Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 146 Lion Shandong Shiyi

Thank you to the book lovers: the 218th monthly ticket voted by "Idle Hobbies" and the 219th monthly ticket voted by "Ling Changjin".

The gap with the previous one is one more vote than yesterday. If it exceeds the previous one, you have to use acceleration. Friends, everyone picks up firewood and the flame is high. Can you add another fire?

This year, all townships in Yuhua County have begun to support the breeding industry. Sixteen townships in the county have also learned the breeding model of tree ridge after visiting the tree ridge. It can not only make profits for the people, but also win the praise of superior leaders. Who will let go of such a good thing?

The nearest Shizishan Township is the fastest move. The party committee and government of Shizishan Township are also very confident in revitalizing the Shizishan economy through breeding. Geographically, Shizishan Township has more advantages than Shushuling, and the economic foundation of Shizishan Township is better than that of Shushuling. Shizishan Township is the suburb of the city. Every day, I see cars from the tree ridge pulling pigs, eggs and tofu to the city. Shen Chengliang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shizishan Township, said that it was fake.

In this inspection of Shushuling Township, Ling Changjin, the head of Shizishan Township, personally led the team for two days. After returning, he brought back the breeding technology and pig breeding experience of Shushuling. Last year, the tree ridge was disguised for a year, and Lion Mountain Township will catch up with or even surpass the tree ridge in half a year

Shen Chengliang and Ling Changjin discussed for two days, and felt that it was not advisable to copy the model of tree ridges. Besides, the experience of copying tree ridges will not have any highlights at Lion Mountain at that time. The leaders of the county came down and saw that it was no different from the tree ridges. At most, the scale

The farm in Shuliling is raised by farmers in the township, and Shizishan Township decided to set up a township enterprise, which will be invested by the township. At the beginning, Shushuling couldn't afford this money, but Lion Mountain Township could afford it. Besides, the tree ridge farm can make a profit of more than 100,000 yuan a month, and the investment of 560 to 600,000 yuan can come back in a few months. I'm afraid of a bird.

The pig seedlings and feed in Shushuling are provided to farmers free of charge. Shen Changliang and Ling Changjin secretly laugh at Chen Shuli and Zhu Daidongben from Shushuling. This is to make the villagers get rich and make money. Can't they get some feed money and pig seedling money? If the money is provided by farmers, the farm will not have to pay much money, and it will only run a feed factory of about 200,000 yuan.

Pig farm, chicken seedling farm, Lion Mountain Township is not a good deal. It's too late. When the pig seedlings of the pig farm come out, it will take a few months later, and the yellow cauliflower will be cold. Moreover, the investment of pig farms is amazing, and the investment of pig farms in Shushuling farms has exceeded 500,000, not to mention doing such a thankless thing.

Lion Mountain held a meeting of township cadres and village cadres. Township cadres entered the village and shared it among the villages. There are more than 12,000 households in 30 natural administrative villages in Shizishan Township. Shen Chengliang demanded that half of the farmers must become farmers in the first half of the year, and strive to include the other half of the people in the farmer plan in the second half of the year.

At the meeting, Shen Chengliang talked about the achievements of Shuling University in breeding. Each farmer raises ten pigs at a time and slaughters them in half a year, he can get a net profit of about 500 yuan, which is 1,000 yuan a year. This is still the situation last year. This year, the farmers in Shuling have increased the number of breeding, and few more pigs have raised ten more pigs.

Several cars delivering pigs pass through Lion Mountain almost every day in Shushuling. The cadres below are not very suspicious of Secretary Shen's words. What's more, they have also heard the news that the farmers on the other side of Shushuling have indeed made money because of breeding.

The whole township of Lion Mountain was mobilized. TV stations, township cadres and village cadres took turns to encourage. There are successful examples of tree ridges, and many villagers were really moved. Although the conditions are not as good as the tree ridges, pig seedlings and feed should be settled in cash, but if they can really make money, it's not a big deal.

