Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 187 Emergency

In more than two months, the Yuhuā County Agricultural Machinery Factory turned a loss into a profit. This news shocked the whole Yuhuā County and the whole Yuhuā County Party Committee and County Government. Many people don't believe that "run to the agricultural machinery factory to see it in person" and "seeing neat agricultural vehicles parked in the big ping of the agricultural machinery factory" can't be seen at a glance.

Zhu Daidong, the assistant to the county magistrate, also handed in a satisfactory answer. The county agricultural machinery factory has stopped production. "No one can take her." But Wang Lijun took Zhu Daidong's profit of more than one million in just a month. Looking for the whole Yuhu County, how many million have been carved in three months?

After the production of the agricultural machinery factory, Wang Lijun went there several times. Every time he went there, he was very happy to see that the change of the agricultural machinery factory was not the superficial change, but the change in the spiritual outlook of the whole factory. It's easy to transform a factory. Just invest some money in it, but it's not so easy to change the spirit of a factory. Zhu Daidong, I didn't mistake him. This boy is simply a golden hand. He can send out golden eggs wherever he puts it.

The county has also made arrangements for Zhu Daidong's work next year, which has been planned for a long time. Recently, Wang Lijun and Guo Lin'an went to the city and specifically mentioned Zhu Daidong to the city's leaders.

This year, Zhu Daidong, the assistant to the county magistrate, is much easier than in the previous two years. The production of the agricultural machinery factory has a group of people in the factory, and the agricultural machinery factory will also be on holiday during the Spring Festival. This year, Zhu Daidong is going to take Yan Ruiling back to his hometown. Zhu Daidong has been looking forward to this Spring Festival for a long time.

But on the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month, a Dafeng occurred in Yuhuā County. At 1:13 a.m., the roof collapsed in the Chaoyang coal mine in Yuhuā County. Seventy-five workers in the 18th mining area were trapped underground. Chaoyang Coal Mine is a state-owned local coal mine under the management of the Municipal Hard Equipment Bureau. It was built in 1958 and is a production mine with an annual design and production capacity of 250,000 tons per year.

Guo Lin'an and Wang Lijun received a phone call at 1:15 a.m. When Zhu Daidong received the phone call in Guo Lin'an, he had heard in the dormitory that he had only left Guo Lin'an in two buildings. Zhu Daidong immediately got up, got dressed, and sat waiting for the notice from the county government.

At 30 o'clock, the main leaders of the county held an emergency meeting in the conference room of the county party committee, and Zhu Daidong attended in his own office. Although Chaoyang Coal Mine is not under the management of Yuhua County, after all, Chaoyang Coal Mine is in Yuhua County, and Yuhua County is duty-bound. Public security, fire protection, armed police, the first people's hospital of the county, the second person hospital, the county party committee and county government all the cadres at home immediately rushed to Chaoyang Coal Mine. If you can't go at night, you must be there the scene the next morning.

Zhu Daidong arrived at Chaoyang Coal Mine with Guo Lin'an and Wang Lijun at 2:45 a.m. In less than 20 minutes, the main leaders of the city, the Municipal Party Committee [Book] Cai Wenmin and Mayor Huang Ziliang all arrived at Chaoyang Coal Mine. This incident has shocked the province, and the main leaders of the provincial party committee instructed that they must make every effort to ensure the safety of miners.

Zhu Daidong did not attend the meeting of the leaders of the municipal party committee and the county leaders. He found the technician of the coal mine and asked about the location of the 18 mining area. Now he only knows the landslide below, and the specific reason is not clear.

Zhu Daidong proposed to Wang Lijun that he wanted to go down to the well to participate in the front-line rescue. Wang Lijun was stunned. All the county has to do now is to coordinate the work. The specific rescue task can only come up with the rescue plan after the technical personnel of the Mining Bureau and Chaoyang Coal Mine have

Zhu Daidong is very persistent. Now time is life. Others may just be busy in the well, but he is different. What is the biggest problem of underground rescue? The specific location of the trapped miners cannot be found. The mine path below is blocked and the air is not smooth. Every more minute, their hope of survival will be one point less.

Zhu Daidong's hearing can penetrate the soil layer one or two hundred meters thick. As long as he is allowed to reach the 18th district, this biggest problem will not exist.

"play the piano randomly!" When Jiang Shijie, director of Sha Standing Mining Bureau, heard Zhu Daidong's request, he said angrily that Zhu Daidong was only a staff member of the county government. How could he have experience in rescue?

Zhu Daidong didn't want to convince Jiang Shijie, and also said that he would not accept Jiang Shijie. He directly found Cai Wenmin and Huang Ziliang and reported his thoughts to them. Huang Ziliang frowned tightly and said, "It's still dangerous in the underground now. Are you not a professional?"

Mayor Huang, the rescue plan has not come out yet. I think we can also provide the latest information for the headquarters when we go to the scene now. There are more than 70 people below. Every minute, it is very dangerous for them, and saving people is the most important thing.

Yes, saving people is the most important thing. The main leaders of the provincial party committee are also on their way to Yuhua County. If Shachang City can't come up with an effective rescue plan before, not to mention killing people, at least it is incompetent. Now the Mining Bureau is still studying the rescue plan. I'm afraid that Zhu Daidong dares to propose it. Let's go underground to rescue at this time.

