Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 654 So it is

The city handed over a total of three unjust and false cases to the Furong County Public Security Bureau, Luo Liang's in-house gun robbery case, Jiang Lei's ** murder case, and Lu Weiyan's fight caused death. Among them, the investigation of Luo Liang's case is now progressing the fastest. If Xie Xiongmin really has a problem, then the case will be solved.

Jiang Lei's case has also made some progress. Although it is not big, it is enough for the court to retry it. Only Lu Weiyan's case not only did not make any progress, but also was confirmed by the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau that there was nothing wrong with this case. It was just that Yuan Qingmin deliberately said Lu Weiyan's case in order to make up the number, which was just his suspicion and suspicion without evidence at the beginning.

For the case of Lu Weiyan, Zhu Daidong criticized Gao Jie. Zhou Wu of the Public Security Bureau originally participated in the case of Lu Weiyan. Now that he is re-investigated, how can he be allowed to participate? And Zhou Wu is in charge of reinvestigating. Isn't this playing the piano randomly? Therefore, Zhu Daidong believes that the latest survey results provided by Zhou Wu are also not credible. But this matter was not easy to say, so he suggested that Gao Jie investigate it secretly.

Gao Jie gave this matter to Zhou Lansheng, the director of Honglan Township. Zhou Lansheng paid great attention to the matter personally told by Gao Jie, and also took out a full copy. He stayed in the county every day and returned to Honglan Township at night. In order to do a good job of confidentiality, he didn't even bring a help to handle the case independently.

"Lu Weiyan's case is relatively tricky, and the evidence is very solid. Lu Weiyan doesn't change his words when he dies now. He insists that he did the case. Therefore, I prefer Zhou Wu's survey results. Gao Jie said that Luo Liang and Jiang Lei had two cases. When the case handlers contacted them for a while, they immediately changed them firmly. But Lu Weiyan did not. Except for the first time he let go of his mouth, he immediately changed it back the next day.

"What is the result of your secret investigation?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"There is no progress, except for one thing." Gao Jie said.

"When did you become such a mother-in-law?" Zhu Daidong stared at him and said.

"Zhou Lansheng found out that Xiao Xianqiang, the son of Xiao Guan's book, also participated in the fight, but it may be that Xiao Guan said hello, and Yuan Qingmin picked out Xiao Xianqiang. We have also investigated Xiao Xianqiang. He was admitted to Shanghai Jiaotong University last year and performed well in school. We also contacted him from the side and didn't find anything suspicious." Gao Jie said that because it was about Xiao Guan, he was very cautious before there was no reliable evidence to support him.

But Zhu Daidong quickly understood." He thought that the reason why Xiao Guan was so nervous about Lu Weiyan's case was that Yuan Qingmin was transferred to the Political and Legal Affairs Committee after this case. Unexpectedly, his son also participated in this case.

"Have you investigated Xiao Xianqiang in depth?" Zhu Daidong asked, originally he was most concerned about Luo Liang's case, because this case took the longest time and was the most typical. But now, his attention was immediately attracted by Lu Weiyan's case.

"We have investigated, and we have investigated all the people involved in the case again, but we didn't find anything suspicious." Gao Jie said, "These people's answers are almost watertight. Since Xiao Xianqiang is a new clue, Zhou Lansheng also paid special attention to confidentiality during the investigation. But when I asked them, either they didn't remember, or they didn't know that it was simply a perfect [answer] case.

"What's your opinion? Is it still necessary to investigate?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"According to the current situation we have, if we continue to investigate, I'm afraid there will be no more progress." Gao Jie is a little depressed. Fighting is usually accompanied by chance. It is very common for young people to suddenly meet people who don't like it and pick up the bricks and smash them.

When fighting, no one will pay attention to what others have done." Even Lu Weiyan, who gave a fatal blow to the deceased, was also muddle-headed at that time, and it took a long time to recover. And it's been so long. Now I'm going to investigate. They say they can't remember or don't remember, and their tone is still so resolute. There's really nothing they can do about them.

"Well, let's stop the investigation of Lu Weiyan's case for the time being. But don't report it for the time being. What should I report to the city? Wait for my notice. Zhu Daidong said that he could assert that this matter had something to do with Xiao Guan, otherwise he would not have been so active some time ago. He summoned Zhou Wu and others almost every day and had to listen to reports several times a day. Since he took office, Zhu Daidong has never seen Xiao Guan show such a great interest in anything.

After Gao Jie left, Zhu Daidong leaned on the back of the chair and lit a cigarette for himself. He wanted to recall what Xiao Guan said to Zhou Wu and the people of the court and the procuratorate to find useful information from it and make his next accurate judgment.

