Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 119 A bird without nails and a tiger without teeth

Chapter 19 Birds without nails and tigers without teeth

After hearing Ji Zai's words, the coffee was stunned for a moment and suddenly lost the momentum just now. He sat down a little discouragedly to **: "Is it because of Ling Er?"

"What does it have to do with that ugly woman?"

"But today you left me for that ugly woman! While you were still injured, a man ran back! Do you want to face a god alone? Is it to protect Linger?!!" A series of questions about coffee silenced Ji Zai. For him, he didn't know why he was so worried about Wu Linger. This ugly, stupid, bad-tempered woman with a poisonous mouth, he would never pay attention to it, but today...

After finding that Ji Zai didn't say anything, Coffee sighed: "Ji Zai, I have said before that in this world, I will never hurt anyone, only you! But today I want to tell you another thing. In this world, I have two people who will never hurt. One is you and the other is Wu Linger! No matter what I do, no matter what I do, I will never hurt you two! So, can you believe me?"

"...no!" After saying that, Ji Zai reached out and turned off the lamp at his bedside, indicating that today's conversation was over. Coffee looked at Ji Zai's lonely back and only felt uncomfortable. He punched the head of the bed fiercely, but ignored the wound on his arm and cracked again.

The knife cut on the arm today is not an ordinary knife. If it is an ordinary knife, it can't hurt coffee and Jizai at all. After all, the other party is also a god. What is used is not ordinary. Imagine how harmful is attached to a sacrificial knife that has been used for thousands of years? Therefore, the medicine used by Wu Linger has no effect on their injury at all. Ji Zai knows this, and coffee also knows it, so coffee is so angry.

The next morning, Wu Linger dressed up a little and left the hotel with Wu He. Now they are very familiar with the town and no longer need Mr. Antel to drive them to Father Duffer's house, so they refused Mr. Antel's kindness. Before leaving, Wu Linger also took a special look at Ji Zi and Coffee, who were still sleeping. Wu Linger was obviously a little worried about their rare late rise, but Brother Win used them to consume too much strength yesterday, so he needed a good rest to let Wu Linger leave at ease.

After seeing Wu Linger and the others leaving, Brother Ying said to Xiaohua, "You take good care of the two of them. I'll go back!"

Xiaohua naturally knew where Brother Ying was going back. He nodded gently: "Father, don't worry, I will take good care of Brother Ji and coffee!"

After Brother Win took a look at the two **, a white light flashed, and he had disappeared into the room. And coffee sat up: "What is he doing?"

Xiaohua put a prepared breakfast by the bedside of the coffee: "Father, I'm worried about your injuries, so I went back there to help you find medicine!"

"Isn't it just a wound? It will be fine in a few days!" After saying that, Coffee stretched out its tongue and licked the wound. Sure enough, today's wound was much smaller than last night, but it still opened a small mouth, which looked a little ferocious.

Xiaohua glanced at the coffee, then looked at Ji Zai, who was still sleeping, and sighed: "Anyway, there's nothing to do now. Have a good rest!" After saying that, he quickly left the room.

Coffee looked at the breakfast by the bed and smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that I would be sympathized by the goblins one day!"

"This is not sympathy at all, don't you understand?" I don't know when Ji Zai sat up and looked coldly at the coffee at the head of the bed: "Forget it, in terms of your brain capacity, it's too difficult to understand these things!"

The coffee did not quarrel with Ji Zai, but directly picked up the breakfast and ate a few bites: "How's your injury?"

Ji Zai smiled faintly: "It's almost yours!" Yes, similar to coffee, the wound has become smaller, but there are still two openings, but the wound on the finger has been healed. If it hadn't been for the painful feeling of yesterday, Ji would have even mistakenly thought that such a thing had not happened yesterday: "Ten fingers to heart, this is really true! But..." I glanced at the coffee and suddenly smiled: "A bird without nails is better than a tiger without teeth!"