Cai Wenmin and Huang Ziliang called Jiang Shijie and asked if they could send a rescue team to the well now? Jiang Shijie glanced at Zhu Daidong dissatisfiedly and nodded reluctantly. Huang Ziliang said, "Well, please ask the technician of the Mining Bureau and Zhu Daidong to go down the well together. Huang Ziliang didn't know why, but suddenly believed in Zhu Daidong. Zhu Daidong has brought him a lot of surprises and surprises. He also heard about the agricultural machinery factory in Yuhuā County. He couldn't believe that he could invigorate a state-owned enterprise on the verge of bankruptcy.

He didn't dare to let Jiang Shijie go down the well, but there was still no problem to send a technical cadre down the well. Zhu Daidong went into the well with Cao Kuixing, the director of the Technical Department of the Mining Bureau, and Zhang Junwei, the technical deputy director of Chaoyang Coal Mine. Of course, there is also a rescue team with manual excavation tools.

This is the first time that Zhu Daidong has taken a well truck and quietly listened to the sound of the scooter pulling the bucket truck. "My body is going deep into the ground. It's fake to say that he is not nervous. Zhang Junwei grew from an ordinary coal miner in Chaoyang Coal Mine to a deputy mine director step by step. It turned out that he once served as the district head of the 18th district. He is very familiar with the situation of the 18th district.

"Zhang Kuang, how far is it?" Zhu Daidong asked nervously and saw that the surroundings were dark, as if sliding into the abyss.

"It will be there in about 20 minutes." Zhang Junwei still admires Zhu Daidong's active request to go down the well. There are not many leaders on the ground who dare to go down the well. He and Cao Kuixing are technical cadres. "It is common for Zhu Daidong, who has never been down the well, to suddenly go down at such a moment" is also a test for him.

The area of the landslide is very large. Cao Kuixing and Zhang Junwei are studying the mine map, while Zhu Daidong keeps walking around in the mine, and he is listening to the direction. Following the position of the landslide, Zhu Daidong did not hear any signs of life. According to the conjecture, the distance of the landslide was at least 200 meters.

Is there still a mine road on the side of "Zhang Kuang"? Zhu Daidong asked.

"Next to? "No, at least I don't know." Zhang Junwei doesn't know why Zhu Daidong asked this. He entered the Chaoyang Coal Mine 20 years ago and was still familiar with the situation of the 18th mining area. He never knew that there were other mines next to this main mine.

"Zhang Kuang, I think you can try digging from the mine wall." Zhu Daidong proposed.

"Assistant Zhu" can't have any abandoned mine lanes. Digging from the side will only waste time and manpower. Cao Kuixing believes that the reason why Zhu Daidong came down is purely to perform in front of the leader, "although there is a little risk", but this kind of adventure is worth it.

Zhu Daidong was very discouraged. He firmly said to Zhang Junwei that he would give it a try no matter what. Excavation from the landslide may cause the continued collapse. If the person is not rescued, it will sink in again, which is even worse. Zhu Daidong wanted to dig from the left, but Cao Kuixing thought that digging from the right would bypass the landslide point faster, while Zhang Junwei believed that it was easiest to dig directly from the landslide.

When I came down, I didn't specify who to listen to. Now it's good. "Three people have three opinions, and no one can convince anyone. Zhu Daidong jumped in a hurry. "He didn't come down to show off, he just wanted to save people through his special ability.

If he had known to bring two more rescue teams down, Zhu Daidong thought that after carefully listening to the voice over there, he said to Zhang Junwei and Cao Kuixing that he would dig ten meters to the left. If there was no progress, he would support their opinions. Zhang Junwei and Cao Kuixing saw Zhu Daidong saying sincerely, and they only dug ten meters, even if it was really a waste of time, it would not be too much. What's more, they are not very sure about their own plan.

After ten meters of excavation, the miracle happened as scheduled. Zhang Junwei was the most [Xing], and an abandoned mine suddenly appeared next to the main mine road, which means that the rescue will make significant progress. If it hadn't been impossible to get in touch with the ground now, this news would have made the leaders above excited.

"Assistant Zhu" I have a question. How did you know that there was such an abandoned mine? Cao Kuixing asked puzzledly. When such an abandoned mine really appeared, his surprise was beyond words. Even Zhang Junwei, the technical deputy director who has worked in Chaoyang Coal Mine for more than 20 years, does not know that there is such a mine, but Zhu Daidong can find it accurately only when he went down for the first time.

"Maybe it's intuition. My intuition has always been accurate." If Zhang Junwei and Cao Kuixing didn't listen to him just now, he might have told his secret, but now he won't say it.

This abandoned mine road is not parallel to the main mine road, but even so, it can bring great convenience to the rescue work. Zhang Junwei walked to the abandoned mine road and immediately pointed out that this mine strip has been at least more than 30 years. Maybe it existed when the mine was built. No wonder it was not marked on the drawings on the mine.

After walking more than 200 meters along the abandoned mine lane, Zhu Daidong suddenly stopped because he had heard the voice of the miners from the main mine lane. Zhang Junwei and Cao Kuixing did not object this time. They were very convinced of Zhu Daidong's intuition.