Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 908 Can't help it

In officialdom, there is a kind of Ah Q-style thought, such as lower-level cadres together. When commenting on superior leaders, I always like to despise or make fun of leaders. I think it's too tiring to be a leader. My level is just right. It's not as good as it, and it's more than enough. If you can talk about the e�s of the leaders during the dinner, it will increase the feelings between each other. Speaking of the secret news of the leader, the listener is invisible, just like forming some kind of alliance.

Although this is the idea that grapes are sour if they can't eat grapes, they won't admit it themselves. Since Zhu Daidong was transferred to the Chu Metropolitan Government, the attention he received is beyond imagination. Some want to see him fall, and some want to see him do things incompetently. In a word, if Zhu Daidong can do something, it can make many people feel comfortable.

This time, Yuhuā County Food Company wants to acquire Kanghui Food Factory, which is not the news from Zhu Daidong's side, and Chen Shuli has not told anyone about it. If such a thing hasn't signed a contract yet, he won't talk about it casually. What the outside world knows is that Hou Lihua and his son participated in the township enterprise conference in the province under the leadership of relevant comrades of the township enterprise bureau of Yuhuā County.

It is a great honor to be able to attend such a meeting, especially to hear the speeches of the provincial party committee [book] and the governor on the spot.

When Du Bangjun had a discussion with the representatives of township enterprises during the meeting, Hou Lihua was excited and said to Du Bangjun that the township enterprises in Yuhuā County should seize the opportunity of reform and opening up and vigorously develop.

Yuhuā County Food Company already has plans to acquire a food factory in Chu City.

Du Bangjun was very interested when he heard that the township enterprises in the following counties actually wanted to acquire provincial enterprises. He casually asked, which food factory is it? What is the nature of the enterprise?

Of course, Hou Lihua would not hide it, so he said the name of Kanghui Umbrella Factory, and also told Du Bangjun that this was Mayor Zhu Daidong of Chu City. The current scale of Yuhuā County Food Company has an inseparable relationship with Mayor Zhu. If you want to say the person you are most grateful for, in addition to the party and the government, it is Mayor Zhu.

Hou Lihua praised Zhu Daidong, and Houjiatang Tofu Factory, the predecessor of Yuhuā County Food Company, was once founded by Zhu Daidong. This makes some people with intentions think about the relationship between Zhu Daidong and Hou Lihua. Now Zhu Daidong is going to let Yuhuā County Food Company acquire Kanghui Food Factory. Will there be any tricks in this?

People's imagination is infinite, especially when this is a topic they have longed for. At the provincial township government work conference, of course, Chudu will also send representatives. Moreover, the township enterprise bureau in Chudu also had staff to attend this meeting. The news soon reached the municipal government, and many versions were immediately extended. In the end, Mayor Zhu will give the chicken rib of Kanghui Food Factory to Yuhuā County Food Company for free, which is also a statement recognized by many people.

Because of the operation difficulties of state-owned enterprises, as long as someone is willing to take over the phenomenon of free delivery, it is not without. What's more, the land of Kanghui Food Factory has sold nearly 3 million yuan. As long as a small part is taken out, it is enough to accommodate more than 30 employees. As for the equipment of the food factory, it is not worth much money. If an enterprise is willing to invest and promises to solve the re-employment problem of dozens of employees in the food factory, it is not impossible to give the enterprise to them for nothing. At least such things are common in other places.

The main reason why it has attracted widespread attention this time is that Zhu Daidong, the youngest executive deputy mayor, is involved. Zhu Daidong's restructuring of state-owned enterprises in Chu City was very successful. This restructuring involved nearly a thousand enterprises, and the amount of the restructuring was also in 100 million yuan. With such a large amount of money, even if Zhu Daidong is honest and gets tens of millions, it is simply a drizzle, and no one will pursue such a problem. However, if Kanghui Food Factory gives it to Yuhuā County Food Company for nothing, it will violate Zhu Daidong's previous agreement and will never allow the loss of state-owned assets!

This may be Zhu Daidong's joke, which can also make Zhu Daidong show them.

If Zhu Daidong can be criticized by the municipal party committee this time, or even take a punishment, it will make many people feel very comfortable. If the Municipal Party Committee can ask the Commission for Discipline Inspection to investigate Zhu Daidong's economic situation in depth, it will be even more pleasant.

The speed of the spread of rumors has always been amazing, especially when no one stands up to clarify the facts. Although it is only half a day, this topic has become the hottest topic of Chu Municipal Committee and Municipal Government. Even if it is a member of the Central Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, [Central] Central [Book], State Councilor, [Central] Central Political and Legal Committee [Book] Zheng Nanchang came to Gunan Province for investigation, and it is likely that he will go deep into the municipal law department of Chudu, and this topic cannot be overshadowed.