Shen Chengliang and Ling Changjin smiled at the beginning, and even felt light when they walked. Pig seedlings are bought from other places. If you go through the farm once, you have to make some money, and the feed can also make some money. Although the pig has not yet grown, the farm invested in the township will soon recover the cost in two months.

But the good days seemed to be coming to an end. The pigs in Lion Mountain suddenly got sick. At first, they were just anorexia and did not move. They lay there all day long, humming. A few days later, he began to die. From the first few households to dozens of households, in a few days, hundreds of households and thousands of households had this situation. Shen Chengliang and Ling Changjin were anxious and asked the agricultural technology station to find the cause of the disease. In two days, the cause of the disease was not found, but 300 pigs died.

Lion Mountain Township immediately asked the Animal Husbandry Bureau for help. He took some pig manure for testing, but there was no relevant equipment in the county, and finally transferred to the tree ridge. The tree ridge farm has a laboratory, which specializes in serving pig farms and farmers. Now the instruments in it are very complete, even more than the Animal Husbandry Bureau.

Swine fever, Dong Jinhai, who is still supporting Shuling this year, quickly concluded that Shen Chengliang and Ling Changjin look at each other, and the pig will still get sick? And it's still a plague?

"Mr. Dong, can this be cured?" Shen Chengliang asked eagerly, and he wondered why the pigs that had been raised in the tree ridge for so long had never heard of illness. How could Lion Mountain get the plague for the first time?

"Infected people can only be treated harmlessly." Dong Jinhai shook his head. Lion Mountain Township is doing a lot of work. I'm afraid the pig breeds bought have not been vaccinated, and the reason why Shushuling does not happen is that the pig seedlings have been vaccinated with various vaccines in the pig farm.

"Innoced treatment?" Shen Chengliang's face changed. The so-called harmless treatment generally adopts the method of deep burial. Thousands of pigs are buried. Although the losses of these pigs are all borne by the farmers, the burden on Shen Chengliang is not easy.

"Yes, Secretary Shen, now Shizishan Township should quickly vaccinate the unsick pigs and disinfect them. Including venues, enclosures, utensils, etc. Manure accumulates and ferments, and harmlessly treats swine fever. Dong Jinhai said quietly.

"Mr. Dong, has this ever happened to the farmers in the tree ridge?" Ling Changjin suddenly asked.

"The pig seedlings in Shuling are self-breeding. When they are sent to farmers, they have been vaccinated with various vaccines. At the same time, they will also be injected in various growth periods to ensure the healthy growth of pigs. Director Ling, I remember that you took the video of the breeding technology of the tree ridge, and it was all about it. Dong Jinhai said. Moreover, this year, all the farmers in the township have built biogas ponds, and the sanitary conditions in the pigsty have been greatly improved. Any diseases are basically difficult to spread, and they are all within the scope of exploration.

"We were careless and didn't notice this." Ling Changjin's face turned red. No wonder the price of pig seedlings in Lion Mountain is lower than that sold to farmers in Shuling. At first, he thought that the tree ling farm wanted to make more money. It turned out that their pig seedlings had been vaccinated.

Ling Changjin asked the price of the vaccine again. After listening to it, his face changed, and the price was high. But no matter how high the price is, it must be vaccinated, otherwise the pigs in Lion Mountain must die. In the end, the number of pig deaths in Lion Mountain Township remained at more than 2,200, which was a big blow to the Lion Mountain Party Committee and the government and those farmers. For the aftermath of these more than 2,200 pigs, the farmers and the township government have a completely different attitude. The farmers want the township to pay all the compensation, while Lion Mountain Township is only willing to compensate 10%. That little money is not enough for the feed the pigs to eat.

Contradiction is like water vapor. The more you suppress it, the greater the reaction will be. Hundreds of farmers in Lion Mountain Township finally rushed to the township government and beat Shen Chengliang. At that time, the crowd was full of emotions, and Secretary Shen didn't pay attention to who made it. He turned into a pig's head in vain. The impact of this matter is very great. Why can it become a breeding industry for farmers to get rich in Shuling, but it can't get a good effect when it comes to Lion Mountain Township, and even exacerbates the contradiction between the party and the masses?

