Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 198 Share in the Fertilizer Plant

After a period of time in the competition for the recruitment of production workers, the original factory department also boldly implemented the streamlining of the organization and the employment of personnel. The factory department has been compressed from the original 13 departments to two departments and three departments (Party Committee Office, Factory Office, Finance Department, New Product Development Department, Security Department), and 37 positions have been set up. It still adopts the method of listing announcement, self-recommendation of positions, and two-way selection to openly compete for positions.

Except for the work, security and the personnel assigned to each branch factory, there are only 19 people who are really engaged in the administrative coordination and management of the enterprise in the factory department, accounting for only 1/10 of the total number of the original management personnel. In the competitive recruitment work, the party committee of the factory adheres to the principle of employing people from the One deputy factory-level cadre has been rehired as the head of the production section, another one has been hired by the factory department as the director of the factory office, and three have still not found a suitable position.

And a person in charge of the original branch was hired as an assistant to the factory director. So far, 639 of the 1,269 regular employees of the fertilizer factory are competing for the post, and some are employees who meet the conditions for internal withdrawal. They have gone through the internal withdrawal procedures, and 493 employees have been laid off. Now the fertilizer plant is ready for everything, only the east wind.

The development zone and the machinery factory have become a new machinery company, just borrowing chickens to lay eggs. Now, Zhu Daidong is ready to call the chicken directly. However, Zhu Daidong still needs to think about which chicken to choose.

Zhu Daidong went to Lion Mountain and inspected the work of the furniture factory. The panel furniture of the furniture factory is now selling very well, and the monthly profit makes Zhu Daidong a little jealous. At present, the profit of the agricultural machinery factory is nearly 600,000 yuan per month, and there are more machinery companies. The monthly profit can reach 1.2 to 1.5 million yuan. The products are not only sold well in the province, but also exported to the whole country. Recently, it has also been exported to Southeast Asia, becoming the first foreign exchange-generating enterprise in the history of Yu Although it was only sold to Thailand, Vietnam and Laos, after all, it also went out of the country and rushed to the world.

Because of this incident, the machinery company has really lost its face. The provincial newspaper, daily and county TV station have reported it. It is precisely because of the popularity of the machinery company that Zhu Daidong can repay the loans of Lion Mountain and Tree Ridge within the time he set. But such a profit is still slightly worse than that of a furniture factory. This is the difference between new technology and traditional products. Modern technology and modern technology, if the machinery company does not have more distinctive products, it may be difficult to surpass the furniture factory.

At noon in Lion Mountain, Ling Changjin and Guo Chunhua hosted Zhu Daidong together. During the banquet, Zhu Daidong introduced the current situation of the fertilizer factory to them. Guo Chunhua was still the same as before. Zhu Daidong pointed to him, and he hit wherever he pointed. But Ling Changjin was a little hesitant. He knew what Zhu Daidong meant, "The fertilizer factory needs a large amount of money. Lion Mountain has this money, and the furniture factory can afford it, but after all, Lion Mountain is far away from the county, so he participates in state-owned enterprises in the county, and Ling Changjin is not sure.

Zhu Daidong's reaction to Ling Changjin has been estimated that Ling Changjin has not served as the party secretary of Lion Mountain Township for a long time. Unlike himself, he will serve as a party committee [book] and remember that he will have the opportunity to be promoted to the county in a little more than a year. Seeing that Ling Changjin enjoys his current position, it is difficult for him to bet his treasure in the fertilizer factory.

When he was in the tree ridge, Zhu Daidong just talked a little bit. Chen Shuli was very interested. This is because everyone's position and attitude are different. Chen Shuli has been working in Shushuling for seven or eight years." Zhu Daidong was just assigned to Shushuling Middle School, and he was the township party committee [book]. Now Zhu Daidong is the deputy head of the county. He is still in the township party committee. The reason why Shuling can achieve the current achievements is also because of Zhu Daidong's light. Chen Shuli wants to move day and night for the position under his buttocks.

Originally, in the general election a few years ago, Chen Shuli had a good opportunity, but Wang Wenhu, the deputy of the county party committee at that time, unexpectedly lost the election, which made Chen Shuli's plan in vain. In the past few years, Chen Shuli has been lying on the gallbladder. He is determined to do something and can no longer be shrouded in the aura of Zhu Daidong. Otherwise, he doesn't know how long he will do it.

Of course, Chen Shuli's most hope is to be able to raise the upper half like Zhu Daidong, but if he can be temporarily transferred to the county to marry and serve as the leader of a first-class bureau, it is also better than guarding in the tree ridge. Now that he has left, he can be called a successful retreat, but if he waits for a few more years, it will become a hardship.

Shushuling investment fertilizer factory can't let Chen Shuli's work be transferred immediately, but this is a crucial move. Chen Shuli took a fancy to the position of the Development Zone Working Committee [Book] held by Zhu Daidong. Judging from the current development of the Development Zone, the Development Zone Working Committee [Shu] is no worse than that of a kind of bureau.

Although Shushuling Township has not invested in the farm, Chen Shuli has always had a great influence on the farm. The farm chief of the farm has always been the deputy head of the township, which also shows the importance and control of the farm in the township.

