am the mother of Xiaohua. Why is his aura so strong? It's always What about crushing me to death?"

"That's because he is the flower king, and you are just a half-toned flower king!" A voice came from the quilt, and Wu Linger suddenly lifted the quilt. Sure enough, she saw that Ji Zi, who had grown a little longer, was still hairless, but the feathers on her head seemed to become more gorgeous.

I don't know if these hairs will be like the life-saving hair of the Monkey King in Journey to the West! When Wu Linger was thinking about this, Xiaohua had already picked up Ji Zai and covered Wu Linger with a quilt: "Mother, I don't want to catch a cold!"

Wu Linger ignored Xiaohua and just looked at Ji Zai: "Ji Zai, are you advanced?"

"Who do you think I am? How can such a small thing as advancement be difficult to beat me? Ji Zai glanced at Wu Linger disdainfully and was about to transform into a human shape when Xiaohua stopped him: "Brother Ji, Wu Shu is sleeping in the next room!"

I thought I didn't have to hold this bird's body anymore, but I didn't expect that because of the witch tree, I could only continue to maintain the same. Ji Zai suddenly became depressed: "I'm so bored. Forget it, I'll make a mask! I haven't took good care of my skin for a few days, and my skin has become worse again!!"

Wu Linger huddled in the quilt and looked at Ji Zai: "Your skin is just a waste of materials to make a mask. It's better not to do it!"

"Mother!" Before Ji Zai opened his mouth, Xiaohua had scolded Wu Linger. Wu Linger quickly shrank her head into the quilt: "I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything!" However, strangely, with Ji Zai's successful advancement, Wu Linger felt that her physical discomfort had slowly disappeared. After lying in ** for a while, she lifted the quilt and got out of bed: "Xiaohua, I seem to be fine! Brother Win, what's going on?

Brother Win on his wrist is also confused: "Even if Ji Zai is advanced, he will not absorb all the excess witch power in your body! Woman, you'd better be careful!"

"What the hell? Anyway, it will be all right! I'm going to play with the strange uncle!" Wu Linger would not listen to Brother Ying obediently. She put on a coat and ran out: "My fever has subsided! Does everyone miss me?

As soon as I ran to the living room, I found that only Charlie, Piaoping and Ye Tian were sitting there. Wu Linger was stunned: "Well, I thought Ahe and Coffee would be here!" After saying that, she stretched out her hand to Charlie: "Hello, Mr. Charlie, I'm sorry to bother you today!"

"It's my honor to serve beautiful women!" Charlie shook hands with Wu Linger and asked her to sit down: "I heard from Mr. Ye that you came here to see the owner, but we have been here for more than ten years and have never seen the owner. If there is anything, he called us! Maybe this time, you will be disappointed!"

When Wu Linger heard this, she was immediately discouraged: "How could this happen? I came all the way here! Mr. Charlie, can't you tell the landlord for me? I really have something very important to ask the landlord, which is related to my father's life and death! Please help me contact the owner for the sake of a girl who came to this strange country thousands of miles for the health of her biological father!"

Before Charlie could say anything, Ye Tian had gently said, "Ling Er... She has been separated from her parents since she was a child. It was only six months ago that she found her biological father. As a result, her father was seriously ill in bed and unconscious. We also heard that there was a doctor with excellent medical skills who was very familiar with the landlord, so we came to visit! Although it's a little rude, please help Ling'er if she wants to say a word to her biological father!"

Charlie and Nalan Piaoping suddenly sympathized after hearing Wu Linger and Ye Tian's words. Nalan Piaoping also turned to Mr. Charlie and said, "Mr. Charlie, is it really impossible to contact the owner? Ling Er is really pitiful! Although I am also an orphan, at least I still have the memory of my parents! If I can hear my father's voice again, I would like to exchange everything for me!"

After thinking about the ideal, he looked at Wu Linger and finally nodded: "Okay, I'll try, but I can't guarantee success! After all, none of us has seen the landlord!"

After hearing Charlie's words, Wu Linger smiled happily: "Thank you, Mr. Charlie! Whether it is successful or not, I will keep your heart in mind! If there is any punishment in the future, Linger will definitely repay it with all his strength!"

Wu Linger's words made Charlie couldn't help laughing: "I've been curious about what real China is like!" Maybe one day, I will put down my wine and travel to China. Can you be my guide then?

"No problem, Ling Er will accompany you all the way!!" Wu Linger naturally agreed to such a request. Ye Tian, who was beside him, muttered in a small voice with a black line: "If you are asked to be a tour guide, I don't think you can play anywhere? Basically, all the time is on the road!"

Fortunately, Charlie had got up and went to call at this time. He didn't hear Ye Tian's words, otherwise there would be a black line, right?

After a while, Charlie came back: "It's really rude. I forgot to ask the lady's name, but I just called the landlord! It's also your luck. I can't get through to this phone, but I didn't expect it to get through today. The landlord said that it was not the time to meet guests, but if you can pass the checkpoint he prepared for guests, I will make an exception to see you!"

"Hor-cha?" Wu Linger looked at Charlie strangely and didn't understand what he meant.

At this time, Charlie was a little embarrassed: "Our winery has a rule that the worst wines are brewed every year will be sent here to welcome guests. Only those with good grades can stay in the village! Last year, I made a mistake in my wine, so I won the last place and was sent here.

"What does this have to do with the level?" Another person who speaks without focus! Wu Linger sighed in her heart, but did not dare to show her dissatisfaction.

For good, Charlie didn't continue to talk nonsense: "If you want to see the owner, you must enter the manor. I'm here, just the entrance of the manor. You have to pass my level before you can enter the manor. After my level, there are two levels in the middle. As long as you pass, you can see the owner!" Speaking of this, Charlie sighed: "There are not many people who can pass the three levels. Even if they pass all three levels, they can only get a bottle of wine prepared by the owner himself. This time, the landlord promised to see you as soon as you passed the third level, which is an exception! Do you... want to pass the test?"

"I want! Why not? This is my only chance!" Wu Linger stood up without hesitation: "No matter what kind of level it is, no matter how difficult or dangerous it is, I will try it!"

Seeing Wu Linger's appearance, Charlie couldn't help laughing: "It's not as exaggerated as you said. We are a winery here, and it's not somewhere else! Wait a minute!" After saying that, he turned around and went to the shelf to get a bottle of wine and a glass back to the table.

After pouring some wine into the glass, Charlie handed the wine to Wu Linger: "Drink and have a look!"

Wu Linger didn't think much about it. She raised the cup and drank it directly. She put down the cup and looked at Charlie: "I'm done!"

"And then?"
