Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 145 Achievements of Tree Ridge

Thanks to the book lovers: the 207th monthly ticket cast by "xiaohaoma"; the 208th monthly ticket cast by "Bright Noon"; the 209th monthly ticket cast by "Good Book Vote"; the 210th monthly ticket cast by "Like Reading Novels"; the 211th monthly ticket cast by "One-foot Jump Card The 212th monthly ticket of "Brother Tianjian"; the 213th, 214 and 215th monthly ticket of "lc43"; the 216th monthly ticket of "abduction"; the 217th monthly ticket of "Cabbage"

The gap with the previous one has not narrowed, and I look forward to greater support from everyone.

The biogas pond plan of the tree ridge went smoothly. Not long after Zhou Zhengming returned, the report of the tree ridge was approved. The state subsidized 100 yuan for each biogas pond, and the tree ridge was calculated according to 9,000 biogas ponds, and a total of 900,000 yuan can be subsidized. Give half first, and give the remaining half after acceptance.

Such a high subsidy made Zhu Daidong overjoyed. Not to mention the subsidy of 100 yuan per biogas pool, even if only 50 yuan is added, the matter of the biogas pool can be completed in the first half of the year.

At the beginning of this year, Shushuling Cultural Station set up a TV station to order songs, advertisements, and broadcast TV series or movies. Since last year, every township in Yuhua County has started its own TV station, and Shushuling has finally set up a Shushuling TV station this year. Before the daily news broadcast, the TV station will also broadcast the tree ridge news. At the beginning, Chen Shuli was very interested in the TV station. Every day, his speeches and instructions accounted for more than half of the "Tree Ridge News". At most, the "Tree Ridge News" was handled by him alone.

Zhu Daidong emphasizes practicality. Videos of breeding technology lectures, exchange of breeding experience, experience in the construction of biogas ponds, how to accept and maintain biogas ponds are broadcast on TV stations every day, and are broadcast continuously in the morning, afternoon and evening.

In three months, the biogas ponds in the tree ridge have reached more than 8,000, with subsidies and can solve their own livestock manure. Farmers are very motivated. The reason why 9,000 have not been completed is that the craftsmen who built the biogas tank are too busy. The progress will be reported below. Within half a month, 9,000 biogas ponds, all of which are not small, will be built and put into use.

Such a speed has never been seen in the history of Shuling. Now when you walk into the village below, it is difficult to smell the smell of pig manure again. Zhu Daidong thought of the director of the general office of the municipal government. If only he could invite him again.

Zhu Daidong called Bai Ding. Since the three articles reported on Shushuling have been reported in the newspaper, Zhu Daidong and Bai Ding have become close. Zhu Daidong's manuscript is not sent directly to the newspaper agency. Send it to him first and let Bai Ding publish it in his own name. Bai Ding does not do it. The seriousness of the news must Zhu Daidong laughed, isn't it the same as I told you on the phone? And you have to modify and polish the manuscript. Bai Ding knew Zhu Daidong's idea and wanted to borrow his fame to report the work of Shushuling from an objective perspective. There are generally two signed reports about Shushuling in daily newspapers, Bai Ding and Zhu Daidong.

For such a big event as the biogas pond, of course, Zhu Daidong will not let go of the opportunity of publicity. He has invited Bai Ding to come to the tree ridge many times, and Bai Ding will come back after it is fully built. The biogas pond project in the tree ridge was successfully completed, and the Municipal Agricultural Bureau and the County Agricultural Bureau carried out the acceptance, and the quality was completely qualified.

Such a large-scale centralized construction of biogas ponds is rare in the whole city or even in the whole province. Tree Ridge has frequently exposed light during this period. In Shachang Daily, Bai Ding's report on "Clean energy fun farmers, biogas ponds benefit 9,000 households in Shuli Ridge" was also published. And it is also rarely matched with pictures. The leaders of the county and the agricultural bureau have also visited the tree ridge many times.

Shushuling received a phone call from the county. The deputy mayor Shi Youjun's army will inspect Shushuling in the future. This news made Chen Shuli and Zhu Daidong excited. Chen Shuli was full of red all day, and Zhu Daidong was also asleep in the middle of the night. Shi Youjun is different from the general deputy mayor. He is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. He even dispatched Shushuling, Guo Lin'an and Wang Lijun, and the convoy to Shushuling is large.

If only the road could be repaired, Zhu Daidong saw the flying dust surging behind the motorcade and thought to himself. However, the road construction project cannot be ordinary. Although there are project funds on it, the foundation of the tree ridge is too thin. Even if you pay half of the money, you will definitely be able to repair the road.

This is the first time Zhu Daidong has seen Shi Youjun. The photos he saw in the newspaper are not counted. Shi Youjun's eyes are sharp and bright. Zhu Daidong shakes hands with him and can feel the power of his hand.

"Comrade Dai Dong, this time the tree ridge has done a good thing, which is also a big deal." The friendly army was not stingy with his praise.

"This was done under the leadership of the county party committee and county government and the attention of the township party committee and government. We just did what we could." Zhu Daidong said humbly.

In the entourage of the friendly army, Zhu Daidong saw the director above again. Today, his hand no longer covered his nose. Shi Youjun not only saw the effect of the biogas pond with his own eyes, but also went deep into the farmers. He held a symposium at the farmer's home. It was not discussed in advance to go to the farmer's home for a symposium. In the face of the deputy mayor, the farmer's family was also at a loss. They were watching the TV of Shushuling. When the friendly army walked in, they were keen to find that the Shushuling township government was spreading breeding technology. In addition, the construction, acceptance, maintenance and warranty of the biogas pond were also very detailed.

