Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 56 The Past of Witches and Spirits

Chapter 56 The Past of the Witch and the Spirit

Hearing Amber's words, everyone sat on the sofa. Fortunately, Wu Linger's sofa was big enough, otherwise I really didn't know how to sit down these more than a dozen people.

After taking a look at Luo Zhili first, Amber sighed: "I don't know whether you are lucky or unlucky. The matter of your killing Lao Luo was known, and then it spread out. Now the spiritual people have to catch you and then deal with you with clan law! However, Ling Er has talked to the three elders today. You are covered by her now. If they dare to touch you, she will not let go of any spiritual clan.

Luo Zhili was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he didn't expect it to turn out like this. It's one thing for the Ling clan to only want Luo Tianling. It's another thing for the Ling clan to know that he killed Elder Luo. This time, maybe Wu Linger really can't protect herself. He bit his lower lip and looked up at Wu Linger: "Linger! I..."

"If you want to say that you want to leave, don't even think about it. Today, I have offended those three stinky old men. If you run away, didn't I offend the three stinky old men today for nothing? At least give me some consolation awards and leave you, the lovely little Zhengtai, at home to nourish my eyes!" Wu Linger smiled and pinched Luo Zhili's face: "You, you laugh too little! Laugh more and it will be cuter! If you really want to repay me, just laugh a few more times a day!"

Knowing that he couldn't say Wu Linger, Luo Zhili sighed, "I know!"

At this time, Wu Linger turned her head and looked at Amber: "Okay, let's get to business!" What's the matter with you and Aunt Xuan?

Amber didn't say anything, but just stretched out her index finger. A white light appeared in his hand. Wu Linger could clearly feel that this was a mass of power condensed by spiritual power, but Amber suddenly smiled, and the white slowly turned green, and the power fluctuation emitted by the green was Wu Linger and others. The most familiar Wu Li: "What's going on?"

Amber withdrew her strength and said, "That's what you see. In fact, witch power and spiritual power are of the same origin! Ling Er and Brother Win should feel this most obviously!"

After thinking about it, Wu Linger nodded and said, "Well, no wonder I feel strange. After practicing spiritual power, my magical power has also increased a lot, and it was the same when practicing magical power! Brother Win, where are you?"

Brother Win also nodded: "Me too!"

Amber said seriously, "This is not surprising, because the witch and the spirit clan were originally from the same clan thousands of years ago!" That is to say, the so-called spirit clan is actually a witch!"

"What...what did you say?" Wu Linger fell weakly on the sofa: "Is there any mistake? What is this and what? Is the sworn be of the same clan? This plot is too bloody, isn't it? Life is really like a novel!"

Amber couldn't help laughing when she saw Wu Linger's appearance: "This sentence is true. Life is like a novel! The story of the witch and the spirit clan is really like a novel!"

At this time, it was not only Wu Linger who was interested, but everyone also came over: "Amber, what the hell is going on?"

After taking a sip of tea, Amber said, "Since ancient times, the witches have been able to communicate with ghosts and gods, fill the sea and move mountains..."

"Cut, I'm still overwhelming! Do you think it's a martial arts biography?" A word of coffee immediately attracted everyone to stare at him, and he was so scared that he quickly closed his mouth.

Amber couldn't help laughing when she saw everyone's appearance: "You are really... Forget it, let's continue!" Ling Er, you should know that the witches in ancient times did not distinguish between spiritual witches and war witches, right?

Wu Linger nodded: "Well, I heard from Aunt Xuan that war witches and spiritual witches were separated later. The original witches were a little like high-level witches, with the ability of physical fighting and witchcraft. But later, I don't know why, most of the male witches began to lose their witch power, so they gradually became war witches. However, the witch clan became weaker and weaker, and finally became spiritual witches.

Brother Win also frowned gently: "It seems that 3,000 years ago, the witch had not been divided into war witches and witches. At that time, when I was summoned by the saint, the witch seemed to be okay, but there were inexplicably more unknown enemies. Because of this, it weakened a lot of power of the witch clan. I was summoned again this time. At first, I thought that it was because I was injured in the battle there, so I appeared in the world in the form of earthworms. Later, Ling Er summoned Ji Zai again. I knew that the world was no longer what it used to be. Coupled with the situation before and after, I knew that the witch clan had declined to such a decline.

Amber nodded: "The actual combat effectiveness of the spirit clan is not very strong. At least, it is impossible to confront the war wizards face to face, but their spiritual control power is many times greater than that of ordinary people, and even the war wizards may be manipulated by the spirit clan. This is the most feared point of the witches. I heard about your previous confrontation with Elder Luo, and you should be glad, because Elder Luo just wanted to seal you or kill you, and didn't want to control you, otherwise... Maybe you are no longer you!"

After thinking about what Amber said, Wu Linger couldn't help shrinking her neck: "It seems that it's true! What a horror! People are afraid! What would I do if those three stinky old men wanted to hypnotize me today?

Amber smiled and said, "Do you think they didn't do it?"

Wu Linger was stunned for a moment and immediately realized another thing. She raised her hand: "Is it because of your ring?"

"I said, as long as the ring is there, no one can hypnotize you!" Although Amber said it easily, the proud expression on his face let everyone know how confident he is in his strength.

Wu Linger spat softly: "Sure enough, it's really right to call them the despicable and shameless old man! They just can't hypnotize me, so they want to do it, right? If it hadn't been for the appearance of ghosts and the sound of the siren, I guess we would really be performing the whole martial arts today!"

Thinking of what happened in Tianfu Teahouse today, Amber is actually a little afraid: "Although the spirit clan is not good at fighting, it is only relative to the elderly high-level witch clans. For example, if the three elders are alone of the strength of the battle, even those witch elders may not be able to win them. After all, Because of some things, the witches have been broken for a long time. Now, in addition to Wu Jue, who is a great elder, I'm afraid that only people like ghosts can resist the attack of spiritual elders.

"Wow, ghosts are so powerful?" Wu Linger squeed her tongue, looked up upstairs, and then glanced at Amber: "Are you old monsters who have lived for thousands of years?"

Amber smiled and didn't answer, just looked at Wu Linger: "Anyway, you just need to know that we have lived long enough! Um... It doesn't matter if you grow up to death at any time!"

"Bah! There is hope to live! Don't you think ghosts have given birth to a new hope now? Why are you so pessimistic?" Wu Linger stared at Amber unhappyly and said, "Go on!" What the hell happened to the witches? Why do the spiritual people split from the witches and fight against the witches everywhere?

"Always for one reason or another, no matter what the reason is, in short, some people split from the witch clan, and the clan that has just begun to split are not strong, but they all have the strength of strong hypnosis, which is also a means for the witch to control ordinary human beings. Without these people, the witch began With the loss of power in the human world, coupled with the rise of Taoism and Buddhism, the witches feel the necessity of the existence of these people. After several unsucous negotiations, they began to resort to force. Although these people are not as good as the witches, they can still hypnotize their opponents when attacking. Several times, these people Not only is it not defeated, but it has become stronger!" Looking back on the past, the expression on her face became very complicated.

After a while, Amber continued to tell everyone what happened back then. After several battles, although these clans were undefeated, they also suffered losses. After all, their base could not be comparable to that of the witches. For the sake of everyone's safety, everyone fell silent. Unable to find the runaway clan, the elders of the witch clan, in anger, made the most wrong decision and killed all the relatives who remained in the clan. Their original intention was to deter the clan, but they didn't expect the counterproductive effect. Some masters in the clan left the witch clan one after another because they couldn't stand the behavior of the elders.