Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 275 Impressed by a file

Zhu Daidong now not only wants to increase the share of Yuhuā County to 30%, but also needs to negotiate the matter in the shortest time. The mayor gave the order that he would get the contract before noon. Of course, as long as the contract here is signed, he can immediately show off with the workers' representatives, which is the best way to stabilize the mood of workers.

Now Zhu Daidong is very sure that he can take down this contract in the shortest time, but there is no good way. Therefore, he was so clever that he asked Li Moxuan to get the county document, hoping to use that document to impress Li Guangsheng.

When Li Guangsheng saw the document, he was really moved. When he learned that all these tuition fees would be paid by the development zone, he didn't say anything for a long time. Li Guangsheng knows that there are some places abroad that don't cost money from primary school to high school, but he has never heard of such a thing in China. Only Lion Mountain Township in Yuhuā County achieved this. At that time, Li Guangsheng was surprised to go to Lion Mountain Township to learn about the situation and found that the situation was true. He was very happy. He specially ordered a batch of schoolbags from Hong Kong and sent them to Lion Mountain, and each student sent a schoolbag.

Is Yuhuā County going to fully implement this free system? It is clearly written in black and white that Yuhuā County will achieve this goal within two years. The key to achieving this goal is the development zone. The tuition fees of all students in the county must be provided by the development zone. After five years, it depends on the situation. Whether it will be borne by the county finance.

"I am willing to do my part for the education cause of Yuhuā County.

" Li Guangsheng put down the document and said slowly.

"I thank you on behalf of the 76,000,827 students in the county!" Zhu Daidong said sincerely.

"Daidong, it's really a blessing for them to have officials like you in Yuhuā County." Li Guangsheng not only has investment in Yuhuā County. After economic growth in other places, there will be an upstart mentality, build office buildings and buy luxury cars." He engages in all kinds of lighting projects, beautification projects, face projects The project is already very supportive of the cause of education. Like Yuhuā County, it is unique to take out one-third of the fiscal revenue to invest in education!

"Brother Li, if a caring and benevolent businessman like you doesn't support us, it would be difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice." Zhu Daidong said with a smile, "After the business talk," the two returned to their original identities.

Just now, Li Moxuan was out of breath and brought the document from the county government. He has been thinking, why does the county magistrate Zhu want this document? This is a document issued by the county to all towns and schools in the county. Changlongda is from Hong Kong. What does it have to do with this matter? But the county magistrate Zhu's instructions should be implemented. If he doesn't understand, he should also implement it. Li Moxuan never thought that Zhu Daidong would tease himself if he had nothing to do.

"When will you sign the contract? Do you still need to study in your county? Li Guangsheng said with a smile.

"It's better to sign it now. This time I'm the plenipotentiary representative. After your first fund was received, the construction of the factory building, dormitory and related supporting facilities will start immediately, and strive to be officially produced within the first month of next year. Is there any problem?" Zhu Daidong asked, "Of course, there is no problem. If you are in a hurry to let me make money, how can I refuse?" Li Guangsheng said with a smile.

It should not be too late. Zhu Daidong quickly took Li Guangsheng and his party to the county government. On the way, Zhu Daidong frankly told Li Guangsheng and told him what happened in the city today. This contract will deal with the results of the matter.

"Dai Dong, thank you for telling me this. You can solve the problems of our enterprises. Why can't we solve some problems for the government?" Li Guangsheng actually knew that something big had happened in Yuhuā County. This morning, the whole county was talking about this matter everywhere, but everyone echoed, and no one knew the real story.

"Brother Li, I'm glad that you can think like this." Zhu Daidong said with a smile that he would not think that Li Guangsheng would take the opportunity to raise the price by taking advantage of this matter, but he also left a narrow eye and told Li Guangsheng before the contract was negotiated and officially signed. In business, the most important credit is Li Guangsheng's person. He will never take the opportunity to get stuck.

Wang Lijun has been waiting for Zhu Daidong's news in the office. As soon as it was settled, he immediately asked the office to prepare the contract, and also had a signing ceremony in the conference room. Originally, such a big contract should have been grand, but today there is a reason." It's just him and Zhu Daidong who can get it in the county.

After the two sides exchanged contracts, Zhu Daidong was the first to call Tian Yuhao and told him that everything was going well. The contract was immediately sent to the city. After asking Cai [book] and Mayor Huang, Tian Yuhao told Zhu Daidong to ask Comrade Wang Lijun to send the contract. This is the second time that Li Guangsheng has signed an investment contract with Yuhuā County, and he should be treated well. Today's situation is special, so Zhu Daidong must explain it to the other party. After the problems in the city are solved, the county party committee will come forward to entertain Li Guangsheng and Zhu Daidong's heart, but he said with a smile, "Please don't worry, I will definitely entertain Mr. Li."