I was biting the last piece of French garlic bread of coffee. After hearing Ji Zai's words, I was suddenly depressed: "Hey, my teeth are fine. It's not like yesterday that your nails were really pulled out!"

Ji Zai reached out and pulled off the broken belt on his finger, revealing his jade-like crystal clear hand: "Is there any?"

Seeing Ji Zai's appearance, the coffee suddenly lost his words: "I'm too lazy to pay attention to you!!!"

After ringing the doorbell of Father Duffer's house, Wu Linger sighed: "Ahe, do you think the priest has made this psychological preparation?"

Wu He looked at Wu Linger unexpectedly and didn't understand why she said so. Wu Linger said, "I'm afraid that he is not psychologically prepared to face Michelle, so I promised to help him solve the matter of pagan gods, which is also to give him a time buffer, but I didn't expect... We solved the matter in a day! Now the priest... can he really give us the answer in his heart?

When Wu He was about to say something, he saw the door of the priest's house open and Father Duffer came out: "Are you here? Please come in!"

Entering the room with Father Duffer, Wu Linger looked at him busy making coffee for everyone and preparing snacks and sighed: "Father, if you are not ready, I think we can wait another day or two!"

Father Dufu, who was busy, suddenly stopped. He looked at Wu Linger in a moment and seemed to understand what she meant: "Thank you! And, I'm sorry!"

"It doesn't matter! Then let's visit again in a couple of days!" Speaking of this, Wu Linger stood up and seemed to want to say goodbye, but Father Duffer stopped her as if he had made up his mind: "Today or two days later... There is no difference to me! Please sit down! I think... this matter will be solved sooner or later!"

After seeing Father Duffer's firm eyes, Wu Linger nodded and sat down again: "Then you don't have to be busy anymore. We have had breakfast, so please sit down!"

After Father Duffer sat opposite Wu Linger and took out the silver bracelet from his arms: "I didn't expect her... to keep this!" Speaking of this, he looked up at Wu Linger and asked seriously, "Michelle, how is she now?"

It's okay not to ask. When Father Duffer asked, Wu Linger immediately remembered the slightly lonely figure in the Louvre, the bright pianist in the hotel lobby, the purple witch who bullied everyone several times in the winery, and the unlucky middle-aged uncle. , thinking of the prince who wants to turn coffee into a blood slave because he is a little lonely...

"Uh... good or bad, it's really hard to say!" Wu Linger thought for a long time and didn't know how to describe Michelle's current situation: "I don't know her very well, do I? It was only for some reason that I happened to get to know her!" After saying that, Wu Linger told Father Dover the original process of her meeting a vampire in Japan and then having to come to France to ask Michelle for the golden beads in her hand. This has been said for most of the day.

After listening to Wu Linger's narration, Father Duffer smiled: "It's very similar to her style. She always plays tricks on others energetically. She will bully the people she likes, and she will teach her the people she hates. I didn't expect that five years later, she will still be her!"

"What about you, Father? Is it still the Jeremy Duffer? Wu Linger looked at Du Fu's handsome appearance, but suddenly felt that his heart was very old.

Sure enough, Father Dover shook his head: "Five years ago... Michelle didn't give me any chance to leave after she revealed her identity in front of me... After that, I submitted an application to the church and came to this town. It's been five years, and time is so fast that I don't realize it. It's like... her departure was just yesterday!"

Speaking of this, Father Duffer smiled bitterly: "The first thing I think every morning when I open my eyes is not to pray, but whether she will come back and whether she will come to me? Although she left that town, she is the prince of the blood clan, right? If she wants to find me, it should be a very simple thing! So, will she come to me? In this way, day after day, month after month... Maybe Mr. Wu is right, my belief in the Lord is really not as firm as I have shown? As a clergyman like me, I can never get married, and I have vowed to dedicate my life to the Lord! But... In addition to the Lord, there is another woman in my heart, and she is also a dark creature that is not allowed to appear in our church! People like me..."