Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 66 Are you an earthworm or an electric eel

Chapter 66 Are you an earthworm or an electric eel

After hearing Ji Zai say this, Wu Linger was stunned: "He didn't say anything!"

"That awkward guy will definitely not say it. He is afraid that if he says it in front of you, you will laugh at him!" The coffee was tired of sucking drinks beside Wu Linger: "Ling'er doesn't care about him. Let's play together!"

"I want to sleep!" Wu Linger was obviously not very interested, and she didn't want to talk when she shrank into the quilt.

After staying in the quilt for a while, Wu Linger said to Ji Zai and Coffee, "Anyway, the bed is big enough. You two should squeeze in!"

Ji Zai looked at Wu Linger inexplicably: "Do you have a convulsion in your head?"

"Ji Zai, you are afraid of the cold, and your coffee body just can't stand the cold. Anyway, one of you are birds and the other is a big cat. I'm afraid that you will eat me? Come on! Squeeze together to keep warm!" After saying that, Wu Linger stretched out her hand and dragged the coffee into the quilt.

After entering the quilt, the coffee found that Wu Linger had been sitting in the quilt for a day, and the whole quilt did not have any temperature: "Linger, aren't you cold?" After saying that, he had turned into a big plush tiger next to Wu Linger: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Seeing the appearance of coffee, Ji Zai came over strangely, reached out and touched the quilt, and immediately understood why coffee said so. He stared at Wu Linger, and the red light flashed, turning into a big naked bird shrinking into the quilt next to Wu Linger and lying down.

Wu Linger was squeezed between the two animals and couldn't say: "Get out of the way a little bit. It will press my wound and crack again!"

Hearing Wu Linger's words, Coffee and Ji Zai moved their bodies, giving Wu Linger a little room for movement.

Touching the soft hair of coffee, Wu Linger suddenly sighed: "With a master like me, you must be very depressed! He is ugly, incomp with no ability, and is always a nymphomaniac. It always puts you in danger like this and that. Obviously, I have so many skills, but because of my identity, you are also tied up when fighting!"

"Well, it's the first time I've seen such a useless saint like you!" Ji Zai rudely hit Wu Linger and then said, "However, your song seems to be good! Let's have a song!"

After Wu Linger rudely patted Ji Zai, she closed her eyes and hummed gently: "Haoxuefei, drinking something new, once made her confid friend drunk together,

The sound of hooves is broken, stepping on the plum, only the high-rise building waved with the spirit,

Sing slightly, but raise your eyebrows, raise the lamp and look at the sword to wipe the dust,

The wind and rain are destroyed, the duckweed is broken, and the old man returns under the umbrella.

The wind at the bottom of the fan, and the song is far away,

A few petals of peach blossoms fell on the curtain.

It's hard to keep the event, try thin wine in single clothes,

It's deeper and cooler.

Bian water flow, Si water flow, Wushan night rain and clear autumn,

Drink a glass of wine, pour a glass of wine, and look at the water outside the lake building,

It's hard to look back, and also look back. Do you know whether there is a meeting or not?

I once said sad, laughed and said sad, flickering, what is worry..."

In the song, Ji Zai seems to have returned to that world and the years when he once fought side by side with coffee. Slowly, a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth and fell asleep.

The coffee who found this was stunned and immediately understood the meaning of Wu Linger's singing this song. He put out his tongue and gently licked Wu Linger's hand to express his gratitude. Wu Linger reached out and patted him gently on the head: "Good boy! It's getting late! Go to sleep!"

One night, one person and two beasts fell asleep tightly, and no one disturbed them. Only the next morning, Ji Zai had shrank to the corner of the bed, and the coffee had already been kicked out of bed by Wu Linger. However, the two knew Wu Linger's sleeping posture very well for a long time and had never reported any illusions, so they were also very calm about this ending. When the door was knocked, Ji Zi quickly changed back to his human form, and the coffee also trembled and changed back to his usual appearance.

After the door opened, Xiaohua glanced at Ji Zai and Coffee: "Breakfast is ready. You can wash and change your clothes and go to the restaurant. I'll take care of your mother!"

