Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 325 Heavy Mood

This motor factory has been relocated from Zhuhai as a whole. More than 1,000 people, a wholly Japanese-owned enterprise, have produced all the motors. And the raw materials of the motor factory are all shipped from abroad. The factory in the mainland is just a processing and production base. The reason why he moved to Yuhuā County from Zhuhai is not only because of the strong requirements of the factory employees, but also because of the tax policy, cheap land and excellent investment environment of Yuhuā County also attracted the motor factory.

After the motor factory moved to Yuhuā County, the workers' wages were "reasonably" lowered. The original wage standard of the motor factory was based on the minimum wage standard in Zhuhai. If workers want to get a satisfactory wage, they must go through a lot of overtime. After moving to Yuhuā County, because the factory referred to the minimum wage standard in Gunan Province, the wage level of workers was greatly reduced, and the working hours were extended.

But even so, it is still difficult for motor factory employees who work 14 or even 16 hours a day to get the same salary as before, which is also the most fundamental reason for the strike.

Although some workers are willing to accept such results because their children can go to school for free, and their families and themselves can see a doctor for free, these people are only a part of them after all. Or "only some people can get these benefits for the time being, but what they lose is real benefits. And even these people can only figure it out in a month or two, but when they go to get their salary every month, it is 20% or 30% less than before, and their regrets are getting worse and worse. It's like a volcanic eruption needs to accumulate a certain amount of energy. When it gets bigger and bigger, only an eruption can be solved.

Originally, Zhu Daidong was cautious about such an overall relocation of the factory. In addition to increasing local fiscal revenue, investment promotion should also be beneficial to the local economic development of enterprises like motor factories. It is purely to regard Yuhuā County as a production workshop. If it is a newly built enterprise, Zhu Daidong will not hesitate to support it, but those who moved from Zhuhai also brought the vast majority of employees, such as the enterprise got from Yuhuā County, which is larger than what Yuhuā County got from it. That is to say, if Yuhua County allows such enterprises to come in, it is doing a loss-making business.

The first Taiwanese-funded enterprise that wanted to move to Yuhuā County as a whole. Zhu Jiangang asked Zhu Daidong for instructions. At that time, Zhu Daidong thought that such a business was not cost-effective and they were not allowed to come in. Even if you have to come, the conditions are not so favorable. For example, children can't go to school for free, and even the children of employees of these enterprises are not allowed to enter the schools in the development zone at all. Of course, with this rule, they will not bring their children with them.

In addition, enterprises that come in for free medical treatment have to bear 80% of the medical expenses of employees, and the development zone only subsidizes 20%.

If such a whole relocated enterprise is acceptable, Zhu Daidong does not mind letting them come in. After all, the entry of any enterprise can promote the development of the local economy, but the overall relocated enterprise is really limited to the economic development of Yuhuā County. If it is given the same treatment as other enterprises, I'm afraid that the foreign population and the floating population are a big problem. At present, there are still tens of thousands of laid-off workers in the city who have not solved the problem that the labor force in Shachang City does not need to be introduced from outside. Of course, the development zone does not like enterprises that bring their own employees.

The development zone has invested a lot of money to increase welfare. In addition to improving the living treatment in the development zone, it also plays a role in improving the investment environment. Such conditions have a fatal ** power for migrant workers. However, the original intention of the development zone is not to attract migrant workers, but to attract foreign enterprises.

If you regard the development zone as a store and customer, this "store" in the development zone is already very large, and you can set some high conditions. "You have to enjoy the treatment of the development zone. Yes, you must ensure that most of the employees are from Yuhuā County or Shachang City. In addition, preferential tax policies will also be reduced. After all, the development zone is not a charity, and everything should follow the overall economic situation of Yuhuā County.

For enterprises like motor factories, the procurement of raw materials and the sales of products have nothing to do with Yuhu County. It cannot drive the economy of Yuhu County, and they are generally wholly-owned enterprises. Of course, Zhu Daidong doesn't like it very much. This wholly Japanese-owned enterprise only moved to Yuhuā County two months ago. The reason why they moved to Yuhuā County is that firstly, they have the positive requirements of employees, and secondly, the enterprise also see that "such an investment environment" can greatly enhance the cohesion of employees, and correspondingly improve production efficiency.

For the conditions put forward by Yuhuā County, of course, the motor factory is unwilling to accept it. They want the same treatment as other enterprises. But I don't want to dismiss the employees. The motor factory has higher requirements for employees. Even if the newly recruited employees are trained, the initial defective rate is also very high.

In the end, the boss of this company did not find any relationship." Liu Junfeng, the executive vice mayor of the city, interfered in this matter, and the motor factory also promised that it could pay a sum of money every year to exchange the preferential policies of the development zone, including free medical treatment and the education of employees' children. At the same time, the motor factory also promised to change the employees of the enterprise to locals within two to three years.