The contract is negotiated by yourself, and the shares are negotiated by yourself. Yuhuā County has no other investment except for providing land and factories. Compared with the investment of 65 million, what is this money? Zhu Daidong did something to win the greatest benefit for the county. Of course, he also hoped to be appreciated by the leaders. In officialdom, many officials do things for their superiors, and even some things will make the masses have opinions.

Of course, Zhu Daidong disdained to do such image projects and face projects, but he really did something, and this time Yuhuā County helped to solve 3,000 laid-off workers in the city, which will definitely show his face in the city. But I can't share such an opportunity. I'm really angry.

Although Tian Yuhao said that he was the instructions given by the leaders of the municipal party committee after asking Cai Wenmin and Huang Ziliang, who knew whether what he said was true or not? Zhu Daidong even felt that he still had some tinnitus.

Tian Yu's boldness is not enough!

An excellent leader should not be jealous and defensive to capable subordinates. What's more, Tian Yuhao has a backstage in the province, and he still has to be jealous of virtuous abilities? The people below can do things" and can also make achievements. Not only do not praise, but also in disguise. If Tian Yuhao is sincere, he should invite Li Guangsheng to the city and let the leaders of the municipal party committee meet him, instead of "hidging" him in Yuhuā County as he is now.

Can the leader of the Municipal Party Committee see Li Guangsheng? Can he stop it? Does Li Guangsheng have no long legs? If he wants to go to the city, who can stop him?

Zhu Daidong is no longer a little man who has just entered the office. "He will not deliberately take Li Guangsheng to the city" or go to anyone to complain. These are all very retarded practices. With Zhu Daidong's current political wisdom, he will definitely not make such a mistake. Complaining is not the way to solve the problem. You can only solve your own problems by yourself. In fact, since Zhu Daidong knew that Tian Yuhao was the nephew of Executive Vice Governor Tian Haiyang, his inner balance has gradually turned to Tian Yuhao.

It's all about work. As long as it doesn't affect the normal operation of the county's work, Zhu Daidong will of course choose a strong party, which is human. Even Cai Wenmin, the Municipal Party Committee, is willing to make friends with Cai Wenmin, and Zhu Daidong can't avoid vulgarity. Otherwise, he would not be led by Tian Yuhao step by step today. However, Tian Yuhao's anger made Zhu Daidong retreat again." Originally, when he spoke to Tian Yuhao's first inaugural speech, he was not used to fraud. In the end, Tian Yuhao was self-defeating, and Zhu Daidong gave him a big question mark in his heart.

But Tian Yuhao's performance just now, this person not only has strong self-esteem, but also has no ordinary vanity. Maybe Tian Yuhao just subconsciously said that, but it is precisely because of this that Zhu Daidong feels that it is Tian Yuhao's real idea.

In fact, even if Tian Yuhao invites Li Guangsheng to the city, Li Guangsheng may not go. He is already very busy, and he takes several months to travel around the world every year. Life and work are very important to him. Now it is only more than half a month before the Spring Festival. Of course, Li Guangsheng can no longer stay in Yuhuā County.

Li Guangsheng left Geng Haixiang in Yuhuā County. After that, Geng Haixiang will be the general manager of Hong Kong of Changlongda Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Except for the Spring Festival, Geng Haixiang will return to Hong Kong for a few days, and he will stay in Yuhuā County for the rest of the time.

When Tian Yuhao came back in the afternoon, Li Guangsheng had already left Yuhuā County. After listening to this, Tian Yuhao was obviously stunned for a moment. Zhu Daidong did not explain. Whether you are the county party secretary or not, you are busy, and he is even busier.

"Comrade Daidong, haven't you received Mr. Li well?" Tian Yuhao asked.

"Tian [Book] There are instructions. You must try your best to entertain Hong Kong guests well. How can I neglect it?" In fact, "Mr. Li is very satisfied with the hospitality of our Yuhu County. The main reason why he is in a hurry to leave is that the business is too busy." Zhu Daidong smiled and said, "No matter whether Tian Yuhao accepts his explanation or not, he will say this.

In fact, Li Guangsheng was really satisfied with the hospitality of Yuhuā County, especially when he saw drinks, coffee and other things added to all the rooms in the hotel in the afternoon.

"I hope so." Tian Yuhao said without hesitation that he felt incredible that Li Guangsheng left so soon. As soon as he signed the contract with the county, the boss left? I didn't even come back with my own leader. Is it really busy, or is it too much to give face? Tian Yuhao believes that "it is likely to be the latter" and among them, Zhu Daidong may instigate Li Guangsheng to do so.

Tian Yuhao already knows that Li Guangsheng has a very good personal relationship with Zhu Daidong. If it weren't for this, I'm afraid that Hong Kong Changlongda would not have come to Yuhuā County to invest. In terms of investment environment, Lengling County may not be worse than Yuhuā County, but at the last investment attraction fair in the city, Lengling County lost to Yuhuā County. Among them, tens of millions of investments of Changlongda Meat Products Processing Company are indispensable.

Zhu Daidong just smiled without explanation.