Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 118 My shoulders don't grow on my chest

Chapter 18 My shoulder doesn't grow on my chest

Father Duffer thought for a moment and nodded: "Then I'm sorry to trouble you! It's getting late. I'll leave first! If such a thing happens now, there must be still a lot of things to do tomorrow!" Now the fire alarm bell in the town has been ringing for a while, and I guess the fire engine has passed, but there will be nothing left in that house.

Brother Win looked at Father Duffer and said, "What you want us to do, we have done it. I hope you can face Ling Er well tomorrow!"

After hesitating for a moment, Father Duffer finally nodded: "Don't worry! I said that after this matter is resolved, I will listen to her, but I may not give her the answer she wants!"

Brother Win knows that Father Duffer may be wrong, but he doesn't want to correct it now. The woman is now in the next room. He doesn't want to leave her alone. Anyway, if there is anything, he will make it clear tomorrow and he is not in a hurry for a moment, so he nodded: "So... Good night!"

"Well, good night!!"

After Father Duffer left, Brother Win called Giza to burn Mark Gabriel's body to ashes and go back to the room.

At this time, Wu Linger had shrank into the quilt. If she had done such a cool thing as tonight, she would have been so excited that she couldn't sleep, but today, she was surprisingly quiet. Brother Win knew what she was for. After taking off his coat and kicking off his shoes, Brother Win got into the quilt and gently hugged Wu Linger in his arms: "It will be suffocated if you stay in the quilt all the time!"

Wu Linger curled up in Brother Win's arms and refused to say anything, but Brother Win felt that his chest was wet, and he couldn't help sighing: "Fly girl! Holding you every day, you don't have to drool, do you? Are you ashamed?"

Wu Linger punched Brother Win: "You are so crazy that you are drooling! I... I'm not feeling well. What if I cry on my shoulder?"

Brother Win shrugged his shoulders: "The problem is that my shoulder doesn't grow on my chest! Are you in the right place?" After saying that, he forcibly dragged Wu Linger out of the quilt and let her lean on his shoulder: "It's none of your business if they are injured!"

"I promised Father Dover to let you face those two pagan gods! If I didn't agree with Father Duver, if I didn't promise Michelle, if I..."

"Ling Er, you know there are not so many ifs in the world! There are some things that you can't help! Since you can't make the decision, why do you have to blame yourself like this? Seeing Wu Linger's blind self-blaming, Brother Win had to interrupt her: "If you can't stand this, you might as well terminate the contract and let everyone go back!"

Originally, it was an angry sentence, but who knew that Wu Linger suddenly looked up at Brother Win: "Huh? Is this okay?"

Knowing that Wu Linger just asked casually, he didn't mean it at all, but Brother Ying's eyes couldn't help narrowing: "If you can, do you want to do this?"

Although Wu Linger is usually nervous, when she sees Brother Win at this moment, she can't help swallowing: "No! It's hard to get a bunch of handsome guys, so I don't want to let you go! Don't let any of them!! All of you have to stay with me until I die, and you can't leave me!!" After saying that, she hugged Brother Win tightly as if she was afraid that Brother Win would really leave.

Brother Ying, who was a little angry, was made to laugh and cry by Wu Linger's words. He broke away Wu Linger's hand and put his arms around her shoulder to prevent her from moving, so as not to break the wound. Strangely, if it had been changed to usual, after applying that kind of medicine, Wu Linger's injury would have healed so much that there was no shadow of the wound. However, this time, after applying herbs so many times, Wu Linger's injury was not only not all good, but often cracked, which made Brother Win very nerve-wracking.

Originally, Wu Linger's strength was slightly insufficient in the face of these things, but now she is still injured, which greatly reduces her agility in action. If it goes on like this, Wu Linger will only be more dangerous, and maybe she will have to find a way to treat the injury on her shoulder.

Seeing that Brother Win had been in a daze, Wu Linger patted him on the face: "Hey, at least the beautiful woman is in your arms, and you are still in a daze. Wouldn't this be too much?"

"Beauty?" Brother Win looked at Wu Linger disdainfully: "On this point, I basically agree with Ji Zai!"

"You..." Wu Linger was so angry that she bit Brother Win's shoulder! But thanks to Brother Win, she finally stopped struggling with the injury of Ji Zai and Coffee.

Brother Win forced Wu Linger to sleep well and said to her, "Ling'er, things like today will happen in the future. If you can't accept this, it will make everyone very embarrassed! The mission of the witch pet is to fight to protect the saint. Since it is a battle, injury is inevitable. If people think that you will be sad and unable to fight at ease, it will only be more dangerous when fighting! Next time, don't show your emotions to everyone!"

Knowing that Brother Ying was right, Wu Linger still couldn't accept it. After biting her lips and thinking about it for a long time, she suddenly said to Brother Ying, "Brother Ying, can you help me untie the seal in my body?"

After hearing Wu Linger's words, Brother Win raised his eyebrows and said, "Woman, what are you going to do?" Is this guy unwilling to settle down again?

Sure enough, Wu Linger nodded: "The control of Wu Li, I'm practicing now, and I feel that I can control it very well! Since I can still summon your Jizai after I am sealed, it means that I have more room for development, right? As long as I unseam, I can protect you and keep you from being in danger again?

After hearing Wu Linger's words, Brother Win reached out and flicked her head: "Can you summon me and Ji Zai to have nothing to do with your witch power! Don't think about it! If you have time to think about this, you might as well think about how to tell Father Dover about Michelle! I feel... things may not go too well!" Looking at Father Duffer's attitude towards these two pagan gods today, you can see that he is very disgusted with dark creatures. For him... Maybe Michelle also belongs to that kind of person?

Wu Linger was said by Brother Ying, and her mind immediately ran to the matter of Michelle and Father Duffer: "Yes, maybe this matter... is not that simple! If killing two pagan gods can solve the problem, then no author in the world is a stepmother! That's more mother than me!"

Hearing Wu Linger's words, Brother Win couldn't help knocking her on the head again: "Don't always say strange things. How can you describe it like that?"

"Originally, at least my novels give the protagonists a happy ending, but everyone always says that I am a stepmother, so I am bullied like this. If God is the author, he must also be at the stepmother level, and much more than me!"

"What do you mean by more! If you talk nonsense like this, you won't be afraid that God will punish you!" In the face of such Wu Linger, Brother Win really feels a headache: "I said, women, can you be normal?"


After hearing that the next door had turned into some unnutritious words, Jizai and Coffee breathed a sigh of relief. The two looked at each other and returned to their respective ** without saying a word to prepare for a rest. After seeing the milk coffee at the head of the bed, Ji Zai grabbed it and threw it on the head of the coffee: " Put it away!"

Coffee is a little depressed holding the smashed head: "Ji Zai, can't you be so awkward?"

Ji Zai raised his eyebrows: "Do you have a problem?"

"Yes, it's very disagreeable!" It seems that the coffee was also pressed to a critical point. He jumped up from **: "It turns out that when you were there, your strength was stronger than me, so you always protected me! I have no problem with this, and I appreciate it! But can't you figure out what's going on now? Can't you learn to protect yourself?"

In the face of the anger of coffee, Ji Zai glanced at him coldly and turned his head into the quilt: "Isn't it you who can't figure out the situation?"

"Since my strength is stronger than yours now, why can't you accept my protection as I was at ease? Is it so difficult for you to rely on me?" The thought of Ji Zai being pulled out a piece of nail coffee by Mark to protect him, he was very angry: "Am I... not worthy of your trust?"

Ji Zai, lying in the quilt, just turned over and turned his back to the coffee: "At least now, I can't fully trust you!"