Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 205 Power can change body function

Liu Fang found that her husband Tang Taojiang's look suddenly felt much better during this period, with a red face and a trance. It turned out that I was out of breath after a few steps, but now I walk with the wind, talking like a bell, full of breath, as if ten years younger. Tang Taojiang used to have some geriatric diseases, but during this period, those diseases suddenly disappeared. Liu Fang specially took him to the hospital for a physical examination. Even the doctor couldn't believe the results of the examination. Tang Taojiang's physical function is recovering at a rapid rate. According to this development trend, the original high blood pressure and high fat will soon drop. The doctor suggested that Tang Taojiang should stop taking medicine. As long as it is supplemented by food therapy and pay attention to exercise, he can quickly return to his health.

All this is due to the transfer of Tang Taojiang's work. Although he is only the deputy director of the fertilizer factory for the time being, he presides over the daily work of the fertilizer factory. Compared with the trade union managed by the Education Bureau, it is one in the sky and one on the ground. Moreover, the reason why Zhu Daidong transferred him to be the deputy factory director was obviously to prepare for the appointment of factory director.

This may be the charm of power. Tang Taojiang was crushed to death by Wu Zhen in the Education Bureau. He was like a living dead all day long. When the people in the bureau saw him, he was like hiding from the god of plague, and he was bored. But now, there are more than 600 people in the fertilizer factory, he is below one person, more than 600 people, and the other two deputy factory directors are also below his ranking. When I started to work, of course, I was enthusiastic, and my mind suddenly became very flexible. Although he is not familiar with the specific business of the fertilizer plant, after this period of hard work, Tang Taojiang has a thorough understanding of the fertilizer plant.

The adjustment of work has led to the change of power, which has made Tang Taojiang extremely excited and energetic during this period. And his change has also led to subtle changes in the whole family. The family will never be dead again, and gradually full of laughter. Since Tang Taojiang's job transfer, the number of visitors to his home has also increased significantly, including the former colleagues of the Education Bureau, who often visit for help.

Thinking of the original treatment in the bureau, Tang Taojiang sighed and took the right step. Although her daughter and Zhu Daidong have broken up, as soon as she comes out, she is still so lethal. Tang Xiaoyu did not tell her family about her meeting with Zhu Daidong, and even Tang Taojiang didn't know that the best relationship with Zhu Daidong was the youngest daughter.

"Xiaoli, you can find a chance to make an appointment with the county magistrate Zhu again. It's not easy for me to come forward in this matter. You can thank him for me." During dinner in the evening, Tang Taojiang told him.

"Dad is not such a person. Since he has helped you, I don't intend to ask you to thank him. As long as you don't smear him at work and make achievements, it is the best thanks to him. Tang Xiaoli said lightly.

"How did this child talk to your father?" Liu Fang said dissatisfiedly, "It's one thing for the county magistrate Zhu to want us to thank or not. It's another thing for us to thank or not. If he is with you... it's a family that doesn't talk about two families, but not now.

"Mom, why are you talking about these things?" Tang Xiaoli said angrily.

"What's wrong with what I said? If your father hadn't firmly opposed it, I would have been the county magistrate's mother-in-law now. Liu Fang said with some regret that it would be great if she didn't go to the in-laws' house with that three dozen [book]. How much face does it take for the son-in-law to go out as the deputy county magistrate? Who saw himself without nodding his head?

"Don't talk about these things about Chen Guzi's rotten sesame seeds. We are sorry for him, but if we really want to say it, if I hadn't put him on the tree ridge, I really don't know if he can get to this point now." Tang Taojiang said.

"Yo, so he is now the deputy county magistrate, or is it because of your credit?" Liu Fang said coldly, "Mom and Dad, you all say less. I don't want to mention the past." Tang Xiaoli said angrily that if she wanted to regret, she was the most regretful. At the beginning, the vows between the two were still vivid in the school, but as soon as they graduated, she succumbed to her family. If she had followed the tree ridge with all her heart at the beginning, now..., alas.

"Yes, don't mention this in the future. You have to protect the leader's privacy." Tang Taojiang laughed and said.

"Dad, you are an official fan." When Tang Xiaoli saw that her father's first consideration was Zhu Daidong's feelings, she really didn't know what to say.

"You can ask the cadres in the whole county who doesn't want to be an official? Who doesn't want to climb up? However, the more you go up, the fewer opportunities and the greater the difficulties. Although the fertilizer factory is an enterprise, how many people have to fight for this position even if they break their heads? As long as you have a good relationship with Zhu Daidong, it's only a matter of time for Dad to return to the administrative organ in the future. Tang Taojiang didn't care. There was nothing to be embarrassed to admit.