Ji took a look at Wu Linger and found that she was sleeping soundly. It was estimated that she would not wake up for a while, because she was lying in **. With the protection of Wu He's witchcraft, there should be no danger, so she nodded and left the room with coffee. Originally, the two of them didn't need to eat human food, but after all, they have now turned into human shapes. If they don't eat, it's too strange. They can't attract other people's attention, so they have to accompany everyone to eat three meals a day.

Xiaohua closed the door and sat by the bed: "Mother, are you awake?"

Wu Linger stretched out her hand and hugged Xiaohua to **: "Don't make any noise, let me sleep again!" Xiaohua is the best!!"

Xiaohua wanted to break free from Wu Linger, but she was afraid of touching her wound. Looking at her appearance, she probably couldn't wake up for a while, so she had to sleep obediently on the quilt and become a human-shaped puppet doll.

When Brother Win came in and saw Wu Linger sleeping soundly with a depressed face, he suddenly felt very uncomfortable. He strode over and shook Wu Linger's hand away: "Xiaohua, don't spoil her!"

The little flower who got free can finally sit up, but there is a little dissatisfaction on his face: "Father, mother is injured. Please move gently!"

"I can't die! Go and clean it up, and I'll wake her up!" Brother Ying knows best how strong the medicinal properties of the herbs are. After this night, not to mention that the wound can be healed, but at least it can completely close the wound of Wu Linger. There is no need to be as careful as yesterday.

After looking at Wu Linger worriedly, Xiaohua finally had to leave the room: "I'll come to help my mother comb her hair and makeup later!"

Brother Wingged out Wu Linger from the quilt: "Flower idiot, get up!"

Wu Linger, who slept in a daze, closed her eyes and smiled and pouted: "Handsome man, kiss me! I'll get up as soon as I kiss!" After saying that, he put his hands on Brother Win's shoulder presumptuously, and his whole body hung on him and continued to sleep.

Brother Win looked at Wu Linger sleeping so sweetly and couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth: "A kiss? That's what you said!" After saying that, he gently pecked Wu Linger's lips.

Wu Linger raised her head and pouted, but did not open her eyes. Brother Win looked angry and funny when he saw her: "Woman, get up!"

"Kiss me!! Don't kiss and don't get up!!" Anyway, relying on Brother Win, Wu Linger simply relied on her skin. She didn't know whether she was really dreaming or deliberately pretending to dream to ask for a kiss.

However, no matter which one, Brother Win doesn't care. He put out his tongue and gently licked Wu Linger's lips: "Don't regret it!" After saying that, Brother Win gently bit Wu Linger's lips with his teeth. With a little force, Wu Linger immediately woke up: "Well..."

Brother Win will not give Wu Linger a chance to protest. He directly sucked Wu Linger's lips and began to suck it.

Wu Linger really woke up this time, and then she found that she was hanging on Brother Win, and her lips were being plundered by Brother Win...

Like yesterday, Brother Win picked up Wu Linger's unreacted with his dexterous tongue, explored Wu Linger's teeth, and then entangled with her tongue...

When Brother Win's tongue touched her tongue, Wu Linger only felt that her whole body seemed to have been hit by electricity. Her whole body was numb and seemed to have no other feelings except her tongue. In order to find her feelings, she also began to respond clumsily to Brother Win...

"Father is big...uh!" When Xiaohua came in, she happened to see Wu Linger hanging on Brother Win. The two had kissed so wrong that they didn't know what year it was.

Brother Ying took a look at Xiaohua, and finally sighed helplessly in his heart and let go of Wu Linger's lips: "Woman, are you awake?"

Wu Linger, who was kissed and confused, said faintly, "I woke up, but now I seem to be dizzy again!! Brother Ying, are you an earthworm or an electric eel?!"

What a good atmosphere, which was disturbed by Wu Linger's words. Brother Win looked at Wu Linger hanging on himself like a koala and told himself desperately: "Calm down! Breathe deeply! Don't care about this idiot woman!!"

Seeing that Brother Win didn't say anything, Wu Linger was not angry. She just said to herself, "Yes, at first, I just saw that you were a white one, so I thought you were maggots. Later, I found that you were not maggots, but longer than it, so I thought you were an earthworm. If you are an electric eel... Wow, you can leave aquatic It's amazing to live so long! Or are you an earthworm that can discharge electricity?!"