Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 27 Evening Bell

Chapter 27 Evening Bell

Wu Linger's confused expression made Ye Tian feel a little ashamed. He reached out and patted Wu Linger's head: "Mr. Charlie wants you to taste wine! I'm not drinking with you! What are you doing? I even asked Mr. Charlie, but you are a big head!!"

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Wu Linger's little face suddenly collapsed: "Sating wine? I just tasted wine for the first time a few days ago. What should I say?

"Anyway, tell me how you feel about this bottle of wine! If you don't say it, you can't pass!" Seeing that Wu Linger said this, Mr. Charlie didn't have much hope for her, but he still had to make a routine inquiry.

Wu Linger said with a bitter face: "I have never commented on wine. I don't know how to evaluate it. Can you give me a model?"

Ye Tian looked at Charlie with some embarrassment: "Mr. Charlie, I don't know if I can replace Ling Er?"

Who knew Charlie shook his head: "No! The landlord's willing to see this young lady is an exception, so he said that only she can pass the test, and no one else can replace her.

Wu Linger lay down on the table depressedly: "How could this happen? I'd rather have three big people fight with me than face this wine. I really don't know! I just think this wine is astringent, sour and not delicious at all! The fragrance is not enough, and the color is not pure, just like the grapes don't have a ripe taste. I don't like this wine!"

After hearing Wu Linger say this, Charlie smiled: "Is this all your comments?"

Wu Linger is about to bury her face in her arms: "Mr. Charlie, I can't taste wine. Don't laugh at me anymore!"

Charlie smiled and turned around to get a breathable bottle: "I didn't laugh at you, but I just felt that maybe you will have some talent for wine!"

As soon as she saw the breathable bottle, Wu Linger's eyes lit up and immediately sat up: "I know this. It's called a breathable bottle. It's for changing the bottle! Changing the bottle can speed up the oxidation process of the wine and make the sleeping wine wake up faster. It's like...like letting sleeping flowers bloom!"

"That's right, you know the breathable bottle. It seems that you have still done your homework!" Mr. Charlie rolled up his sleeves with a smile. Wu Linger shook her head: "No, the last time I drank in the hotel, Ye Tian mentioned it to me. The wine sent before did not smell at all, but after changing the bottle, I smelled a very comfortable fragrance! That feeling... just like what I just said, waking up the sleeping flowers with magic!"

Charlie smiled and said, "I don't embarrass you. You can try this wine again later and describe the wine you feel in your way. If it matches my idea, you will pass the second pass!"

"Hey? How many small levels are there in the first level?

"Well, there are three small levels in each level, and you can enter the manor after passing the level, but remember that if one of the three levels has not been passed, then that level will come back again!" After saying that, Charlie has begun to change the bottle. Wu Linger looked carefully at Charlie's movements and slowly filled the room with the smell of wine. After Wu Linger closed her eyes and felt it for a while, she said to Ye Tian, "Ye Tian, go find Xiaohua and bring my sketchbook and pencil!"

Ye Tian was stunned for a moment and didn't ask much. He went straight back to his room to find Xiaohua. After knowing what had happened, Xiaohua immediately ran to the living room with Wu Linger's sketchbook and pencil: "Ling'er, here you go!!"

Wu Linger took the pencil, drew a few strokes on the paper, and suddenly stopped. At this time, Charlie just finished changing the bottle, and he poured some wine into Wu Linger's bottle: "Try this again!"

Wu Linger shook the glass and the fragrance came. After taking a sip, she thought for a while, and suddenly reached out and tore up a few strokes on the sketchbook: "It's not this feeling!" After saying that, she turned over her pencil box and found that it was full of pencils. She was suddenly a little depressed: "Why didn't I buy wooden carbon bars? Stupid!!"

Everyone looked at Wu Linger strangely and didn't know what she was going to do. Instead, the sound of charcoal burning in the fireplace brightened Wu Linger's eyes. She jumped out of the chair and ran to the fireplace to pick out a branch that was burned into black charcoal with a fire sickle. After trying it on the notebook, Wu Linger suddenly smiled: "This is good!" After saying that, she picked up the branch and quickly drew it on the sketchbook.

