Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 181 The truth inadvertently told

Thank you to the book friends: the 641st monthly ticket voted by "Guangdong D alone"; the 642nd monthly ticket voted by "He Xiaoyao"; the 643rd monthly ticket voted by "Counterattacked Xia Ya"; the 644th monthly ticket voted by "Giping Manchester United"; the 645th monthly ticket voted by The 646th monthly ticket; the 647th monthly ticket of "6422241"; the 648th monthly ticket of "cabbage small".

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Zhu Daidong and Li Shaolin stayed in the provincial capital for two days, around the agricultural vehicle market every day. Zhu Daidong even pretended to be a customer to test drive several times, so that Li Shaolin could experience the specific data. Although the county agricultural machinery factory has matured the technology of producing hand-held tractors, this time is a new product, and it may even buy an agricultural factory produced by other manufacturers as a sample in the future.

Li Shaolin is a very rigorous person. He strives to be accurate in all kinds of data. Zhu Daidong test drove twice, which was very helpful for him to collect accurate data. Originally, he could do such a thing by himself, but Zhu Daidong thought that it would be better to collect market information with his assistance. In fact, Zhu Daidong did hear a lot of valuable information in the market, such as which cars were repaired high, which cars had design defects, and if Li Shaolin came alone, he could not hear these words.

And Zhu Daidong also needs first-hand information to convince the county and revitalize the county's agricultural machinery factory, which is an opportunity for Li Shaolin, and not an opportunity for Zhu Daidong? This is the first thing he did after serving as the assistant to the county magistrate, and it can also be said that it is the first battle to be fought. I don't know how many people are preparing to watch his jokes. How can Zhu Daidong make those people get what he wants?

Sitting on the long-distance bus back to Yuhua County, Li Shaolin finally closed the notepad that he had been writing and said to Zhu Daidong with a smile, Assistant Zhu, you are really different.

"Do I have three eyes or four ears?" Zhu Daidong said with a smile that he had a full life in the provincial capital. During the day, he accompanied Li Shaolin to the agricultural market. At night, Li Shaolin summarized the harvest in his room. He went on a date with Yan Ruiling. Two nights in the provincial capital, Zhu Daidong had a lot of harvest.

"Assistant Zhu joked. I'm you said that you are not like a person who has been a township party secretary at all. He has no airs. How can he have prestige?" Li Shaolin shook his head with a smile. Although Zhu Daidong doesn't know machinery, he is a genuine college student. He can chat with himself on many issues. Moreover, this person has a cheerful personality and can talk to anyone. In the market these two days, if it weren't for him, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to collect so much information

"Haing prestige is not to see if there is a shelf." Zhu Daidong smiled gently.

The county agricultural machinery factory needs to start again and produce new products. Yu Jianyong, the director of the agricultural machinery factory, can't get around. When reporting to Wang Lijun, Zhu Daidong once said that there was another group of people, and a group of people had to be dealt with. Yu Jianyong is one of the people to deal with. In just more than three years as an agricultural machinery factory, he has made a good agricultural machinery factory half dead. Some people have long responded that he is a corrupt person, and some people have gone to the county to sue, but because he has something to do with the county, he has been fine.

Zhu Daidong heard the "reputation" of Yu Jianyong in the agricultural machinery factory. When a factory director was shamed by most workers, the factory director said nothing, and the ghosts didn't believe it. But I'm just an assistant to the county magistrate, and it's not appropriate to force Yu Jianyong to deal with for no reason. After all, I am the assistant to the county magistrate, not the assistant to the county party secretary.

If the county supports itself to transfuse blood for the agricultural machinery factory, it will be right to deal with Yu Jianyong, but the only thing that bothers Zhu Daidong now is that Yu Jianyong's fox tail has not yet been exposed. Zhu Daidong has also been near his home, and Yu Jianyong and his wife rarely talk about the factory. Yes, now that the agricultural machinery factory has stopped production, there is no need to talk about the factory, unless you give him a reason that must be told...

"Li Gong, can Yu Jianyong, the director of your factory, manage the new agricultural machinery factory?" Zhu Daidong suddenly asked, Li Shaolin is rigorous and upright. He never knew that sometimes he had to beat around the bush. He was straightforward. As a technical cadre and could be a senior engineer, he had only a high fragrance on his head.

"It's hard to say, his ability to manage the old factory is not good." Li Shaolin shook his head. Yu Jianyong stopped the production of a good agricultural machinery factory. If the new factory was left to him manage, life and death would be unpredictable. Originally, Li Shaolin was very confident that the county was going to invest in a new agricultural machinery factory, but he was much depressed at the thought of letting people like Yu Jianyong manage it.

"Do he have any other questions besides ability? For example, economic problems and lifestyle issues. Zhu Daidong asked, you have to talk straight to Li Shaolin. If you turn a corner, you can't be sure that he can't understand what you mean. At the beginning, Zhu Daidong was not used to it. After several contacts, it is easy to communicate more if you find out Li Shaolin's personality.

"I heard that he had an inexplicable relationship with several female workers in the factory before, but no one caught him later. As for economic issues, there is a lot of news about the wind and everything. To be honest, I don't know either. Li Shaolin said.

"Li Gong, hurry up and get the plan out." Zhu Daidong knew more about Yu Jianyong's situation than Li Shaolin, which is the advantage of good hearing. He went to the agricultural machinery factory and deliberately mentioned the topic to Yu Jianyong. There was no one who complained about him, but behind his back, everyone was talking about it and turned out a lot of Yu Jianyong's eup.

