Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 67 Happiness Shared

Chapter 67 Happiness Shared

"Wu Linger! You idiot woman! Why don't you die?!!!" Originally, it was a beautiful morning, but now it was all disturbed by Wu Linger, an idiot. Brother Win angrily threw her to ** and turned around and left the room.

Wu Linger looked at Xiaohua confusedly and said with grievance: "Xiaohua, is your father in his physiological period? Why does he turn his face faster than turning over a book?

Xiaohua also looked speechless: "Mother, you'd better wash and change your clothes quickly! Everyone is already having breakfast! Although you are injured, at least you are a guest. You can't lose your courtesy!"

Wu Linger just gave a bang and took the clothes prepared for her and went into the bathroom.

When Wu Linger came to the restaurant, everyone had almost eaten. Anthony raised his glass when he saw Wu Linger and motioned, "How is Miss Wu?"

"TOEFL! Much better today! Thank you, Mr. Anthony, for your concern!" Wu Linger sat down very ladylikely and couldn't see that a man immediately suspected that he was an electric eel after kissing a handsome man!

Anthony nodded: "I have reported your matter to the owner. He said that he will be responsible for your attack on the winery! Starting from today, you can live in the winery with peace of mind, and there will be no more attacks! So... I'll leave first! Looking forward to your answer in three days!"

"Huh? Didn't you get the title at noon yesterday? It should only be two and a half days, right? Wu Linger looked at Anthony strangely, and Daniel beside her had an impulse to strangle her. Whether Anthony deliberately or he really forgot, can he come for a long time? What kind of mouth does Wu Linger have?

After looking at Daniel and the crowd, Anthony's eyes fell on Wu Linger again: "Isn't it good for a long time?"

"Good is good! But there must be a reason. I don't want you to remember it wrong!" Wu Linger blinked at Anthony with a frank look in her eyes.

Anthony smiled and said, "Because you were injured yesterday, yesterday doesn't count. The time starts today and the day after tomorrow's dinner. I hope you can tell me your answer!"

Wu Linger nodded with a smile: "Thank you! I won't let you down!"

After breakfast, everyone came to the lounge. Although Wu Linger's wound had closed, her body was still a little weak because of so much blood. She sat softly on the sofa and looked at everyone: "Okay, yesterday afternoon, one night, have you been sure about anything?"

Nalan took a look at everyone and found that everyone wanted her to say it, so she had to say, "What is certain now is only what was discussed yesterday afternoon. This bottle of wine should be white wine. As for the others..."

Wu Linger looked at the mountains in the distance outside the window and suddenly asked, "Have you ever climbed the mountain?"

"God, it's not for me to be so tired of climbing mountains!" As soon as Daniel finished speaking, he obediently hid by Vivian's side. Because of this, Wu Linger had to put down the apple in her hand. It doesn't matter if you don't hit Daniel. If you accidentally hurt Vivian, she will be sad!

Then Wu Linger turned her head and looked at the people present: "It seems that you haven't climbed the mountain?"

"I think... Mr. Anthony may not just mean climbing the mountain!" Vivian thought for a moment and said, "When it comes to climbing, I used to climb several snowy mountains!"

"Wow, Vivian, I didn't know you were so powerful!" Wu Linger looked at Vivian curiously, but found that Daniel beside her was a little uncomfortable: "Is it because of Daniel, the second ancestor?!!"

Vivian patted Daniel's hand with a smile, motioning him not to care, and then said, "It turns out that when I'm in a bad mood, I will climb the mountain alone. I feel very hard on the road. Even if I climb to the top of the mountain, my mood doesn't seem to change. After all, the mountain is a mountain, and my distress is still my distress. It's irrelevant at all!"

"So, how about the mountain?" Wu Linger looked at Vivian curiously. Unexpectedly, Vivian turned her head and said, "It's terrible! It was really terrible all the way. Once I didn't step on it, slipped down the hillside and rolled down dozens of meters to stabilize my body. Otherwise, I might have fallen directly to the bottom of the mountain!"

