Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 531 Two Good News

Chapter 531 Two Good News

After the Standing Committee, Zhu Daidong made an appointment with Qiu Liangchao. Zhu Daidong made two requirements to him. First, recently, the unknown company should pay dividends immediately. Or the dividends of these people in Tiangan Township and Tiangong Town should be paid off. The second is to borrow money. The county has to build highways, but it can't afford so much money. There are also special railway lines, because the railways have to directly build the production base of unknown companies. The 400 billion yuan also needs to be paid by unknown companies.

The establishment of the railway special line was originally applied to solve the shortage of cargo transportation power of unknown companies. Qiu Liangchao can pay for this money. But now the construction of highways in Furong County also needs to be borrowed from unknown companies, which makes Qiu Liangchao a little hesitant.

"What's the problem?" Zhu Daidong asked, he is generally clear about the sales of unknown companies, and he knows the profits very well. For an enterprise that only needs to produce and does not have to worry about sales at all, the profit is very amazing. What's more, the profit of the nameless well-being produced by the unknown company is even higher.

"You use 100 million as a unit as soon as you open your mouth. Do you think there is any difficulty?" Qiu Liangchao doesn't care whether Zhu Daidong is the secretary of the county party committee or not. Now the nameless company is expanding rapidly and needs money everywhere. Japan's sales are about to begin. Although Japan set up some obstacles at that time, when people in Japan learned that the nameless recreation was going to enter Japan, and the Japanese government deliberately created obstacles. A parade was held immediately. It led to the bankruptcy of Nakamura Yukiji and Yano's plans. Now Nakamura Yukiji is only a second-level agent in Japan.

Qiu Liangchao is even more ambitious. He wants to spread the sales network of nameless recreation to the world. Therefore, he is not very interested in Christian's coming to negotiate the German agent of unknown recreation. With strong funds as a drag, he can do whatever he wants.

"Unknown companies are doing so much now, how can they care about this little money?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"The company has money and needs to expand reproduction. This is the way to kill and get eggs." Qiu Liangchao sighed.

"Mr. Qiu, I think you should also know that it is difficult for unknown recreation to expand reproduction." Zhu Daidong said with a smile, if it is only the production of ordinary nameless recreation, it is easy to expand reproduction, but it is not enough to produce real gold decoration nameless or even nameless decoration. Raw materials determine this, and these problems cannot be done by machines or money. It is impossible to do it at least within this year. If we want to truly expand reproduction, it will take at least a year later.

"I can't promise you until I report this matter to the headquarters." Qiu Liangchao sighed. In fact, he also knew that Zhu Daidong was right. The special nameless recreation determined its output. The raw materials of nameless recreation can only be used in Furong County. This agreement was signed before the establishment of the nameless company.

And this is also the reason why Zhu Daidong must let the whole county take shares. As long as everyone is tied to the interests of the nameless company, the materials of the nameless recreation can be kept confidential and the quality of the greatest extent.

"Good, I'll wait for your message. I have an appointment with Christian for lunch. You can join me. Zhu Daidong said.

"As long as you don't talk about business." Qiu Liangchao knew Zhu Daidong's intention and gagged him in advance.

"You can drink without talking about business. In addition to red wine and beer, Christian also likes our Chinese Maotai very much." Zhu Daidong said with a smile, in fact, Zhu Daidong had communicated with Li Guangsheng about this matter before. If he was not sure, how could he let the county make a plan according to the highest standards?

Li Guangsheng has always been very supportive of Zhu Daidong's work. He and Zhu Daidong have a relationship of mutual cooperation and mutual promotion. Li Guangsheng did not pay attention to the financial situation of the unknown company, because he did not need to pay attention to it. At present, there is no sales point for anonymous recreation in Hong Kong, because Hong Kong is very strict in the inspection of the sales of products, and anonymous recreation is a new kind. Although it has achieved good results in the mainland, this invisible reputation cannot help anonymous recreation to quickly obtain the right to sell Hong Kong, or even treat such products. The inspection department in Hong Kong will be more cautious, because once the nameless recreation officially enters Hong Kong, it will definitely be sold in large quantities. If it can't be checked during the inspection, if there is a problem, the affected population will be larger.

It is also because of this that many of Li Guangsheng's friends have asked him to buy nameless recreation, especially when he bought it from Zhu Daidong at a high price. In fact, Zhu Daidong did not ask him for money, which is simply difficult to find. After he gave a course of gold clothes to a particularly good friend, and at the same time as a famous rich man in Hong Kong, the gold clothes became famous in Hong Kong.

