Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 57 Natural cuteness that doesn't need to be sold

Chapter 57 Natural cuteness that does not need to be sold

The news of the murder of their relatives also reached the ears of those who ran away. In addition to being sad, several clans gathered together and cast the most vicious curse on the witches. Since then, except for a few people who are related to those people, all the rest of the men have lost their witch power, and all the women are lost. Lost strength.

Hearing this, Wu Linger couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. She didn't expect that the witch would become like this because of the curse of witchcraft, but what was the price paid by those people for such a powerful curse?

As if she felt Wu Linger's idea, Amber smiled bitterly: "The price is that those casters have all turned into stones, but they maintain the feeling of human beings. They can only stand there and watch the vicissitudes of the world, watching their relatives die of old age, illness and death... But they will never die, just a stone. Head."

Such a curse, such a price, makes everyone here can't help but feel cold. What kind of hatred can make them hurt people with such a curse? And now that I think about it, the so-called high-level witches are all descendants of these magicians, but now they are fighting with each other.

Wu Linger smiled bitterly: "It's really like what I just said. This is really more novel than a novel!"

Amber sighed helplessly and told everyone the rest. After that curse, the strength of the witch has been greatly reduced. Fortunately, if the witches cooperate, they can also deal with some ordinary things, so the witches also began to move from the surface scenery to underground to manipulate some high-ranking people. The runaway witches announced that they had nothing to do with the witches after the massacre, and even called themselves spirits in order to distinguish them from the witches.

"Then divide it. Why does the spiritual clan still trouble the witch clan?" This is what Wu Linger doesn't understand the most.

Amber looked at Wu Linger and said, "After the division, the spirit clan did not want to have anything to do with the witch clan anymore, but the witch clan has been weakening because of the curse. In order to understand the curse, they have found the spirit clan again and again. In such battles, the hatred has become deeper and deeper! This is also the reason why the spiritual beads that originally belonged to the spirit clan will appear in the witch clan!"

"Why does the spirit want this bead?" Wu Linger looked at Amber strangely, as if hoping that he could give himself an answer.

Sure enough, Amber did not disappoint Wu Linger: "A thousand years ago, the predecessors of the spirit clan found a way to open the curse. After unlocking the curse, those predecessors who cast the spells can also recover their lives."

Wu Linger immediately understood what Amber meant: "Do you need to gather spiritual beads to unlock this curse?"

Amber nodded: "Yes, that's why I must get the spiritual beads!"

Wu Linger thought for a moment and then asked Amber, "My unscrupulous uncle said that he must use the spirit beads to wake up my father, but it seems that this is only a medium and does not consume too much power to gather the spirit beads. Can you let me wake up my father first, and then I will give you the spirit beads and the five spirit beads together. If you add five spirit beads, the spirit beads, Will the pearl be stronger? In this way, you will be more confident! However, if you agree to this matter, I will be very happy and don't agree. After I come back from Xiaobei, I will also give you Ju Lingzhu! After all, it is more important to untie the curse of the witches for so many years and liberate the predecessors of those spirits. However, if the curse is lifted, can the battle between the witch and the spirit be ended?

Amber smiled bitterly: "How can it be so easy? The hatred gathered for thousands of years can't be solved by one or two dynasties!"

"So, is it to wake up those predecessors just to increase the capital to deal with the witches?" Wu Linger looked at Amber with some depression: "Amber doesn't want to be involved in these wars anymore. Do you still want to drag those friends who have suffered for thousands of years into it? Don't you think this is too cruel? Is it really good for them to live with hatred all the time?

Amber did not know that what Wu Linger said was correct, but the four elders of the spirit clan had been blinded by hatred, especially the night elder. When chasing and killing Wu Xiaoxian, he was actually sucked away 90% of the spiritual power in Wu Linger, making him the weakest spiritual elder at once. This time, if it weren't for the night elder In Europe, I'm afraid it will kill Wu Linger directly.