It was not until Zhu Daidong returned to the municipal government in the afternoon that he learned that the matter had spread and was well known to everyone. He was still thinking that in the morning, when he went to Kanghui Food Factory to investigate again, he received some inexplicable phone calls, asking if he was worried about the restructuring of Kanghui Food Factory? At that time, Zhu Daidong thought that others could be so powerful. Now in retrospect, he knows that everything has a reason.

Zheng Yangsong has been following Zhu Daidong today. After returning to the municipal government, he also quickly learned about this matter. The relationship between his secretary's second department has always been very good. As long as Zheng Yangsong comes back, he will be notified as soon as Zheng Yangsong comes back.

"Zheng Yangsong, is this true?" In addition to the indging of the agency, those who know Mayor Zhu's thoughts, I'm afraid that Zheng Yangsong is the only one besides Mayor Zhu himself.

"This is all a matter of nothing. How could Mayor Zhu give Kanghui Food Factory to Yuhuā County Food Company for nothing? When did you see Mayor Zhu doing business at a loss? Zheng Yangsong asked, even if it was a real loss-making business, Chu City had made a lot of money from the perspective of people at that time.

"This matter is very eye-catching, Zheng Yangsong, if there is any latest news, do you have to inform me first?" Zang Yinming exhorted.

Although Zhu Daidong did not pay attention to this matter, if he did not express his attitude, it would only make the rumors intensify. He called the mayor's office, and Sun Jianfo answered it himself.

"Mayor, I want to report to you about the Chuchang Happy World Project. Do you have time now?" Zhu Daidong asked that he could explain the matter of Kanghui Food Factory to Sun Jianfo, but he could not take it as his main job. He only needed to mention it casually, and Sun Jianfo could understand.

Otherwise, even if Sun Jianfo believes it, it will make people feel that there is no silver here.

"Come here now." Sun Jianfo said faintly. He also heard about today's rumors that in addition to being his secretary, Shu Xi also had another duty, which was to pick up some gossip in the office and report it to him. As long as it is gossip about the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, it is very important.

The contract investment of Chuchang Happy World is 17.5% billion yuan, and the actual investment is 1.2 billion yuan. Chu City accounts for 70% of the 1.2 billion yuan. This project is highly valued by the city. Take this project as the most important project this year. In addition to Zhu Daidong's responsibility, the Tourism Bureau is also responsible for specific guidance and coordination of various tasks.

The Chuchang Happy World Project is now going very smoothly. Peng Wei went to the battle in person and broke two ribs, which not only did not affect morale, but also stimulated the enthusiasm of the workers. At present, the demolition of the first textile factory has been completed. Chuchang Technology Company is mainly responsible for expanding the 300-acre artificial lake in the original textile factory into the largest artificial lake in the province of 1,500 mu.

Because this lake is manually modified, any ideas and designs can be completed according to the requirements. Peng Wei originally wanted all 1,500 mu to be turned into water, but later he thought that it was a little wasteful to do so. The 1,500-acre artificial lake in the city is really a little huge. And when it is developed, it can't be perfect. Therefore, he wants to leave one or two islands in the lake. Now it is too simple to leave islands in the artificial lake. Just pile the soil in the water area on the island. This can not only save a lot of time, but also add attractions to the islands in the lake, and also reduce a lot of expenses. Otherwise, just pulling out the soil in the artificial lake is a huge project.

This work has been basically completed after day and night construction. In the artificial lake in the happy world of Chuchang, there will be two man-made islands more than 200 meters apart and more than 200 mu each. The remaining nearly 1,000 mu of land will become a key installation site for entertainment equipment. Although Peng Wei is very satisfied with the current design scheme. However, because of the two man-made islands, he revised the design plan again. In Chuchang's happy world, he will consciously leave the lower area to prepare for the new entertainment equipment in the future.

Zhu Daidong is completely an outsider in this kind of design. He just looks at Biwei's plan as a tourist. He can't find any reasonable rebuttal to such a revised plan. Since it can't be refuted, the best way is to agree.

Sun Jianfo quietly listened to Zhu Daidong's report. Zhu Daidong obviously knew about the rumors of the municipal government, but now he did not have any fluctuation in his mood. He clearly reported to himself the project of Chuchang's happy world, and his eyes seemed very calm. I'm afraid that the other deputy mayors of the municipal government can't do this calmness.

"Daidong, how is the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in the city going recently?" Sun Jianfo asked casually. As soon as he opened his mouth, he regretted a little. Unexpectedly, he couldn't help asking about it first.