The reason why Xiao Guan was so nervous must be that Xiao Xianqiang also participated in the fight. This time, Lu Weiyan sent back to investigate again. Of course, Xiao Guan did not want this old case to involve his son again. Now Xiao Xianqiang has studied in a famous university. As his father, Xiao Guan certainly does not hope that this case will bring anything to his son's future. This is human habit, and it is also the heartfelt behavior of every father.

But there is another possibility. Lu Weiyan has only suffered for others, and the person he replaced is Xiao Xianqiang. If so, the work that Xiao Guan had to do at the beginning is not that simple. But Xiao Guan at that time was no better than now. In the whole Furong County, he was definitely the number one figure. Even the county party committee [book] Qu Youcen and the county magistrate Wang Qiming had to give three points to him. Therefore, in this case, even if the murderer is really Xiao Xianqiang, he has the ability and motivation to erase all this for Xiao Xianqiang.

Whether Xiao Xianqiang killed or not, it is true that he participated in the fight. Based on this alone, Zhu Daidong has reason to believe that Xiao Guan has a bad heart. Originally, Xiao Xianqiang should have been called back for formal inquiry, but Gao Jie may have been scrupulous about Xiao Guan, so he only let Zhou Lansheng understand it from the side.

You should know that although Yuan Qingmin is corrupt, accepting bribes and corrupt in his style, he is very familiar with the public security bureau. What's more, the people involved at that time were also public security personnel, and they took all the issues that should be considered. Even if he came into contact with Xiao Xianqiang in person, he could definitely make a very reasonable statement at the beginning.

Just now, Zhu Daidong has promised Gao Jie to set up a special fund for reporting rewards for the Public Security Bureau. The use of money is managed by the government. Although Zhu Daidong has made a plan, he still feels that it is necessary to say hello to Liu Min. Of course, if you don't say hello, Gao Jie will apply for the money. No matter whether Liu Min goes to the Finance Bureau, no one will stop him. The county party committee [book] should use money. Even if there is no money in the financial account, he has to borrow money to pay for it.

But if you talk to Liu Min, it will be more beneficial to the future cooperation between the two. In fact, Zhu Daidong has controlled the overall work of Furong County, but on the surface, he will never make an arbitrary move. Everything must be quotient, and all resolutions must abide by the principles of collective leadership and [people's] decision-making. It is precisely because he has the capital to do whatever he wants that he should pay more attention to these details.

In Furong County, Zhu Daidong can cover the sky with one hand, but what about Furong County? If such an impression is left on the leader, it will be detrimental to Zhu Daidong's future growth.

No matter what it is, it is more cautious to say it in person than to say it on the phone, which can not only show that he attaches importance to it, but also make Liu Min feel that he is very serious about discussing with him. Moreover, Zhu Daidong usually won't let Huang Bin call such a phone. After he called Liu Min, he would tell Huang Bin that when the county magistrate Liu would come and let him have a cup of tea that the magistrate Liu likes to drink.

Everyone's eating habits are different. When it comes to Zhu Daidong, most people will no longer pay attention to their own tastes, but Huang Bin still tries his best to make everyone pay attention to it. For example, what kind of tea do the members of the Standing Committee like to drink, whether it is thicker or lighter, he has a score in his heart. Huang Bin specially vacated half a filing cabinet to put all kinds of tea. It is said that there are more than 30 kinds of tea in his place, and they are all good tea.

"County Minister Liu, please come because Gao Jie just reported to me that he has made significant progress in Luo Liang's case. He mentioned that it was necessary for the Public Security Bureau to set up a mass reporting award. I didn't have time to study it with you, so I made a plan. Zhu Daidong said with a slight apology.

"I have long felt that it is necessary for the Public Security Bureau to set up such an award, but there has been no action. Zhu [Shu] remembered the front of our government and came to the front of our government, which really makes me ashamed." After listening to this, Liu Min hesitated for a moment before saying with a guilty face.

"Since County Magistrate Liu has had such an idea for a long time, we have thought of it together." Zhu Daidong tinned slightly and said with a smile.

Liu Min may be very angry, but there is nothing he can do. He has made the conditions, and he has no better way but to agree.

"As long as the county government is consistent with the work of the county party committee at any time, I believe that the work of the whole county can be done well." Liu Min said lightly.

"For the candidate for the finance director, has the county magistrate Liu a suitable candidate?" Zhu Daidong asked again.

"Xiao [Book] has eliminated several people through a conversation, but there is no final result yet," Liu Min said lightly. In fact, it's not that he hasn't decided, but that Xiao Guan has not been finalized. So far, Xiao Guan has only eliminated seven people, and six of them were eliminated by Zhu Daidong himself, that is, the party committee under the six [book].