He is stubborn and self-righteous. This is Zhu Daidong's view on this matter. Of course, it's just the idea in his heart. Lion Mountain wanted to take a shortcut, but it turned out to lift a stone and hit itself in the foot. From the beginning, Lion Mountain pushed all possible risks to farmers, and after the accident, it did not come up with proper handling opinions. If you lose 20 yuan for a pig, everyone will have an idea in their heart.

This incident has a great impact. It is said that Guo Lin'an went to Lion Mountain in person and met the representatives of the masses in person. Because of the outbreak of swine fever, the hands and feet of Lion Mountain Township in this breeding have also been discovered by the masses, such as pig seedlings, which are only bought from other places in the township, but they are sold to farmers for 60. There is also feed, which is more expensive than that of Shuling Feed Factory. Pigs eat it, but they grow slowly.

Guo Lin'an communicated with the main leaders of the county at that time and held a short secretary meeting on the phone. Guo Lin'an proposed to immediately remove Shen Chengliang from the position of Secretary of the Party Committee of Lion Mountain Township, and other leaders expressed their support. The work of Lion Mountain Township is temporarily presided over by Ling Changjin, and the aftermath must be properly handled.

When Guo Lin'an announced that Shen Chengliang had been removed from office, the mood of the onlookers immediately stabilized. Ling Changjin took the opportunity to announce that he would subsidize the losses of all sick and dead pigs, and the cost of the vaccine this time was also borne by the township. In front of the county party secretary, Ling Changjin had no choice. As a result, the Shizishan township government lost at least 100,000 yuan.

But in the end, the mass representative made another request, and almost let Ling Changjin spit blood: the procurement cost of pig seedlings was only 35 yuan, and the township government sold them to them for 60 yuan. Therefore, the township should return 25 yuan per pig. This requirement is reasonable. At the beginning, your township government held the banner of making profits for the whole township, but what it did was to cheat the people. If you didn't return all the pig seedlings, it would not be enough. You still wanted to make money. There is no way

"The township also needs to be spent. Pulling pig seedlings back from other places, and labor. The expenses on the road are all money." Ling Changjin had a bitter face.

But Guo Lin'an supported the will of the masses. After negotiation, the township government finally returned 20 yuan per pig. Not long ago, Ling Changjin was still thinking about when the live pigs in Lion Mountain would surpass the tree ridge. Now he is very lucky that there are only a few thousand, otherwise the township government would have to borrow rice.

Zhu Daidong thought that Lion Mountain had nothing to do with him. Now he is busy with the water project in the whole township, because the supply area is only more than 10,000 households in the township, and he only needs to build a water tower in Hulugou to meet the needs of the whole township. The construction cost of the water tower shall be borne by the county, the laying of pipelines, and the entry of tap water into the household shall be solved by the tree ridge. Shuliling Township is responsible for the laying of water pipes on the main road, each village is responsible for the laying of the branch line, and the villagers are responsible for the cost of the water pipe from the branch line to the home.

This time, more than 10,000 villagers in the township applied to open tap water. Although the tap water is also needed, the water bill is cheap and there is no guaranteed water bill. If you don't use it for a month, you don't have to pay a penny this month.

Shuling, which was originally the poorest township in the county, has now become the township with the largest number of tap water in the county, and even the tap water in the county is not as high as the forest rate. This matter not only appeared in the municipal newspaper, but also attracted the attention of the county. It seems that since Comrade Zhu Daidong became the head of Shuling Township, he has been acting continuously. He can get the strong support of the whole township people for every thing he does, which is very rare. Thinking about Shen Chengliang in Lion Mountain Township, who was hit like a pig's head by the angry crowd, the gap came out. It turned out that Lion Mountain Township ranked seven or eight places in front of the tree ridges in the county, at the middle level of the county, but now, Tree Hill has overtled, leaving Lion Mountain Township behind.

There is a sudden rumor in the county that Zhu Daidong will be transferred to Shizishan Township as the secretary of the party committee...V