Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 532 Be Effective

Chapter 532 Be Effective (Ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month)

"Secretary Zhu, do you have time now? Regarding the situation of the County Emergency Committee, as well as the latest situation of Tiangan Township and Tiangong Town, I would like to report to you. Liu Min called Zhu Daidong's office and said.

Although the county emergency committee and emergency rescue and disaster relief all belong to the category of the county government, Liu Min always feels that if he doesn't report to Zhu Daidong, he always has no bottom in his heart. As long as he reports to Zhu Daidong in advance, his self-confidence will be greatly enhanced when he works. This is a very strange practice. At first, Liu Min couldn't believe it. But later, he slowly realized that he still had some shortcomings in the handling of government affairs, and Zhu Daidong was rich in experience. Facts have also proved that dealing with these things is Zhu Daidong's strength. Liu Min took these reports as a learning process.

" OK, I'll wait for you in the office." Zhu Daidong was going to the Furong Hotel. He made an appointment with Qiu Liangchao and Christian to have lunch there and check the time. There should be 20 minutes left. It should be in time.

This morning, after the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, the county government held the 32nd executive meeting of the 12th People's Government, which adopted the emergency plan for public events in Furong County. This plan was revised and added on the basis of yesterday's meeting. For any meeting held in the county government, Zhu Daidong actually does not need Liu Min to report, even the telephone report, because in most cases, he can listen.

Just like this, Zhu Daidong didn't tell Liu Min. Even if he did, Liu Min wouldn't believe it. If you need to report work, you must report it, otherwise it will fall into the eyes of others and think that you don't respect the secretary. Zhu Daidong can only accept this, but he will pay enough attention to Liu Min.

Every time Liu Min comes to Zhu Daidong's office in person, he will greet him in advance. Of course, Zhu Daidong will not wait there deliberately. Generally, Liu Min has just walked to the office entrance, and Zhu Daidong happens to come from his seat. Every time Huang Bin saw the two leaders "accidences" in the office, he sighed in his heart. How could Secretary Zhu handle it just right every time?

"County Minister Liu, how are the people affected by the disaster yesterday?" Zhu Daidong invited Liu Min to the meeting area, handed over a cigarette, and asked. He knew that Liu Min also went to the county people's hospital in the morning to visit the wounded, which was the responsibility of the county magistrate. As the county party secretary, there was no need to go out in person.

"Most people have been out of danger, but two have been transferred to the Provincial People's Hospital, and one has had an amputation. In addition, there is the problem of medical expenses. Yesterday, everything was to save lives. The First and Second People's Hospitals and the central hospitals below are regardless of cost. As of today, the Health Bureau has advanced the medical expenses of 210,000 yuan. The Health Bureau was just asking, who should pay for this money? Liu Min took over the cigarette and said that in fact, the Health Bureau did not ask for instructions for this money at all. If the above does not speak, it will naturally let the patient bear it by himself. Of course, those who can't enjoy publicly-funded medical treatment will have to pay out of their own pocket.

But Liu Min also knows that the situation in Furong County is a little different, because Zhu Daidong is the leader here. He knew that Zhu Daidong tried his best to promote free medical care for all in Yuhua County. Although Furong County has a weak economic foundation, Zhu Daidong's current plan is ambitious. His goal is no longer Yuhua County, and he has even jumped out of Shachang City. From the perspective of the province, when all the plans of Furong County are completed, Furong County will become one of the top ten counties in the province, and can even enter the top three!

Highways should be built better than other people's highways. In addition to special freight, there are also free passenger trains. After the Shafu Railway is repaired, people in Furong County will go to the city, and they don't have to pay for the train. I'm afraid this is the first in the country, right?

In the new urban area, there should be a central square of nearly 20,000 square meters, and there is also an artificial park around the square. For planning and layout, in addition to inviting experts from provincial and municipal planning and design institutes, relevant experts are also specially invited from Germany. Even the sewer has to be designed by foreigners. He knows that Zhu Daidong is going to be outstanding. Just like what he did in Yuhua County, if you don't do it, it will become the focus of attention of all parties, so that the media everywhere can take the initiative to find it.

Liu Min agreed with Zhu Daidong's plan, and he also agreed with both hands. Originally, he was very worried about whether the fiscal revenue of Furong County could support such a large-scale expenditure, but Zhu Daidong's unnamed joint venture with Hong Kong Changlongda at the beginning of the year, like a mother laying golden eggs, constantly creating miracles every day. Both the government of Furong County and the people of Furong County can get huge benefits from unknown companies.

Furong County may take less than three years to make earth-shaking changes. No, even every year, Furong County will undergo great changes, such as county-level companies that will be fully renovated this year, and the planning of the new urban area. Tomorrow's new urban construction and the renovation of the old city.

