Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 94 Another Flower King?

Chapter 94 Another Flower King?


Third update~~~

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After hearing Brother Win say this, Wu Linger was finally relieved. She immediately stayed in Brother Win's arms: "I'm so sleepy. You carry me on your back!" After saying that, he fell asleep in Brother Ying's arms.

Seeing such a Wu Linger, Brother Ying frowned gently, and finally picked her up and took everyone out.

Jizai, who deliberately walked behind, suddenly put a hand on the shoulder of the coffee: "Listen, if you dare to make this idiot woman sad, we won't even have friends in the future!"

Coffee was stunned for a moment, and the lazy smile on his usual face disappeared, replaced by a faint smile: "Ji Zai, do you think... If I say I won't hurt her, will you believe it? And... do you really treat me as a friend? Have you really believed me since I came here?

Ji Zai took a serious look at the coffee: "I believe what you said first, but if... you know the consequences!" After saying that, Ji Zai strode forward. Coffee looked at Ji Zai's back and only felt a burst of pain in his heart, and the strength of his whole body seemed to be taken away: "You also like her, don't you? However, maybe you didn't find it yourself! If... I betray you again, you won't forgive me again, will you? So, what about Linger? If it really happened, would you still believe me? Or like ordinary people, the so-called trust is just talking?

I don't want to leave, but if it goes on like this, Wu Linger will really die! Her current situation can't last the remaining two months. If... she can't figure it out, she...

Standing in the darkness, Coffee looked at everyone's backs getting farther and farther, as if he would be the only one left in the world the next second: "Ling Er! What should I do?" Gently asked himself, but the coffee's hand touched the earlobe. Because of the long hair, even Jizi did not find a small and delicate earring on the coffee earlobe: "Really... do you want to do this?"

On the way back to the dormitory, a dark shadow flashed into a cabin near the seaside: "I'm back!"

"Yo-yo, what's the matter? Looking at you, you seem to have suffered losses! No way?" A joking sounded from the corner of the room.

The man covered in the black veil covered his shoulders and stared at the man fiercely: "Do you want me to teach you how to shut up?"

"No way? Do you want to kill me? We are companions!" Instead of being scared, the man came over and said, "Or, tell me who hurt you, and I'll avenge you!" After all, you are also my young master."

"No need! I will deal with my own affairs!" After saying that, the injured man has pulled out the knife from his shoulder and threw it to the ground: "How dare to deal with me, this guy, I will never forgive him!!"

The companion picked up the knife on the ground with a smile and looked at the green ** above: "What does it matter? Anyway, you are not human. This injury is just a temporary inconvenience for you! Or do you think it will hurt you with this kind of thing and lose your face? My Majesty the Flower King!"

When he returned to the dormitory, Wu Linger was already asleep. Xiaohua hesitated for a moment and walked to the kitchen. After a while, he brought out several midnight snacks: "Coffee, are you hungry? Let's eat something first! It's all you like!"

Converted from the usual bustle, he has been sitting in the corner of the living room since he came back from the water factory. When he saw the coffee wrapped himself in the dark and the midnight snack brought out by the little flowers, he just shook his head: "I don't want to eat!" After saying that, he stood up: "I'll go up and see Ling Er!"

"She fell asleep!" Feeling that the energy in Wu Linger's body is temporarily balanced, so Brother Win did not stay with her. Since that happened at night, he did not dare to absorb the power of Wu Linger as casually as before. This is one of the reasons why he is in the living room now.

The coffee was stunned and said, "I won't wake her up!" After saying that, he gently went upstairs.

Opening the door, the coffee came to Wu Linger's bedside. The moonlight was good tonight. Although the light was turned off in the room, the white moonlight still slipped in from the white screen window and climbed into Wu Linger's **, shining on her face.

Looking at Wu Linger's pale face without a trace of blood, frowns and tight lips, coffee can imagine what kind of pain she is suffering even in her sleep: "Linger, what should I do? What should I do? What will happen to you in the end? If you keep doing this, what's the point of staying with you? If I had known... If I had known it would have been like this, I might as well have come to this world!" Speaking of pain, Coffee couldn't help grasping his hair tightly with his hands, as if he could relieve the pain in his heart.

"For coffee, just be yourself!" One hand gently covered the head of the coffee and put it on his hard hands: "I don't want to see such coffee! Such a painful coffee will make me feel sad! I said, no matter what you do, I believe you! If it's really so painful, then leave for the time being! How can the king of beasts stay in one place like a kitten all the time? For so long, coffee has been forcing itself for me. I hope... Coffee can think about itself and make a decision for itself! As long as you are happy, no matter what the decision is, I will definitely support you!"

Holding Wu Linger's hand and gently rubbing it on her cheek, feeling the warmth from the palm of her hand, coffee only felt like a heartache. Such a pain he had never had before. Inexplicably, a tear slipped from his eyes. Coffee gently asked, "Ling'er, can I hug you?"

Wu Linger reluctantly sat up with a smile and stretched out her hand to the coffee: "Handsome man's hug, I will never refuse!! Especially my coffee! The whole family loves me the most and spoils you the most! You see, Brother Win is vicious to me all day long, and Xiaohua is too talkative. Ji Zai is always so stinky. Only coffee doesn't like me and keeps messing around with me!"

Coffee put away its painful expression and sat by the bed with a smile as usual, but it held Wu Linger's thin body in his arms very gently: "They all love you and are afraid that something will happen to you! It's not like me, I make trouble with you every day! Sometimes, I think that I'm not their master, and it's really a miracle that I can stay with you like this! Maybe next time they mess around, they can't help beating me up!"