Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 703 Meet the Dust

He Xiaoyao and Li Moxuan are both practical and capable cadres, in the eyes of Yuhuā County. The cooperation with Zhu Daidong is very tacit. Although the economic growth rate of various counties and cities in Shachang City in 1997, Furong County ranked first, and at the same time G. B In terms of total volume and fiscal revenue, Furong County is also the first. However, Yuhuā County is the first in terms of industrial growth. At the same time, there is still a certain distance between Furong County and Yuhuā County.

Now Furong County is still a road. At least judging from the situation in 1997, the economic growth of Furong County has benefited a lot from an unknown company. However, Yuhuā County is not the case. The aquaculture farm in Shuling, the furniture factory in Lion Mountain, and the county economic development zone are all booming and belong to many roads.

The economy of Yuhuā County has entered a period of all-round development and has embarked on a virtuous cycle. As long as the cadres of Yuhuā County do not do anything wrong, the economy of Furong County will automatically develop forward, which is just a fast and slow development. He Xiaoyao and Li Moxuan, one is the working committee of the former Yuhuā County Economic Development Zone, and the other is the director of the management committee of the Economic Development Zone. In Yuhuā County, it is really difficult to arrange them now. If they are allowed to sit in their current seats, the leaders of the county are not happy. But to adjust their work, there is no suitable seat in the county. Yuhuā County Economic Development Zone, in Yuhuā County, is a very special unit. The [book] and director of the development zone will not be changed if you give it to the director of a first-class bureau.

The original [book] Chen Shuli was promoted to deputy county magistrate. He also joined the team this year. He Xiaoyao took over Chen Shuli's class. Will he be transferred back to the Agricultural Bureau? I'm afraid that all the cadres in Yuhuā County will have opinions. What's more, is Zhu Daidong still in Furong County? When the city intended to transfer several deputy county-level cadres to Furong County, as soon as Zhu Daidong heard the news, he immediately reported to the main leaders of the municipal party committee.

Ren Qiang, Minister of Organization, and [Book] Xia Luoxing, Executive Vice President, have reservations about this matter, but several other members of the Standing Committee of the city, especially the Municipal Party Committee [Book] Wang Dake and Tian Ye, who has been officially elected mayor, all support Zhu Daidong. The mobilization of cadres in different places is conducive to local development, which is also conducive to the unity of the team in Furong County. The biggest problem in Furong County now is the development of the economy.

Now all parts of the country are heroes in terms of economic development. Judging from the GDPOP data, the political achievements are no exception. Furong County has served as the county party committee in Zhu Daidong for a year. The economic foundation of Furong County has been very solid, and all the roads in the county have been completed. After ten months of construction, the roads in Furong County can be guaranteed for more than 50 years. The railway has also gone through demonstration and exploration. After a year, the construction will start soon. The tourism economy of Furong County also made a good start at the end of the ninth year. More than a month towards the end of the year, there is an endless stream of organizations and groups coming to Hibiscus County for meetings. However, the city has also noticed that the county government of Furong County still lacks some strength and efficiency in implementing the resolutions of the county party committee. Originally, Liu Min also reported to the relevant leaders in the city and wanted to transfer the name from the municipal government. But neither Ren Qiang nor Xia Luoxing could help him this time. But what was more unexpected was He Xiaoyao and Li Moxuan. They received a conversation from the organizational department at the end of December, but a week later, they were transferred to Furong County, and then participated in the first meeting of the Fourth People's Congress of Furong County as a candidate for the deputy county magistrate of Furong County. They didn't even Report your work to Zhu [Book] and become the deputy head of Furong County.

After being elected as the deputy county magistrate of Furong County, the two immediately put themselves into work, first socializing, and then to the grassroots research. Well, take advantage of the evening to report to Zhu [Book], and Zhu [Book] has no time. It has been half a month since they ran back from the next township.

"County Chief He, don't forget about dinner in the evening?" Li Moxuan stretched out and turned his head to He Xiaoyao. He and He Xiaoyao are both the new deputy county magistrates. The county arranged to go down to investigate together, accompanied by comrades from the county government office. After half a month, I finally basically figured out the situation in Furong County.

When they are below, Li Moxuan and He Xiaoyao will get together no matter how late they are. In addition to discussing the grassroots work in Furong County, there is also their future work. Li Moxuan should be the deputy county magistrate in charge of science and technology, but He Xiaoyao's division of labor has not been determined for the time being.

