Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 326 Japanese who are good at seizing opportunities!

[Day] I am very calculating. [Day] This businessman is better at studying the mentality of his opponents, especially for the national conditions of the country. They have studied the history for hundreds of years. Zhu Daidong remembers the information he read at the party school. In June 6 or six years, at the 20th Autumn Canton Fair held in Guangzhou, I used this very shrewdly. I have to admit that they are very good at seizing all the opportunities that are in their favor.

At that time, the cultural operation was in the ascendant, but the overseas exhibitors were still the same as before [China] to purchase the goods they needed. In order to complete the procurement mission and get the most favorable price from the host, [Day] I tried my best. At that time, [China] did not pay attention to the overseas exhibitors at the Canton Fair how many goods they ordered, but their attitude towards Wencao and their feelings for the great leader.

In this regard, our merchants will get the largest price discount in trade negotiations! This is the national situation of [China]. At that time, politics was above everything else, everything was politics-centered, and economic construction was only in a subordinate position. In this regard, I actually did the best job. Although China and Japan had not established diplomatic relations at that time, a small businessman studied the political situation of the country thoroughly.

Before I arrived in Guangzhou, I was fully prepared for these [day]. 〖 This businessman appeared at the Canton Fair. He not only wore a badge on his chest and a "red treasure book" in his hand, but also played the "loyalty dance" like the Chinese people. Of course, these things are worthless. Learning to dance can also exercise, but the benefits are amazing.

After seeing the behavior of this businessman, the members of the [China] National Trade Group at that time were very moved, and after being moved, they were excited. The business of the two sides was easy to talk about. Naturally, [day] The merchant took advantage of it, and also took full advantage. 〖 Day] This merchant took the opportunity to make other foreign merchants admire him. Even Zhu Daidong had some admiration when he saw the information in this regard. You said [Sunday] whether this businessman is shrewd or despicable or shameless, as long as you can get benefits," shouting a few slogans, what's wrong with wearing a few portraits? What's more, these like chapters have appreciated greatly so far. This business [day] is simply winning and winning.

Since the 21st Spring Canton Fair in 1967, a booklet on this regard has been specially published in this regard, which is provided to merchants as a reference when participating in the next Canton Fair.

Summarize experience, carry forward, and take advantage of it. Although Zhu Daidong was also helpless when he saw these materials, at that time, Zhu Daidong had not yet come out of his mother's womb, and there was nothing he could do.

After the reform and opening up, the country's national conditions have changed again, and everything has become centered on economic construction, and politics is in a subordinate position. [Day] The merchants' means keep pace with the times and have undergone great changes. 〖 China's most urgent hope at present is to improve the economy. If it were not so, it would not have been opened up. 〖 The businessman has grasped this point. It's okay to invest and run a factory in the mainland, but the most preferential wages for workers in the policy are the lowest.

[China] China originally wanted to obtain not only advanced management methods, but also technology by introducing foreign enterprises, but these two points are difficult to obtain in the enterprise. Managers of Japanese-funded enterprises generally do not use mainlanders. The senior management is basically natives, and no matter how bad it is, it is also foreigners such as Malasian, Singaporeans, Taiwanese or Hong Kong people. Only the lowest-level managers, such as elongated and long lines, will be produced as workers. Even if the workshop director uses [middle], it is not common for Chinese people.

As for technology, the enterprise is very interested in the technology of the country, such as the traditional papermaking techniques of the country, the manufacturing process of ancient umbrellas, etc., but if the country wants to get the technology in this aspect, it is basically similar to the dream of idiots. It is now 1996, entering the mid-1990s. However, Japan is still highly confidential about all the technologies after the 1950s. Even some of the most advanced technical materials, even if they are used by mainland enterprises, have always been brought to the mainland. They were afraid of being studied by [middle school] first. They would rather have more money and let the relevant technicians go to the [day] book and read the information before coming back.

As for the production of core products, it will never be produced in the mainland. It would be better to have more money and shipped to the mainland after production in Japan. For example, the core components of the motor factory are all produced in [day], and the next month's consumption is sent every month to ensure that the production process and technical materials of the core components are not learned by others.

It is also based on knowing these situations that Zhu Daidong doesn't like Japanese enterprises to come to Yuhuā County. When dealing with them, there is always a feeling of being taken advantage of. This makes Zhu Daidong feel uncomfortable whenever he thinks about it. However, [Japan] has studied the national conditions of the [China] country thoroughly and is also good at making good use of this. Now, since the political work of the [China] country has been in a subordinate position, their methods have already been adjusted accordingly. Even in 1978, when [China] had just begun to announce the reform and opening-up policy, many people came to [China] China to invest in factories. Up to now, this method is very mature, and the most critical point of this method is how to deal with local officials.