Tang Xiaoli called Zhu Daidong again and asked him out for dinner, but this time Zhu Daidong did not agree. He thanked Tang Xiaoli for his invitation on the phone. The reason why Zhu Daidong transferred Tang Taojiang to the fertilizer factory. There are reasons for Tang Xiaoli, Tang Xiaoyu, and Tang Taojiang's own ability is also crucial. Tang Taojiang has been the deputy director of the Education Bureau for many years. There is no doubt about his ability and level, and his personal style is also acceptable. Although his character is not very noble, in the officialdom, in order to climb up, many people who have done more ridiculously than Tang Taojiang have not heard of Tang Taojiang in the county government for so many years The worst review is at most disdain for sacrificing his daughter for himself. If not, even if the two sisters Tang Xiaoli and Tang Xiaoyu were in the battle, he would not have let go. Transfering Tang Taojiang to the fertilizer factory is also a return to the Tang family. As Tang Taojiang speculated, Zhu Daidong also believes that his ability to stand in such a position now has something to do with Tang Taojiang at the beginning. If it hadn't been for the fall on the steps in front of his office, he might have at least his own figure in Shuling Middle School.

As for Tang Taojiang's transfer back to the administrative agency in the future, that's another matter. According to Zhu Daidong, it depends on the opportunity. What is the opportunity? That is, let's talk about everything then.

Tang Taojiang's performance in the fertilizer factory is not bad. Since he served as the administrative deputy factory director, he has won the recognition of the fertilizer factory. As the director of a fertilizer factory, it is not responsible for production or sales, but to master the whole matter, especially the communication with the outside world, which is particularly important. Tang Taojiang is an old organ cadre. He is familiar with dealing with such matters, and he also has his own network in Yuhuā County, but it turned out that because of Wu Zhen's suppression, this network has shrunk seriously. And now Zhu Daidong strongly supports him. It's like taking an expansion agent, and the network of relationships has expanded sharply. When I saw Tang Taojiang, I didn't think of him, the director of the fertilizer factory, but the now hot deputy county magistrate Zhu Daidong.

One month after the official production of the fertilizer plant, Zhu Daidong reported to the county party committee and county government, requesting the removal of his position as the director of the fertilizer plant. Zhu Daidong suggested that the new fertilizer plant director should appoint Comrade Tang Taojiang, and the county party committee adopted his suggestion.

Although it had long been expected that he would be the director of the fertilizer factory, Tang Taojiang was still very excited after Jin Zhen received the appointment. His administrative level was also adjusted from the deputy department to the main department. For this level, he once paid for his daughter's happiness, but he got nothing. Zhu Daidong, who almost became his son-in-law, helped himself at the critical moment. Life is like a play, life is like a play.

Tang Taojiang officially served as the director of the fertilizer factory, and Zhu Daidong's energy began to turn to other places. Although he was in charge of only a few things, he had to do every job well, so that he was young and strong, and sometimes he felt that he was not energetic and had enough time. A person's energy and time are limited, but the work is endless, as long as you grasp the center of the work.

At the county-wide enterprise conference, Zhu Daidong introduced the production, management and restructuring experience of Shuling Farm, Lion Mountain Furniture Factory, County Agricultural Machinery Factory, County Machinery Company, and County Fertilizer Factory. He asked the enterprises in the county to deepen the reform of grass, emancipate their minds, and give full play to the advantages of local characteristics in combination It pays special attention to the power of science and technology, and truly implements science and technology as the first productive force. All the enterprises that Zhu Daidong has been dealing with over the years put science and technology first. This is the case for farms, furniture factories, and even more so are agricultural machinery factories, machinery companies and fertilizer factories.

There are many enterprises in the county, and there are also many state-owned enterprises. For state-owned enterprises, it is necessary to streamline the organization, put down the burden, and increase the market competitiveness of products. It is not the era of planned economy, and the county will no longer set quotas by you. If you want to make a profit, you must let the products be sold. Otherwise, if you put it in the warehouse, it will only be a loss.

In addition to the meeting, Zhu Daidong will go deep into the enterprise as long as he has time. He especially likes to communicate with front-line workers, technicians and marketers. For these enterprises that are still in production, he can often find a way out of the predicament through such communication. For example, the county cement factory, although the cost has now decreased by 35%, compared with other cement enterprises, the production technology of the county cement factory is lagging behind. Therefore, Zhu Daidong asked the county cement factory to introduce the latest dry cement production process. Although the initial investment is relatively large, compared with the advantages after the cost is greatly reduced, this investment is nothing.

The cement factory has already gone out of the field. After investigating other enterprises, Li Zibo decided to introduce 2,000 tons of dry cement production equipment from Germany. In addition to the own funds of the cement factory, it also needs to borrow 30 million yuan from the bank. With such a large amount of money, a bank dare not lend it. Zhu Daidong found Guo Lin'an and Wang Lijun, and the county's Agricultural Bank of China, ICBC, Bank of Communications and CCB each with loans ranging from millions to 10 million. With new equipment as collateral, coupled with the guarantee of the county government, the problem of insufficient funds was finally solved.

There are also county pesticide factories and county textile factories... As long as you start with science and technology and find ways to increase capital investment, you will definitely find a way to make enterprises turn their losses and increase profits.