Hearing Vivian's experience, not only Daniel, but also Wu Linger were shocked: "What happened later?"

"Then I climbed to the top of the mountain! Seeing the scenery on the top of the mountain is really beautiful and fulfilling! However, no one around shares it. Even if it is beautiful scenery, it will only feel lonely! It won't be until you come back safely that your hanging heart will really come down!" Speaking of this, Vivian breathed a sigh of relief, as if she was really at ease.

"The process of climbing and the scenery I see are not the most important to me. For me, the most important thing is to say after seeing my family after returning from climbing? The sense of achievement of conquering the mountains arises spontaneously! No matter how many times you climb the mountain, it feels the same!"

After listening to this, Wu Linger nodded gently: "Well..." After thinking for a moment, she said, "In this way, people can only be happy if they overcome difficulties! Because we know that joy and dreams are waiting ahead, we must move forward! It is also because of this that people can withstand those hardships! This is probably the inspiration for us to climb the snowy mountain..."

"Snow Mountain, this gives me a little idea!" Daniel stretched out his hand to interrupt Wu Linger's words: "Are you talking about the Alps?"

Nalan Piaoping nodded: "Hmm! Then when we talked about mineral water yesterday, I thought of a kind of wine! MichelColin-deleger!"

Daniel also nodded after hearing this: "Colin-Deleger's words, the fragrance has a soil fragrance and a slight smell of gunpowder stone, but it is also somewhat similar to the description of the snow mountain and the peak! And Chevalier-Montrachet is a high-end production area of Côte-Beaune in Burgundy, located in Puligny-Montrachet. Chardonnay grape products in this production area are relatively famous. Coupled with the efforts of the manor owner, their white wine has become very excellent!" After saying that, Daniel took a look at the old housekeeper. The old housekeeper saluted and immediately withdrew from the lounge. It seemed that he was going to get the wine!

"Later, the description of the scenery of climbing the snowy mountains was the description of dreams... The peaks with a panoramic view, one after another, beautiful and silent. The surface of the rock is wrapped in silver, as if wearing a silk dress, shining with a soft light. This is supreme happiness, supreme transparency, and the joy of overlooking everything from the peak! When I breathe this joy into my chest, the peak is behind me!" Wu Linger shook her head: "I think it's understandable in the front, but the last sentence, the peak is behind you, what does it mean?"

Vivian hesitated and asked, "Does it mean... getting up and returning home after achieving the goal?"

"At this time, the peak has been conquered, so do you want to go home and share your joy with your family? That is to say... any happiness, if no one shares it, it will lose the meaning of true happiness!" Wu Linger lowered her head and thought about it, always feeling that things were not so simple.

After a while, the housekeeper pushed the cart and came in with four bottles of wine: "Young master, Colin-Deleger is only four years old! Let Miss Wu try it first. If not, I will adjust it immediately and deliver it in the afternoon at the latest!" After saying that, he has poured four glasses of wine.

Wu Linger looked at the glass and sighed: "Alas! Drink again, will I be drunk for another day?!"

"As long as you don't have a convulsions again!" Brother Win handed a glass of wine to Wu Linger angrily.

Wu Linger made a grimace at Brother Win, and then took the glass and smelled the fragrance: "What?! It's really a kind of... It seems to be a fragrance that only minerals have. I haven't noticed this smell before!!" After saying that, she carefully took a sip of wine, and the wine slid through her throat. A dangerous snowy mountain suddenly appeared in front of Wu Linger's eyes. Under the sunshine, it looked particularly beautiful and attractive, which made Wu Linger suddenly have a feeling of wanting to be close to her!

Just walking forward, Wu Linger found that the mountains of the snowy mountains were too steep to climb at all. It felt like the mountains were refusing to get close to others.

For a long time, Wu Linger put down her glass: "It's not this!"