Seeing Amber's silence, Wu Linger knew that he did not agree with the current practice of the spiritual elders: "Amb, is there no way to stop such a meaningless fight? After all, the current high-level witches are all related to those predecessors. If this relationship is put on the table, will those predecessors refuse to join the battle?

Hearing that Wu Linger wanted to intervene in this matter, Amber couldn't help but be surprised: "Linger, listen to my advice. No matter how far you go, don't interfere in this matter! Now you have ghosts, spiders, and the protection of these witch pets around you, and those elders may not touch you. But if you dare to intervene in this matter, even if you have everyone's protection, I'm afraid they will kill you quickly!"

Wu Linger turned her head and thought about it, then turned her head and looked at the handsome guys around her: "What should I do?"

Seeing Wu Linger's appearance, she knew that she had made a decision in her heart. Brother Win patted Wu Linger's head angrily: "Sure enough, Jizai is right. If people are ugly, they will always make some troublesome decisions!"

Jizai, who was tidying up his collar, glanced at Wu Linger: "I already knew it. Did you know it today? It seems that you have been with her for too long!"

When Wu Linger was about to lose her temper, Coffee hugged her and acted coquettishly: "I don't care. Anyway, no matter what Linger you want to make, you have to take me with you, or I won't follow!!"

"Smelly coffee, go to hell! What do you don't want? You're not a woman. Don't be cute here. Don't you know that it's shameful for men to be cute?" Wu Linger tried her best to push away the coffee hanging on her body, but the coffee was held tightly: "Where is it? Coffee is naturally cute, and there is no need to sell it at all!"

Hearing such words as coffee, Wu Linger was completely speechless. This guy is getting more and more clingy to himself! He didn't mind talking about the harem last time, but now Wu Linger wants to slap him to death!

After Xiaolu and Mung Bean looked at each other, Mung Bean squatted in front of Wu Linger with a faint smile: "Miss Linger, I am your housekeeper. It is the responsibility and obligation of a competent housekeeper to realize any wishes of the master! So, you don't need to have any other concerns. The only thing you have to consider is that what you want to do is enough!"

Seeing the people around Wu Linger talking like this, Amber smiled bitterly: "Don't you persuade her?"

Little Green glanced at Amber: "If you think you can persuade her, you can try it!" Hypnosis is free. You gave her the ring yourself, so your hypnosis is ineffective for her!!"

"So, I threw a stone at my feet?" Amber shook her head helplessly and looked at Wu Linger: "Linger, do you really want to care about this?"

Wu Linger nodded: "There are many of my friends in the witch clan, and in the spirit clan, you and Zhili are also my friends. In addition, I don't want to see anything like Yangting again! So, if I can stop this war, I will definitely intervene!"

After getting Wu Linger's answer, Amber thought for a moment: "That's it!" Wake up your father first, and then I will accompany you no matter what you want to do!"

Amber answered so simply that Wu Linger smiled badly: "Aren't you afraid that I will be partial to help the witch clan?"

Faced with Wu Linger's question, Amber smiled faintly: "Can you do it?"

Amber's answer made Wu Linger completely defeated: "Okay, you won! I won't! That's it! In six days, Xiaobei will appear and then give me the spiritual beads! Daniel, when you get ready for the plane, we will fly to Li's house as soon as we get the Julingzhu! Well, Amber, come with me! I think no one can compare with you in the control of Julingzhu!"

Amber reached out and patted Wu Linger's head: "You want me to rest assured that you let me go with you!"

Wu Linger rubbed her head and looked at Amber: "It's just that I'm worried that if we leave first with Ju Lingzhu, they will be bad for Sister Nalan!"

"Ling Er, you worry too much! Take care of your business first! I'll take care of Nalan's affairs!" Ye Tian frowned gently. For a moment, he saw Wu Linger give herself another * annoyance. Now that she still has to worry about her own affairs, Ye Tian is naturally unhappy.