Although this is unfair to the original employees of the motor factory, there is no better way for Yuhuā County at present.

There are two main reasons for the strike in the motor factory: the working time is too long and the wages are too low. In addition, the production and living environment should also be improved. However, the fire broke out because the owner of the motor factory found that the workers' defective rate was too high, so he started to beat people. As a result, the workers resisted against it. The security guards of the motor factory fought with the workers. More than a dozen people have been sent to the hospital. Therefore, it will be tricky to deal with this matter.

To solve this problem, the motor factory needs to make concessions. But now the owners of the motor factory are in the hospital, and there is no one in the factory to deal with this matter at all. Moreover, I have a tough attitude and firmly believe that the worker made a mistake in him. Therefore, the conditions are not discussed. If he is beaten, he has to make a big concession. How can he stand it?

"How are the mood of the workers?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"Except for dozens of people who were very angry, the rest of them took a rest and ran outside at the beginning." The persuaders of us and the factory managers had returned to the factory, but did not start the work. Either sleep in the dormitory or chat in twos and threes. Even if you sit on the production line, the machine is not working. Hou Yong said.

Zhu Daidong was relieved to hear that "the workers are not organized, and the situation is not very bad. If there are a few "leaders" of the working class at the beginning, the characters incite C to attack the development zone government and seize the power of the development zone. Yes. The organization is very powerful. Even if Zhu Daidong has been the executive deputy county magistrate, he is always frightened and frightened.

Although this matter happens to meet Vice Governor Qian Feihu, it's just a coincidence. As long as it's not man-made and wants to poke it out, Zhu Daidong is not worried. Things that are not mixed with other factors are not a big problem to deal with.

"I will immediately report to Wang [Shu] that your police force is enough, you must ensure that "no worker can go out of the factory, and there is no difference from the outside." Zhu Daidong said.

"There is no problem. We have brought the emotional workers back to the institute." As long as a few people are left in the factory, with the cooperation of managers and security guards, everything will be fine." Hou Yong said.

"You can't take it lightly. You can immediately report this situation to Zhao Jinhai [book]. The people who are out of the office will be transferred immediately, and the motor factory will send more people. Everything will wait until the production ceremony of the toy company is completed." Zhu Dai's host.

As soon as he closed the phone, Zhu Daidong saw Zhu Jiangang coming to him, "County Minister Zhu, something happened in the development zone."

"I already know that it's a motor factory. How can such a thing happen?" Zhu Daidong walked aside and asked in a low voice.

"The motor factory implements closed management, go to work during the day" and only opens for a few hours after 12 p.m." The development zone does not know the situation in the factory at all. I'm responsible for this. I'm going to review it with the county. Zhu Jiangang said sincerely.

"It's not a matter of self-criticism now. You will go back with Comrade He Xiaoyao immediately. How to deal with the matter will be studied later. Now the most important thing is to appease the workers and not to expand the situation!" Zhu Daidong said, "Your development zone should actively communicate with the factory and come up with a preliminary plan."

"Yes." Zhu Jiangang said.

The development zone is developing rapidly, and there are many problems that follow, such as strikes. I'm afraid that Yuhuā County has never encountered it since the founding of the People's Republic of China. I don't know if I'm so unlucky that I can encounter this kind of thing. As soon as Zhu Jiangang left, Zhu Daidong found an opportunity to urgently report the strike of the motor factory to Wang Lijun.

Wang Lijun was also shocked and inexplicably. He had only seen such things as strikes in patriotic education films. How could he have thought that one day he would encounter such a thing under his own rule?

Seeing Wang Lijun's panicked eyes, Zhu Daidong did not speak again, leaving time for him to think. "For a long time," Wang Lijun said, "Do you have any opinions in the development zone?"

Zhu Daidong said his own thoughts, "Wang Lijun listened" from time to time. He had to sigh that although his work experience was longer than Zhu Daidong's, Zhu Daidong's ability to deal with things was no worse than his own. What is the most critical issue of the strike? Stable, the situation does not expand, and now Zhu Daidong has been let people do it, and he has basically done this." In this way, it is very easy for the county to deal with this matter again.

For the matter of the motor factory, Zhu Daidong introduced in detail the causes and consequences he knew. "Although the development zone is in charge of Zhu Daidong, he is no longer the director of the Development Zone Working Committee [Book] and the Director of the Management Committee. Some specific affairs have to wait for He Xiaoyao or Reported by Zhu Jiangang. Now Zhu Daidong can be sure that the situation of the motor factory is not simple. If he follows his previous instructions, the motor factory should not have moved to the development zone. Or even if the motor factory moved to the development zone, what he promised had not been completed.

Because of this sudden incident, the relevant leading cadres in Yuhuā County were in a mood of joy and then shock. Although the current impact of this Feng is not small, who can guarantee that such a thing will not happen again in the future?