Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 704 Important Division of Labor

As early as two years ago, Li Moxuan knew that Zhu Daidong's drinking capacity was absolutely unfathomable, but he rarely learned it. Anyway, as far as he knows, Zhao Jinhai, Xu Jun, Guo Lin'an and other famous wine masters in Yuhuā County have never dared to provoke in front of him. But today, Zhu Daidong washed the dust for him and He Xiaoyao. He can't let Zhu [book] remember not have enough fun, can he? He Xiaoyao's idea is the same as that of Li Moxuan. As long as Zhu Daidong raises his glass, they will immediately follow. Even if you drink it with stomach bleeding, the wine must be eaten.

What's more, how can Zhu Daidong's kindness to them be rewarded with a drink? As long as Zhu Daidong said a word, even if he let them die, he would not frown. They worked so hard, but the careful Zhu Daidong found out.

"You two have been partnering in the development zone for so long." I don't think anything else has improved, but the amount of alcohol is rising day by day." Zhu Daidong saw that He Xiaoyao and Li Moxuan had the posture of sacrificing their lives to accompany the gentleman, and said with a smile.

"Our drinking capacity has not grown in Yuhuā County. This is waiting for Zhu [Shu], but it has doubled." He Xiaoyao said with a witty smile.

"Drinking is important to have fun. You don't have to be drunk, let alone stomach bleeding. He Xiaoyao and Li Moxuan should also have a preliminary impression of the situation in Furong County, right? Do you have any idea? Zhu Daidong put the cup upside down on the table and said.

Zhu Daidong's approach made He Xiaoyao and Li Moxuan secretly relieved. Zhu Daidong has the ability. Under his governance, Furong County has changed its old appearance and changed greatly in a year, which was beyond their imagination. Li Moxuan seldom came to Furong County before. In his impression, he seemed to have only followed Zhu Daidong twice. But every time I came and went in a hurry. When I came to Furong County this time, I didn't feel it except that the road was good.

But He Xiaoyao didn't come to Furong County often. He had both business and private affairs. He knows the original situation in Furong County very well. During this period, he ran in the township below and felt the great changes that had taken place in Furong County. In He Xiaoyao's view, the most important change in Furong County is not the highway, nor the railway to be built, let alone the underground drainage system and the new county seat, but the spiritual outlook of the people in Furong County.

People in Furong County already have a positive spirit. They expect and believe that their future life will be better. This belief, if it appears in a person, can change his fate. If you appear in a group of people, you can change the face of a place. Now it appears on almost all the people in Furong County. He Xiaoyao believes that the future of Furong County will be brilliant.

And most importantly, Zhu Daidong has a high prestige in front of his subordinates, but also very considerate and caring. Follow such a leader. As long as you can make achievements, you don't have to worry about anything. As for other people's gifts and treat, it is never needed here in Zhu Daidong. Whether it's drinking with him or having a cup of tea, even sitting and chatting together is enough.

"Zhu [Book], I used to know more about Furong County. Since you came to Furong County, I seldom come to Furong County. But I haven't been to Furong County for a year, and earth-changing changes have taken place here. I'm not flattering." It's true. Now Furong County has laid a solid foundation, just like building a house on the foundation of Furong County. If you want to build a building, you don't have to worry about collapsing. He Xiaoyao said, "This is his heartfelt." Before coming to Furong County, he felt that the economic pattern of Yuhuā County was still stronger than that of Furong County.

Although Furong County won the first place in the city in several economic indicators this year, surpassing Yuhuā County, Furong County can achieve such a cost entirely by relying on the nameless company in Furong County and several major projects in Furong County this year.

Since the beginning of this year, the highway reconstruction in Furong County alone has invested hundreds of millions of yuan, plus the ancient building protection of the old city, the underground drainage system, and the development of the new city. It is impossible for Furong County to be the first place. In addition to next year's new city construction, special railway line projects and amusement parks and Furong Hotel invested by other places, in recent years, I'm afraid no one in Shachang City will be able to take the first place in the GDP increment of Furong County. But after going down this time, He Xiaoyao changed his mind. He believed that the development of Furong County could not be seen from the surface. There was a reason for all this.

"What do you think about the economic development of Furong County? You used to be the working committee of the Economic Development Zone of Yuhuā County, and you are also half an expert in this regard. "Just take the pulse of Furong County." Zhu Daidong smiled and said that he could hear He Xiaoyao's comments, "It shows that his work in Furong County for a year has won the recognition of others.

In the past year when Zhu Daidong worked in Furong County, he dragged on the strong development of unknown companies and led the people of the county to get rich together. In the Spring Festival this year, the Civil Affairs Bureau suddenly became idle, and the materials from the upper hair were flat. "All towns and towns did not come to fight" and even the Civil Affairs Bureau . The Civil Affairs Bureau was originally a first-class bureau, but now it has enjoyed the treatment of a second-class bureau.