"After reading this, I believe that the quality of the biogas tank in the tree ridge is very good. The users are qualified inspectors. They will be responsible for their own acceptance in person." At that time, the interest of the friendly army was high. He didn't expect that Shuling was using radio and television to transmit technology and information to farmers.

Shi Youjun personally saw the farmers using biogas to boil water to cook, and then looked at the biogas lamps. He visited a few words at will. As he said, the farmer will definitely control the quality for his own benefit, and he was also very satisfied with this.

With such high recognition from the vice mayor of the Standing Committee, not only does the tree ridge's face shine, but the whole Yuhua County also has a lot of face. Guo Lin'an and Wang Lijun, who accompanied him, looked at Zhu Daidong, who was following him. Everything in the tree ridges would be earth-shaking today's earth-shaking change, and he should be the first. But now it is Chen Shuli who accompanies Shi Youjun to explain when and where to stand. Zhu Daidong has always been very careful.

However, when Shi Youjun proposed to observe the pig farm and feed factory of the farm, he personally called Zhu Daidong to his side, and Chen Shuli was also willing to give up his seat. He was not as familiar with the situation of the farm as Zhu Daidong. Just like taking Bai Ding to the breeding visit for the first time, he can tell all kinds of numbers, equipment and technologies, Zhu Daidong, and even how many pigs there are in the pig farm today, and how many pigs were slaughtered yesterday.

Such an accurate report of the numbers not only shows that Zhu Daidong has a good memory, but also shows that he attaches great importance to the work of the farm. If he pays general attention to it, he will not remember the numbers so much. Shi Youjun was very satisfied. He suddenly remembered Wang Lijun's evaluation of Zhu Daidong. Although he was younger, he had the ability to have a diploma and could get along with the grassroots. Shi Youjun looked at Zhu Daidong and was full of appreciation.

Zhu Daidong quietly found Wang Lijun. Can you ask the mayor to go to the winery again? Wang Lijun laughed and scolded. People's hearts are not enough to swallow the elephant. Next time, the mayor has an impression of the wine in Shuling.

I had lunch at the Yuhua Hotel. The deputy mayor came. Can't I come back? During the banquet, the friendly army made another request. Maotai and Wuliangye were all withdrawn and replaced with the tree ridge wine from the tree ridge.

The report meeting of Shushuling was also changed to the Yuhua Hotel. This time, it was delivered by Zhu Daidong. From the project of getting rich in Shushuling proposed at the beginning to the participation of the farmers in the whole township to raise funds together, and now the scale and future development of the farm have made a detailed report. Of course, there are official articles, the leadership of the county party committee and the county government, the high attention of the township party committee and the government, etc.

Of course, some practical difficulties were also mentioned at the end, such as the roads on tree ridges, and the water use of farmers. The water consumption of pigs is much larger than that of ordinary people. Although the tree ridge also has a river, it flows out of the boundary of the tree ridge from south to north. However, it is not convenient for every farmer to use. Picking water every day is a big problem for farmers. Otherwise, Li Shun would not only raise chickens but not pigs.

Since Shi Youjun went to Shushuling in person, of course, he would also bring policies and funds. He expressed to the leaders of Zhu Daidong and Yuhua County that he should support breeding towns such as Shushuling. Even his own deputy mayor should thank Zhu Daidong. If it hadn't been for him, he would have been criticized by the municipal party One of the words made the participants laugh.

Hulugou is in the south of the tree ridge. Because it looks like a gourd, it is known that a stream of spring water keeps flowing out of the "hulu" all year round and flows down the river of the tree ridge. The river of the tree ridge is man-made. There is a Nanchong reservoir in the upper reaches of the tree ridge, which was also built in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The tree ridge river was also dug deep and expanded at that time.

The water in Hulugou spring is very large, because of it, the water level of the Shuling River is much higher than that of the upper reaches. Zhu Daidong has long wanted to think about the spring, but he has no money. He took the spring water to the county for testing. Today, there are a variety of minerals that can be drunk directly. If the whole village farmers can use tap water, it will change the history of the tree ridge.

Shuling should make tap water. After listening to Zhu Daidong's idea, he strongly supported it. He immediately gave instructions to Guo Lin'an, the county party secretary, and Wang Lijun, the county magistrate. He must vigorously support the tap water project of the tree ridge and let the people use the tap water as soon as possible. As for the construction of the road, the friendly army did not make a statement. Zhu Daidong did not ask any more questions. The construction of the road is not better than the delivery of water, and the capital involved is very large. As a city leader, he will never do what he can't do.

Shushuling has once again become the focus of the county. Chen Shuli and Zhu Daidong have also been pushed to the forefront of the storm. There is an endless stream of brothers and towns coming to learn the scriptures. Shushuling was originally the poorest township in the county, but now, all of this is quietly changing. Breeding alone can make the economic data of Shuling Ridge jump to the county's average this year.

During this period, Zhu Daidong has received many other township people. Now he is gradually used to envy and jealous eyes. Whether the other party is sour or admiration, he can be calm. At this time, it is not a time to be proud and complacent. The tree ridge still has a long way to go. V