Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 120 Still Life on the Chessboard

Chapter 20 Still Life on the Chessboard

"You're right, you're a human!" Wu Linger suddenly interrupted Father Duffer: "If God only wants a servant who can serve him faithfully, he will never choose human beings!" Because human beings have seven emotions and six desires, the seven deadly sins are human nature, which is just suppressed by us! We are first a man, and then we are God's servants! So, you don't need to blame yourself like this at all! Besides, Michelle is so beautiful that it's normal to fall in love with her! I'm not a boy, otherwise I would have chased her!" Speaking of this, Wu Linger couldn't help laughing.

After listening to Wu Linger's words, Father Duffer couldn't help laughing. Seeing his smile, Wu Linger was also relieved. Maybe things are not as bad as she thought yesterday? If it can be a beautiful thing, this trip will not be too bad.

"So...what do you say now?" Unlike Wu Linger, Wu He did not look as optimistic as she, but whispered to Father Duffer, "Can you give us an answer?"

Father Duffer was silent for a moment, stood up, walked around the room for a few times, and finally returned to the sofa: "There is a painting, can you get it for me?"

"Painting?" Hearing Father Duffer suddenly talk about something that had nothing to do with their topic just now, Wu Linger was confused. Wu He's heart sank: "What painting?"

"A painting by Lubin Bogin, a French still life painter, called Still Life on the Chessboard, and some people also call it Five Feelings. Can you bring this picture for me? Father Duffer smiled and said, "As long as you help me find this painting, I will give Michelle an answer!"

Wu Linger was stunned for a moment: "Is it the original painting?"

Father Duffer nodded: "Hmm!"

After seeing Father Duffer nodded affirmatively, Wu Linger bit her lips and lowered her head and meditated for a while. Finally, she looked up at Father Duffer: "Isn't you replying me as long as I bring this painting, and there will be no other requirements?"

Looking at Wu Linger's serious expression, Father Dufu hesitated for a moment and finally nodded and said, "Yes!"

Wu Linger stood up and said to Wu He, "Ahe, let's go!"

Wu He didn't say anything, but stood up and looked at Father Duffer. Under the eyes of Wu He, Father Duffer seemed a little uncomfortable: "I... I'm sorry!"

Wu Linger smiled as if nothing had happened: "It doesn't matter, at least you gave us an answer, and the rest is how we got this painting! So... let's leave first! I don't think we can spend Christmas together! First of all, I wish you a Merry Christmas!"

"Happy Christmas to everyone!" Father Dufu reluctantly smiled and sent Wu Linger and Wu He out of the door. As the door closed, Father Dufu couldn't help laughing bitterly: "There should be enough time now, right? Sorry! Now I can't reply to you! If...you can really find it... then I..."

After leaving Father Duffer's house, Wu Linger was not in a hurry to return to the hotel. She took Wu He's hand and walked into a small restaurant on the street: " Good afternoon!"

" Good afternoon, what can I do for you?" A waitress with small freckles came over with a smile. Wu Linger ordered two meals and lay down on the table.

Wu He couldn't help but be a little puzzled when he saw Wu Linger's appearance: "Don't you go back for dinner?"

"I won't go! Now I just want to stay with Ah He! With their group, they will definitely quarrel again! It's so annoying!" Wu Linger lay on the table and tapped the table with her hands as if protest.

Seeing a guest looking this way, Wu He quickly pressed Wu Linger's hand, smiled shyly at the other party, and then said to Wu Linger, "Linger, stop it, it's outside!"

"It's because I'm outside. How can I make trouble in front of them? Jizai is so stinky, and Brother Win has a poisonous tongue. Although Xiaohua has a good temper, she loves to think about it. Coffee can only be coquettish all day long!" Wu Linger sat in the chair depressed and complained: "If they know the result of today's negotiation, they will probably scold me for being stupid again!"

Knowing that Wu Linger was worried about the next thing, Wu He stretched out his hand and rubbed her head: "There's nothing to worry about! You didn't cause this. If Duffer wanted to do this, it would have been the result if any of them came! You can't grab him and beat him violently and force him to get a result, can you?"

Wu Linger was finally amused by Wu He's exaggerated words. She made a face at Wu He: "This idea is also good. Why don't we go back and beat Father Duffer now?"

"I will accompany you whenever you want!" Wu He finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Wu Linger smile: "Yes, this is like the Wu Linger I know! I said, where did your original momentum of kicking me away regardless of my identity? You have become a little scared recently!"

When Wu He said this, Wu Linger sighed, "A He, I'm really a little scared! I solved everything I encountered before, but that time in Tokyo, I almost killed Brother Win. I really thought I would never see him again. At that time, I really wanted to die!"

"Although I am very active on the Internet, in private, I am a very otaku person. For the past five or six years, Brother Ying has been accompanying me. Whether I rushed to the manuscript all night or had a high fever on my birthday, whether I was happy or sad, he accompanied me. For me, he is indispensable in my life. But I almost died because of me. He even thought he would die. Although I don't know why he came back to me, the pain of loss... I'm really afraid!"

Seeing Wu Linger's appearance, Wu He sighed, sat next to her from her opposite side, and gently reached out and hugged her: "So, you would rather push Jizi away if you were injured?"

Wu Linger nodded: "It's true to protect Ji Zai, but in private, it's because I dare not taste the pain of loss again, right? Even if Ji Zai always thinks I'm ugly and stupid, even if I haven't been with him for a long time, but... I really regard him as a family member, and I don't want to lose any of them!"

Wu He gently tapped Wu Linger's head: "Stupid! Even I, an outsider, can see how much Ji Zai cares about you. Do you really think he hates you?! His awkward personality is not so polite even to coffee. Probably no one in the world can compare with him except himself, right? But to be honest, I have also heard about you. I always feel that Ji Zai is a little different from before. It seems that after the coffee came, his attention has been distracted a lot and he no longer pays so much attention to his appearance!"

"Isn't it? I said that Ji Zai must have had an affair with coffee before! It's just that the two of them haven't admitted it! Hey hey!! The god of beauty is really everywhere!! It seems that Michelle is really going to be disappointed!!" It seems that when it comes to this, Wu Linger's mood will become very high. In the face of such Wu Linger, Wu He is funny and helpless.

After a while, the meal ordered by Wu Linger was finally delivered, and Wu He also sat back opposite Wu Linger: "Okay, don't think too much, no matter what happens, just solve it! What's there to worry about?"

"Well, eat!! The sky and the earth are big, and the food is the biggest!" Wu Linger happily attacked her meal, but after her mouth was full of things, Wu Linger was not idle: "Ahe, hasn't the tree contacted you?"

Wu He nodded: "Well, I haven't been contacted for two weeks. I'm a little worried!"

"It doesn't matter. The tree is so strong that it will definitely be fine! At least he is also my future captain! It won't be so easy to hang up!!" Seeing Wu He's worried expression, Wu Linger quickly comforted him.

But Wu He shook his head: "I'm not very worried about the safety of the tree. He should have the ability to protect himself! It's just... I'm worried about what's going on. You know... My father never let the tree leave me before! Even if I'm not in the witch now, isn't it too strange to let me stay outside without sending anyone to protect me? In fact, it turned out that in addition to the tree, there were two secret waiters around Wu He, but this time the departure of the tree actually took away the two secret waiters, which was what Wu He cared most about.


No update recently, two more on time~~

Everyone is urging~~