In the unit, the level of the position is not the main thing, but the key lies in your division of labor. A director of the CPPCC has the right to the director of the Institute of Industry and Commerce. Although He Xiaoyao is only an ordinary deputy county magistrate, if the work in charge is very important, in the county, it will not be worse than the deputy county magistrate of the Standing Committee.

When they were below, Zhu Daidong called them and asked about the investigation. At the same time, he made an appointment with them. When they returned to the county, he received the dust for them. Only then did Li Moxuan remind He Xiaoyao to remember to have dinner in the evening.

"I'm going back to take a shower, change my clothes, and come right away." He Xiaoyao nodded and said, although it was Zhu [Book]'s treat, he couldn't really treat himself as a guest. In such a case, it must be the main guest. In name, it is Zhu [book] to treat guests. In fact, they pay for it.

Li Moxuan looked at the sky and immediately woke up. He was the secretary of Zhu [Shu]. Why did he have no such awareness? He also went back to his room immediately. He and He Xiaoyao have just come to work in Furong County. They have not arranged a dormitory for the time being. The county government office will arrange for them to stay in the Furong County Hotel first.

After taking a shower in the room and changing clothes, Li Moxuan and He Xiaoyao arrived at the box of the restaurant on the second floor early and waited for the arrival of Zhu [Book] early. At 5:30, the two of them waited at the Furong Hotel, not in the lobby, but outside the Furong Hotel. Although they are the new deputy county magistrates, the people who should know them in Furong County have already met them. The two of them don't have Zhu Daidong's super memory. Others know them, but they can't bear to recognize all of them? Every time someone greets them, they can only nod their heads, uh-huh, haha, as soon as they leave, the two of them care about each other. At six o'clock in the evening, Zhu Daidong arrived at Furong Hotel on time. When He Xiaoyao and Li Moxuan saw Zhu Daidong's car, they were relieved. If they stand like this, I'm afraid they will run away in a while.

"You are not ordinary cadres now. Waiting for me like this outside is not a good impact. People who don't know think I'm bullying you? Don't do this in the future." Zhu Daidong got out of the car and walked straight to them. He shook hands with them tightly and said with a smile.

"Zhu [Shu] Remember, no matter when it comes, you are my old leader, which is not a scourge." Li Moxuan said with a smile.

"Yes, Zhu [Shu], you are my old leader. If I sit and wait with Mo Xuan, it's rude." He Xiaoyao also said with a smile that what he said was actually a little far-fetched. When Zhu Daidong worked in Yuhuā County, he was already the deputy director of the Agricultural Bureau. Later, when Zhu Daidong was the head of the township, he mentioned the director. According to the unscripted rules, although he was at the same level as Zhu Daidong at that time, he worked in the county, and he was also a kind of director. Zhu Daidong was also polite when he saw him.

However, later Zhu Daidong was like riding a helicopter. He Xiaoyao has been working in the Agricultural Bureau, but Zhu Daidong has been working from the party committee [book] to the assistant to the county magistrate, then to the deputy county magistrate, the executive deputy county magistrate, the acting county magistrate, the county I was transferred from the Agricultural Bureau to the development zone, and finally it was Zhu Daidong's help. Now I can transfer from Yuhuā County to Furong County because of Zhu Daidong. In officialdom, there is no other way to repay yourself except to be grateful. When he was in Yuhuā County, He Xiaoyao had already regarded Zhu Daidong as his own leader, and now he has risen to an old leader.

"Let's go and talk inside." Zhu Daidong saw the people passing by. In addition to seeing himself and others, he slowed down. The speed was definitely not much faster than that of the turtle. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid the number of people around will double.

"Zhu [Book] Please do it first." He Xiaoyao said.

"How's it going? How's the situation in Furong County?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"It's okay. I actually came to Furong County before. This time I came back, it was like a change of Mou. If it hadn't been for the comrades of the county government, I would have thought it was not Furong County." He Xiaoyao said with admiration.

"I'm not here to listen to you this time. If you go down to investigate, you should be able to find problems and solve problems in the future, otherwise how will your work be carried out?" Zhu Daidong said lightly.

He Xiaoyao and Li Moxuan nodded in a hurry. Zhu [Shu] Ji finished it conscientiously and reported the work to him like the original Yuhu County. He couldn't be careless.

Is it a double monthly ticket now? How many more do you want to invest in the new year?