Mucheng gallium is seventy-three years old this year, full of silver hair, because of the hardship of starting a business when he was young. When he was old, he was in poor health, with a gray head, and he was trembling when he walked, and he basically did not go out. But after taking the golden suit for a month, his hair turned from pure white to gray, and he didn't need crutches when he walked. In other people's words, he walked with wind.

Mu Chengga's reputation among the rich businessmen in Hong Kong is very high. After his health improved, he held a ry at home. As a result, this party was equivalent to an excellent product promotion for the unknown recreation. After that time, some people in Hong Kong's business community jointly applied to Hong Kong's government to speed up the approval of anonymous recreation. At the same time, the number of unsung recreation brought to Hong Kong from the mainland immediately doubled.

Li Guangsheng believes that he has had two most successful investments in his life, and these two investments have made his assets grow at a geometric rate. The first time was in Shanghai in 1992, when Zhu Daidong sold hundreds of stock subscription certificates to him, which suddenly increased his wealth by dozens of times. Now it is impossible to make money like this, but after meeting Zhu Daidong again in Shachang City, Li Guangsheng felt that his opportunity came again.

To be able to invest in an unknown company, Li Guangsheng believes that it is the second most successful investment in his life. Now the nameless recreation is just a trial production. After October, the real gold decoration will be fully listed. What will the profit of the nameless company be? Li Guangsheng doesn't even want to think about it, because Every time he thinks of this problem, he will be so excited that he can't sleep.

Zhu Daidong wanted to develop the infrastructure of Furong County. Li Guangsheng did not even consider it and immediately decided to fully support it. He even proposed to Zhu Daidong that if Furong County needs more funds, Changlongda does not need to pay dividends this year.

With Li Guangsheng's words, Zhu Daidong dared to let go. Without Li Guangsheng's support, it would be difficult for Zhu Daidong not to violate the relevant agreements signed with the unknown company. After all, as a joint venture, local government should not interfere too much in its operation and management.

When he was about to get off work in the morning, Zhu Daidong received a phone call from Andreas from Beijing: "Zhu, I want to tell you two good news."

"Two good news? Mr. Andreas, it seems that I only ask you to do one thing, right? Zhu Daidong asked some unexpected questions.

"Yes, the first good news is the designer you need. I have invited you two, one is road design and the other is urban design and planning. The second good news is that China's government entrusted me to order a batch of nameless recreation from an unknown company, which is a very large order. Andreas said.

"Isn't Christian negotiating with the agent of unknown recreation? Why does your government still want to purchase?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"This is two different things, because the nameless recreation purchased by our national government will not circulate in the market as a commodity, but as a welfare to those nationals who need things to act." Andreas said.

Germany is a high-welfare country. Before the emergence of nameless recreation, the German government paid nearly 6,000 US dollars to buy goods every year to those who needed goods to live. Some of them have similar functions to the nameless recreation, but the time is short, but there will be a strong dependence. The most important thing is to use it every week, and the price is expensive. The price of taking it once is almost enough to take a course of treatment.

"Then I'm so welcome. So you will also come to our Furong County?" Zhu Daidong said happily that the nameless recreation is a great achievement as a designated item for German politics. You should know that Western countries have a natural resistance to China and the Germans have always been rigid. It is very difficult for them to recognize China and officially recognize the national government.

"No, I have entrusted Christie's security representative." Andreas said.

"I'm sorry, Andreas, and I warmly welcome you to our Hibiscus County. I really want to know when the two experts you mentioned will come to China? Zhu Daidong asked, now that the date of the highway construction oath conference in Furong County has been determined. This date cannot be changed. It is only more than 20 days away from now. Moreover, even if those German experts arrive in Furong County, it will take some time to familiarize themselves with the situation. He is really worried that this time is enough.

"About a week, I know you're in a hurry, but this is the fastest." Andreas said with regret.

"A week? Andreas, I know that you Germans are very dedicated. In order to do a good job, you don't hesitate to spend a lot of time and effort. The experts you hired for me this time should bring some relevant mature planning project books, right? Zhu Daidong said that he did not need German experts to design it. If that were the case, the construction of the highway in Furong County may not start on May 25 or October 25.

"Zhu, don't worry, they are all very professional." Andreas said.

: Please vote for Da Ke, who is still struggling to code words in the early morning. It's getting closer and closer to accumulating 5,000 monthly tickets. Come on! RA