Seeing that Wu Linger was so excited, everyone came over curiously and saw Wu Linger painting quickly on the sketchbook with a branch burned into charcoal. After a while, a rough painting appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Ye Tian looked at it and said, "How do I feel that this painting... is a bit like "Evening Bell" ”

Wu Linger nodded and said, "Well, the strong taste is a bit like the thick brush strokes in the oil painting. I don't know much about it. It feels like praising the fertile and thick brush strokes of the earth. It is painted layer by layer on the canvas. The bells of teaching evening prayer in the distance came from the open field under the sunset, which are collected in the fields. After hearing the bell, the farmer and his wife stopped their work and sincerely thanked the Lord for blessing the earth and them. This bottle of wine gives me a feeling of gratitude.

Charlie took a look at the slightly scribbled painting in Wu Linger's hand and nodded with satisfaction: "Although I don't know much about painting and haven't seen the painting of "Evening Bell" mentioned by Mr. Ye Tian, what you just said reminds me of the mood when you prepared this wine! Five years ago, I was also sent here because I lost to everyone in wine. At that time, I was very depressed and doubted several times whether I could still make good wine. This situation was not improved until I received a phone call from the landlord. On the phone, the landlord told me about my shortcomings in brewing wine and why I set up this place.

"Huh? Isn't this the place where the loser is assigned? Wu Linger has always been straightforward. Before Ye Tian could stop her, she had already said what she thought, which made Ye Tian and Xiaohua smile bitterly.

Charlie laughed: "I used to be as you thought, but the owner told me that I was not assigned to stay here, but an opportunity for me to get to know more wine lovers and know and understand them. Anyone who comes here looking for wine must have a certain research and understanding of wine. These people's views are not understood by people who deal with grapes and wine all day long. That's what I want to learn!"

Hearing Charlie say this, Wu Linger seemed to understand a little: "I suddenly feel that your owner, he really loves wine, so he took every opportunity to make himself and you constantly improve their feelings about wine."

"Yes, that's it!" Charlie smiled and poured some more wine for Wu Linger: "Since the bottle has been changed, let's drink this bottle of wine tonight. It can't be wasted!!"

Wu Linger squeezed the wine and looked at Charlie: "So this bottle of wine is the wine mixed with affection for the owner and the manor after answering the phone call from the owner?"

Charlie nodded and did not answer. He just looked up at the ceiling quietly, as if he had fallen into the memory of that day.

Ye Tian held his glass and looked at the light and said to Charlie, "Mr. Charlie, are all the levels related to wine?"

"Yes!" Charlie looked up at Wu Linger: "Since the first two levels have passed, you can choose to pass the third level at any time. Anyway, it has been snowing heavily recently and your health is not very good, so just stay here to supplement your wine knowledge. You know, those two guys in it are much worse than me!"

Wu Linger hid behind the wine glass and made a grimace at Ye Tian: "Uncle strange, help me supplement my wine knowledge!!"

Ye Tian smiled bitterly: "I only know some fur!" If you want to say what this wine makes me feel, I can say something. If you want me to tell you about the origin, vintage and so on, I will be completely blind!"

"That..." Xiaohua, who had been very quiet tonight, suddenly pointed to Nalan Piaoping: "Since Miss Nalan is a student of the French wine school, she should know more about wine, right? Can you give me some advice?"

Nalan Piaoping didn't expect that she would be spotted by Xiaohua. She looked at Xiaohua with an unexpected face: "Me? No, no! I just graduated, I..."

"Even if you just graduated, you are a hundred times better than this guy who has only drunk wine twice, right?" Ye Tian looked at Nalan Piaoping with a smile: "Although it's a little presumptuous, it's also a good exercise for Miss Nalan! In practice and teaching, you can ensure that you can learn a lot of new things, and it will also play a role in consolidating some old knowledge you have learned!"