"I think Zhu [Book]'s plan for Furong County is very reasonable now." As long as it can be implemented without discount," Furong County will become an economically developed county sooner or later." He Xiaoyao said that after knowing that he was coming to Furong County, he studied the relevant documents of Furong County over the past year. After more than ten days of research, he agreed with Zhu Daidong's idea.

The idea determines the way out. The economic system of Yuhuā County can be said to have been created by Zhu Daidong. Although he has left Furong County for more than a year, the reason why the economy of Furong County continues to develop at a high speed is still because of Zhu Daidong. In terms of economic development, there is no doubt about Zhu Daidong's ability, and He Xiaoyao has long admired it.

"Li Moxuan, what do you think?" Zhu Daidong asked him when he saw Li Moxuan listening quietly.

"I agree with the county magistrate He. You are a famous and capable person in Shachang City for economic construction. What we need to do is to hold high the great banner of Bibpin's theory under your leadership to push the cause of socialism with national characteristics in Furong County to the 21st century in an all-round way. Li Moxuan patted over with a gentle flattery.

"Has Comrade Liu Min communicated with you about the division of labor of the county government?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"Zhu [Book], my division of labor has been determined. The head of science and technology is mainly in charge of science and technology." Li Moxuan smiled faintly. His promotion speed was also very amazing. Someone had calculated that it was comparable to Zhu Daidong. When Zhu Daidong served as the deputy magistrate of Yuhuā County, as long as he was one year younger now. Of course, Zhu Daidong has served at the Zhengke level for a longer time than him, and the foundation is relatively thicker.

"That's not necessarily the same." Zhu Daidong whispered that strengthening the county with science and technology and rejuvenating the country with science and technology are the policies formulated above, but the specific implementation to the following is a little different. This full-time deputy head of science and technology, which was specially added this year, has basically become a transit station for arranging cadres. But since he specially asked Li Moxuan to be the county magistrate of science and technology, "of course, he will not only let him come to Furong County for gilding, and Zhu Daidong's subordinates will not raise waste people.

Since he is a county magistrate of science and technology, of course, he will not pay attention to seniority and only talk about ability. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Li Moxuan to be transferred to be the deputy county magistrate for a year.

"Zhu [Book], has there been any change?" He Xiaoyao said in surprise that he took a look at Li Moxuan and saw Li Moxuan open his mouth, but he didn't say anything, so he asked for him.

"If you really want Xiao Li to be the head of science and technology in Furong County, I think there are some talents and some work. Furong County still needs to learn from Yuhuā County." Zhu Daidong sighed slightly," he said. Next year, the finances of Furong County will be comprehensively improved, and the county's pockets will be bulging, so we can do something related to people's livelihood.

"Zhu [Book], has the county magistrate's division of labor been determined?" Li Moxuan asked with Li. There is basically no change in the division of labor between the two people, but He Xiaoyao has always been uneasy. His qualifications are much older than his own. It has been five or six years in the practical position at the main section level. Now he has been promoted to deputy county magistrate. Can't he also be in charge of culture, education and health?

"This is something for the county government to consider." I believe that Comrade Liu Min will definitely give the county magistrate He a burden." Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

On January 16, 1998, Liu Min presided over the expanded meeting of the county government to deploy and arrange the work before the Spring Festival. County Magistrate Liu Min: Responsible for the overall work of the county government. Executive Vice County Magistrate in charge of personnel, establishment, finance, taxation, auditing and supervision: assist in the development plan, economy and trade, labor and social security, statistics, prices, finance, production safety and other work. Deputy county magistrate Gu Jianxuan: assist in charge of office, transportation, civil affairs, disabled people's federation, aging, county chronicles, foreign affairs, grain, supply and marketing, industry and commerce, postal service, tobacco, commercial inspection, quality and technical supervision, ", vegetable basket" and other work.

Deputy County Magistrate Liu Lafeng: Assist in charge of politics and law, planning and construction, land and resources, environmental protection, armed forces, letters and visits, etc. Departments (units): County Public Security Bureau, Judicial Bureau, Planning and Construction Bureau, Land and Resources Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, Civil Defense Office, Branch Office, Traffic Police Brigade, Fire Brigade.

Deputy County Magistrate Li Moxuan: Assist in charge of education, science and technology work. Departments (units): County Education Bureau, Science and Technology Bureau. Contact department (unit): County CPPCC, Science and Technology Association.

Deputy County Magistrate He Xiaoyao: Assist in the supervision and management of culture and sports, health, [medicine] product supervision and management, family planning, radio and television, tourism, ethnic religion, creation and health, spiritual civilization construction and other work. guan departments (units): County Bureau of Culture and Sports, Bureau of Health, Bureau of Tourism, Bureau of Family Planning, Bureau of Radio, Film and Television, Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs, Office of Creation and Health.

Li Moxuan is in charge of education, and He Xiaoyao has also increased the work of tourism. Although their ranking is not high in the county government, these two jobs are one of the most important jobs in Hibiscus County!