"Daidong, how much money does the fertilizer plant need to start again?" Chen Shu asked right.

"Fifteen million, I have talked to some technicians of the fertilizer factory. If you want the fertilizer factory to re-produce and the fertilizer produced is market competitive, new production equipment must be introduced. That set of equipment alone is more than 12 million." Zhu Daidong said that the fertilizer plant also needs to settle those dismissed workers, which also requires a large amount of money, 15 million. It seems to be a lot, but in fact it is only enough.

"Fifteen million?" Chen Shuli was also shocked by this number. Last year, the price of live pigs across the country fell, and the tree ridge farm was also affected. The annual profit was only about 30 million yuan. In addition to deducting part of the dividends, the farm's could only use more than 10 million yuan. This is what Chen Shu immediately intended to stay. If there is no money in the account of the farm, the township government needs to carry out projects, so it can only stare?

"The investment is large and the return is also high. Like the fertilizer industry, in fact, at present, it cannot be eliminated within a few decades in China, and the fertilizer industry will only become more and more prosperous. Now it is absolutely worthwhile to invest in fertilizer factories." Zhu Daidong said.

It is necessary to squeeze all the farms at once, and Chen Shuli is not very sure. After all, the farm was started by the whole township to raise funds, and the township only has the role of management and guidance for the farm. Such a big event also needs to obtain the consent of all the village directors and village secretary.

Looking at Zhu Daidong, Chen set up his mind. Although Ji Daidong has left the tree ridge for nearly two years, his influence on the tree ridge has not decreased at all. Zhu Daidong came to Shuliling for the first time as the deputy county magistrate. The village cadres below came to the countryside spontaneously. Many of them were blindly convinced of Zhu Daidong.

Taking advantage of Zhu Daidong's presence, Chen Shuli held a village-wide cadre conference. At the meeting, Zhu Daidong spoke first. No matter what his identity used to be, whether he was a subordinate of Chen Shuli or not, but now he is the deputy county magistrate and the leader of the county, and the tree ridge must show him that he attaches enough importance.

Zhu Daidong told the village cadres about the situation of the fertilizer factory. From the past to now, the fertilizer factory has deepened the grass reform, streamlined the mechanism, and is ready to introduce new production equipment. Now, the fertilizer factory only needs one thing to resume production immediately, and it is to expand reproduction, money! 15 million!

After talking about investment, Zhu Daidong talked about the return. The Shuling farm invested 15 million yuan, which will account for 49 percent of the shares. The reason why it does not exceed 50% is that the farm is a collective enterprise after all. The nature of the state-owned enterprise cannot be changed, and it must be controlled by the fertilizer plant. This is not like a machinery company, where the development zone accounts for 55% of the shares, because after all, the development zone is a government agency. Whether it is a controlling stake, the nature of state-owned enterprises has not changed.

Zhu Daidong optimistically estimates that the 15 million invested by the tree ridge farm will recover the cost in about a year. As we all know, farmers can't farm without chemical fertilizer. As long as the quality of the fertilizer produced by the fertilizer factory is guaranteed and the price can be competitive in the market, it is only a matter of time to make a profit.

Next, Chen Shuli also said. Of course, he praised the benefits of investing in fertilizer factories in farms. Chen Shuli has only one central idea. You don't believe me and the township government. Can't you still believe the county magistrate Zhu? Which enterprise made by County Magistrate Zhu didn't make money? The county agricultural machinery factory, which is now produced, is driving on the ground of the tree ridge. The combination of rice machines and paddle mills of mechanical companies have entered the homes of ordinary people. Now it's a fertilizer factory again. There are not many opportunities like this. Tree Ridge can't put all the eggs in a basket. Even if you take ten thousand steps back, if you really lose money, can't you afford to lose the current size of the farm? But what if you make money? The people on the tree ridge have another way to get rich.

Finally, Pan Daoyi's speech. He didn't say much. The most important sentence is that I believe in the county magistrate Zhu. The village cadres below listened and nodded slightly. Now they have all made a fortune because of this farm. Who brought them all this? County Magistrate Zhu. The head of Zhu County went to Lion Mountain to set up a furniture factory. Now the people in Lion Mountain are divided into dividends twice a year, which is even better than receiving the national salary.

Hou Lihua stood up and was the first to support Zhu Daidong. He said that he had always supported Zhu's affairs unconditionally. Next, Hu Fenqiang and Ma Mingyi, who have prestige among the village cadres, all expressed their position. Among them, Ma Mingyi said such a sentence. I don't know about the fertilizer factory, but I know the head of Zhu County. As long as he can do this, he will definitely do it! This was heard by others, and they were deeply convinced.

It's just that Chen Shuli, who is sitting on the stage, is a little sour. The people below do not support Zhu Daidong because of his current status as deputy county magistrate, but because of the three words Zhu Daidong. They support Zhu Daidong, not Deputy County Magistrate Zhu. Originally, he thought that he had worked in Shuling for so many years, and his prestige among the village cadres was very high, but now compared with Zhu Daidong, the two seemed to be one level worse.