"What does the county government mean?" Zhu Daidong was not in a hurry to answer. The cost per day was 210,000 yuan. How much will it cost in the future? If this money is paid by finance, it will arouse many people's dissatisfaction. Of course, it plays a good role in promoting the positive image of Furong County.

But it makes no sense to let the finance pay the money without any documents. Zhu Daidong never does unreasonable things, abuses good people, and even violates the regulations. This is a paternalistic style. Zhu Daidong will not allow himself to make such a mistake. But this money obviously allows the injured people to come out by themselves, and they can't bear it, so they can only find a third party to pay for it.

"The county has been financially tight recently, and there is no precedent for paying medical expenses for the masses. For people with poor family conditions, the hospital can appropriately reduce part of the treatment fee, but the final cost is still up to them." Liu Min said that this is also his own idea. Furong County stood on the same line with Yuhua County three years ago, but after three years of rapid running, Yuhua County has been far ahead of Furong County. They can achieve free medical care for all, and Furong County needs to split a penny into two cents to spend.

Although Zhu Daidong's plan is very large and the profit of the unknown company is also amazing, after all, there is not much money in the account of the Finance Bureau at present. Liu Min is not a family. He doesn't know that oil, rice, noodles and firewood are expensive. He has to use money everywhere, and he comes to him everywhere he spends money. He is the county magistrate and is in charge of finance.

"But if the money really wants the injured people to come out, how can we bear it? The more seriously injured the people are, the greater the family will suffer. The current situation is undoubtedly adding insult to injury. I think the county should find a way to solve some practical problems for them. My opinion is that the medical expenses should be solved for them, but not from the financial expenditure. Do you think you should ask an unknown company to help solve it? To solve the problem of these people's fees in the form of donations, I think 500,000 yuan should be enough. Zhu Daidong said.

"Secretary Zhu's method is good. The nameless company is a caring and responsible enterprise. I believe that if Qiu Liangchao goes to the disaster area, he will feel sorry for those people. Liu Min said happily that for the sake of this money, he thought for a long time and had the idea of an unknown company, but he did not find a suitable reason. Unexpectedly, Zhu Daidong could think of this reason that the unknown company could hardly refuse for a moment.

"Please invite people from unknown companies to visit the disaster area, and also pay attention to the confidentiality system. Tiangan Township and Tiangong Town are both planting bases for Chinese materials." Zhu Daidong reminded that since the listing of the nameless recreation and the good market response, there have been more strangers in Furong County, and there are many people who are interested in the production base and raw material foundation of the unknown company. Now the Secret Service has to punish some people every month, the reason is to inquire about the state secrets of Furong County.

"I will inform Comrade Feng Xianping then." Liu Min nodded and gave Zhu Daidong the document of the emergency plan for public emergencies in Furong County. "This is the plan just passed in the morning. Please ask Secretary Zhu to make more comments and suggestions. If there is any problem, we can improve it at any time."

"The county government has brainstormed and has passed a resolution. I believe it has been perfect." Zhu Daidong pretended to turn over, from the general rules, organizational system, operation mechanism, safeguard measures, publicity, training, exercises, supervision, reward and punishment, Mr. Lin Lin, there are more than 30 pages. Liu Min deserves to be the mayor's secretary. For such materials, only two meetings were held, and the materials were formed. This skill is not Everyone can have it. If Zhu Daidong is asked to do this, he will first investigate the visit and hold symposiums everywhere. He doesn't have half a month to come up with this thing.

"No one is perfect, and there is no gold. What's more, we made it in a hurry? Secretary Zhu has a unique vision and knows it. He hopes to give us some pertinent suggestions and opinions. Liu Min said sincerely.

"Then let me tell you my own opinion. What is the purpose of establishing so many branches of emergency emergency headquarters? It is for them to deal with emergencies. Therefore, it is essential to train, educate, exercise and practice relevant departments and personnel, and should also be put first. I hope that in the last month, the emergency headquarters of each branch will make a plan to report to the county emergency committee, and at the same time, train and exercise the personnel transferred to the emergency headquarters, so as to ensure that once there is an emergency, the team can be pulled up at any time. The county emergency committee should check from time to time and punish those in charge who do not complete the task well. Zhu Daidong said that no matter how beautiful the document is, no matter how loud the slogan is, and it is not implemented, the final result will only be to waste people's money.

"Secretary Zhu's instructions are very good. I will immediately ask someone to add them to the file. Now those units are going to complain." Liu Min laughed and said that these headquarters coincided with the personnel of various county bureaus. Now they are going to conduct training and exercises. Aren't they allowed to put the old deep-fried dough sticks on the fire again?

: There is only a gap of about 100 votes from the accumulated 5,000 monthly tickets. Please reach out and vote for a few, and strive to realize Da Ke's wish in these two days, okay? RA