Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 95 At least you can live!

Chapter 95 At least you can live!

"They dare! No one is allowed to bully you except I can bully you! Coffee is mine. No one can bully except me!!" After saying that, Wu Linger looked up at the coffee with a smile: "Sure enough, this kind of coffee is more handsome. I still remember that when you first appeared in front of me, you were lying on me**. At that time, you were still wearing a white shirt with an open neckline. When I saw your collarbone, it was difficult to make people not drool!"

"How dare you say that you told me that it's okay for COS. What did you do with your handsome man? At that time, you didn't know that handsome man in white was the winner, did you? Unexpectedly, I have not been allowed to wear white clothes since then! At least I'm a white tiger! For your sake, I actually wear clothes of other colors every day!" Speaking of this, the coffee couldn't help laughing: "It's so fast, almost half a year has passed! In the past, in the world there, I always felt that every day was so long! Stay here, and the day will pass by!"

Wu Linger smiled and stayed in her arms of coffee: "Of course, because you either eat or sleep every day, or you pester me to be coquettish, which is as simple as a pig's happy life!!"

Coffee also patted his stomach: "Well, I haven't exercised for a long time, and I've really gained a lot of weight! Do you want to lose weight? If one day you are really fat like a pig, I guess you will be removed from the list of handsome men by Ling Er!"

"That's right, I'm a big face control and a senior member of the Appearance Association. The requirements for handsome men are very strict!" Wu Linger smiled and pinched the coffee's face: "However, coffee is cute even if it is a little fat! I like it! You don't have to force yourself to lose weight!!"

With his face pinched, the coffee shouted repeatedly, "It hurts!!! Ling'er, let go!"

"Coffee, I..." Before Wu Linger finished her words, a mouthful of blood had been spewed out. Her whole body fell softly into the arms of the coffee, making the coffee roar: "Linger!!"

The people downstairs rushed in anxiously when they heard the roar of coffee. When they saw Wu Linger in the coffee arms, they immediately became anxious: "Why did you spit blood again?"

At this time, Qin Xiaojing, who was resting next door, also rushed in with the medicine box. After checking for Wu Linger, he frowned, picked up Wu Linger from the coffee arms, let her lie flat, and then began to inject: "What's the matter? Why does she seem to be worried about something? Isn't everything settled? In addition, the energy in her body is very unstable. If it goes on like this, her situation will be very dangerous!"

Coffee frowned tightly and asked Qin Xiaojing, "How can we stabilize the energy in her body?" If it goes on like this, she won't last the remaining two months!"

Qin Xiaojing shook his head after thinking about it: "Unless the energy in her body returns to its original balance! That is to say, her witch power has not recovered all, but it can't be like this! If I guess correctly, the three energies in her body have reached a state of balance in the past 20 years, and now she suddenly lacks a kind of energy, so she loses her balance. If it goes on like this... Linger really can't stand it!"

"But... how can Ling Er restore her witch power now? The only one with a higher witch power among us is Brother Win, but Brother Win is also now..." Speaking of this, Xiaohua was about to cry.

One hand gently covered Xiaohua's head: "Xiaohua, don't cry. If Ling Er hears it, she can't rest at ease!"

Xiaohua looked up at the coffee beside her: "Coffee, I'm really afraid. I'm afraid that something will happen to Ling'er. In this way, everyone will leave. In the end, I'm the only one left!"

"Idiot! Do you think Brother Win will let this happen?" Coffee gently patted Xiaohua's head: "Don't cry, or Ling'er will be sad again when she hears it!" You don't want her to be more sad now, do you? After being told by coffee, Xiaohua barely stopped crying: "Coffee! I..."

"Shh! Listen to what Dr. Qin said first!" After patting Xiaohua's head, the coffee looked at Qin Xiaojing.

Qin Xiaojing quickly took out the medicine from the medicine box and began to give Wu Linger an infusion: "Anyway... I will guard her tonight. You'd better think about whether there is anything else you can do!"

After hearing Qin Xiaojing's words, everyone was silent for a while, and finally went downstairs quietly with Brother Win and came to the living room: "What should I do now?"

After thinking for a while, Ji Zai said, "Call Wu Xiaoxuan!" Didn't she lose all her witch power? Hasn't Wuli recovered now?"

When Xiaohua jumped up and was ready to make a phone call, the coffee stopped him: "It took Wu Xiaoxuan more than ten years to recover Wu Li. It's good for Ling'er to have ten days now! That...it won't work!"

"Then try it, you can't... just look at Ling'er..." Jizai couldn't help but be angry when he saw that the coffee could still be so calm at this time.

The coffee looked at Ji Zai: "Calm down! This won't solve the problem!" Sitting on the sofa and thinking for a long time, Coffee suddenly walked out as if he had made up his mind: "I'm going out for a walk!"

"Coffee!" Xiaohua looked at the coffee worriedly and smiled at Xiaohua in the moonlight: "Don't worry, I won't leave Linger and everyone like this!" After saying that, he gently closed the door and went out, leaving only a silence in the room.

In the middle of the night, when the coffee pushed the door again and entered, it was found that there was no one in the living room. After discovering this, the coffee breathed a sigh of relief. After gently closing the door, he came to Wu Linger's room on the second floor.

Qin Xiaojing leaned on the bedside table. After hearing the sound, he turned around and saw the coffee. Coffee made a silent gesture to Qin Xiaojing and asked him with his lips, "Can you leave Linger and me alone for a while?"

Qin Xiaojing glanced at the coffee, looked at the potion beside Wu Linger, nodded, and silently told him, "Don't wake her up!"

Coffee nodded gratefully and watched Qin Xiaojing leave before sitting next to Wu Linger. He still frowned and squeezed his mouth as before, but his face was paler than just now, almost transparent. Looking at such a Wu Linger, Coffee smiled faintly: "Whether you believe me or not! At least you can live!"

Gently pressing on the abdomen, a green stone slowly emerged from the mouth of the coffee. Coffee reached out and held the stone and slowly sent it into Wu Linger's body: "Although you can't restore all your witch power, it will at least be better than now!" After saying that, he stretched out his hand and gently straightened Wu Linger's sweaty forehead: "Have a good sleep. It's okay!"