Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 653 The Power of the Mass

In the morning, Zhu Daidong received a report from Gao Jie that the re-investigation of Guan Ziluo Liang's case suddenly had a major turning point, and several people reported to the public security organ. "Nine years ago, they saw the vendor whose left index finger was short. Gao Jie immediately instructed the people of the Peng task force to follow up immediately, and he also came to report to Zhu Daidong in person.

The impact of Luo Liang's case, which has now been reported by the media, is far beyond Gao Jie's estimate. The Provincial Political and Legal Committee and the Provincial Public Security Department even called the county public security bureau directly to convey the instructions of the provincial leaders. The criminal investigation team of the provincial department even suggested to Gao Jie whether the provincial department would send criminal investigation experts to assist the Furong County Public Security Bureau in the detection of Luo Liang's case.

On the surface, the provincial department provides technical support to the Furong County Public Security Bureau, but in fact, it is worried about the ability of the Furong County Public Security Bureau. Luo Liang's case has been published in the full text of the National Legal Daily. "Nine years of injustice" was not until recently, until recently, which is not only a dis It is also a disgrace to the political and legal departments of the whole Gunan Province. But Gao Jie is still under pressure." He reported to the relevant leaders of the provincial department that the Furong County Public Security Bureau has the ability and determination to solve the case.

After Luo Liang was reimposed, the twelve burglaries in Dongping Township nine years ago once again aroused great interest from the general public.

Especially for the people in Dongping Township, the topics discussed during this period are probably about the grievances of this case, especially Luo Liang, and the compensation of 180,000 yuan he received, which has become a topic that people like to talk about.

Other townships' understanding of Luo Liang's case is naturally not as high as Dongping Township. Everyone in Donghe Village knows that the reason why Luo Liang was regarded as a robber at the beginning was that he bought a gray peach huāhu pattern sweater on the stall. And that sweater was actually bought by Luo Liang at a stall in Dongping Township Market. And the stall owner also has a very obvious feature, with a missing index finger in his left hand.

This feature soon spread throughout Dongping Township and even Furong County. Luo Liang's experience is both sympathetic and enviable. What I sympathize with is that he has been in prison for nine years, and what I envy is that he has been in prison for a year and can be exchanged for a compensation of 20,000 yuan. 20,000 yuan a year, which is put in the countryside. I'm afraid I'm exhausted and can't make so much money. And that's more than that, in addition to the compensation of 180,000 yuan, the county also arranged for Luo Liang to work in an unknown company. Although an unknown company is a joint venture, as long as it works in it, the salary is no worse than that of official state staff.

This makes Luo Liang's case quite legendary, and he has received more attention. By the way, the street vendor with his left index finger cut off was also widely praised. Soon, someone reported to the county public security bureau of Dongping Township. They had seen a vendor with less left hand. This greatly increased Gao Jie's confidence. The strength of the people is indeed infinite. The public security organ's own search for clues is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but the clues of Luo Liang's case naturally emerged after such a large-scale publicity.

"Has the suspect been locked in?" Zhu Daidong said with a smile when he saw Gao Jie's face full of spring breeze. In the morning, Gao Jie reported that the case had made great progress, and now he has reported it in person. Obviously, it is a sign that the case has been basically solved.

"Yes, since yesterday, there have been reports from the masses one after another." It can be said that we have found out all the people with finger defects in the county. We investigated a total of 34 people, 16 of whom were out of town and did not have direct contact with them. However, according to our investigation and visit, Xie Xiongmin in Huangtuling Township should be the vendor at the Dongping Township Market in those years. Gao Jie said that Xie Xiongmin has been working in other places in recent years and rarely comes back.

"It seems that as long as the masses are mobilized, nothing can't be done. Have you confirmed it?" Zhu Daidong is also very [xing]. The case of this case is not complicated. The most critical figure is this vendor. As long as you find him, the case is basically half solved.

"Luo Liang also saw Xie Xiongmin's photo, and he recognized at a glance that this was the person who sold him the gray sweater. At the same time, Jiang Lei's case team was also deeply impressed by Qi'an. They decided to reveal some clues of the case at that time to the outside world. Although it was possible to scare the snake, it was much better than revisiting the relevant people in that year like looking for a needle in a haystack every day. Gao Jie said.

For this person who has been in prison for nine years, Luo Liang never dares to forget his existence. Every night, he was thinking about what the vendor looked like at that time. Therefore, even if Xie Xiongmin's photos were mixed with a pile of photos by public security personnel, Luo Liang immediately identified them out.

"I think it's okay. As long as you mobilize the masses, rely on the masses, and trust the masses, you can achieve the greatest results in your detection work." Zhu Daidong pondered that in the country, as long as the masses are fully mobilized, no matter what the case is, whether it is killing or arson, embezzlement and bribery, there is nothing to hide, and the case can be solved soon. It's just that it's difficult to fully mobilize the masses now.