As soon as Li Shaolin's technical report came out, Zhu Daidong's market research and vision analysis report also came out. Wang Lijun talked to Zhu Daidong and told him that the county's funds were limited, and it was a little difficult to focus on the two factories at the same time. Start a pilot first. If your method is really feasible, then slowly promote it.

Zhu Daidong said that he would start an agricultural machinery factory and handed the reports made by himself and Li Shaolin to Wang Lijun. While looking at the materials, he reported the situation of the agricultural machinery factory and his plans.

"Are you well prepared?" Wang Lijun looked at the detailed materials in his hand and asked unexpectedly.

"It is necessary to follow the county magistrate to work." Zhu Daidong smiled modestly. He heard the results of Wang Wujun's discussion with Guo Lin'an as early as a week ago, and only took one as a pilot for the time being. It is estimated that Wang Lijun is busy with money during this period. Since Zhu Daidong knew the news in advance, of course, he would not be idle.

"How much money does the agricultural machinery factory need to start?" Wang Lijun asked that he was very satisfied with Zhu Daidong's work during this period. A qualified subordinate should be able to find the right position and know when to do something, and Zhu Daidong is very good at this regard.

"Two or three hundred thousand." Zhu Daidong made a little ambush, first quoted more than 2 million yuan, asked Wang Lijun to pay the price, and finally implemented it at 2 million yuan.

"I can only give you two million." As expected, Wang Lijun directly said his bottom line and used two million to do experiments for the agricultural machinery factory. Others thought he was crazy. If he hadn't had confidence in Zhu Daidong, he would never have won't get the money.

"Two million is two million. Although it's still a little short, it can make the agricultural machinery factory think of a way." Zhu Daidong was secretly happy, but his face said helplessly.

"You can get a cheap price and be good. The county's support for you is not great. You have to show me some results." Wang Lijun laughed.

"I guarantee to live up to the expectations of the leader. In order to better manage the agricultural machinery factory, I think we should change to a new factory director." Zhu Daidong said that the capital is hardware, and now he still needs software support.

"Isn't Yu Jianyong suitable?" Wang Lijun asked, the last time Zhu Daidong proposed to change a group of people. At that time, he did not pick up the stubble. Now it seems that Zhu Daidong already has an idea.

"If he were suitable, he would not have stopped all the current machinery and equipment of the agricultural machinery factory." Zhu Daidong sighed gently and said.

"Will replacing the factory director for no reason make the agricultural machinery factory unstable?" Wang Lijun muttered that as long as it involves personnel issues, it will be particularly inspired. The agricultural machinery factory is also a section-level unit, and Yu Jianyong is a section-level cadre.

"The opposite is true." Zhu Daidong said softly.

Wang Lijun promised to discuss with Secretary Guo. After Zhu Daidong returned to the office, he saw that Wang Lijun did not immediately report to Guo Lin'an, and knew that the county magistrate also had to figure things into a good mind. Just listening to your own side and proposing to replace people, I'm afraid you can't convince others.

There was a knock on the door twice at the door. As soon as Zhu Daidong said please come in, Tan Zhihong came in with a smile. His biggest hobby of the director of the county government office is that he likes to visit the door. In addition to Wang Lijun's office really needs to have a job to go in and ask for a report, other It's a regular customer. It can be said that Tan Zhihong is the most well-informed person in the county government except Zhu Daidong. Of course, in his opinion, he is the most well-informed person. Who would have thought that Zhu Daidong could know the size of the county party committee and county government when sitting in the office? Usually, there is nothing to do. Zhu Daidong doesn't come to the door. At most, he goes to Cao Changkuan's office for a cup of tea.

Tan Zhihong is very interested in Zhu Daidong's busy agricultural machinery factory. Every time he comes, he likes to introduce the topic to Zhu Daidong's work. What have you been busy with recently? If you need help, you must talk and so on. Today is no exception, but Zhu Daidong's mouth did not follow the lock as usual. He told Tan Zhihong that the county was going to inject 2 million yuan to the agricultural machinery factory to revitalize the agricultural machinery factory.

Tan Zhihong was really interested. He asked, isn't Yu Jianyong going to make great achievements? Zhu Daidong waited for his words and said contemptuously that Yu Jianyong still wanted to be the factory director? The shit under his buttocks has not been wiped clean. It's good that the county doesn't let him go to the Commission for Discipline Inspection to drink tea.

There is no secret in the organ. This matter soon spread to Yu Jianyong's ears. The agricultural machinery factory will re-produce. He has heard some rumors. He was still complacent and wanted to turn over, but he didn't expect that the county did not plan to let himself be the factory director again. What

In the evening, as soon as Yu Jianyong returned home, his wife asked, "Do you want to be evacuated in the county?" Yu Jianyong sneered, why? I'm not greedy. I'm honest and upright. I have to have evidence, otherwise I will go to the province to complain.

You say this outside, don't tell me. His wife said, the hole won't be popular, and you won't really do it, will you? It's impossible. Does the situation at home look like taking bribes? There is neither cash nor a passbook. Even if I come to raid the house, I am not afraid. If others don't copy this house, copy your hometown, do you still dare to talk wildly?

You dead mother-in-law, I have been out to work for more than ten years. Who will pay attention to my hometown? Besides, even when they get to their hometown, can they still open the top beam? Unlucky roared bravely.

You shout gently. If people hear it, go to your hometown and search for it. You can't think of it in your life. Yu Jianyong's wife quickly said. What are you afraid of? We are single-family. Who can hear it?

The world is impermanent, but someone has heard it, and it is clear and clear. V