Any investment by businessmen is to get a return. According to the conclusion drawn by [day], "investment in [China] officials will have a very large return. Although the motor factory has only been moved to Yuhuā County for a few months, the relationship with local officials is quite good, and it is precisely because of this that they can take root in the Yuhuā County Development Zone.

Xingji Nakamura, the owner of Yuhuā County motor factory, has done a good job in this regard. Some electrical appliances and electronic products brought here from [Sun] were given to the relevant leaders as meeting gifts. Zhu Daidong had also received a Sony TV set before, but he did not accept it." At that time, Yukiji Nakamura firmly said that this was a witness to the friendship between China and Japan, representing the hearts of the two peoples and could never be returned.

Taking the relationship between the two countries as an excuse, Zhu Daidong can't insist. He asked the county office to come forward and send the color TV to the old cadre activity center, but Zhu Daidong specifically said, "We must make it clear that this is no longer the color TV sent by Nakamura, but a gift by himself. It's not that Zhu Daidong wants to be famous, but that he doesn't want Nakamura to do things twice.

Zhu Daidong can refuse these things." Others are not as firm as him. What's more, Xingji Nakamura is also happy with the banner of the friendship between China and Japan, and no one can refuse. Later, Zhu Daidong received an invitation from Zhonglin Xinger to go to [day] this inspection. Everyone on earth knows what such an investigation means. As far as Zhu Daidong knows, there are still many people who accept invitations, such as Liu Junfeng, the executive vice mayor, and Wang Lijun, the county party secretary, who are all "rely invited".

Zhu Daidong originally wanted to communicate with Governor Qian Feihu more about his feelings, but now is not the best time. What he wants most is that Qian Feihu should leave quickly. Originally, Xu Lifeng also said hello to Zhu Daidong, but now Xu Lifeng is energetic and confident, and has a momentum to stare at the world. But in the eyes of others, it seems to stand proudly. The leaders in the county complained about him. Xu Lifeng and the last time he came to Yuhuā County, it was completely like a different person. But Zhu Daidong didn't think so. "He knew that Xu Lifeng had completely risen!

If a man can rise up, he may change his character and change his fate more." Xu Lifeng now has a feeling of being a person again! All this was given to him by Zhu Daidong. Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to get together with Zhu Daidong again, but after arriving at Yuhuā County, he couldn't say a few words.

The officialdom rules are "concealed from the top but not the bottom". If such an incident happens in the development zone, you can tell some leaders in the city at most, and it is private. "It is not a report. As for the provincial level, as long as the superiors do not know this, the county will not take the initiative to report.

And Wang Lijun also believes that "this matter is still within control for the time being" and "it is not appropriate" to expand the situation, which he especially told Zhu Daidong. For some unspoken rules in the officialdom, Wang Lijun is still worried that Zhu Daidong will not understand.

Now that I know this matter, in addition to the relevant personnel in the development zone, it is only controlled by several members of the county party committee. Wang Lijun issued a password closure order. The relevant personnel in the development zone neither discussed nor spread any news about this matter. As for the Standing Committee, except for Zhu Daidong's special information, others don't need to worry.

In fact, Zhu Daidong is still very clear about such rules. Otherwise, Zhu Daidong will ask Hou Yong to pay attention not to expand the situation at the beginning? However, Zhu Daidong has a different opinion with Wang Lijun. He believes that this matter should be reported to the city. No one can guarantee that such a thing will happen again in the future. If similar problems occur in the future or elsewhere, you can also learn from them.

But Wang Lijun disagreed. He reported good news but not bad news. This is a thousand-year-old motto, and this time, both enterprises and employees actually have little to do with Yuhuā County. "What's more, for the sake of foreign enterprises and migrant workers, it makes the city unhappy, right?

Of course, it is impossible for Wang Lijun to clearly say that he will not report to the city. He said at the temporary standing committee meeting that Yuhuā County has the ability to deal with this matter, "temporarily" and will not report to the city. As for how long he is "temporary", Zhu Daidong believes that it will not be too short.

After sending Qian Feihu and the leaders of the city away, the cadres of Yuhuā County immediately took urgent action. Wang Lijun had to go to the hospital to visit the second person in the village. He brought the care of this businessman to the county party committee and the government, but Zhu Daidong thought that he should go to the motor factory now. Chinese people have always been kind and upright. What's more, they are still migrant workers. They fight with their boss. If they hadn't been forced to the extreme, who would have done such a thing? Therefore, those workers are the most comfortworthy.

But Wang Lijun did not agree. As a county party committee [book] in the county, at least the itinerary will not be interfered by others. Since Zhu Daidong wanted to visit and comfort those workers, Wang Lijun and his soldiers were divided into two ways. Wang Lijun's representative organization brought care to Xingji Nakamura, and Zhu Daidong, on behalf of the government, went to investigate the origin of the motor factory.