"Zhu [Shu]'s instructions are very wise" But our public security bureau alone can't fully mobilize the masses. Gao Jie smiled and said, "He has one more thing to ask Zhu Daidong this time, "Zhu [Book], for the people who provided Xie Xiongmin's clues this time, the key information that Xie Xiongmin will provide in the future." The Public Security Bureau is ready to ask for a bonus. Do you think it's okay?"

"Of course, we should encourage the masses to report. Now it is a market economy, and everything pays attention to rewards. They have worked hard to provide clues, and of course they need to be rewarded. As for how much is appropriate, I think there must be a certain weight. The masses who provide Xie Xiongmin's clues are not less than 1,000 yuan. If Xie Xiongmin can provide key clues, "it will not be less than 2,000 yuan." This money can be paid from the finance." Zhu Daidong muttered that although the county government does not have special It can never be saved. Even Zhu Daidong believes that not only the Public Security Bureau should set such a reward, but also the Commission for Discipline Inspection should set such a reward.

With the deepening of reform and opening up, China's economic development has made great progress, but with it, there are more and more social problems. Many traditional ideas have been left behind. The social atmosphere has begun to become complicated. The corruption of officials is becoming more and more serious, and the air in the officialdom is becoming more and more turbid. The whole social system seems to have some lesions. Zhu Daidong can't change the atmosphere of the whole society, but for the officialdom in Furong County, he can do what he wants to do.

"With such a standard, we can get more mass support when we solve the case in the future," Gao Jie said.

"In addition to bonuses" spiritual rewards should also keep up. If a trend is formed, it will also play a good demonstration role. Countless pairs of bloody eyes looking there can also greatly deter criminals. Zhu Daidong said.

"Yes, I will go back to study this problem in the afternoon, but what I need now is to inform the two comrades who went to Guangdong to contact Xie Xiongmin." Gao Jie kept nodding and saying.

"It's not too late. Call them now." You can tell them that if the information provided by Xie Xiongmin is accurate, you can even send him the money on the spot." Zhu Daidong said.

Gao Jie immediately called the [Min] policeman sent to Guangdong in front of Zhu Daidong, but he just said a few words, and immediately the other party reported something to him on the phone. Gao Jie immediately listened to the other party's report in silence. Zhu Daidong also frowned. It turned out that after the two policemen arrived in Guangdong, they soon found Xie Xiongmin.

But according to their return, after Xie Xiongmin saw the [police] inspection, Yan was very panicked and replied to the question incoherently, and the foreword was not right. This aroused the vigilance of the [people] police. They immediately took Xie Xiongmin to the local [pai] office for detailed inquiry. The result was very encouraging. Xie Xiongmin is likely to be not only a vendor, but also likely to participate in the burglary. It is even likely to be a criminal!

"Are you sure now?" asked Gao Jie.

"Therefore, it is not completely certain. But all signs indicate that Xie Xiongmin was very familiar with the burglary case at that time. Ask him where the gray peach huāhuā pattern sweater came from, and he also flashed words. "Later, after our repeated interrogations, he began to change his words. He suddenly said that he picked it up and said that it was given to him by others. It was very suspicious." "Bring the person back immediately and pay attention to safety on the way It is not impossible to say such a situation. After Xie Xiongmin robbed the money and goods at that time, the money did not need to be disposed of, and the goods were taken to the market to deal with, which also explained the reason why he could not be found again. As soon as the stolen goods are sold out, how can he set up a stall again?

"Zhu [Book], the situation is like this." Our investigator found that Xie Xiongmin, who set up the stall, was very suspected of committing a crime, and I have asked someone to bring him back. After Gao Jie put away the phone, he said happily.

The task force has also analyzed that the possibility of Xie Xiongmin committing a crime is not absent. The criminals at that time were not as strong as the anti-investigation capabilities as the current people. After the robbery, there were special channels for selling stolen money. At that time, it was all solved by yourself.

"It seems that Luo Liang's case will soon come to light." Zhu Daidong also heard the report just now and said gratifiedly.

"I have a feeling that Xie Xiongmin is the robber. In this way, he can save a bonus." Gao Jie said with a smile.

"The bonus can't be saved. You can point out all the people of Xie Xiongmin. Do you still want to investigate Jiang Lei's case? There is no reason to deduct other people's bonuses before it starts," Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"Follow Zhu [Shu]" Consciousness improves quickly. If I can listen to more of your instructions, it is inevitable for me to make progress in the future." Gao Jie patted him gently and said with a smile.

"Take down all these cases as soon as possible. Come on, by the way, how is your secret investigation of Lu Weiyan's case?" Zhu Daidong asked.