Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1113 Decided

Zhu Daidong's matter can't be made clear in a few words on the phone. It's just about time to get off work. Xu Lifeng asked Zhu Daidong to meet in the evening, and Zhu Daidong proposed to go to Xiangshan Club. There, he can not only enjoy the quiet private space, but also completely invade other people's private space with his ability.

Now Xiangshan Club has become one of the high-end clubs in Chu City. People who come here to consume are either rich or noble. Since Zhu Daidong and Guo Lin'an often visited the city, many cadres in Chu City also like to come here to spend. Soon a unique circle was formed here, because of the strict access system of Xiangshan Club. When this year's membership reaches a certain number, the issuance of membership cards will be stopped, which has aroused more interest.

The more you can't get, the more you want to get. Xu Jun and He Yanghui firmly grasped people's consumption psychology, making Xiangshan Club one of the leading high-end clubs in Chudu in a very short time.

"Dai Dong, what the hell are you doing? You are missing in the afternoon. What is the state now? You really don't know anything about it?" As soon as Xu Lifeng saw Zhu Daidong, he was full of complaints. It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuch. This transfer may be another turning point in Zhu Daidong's life, but he didn't even know how to worry at all.

"Don't you have Brother Xu? What do I have to worry about? Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"Well, don't ask me about the job transfer later." Xu Lifeng sat carethily opposite Zhu Daidong and scolded with a smile.

"Brother Xu, you're not really stacking me here, are you?" Zhu Daidong quickly toasted Xu Lifeng and toasted cigarettes. Although he knew that Xu Lifeng was angry, he fell asleep in the afternoon, which was indeed a little outrageous.

"What do you say yourself? Is it right for you to sleep in the office one afternoon?" Xu Lifeng said angrily and funnyly.

"It's all my fault. I drank some wine at Wei Gengyi's place in the morning, but I was sleepy as soon as I went back. Brother Xu... Does the province have a unified opinion on my work? Zhu Daidong said that if he is not interested in his job transfer, it is absolutely false.

"You? Dai Dong, you have to find a suitable reason to lie, right? I don't know if the more you drink, the more energetic you will be... I'm sleepy. Fortunately, you can come up with such a reason. Xu Lifeng laughed and scolded.

"Even if my mouth is full now, I can't explain it clearly." Zhu Daidong smiled bitterly.

"Are you really drinking?" Xu Lifeng was surprised to see that Zhu Daidong didn't seem to be telling lies.

"You can also try it. This is Maotai produced in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and now you can't buy it on the market at all." Zhu Daidong raised the wine bottle in his hand and said proudly.

"Fifty years of aging? That's the original pulp wine." Xu Lifeng said in surprise... Unlike Zhu Daidong, he drank raw pulp wine for the first time. A few years ago, he accompanied Qian Feihu to inspect a winery and was lucky to drink it once. For many people, although raw liquor is a good wine, the concentration is too high. Generally, some pure water should be added to dilute, or ice cubes, cola and juice can enhance the taste. Zhu Daidong said that he was sleepy after drinking raw pulp wine... Xu Lifeng believed it a little.

"I didn't expect you to understand." Zhu Daidong said that he likes drinking, and his research and understanding of wine has also been greatly improved. As he is now, if he wants to drink raw pulp wine, not to mention a car, it is still no problem to drink ten bottles and eight bottles. But this kind of behavior is like Pandora's magic box. Once opened, it will soon get out of control and become uncontrollable.

Raw pulp wine refers to the original liquor that the grain is fermented into wine through the bend, which is completely correct. In the wine industry of China, "original pulp wine" can be said to have the longest history. Before the 1960s, liquor in the traditional sense of China belonged to the category of raw liquor. Raw pulp wine is a high-quality healthy wine that combines six advantages: nutrition, health, fashion, deliciousness, elegance and high quality, which may also be the development trend of liquor in the future.

And the wine after the 1960s... is basically mixed wine. At that time, due to the tight supply of grain, in order to save grain for brewing, many wineries added flavoring substances to edible alcohol to simulate the taste of traditional raw liquor. After entering the 1980s, the raw liquor once disappeared, and the technology of blending liquor became more and more mature. Nowadays, almost all consumers drink liquor mixed with edible alcohol and other chemicals... also known as new liquor.

The mellow taste of raw liquor is not comparable to that of traditional liquor. Whether it is aroma, taste, taste and style, it is far from reaching the level of raw liquor. Although it is not very harmful to the body, it is very headache after drinking alcohol blended wine, and this phenomenon is rare in raw liquor. That is to say, when you meet a freak like Zhu Daidong and drink new liquor, the more you drink, the more energetic you will be.

Fifty years of aging, Zhu Daidong has heard of it before. If it weren't for Wei Gengyi, I'm afraid that Zhu Daidong didn't know when he would see it. Now a lot of people say that drinking is harmful to the body, but if you only drink raw pulp wine, you can still drink it nutritious. Compared with the new process, the original liquor has a strong aroma, sweet and mellow taste. The wine contains amino acids, oligosaccharides, organic acids and a variety of vitamins, and its nutritional characteristics are remarkable. And after drinking, it doesn't go up, which is less irritating to the body.

"I've drunk it once before. You can't drink the original pulp wine like this. You have to add some pure water to dilute it, or add some juice or something." Xu Lifeng suggested that no wonder the wine in the glass looked a little amber.

"What's the point of diluting it? It's best to drink like this." Zhu Daidong said with a smile that as soon as he heard that it was fifty years of aging in Wei Gengyi's office, he couldn't control himself at that time and couldn't help taking a big sip in front of Wei Gengyi.

"Dai Dong, I'll give you a bite. The raw pulp wine is like ginseng fruit, but you can't drink it in a hurry. And in the future, if you go to Kagawa and want to drink with you again, it's not so easy. Xu Lifeng said.

"Brother Xu, do I really want to go to Muchuan?" Zhu Daidong asked, his hearing seemed to be turned off in the afternoon, he didn't know everything in the outside world, and he completely entered the highest deep sleep. "It's basically confirmed." Xu Lifeng sighed and said. At the level of deputy department-level cadres, it is rare for them to adjust their work after their term of office has not expired like Zhu Daidong. However, looking at his work history, Zhu Daidong has never served more than two years in any position. Sometimes even in a year or half a year, it has been promoted and adjusted.

Of course, this is inseparable from Zhu Daidong's outstanding ability and his outstanding achievements. However, Xu Lifeng believes that what is more important is that Zhu Daidong has an innovative spirit. He is young and energetic, has a keen mind, a broad mind, and is brave in reform and innovation, so that no matter what position he holds, he can achieve results quickly.

"It seems that the organization will talk to me soon, Brother Xu, have you decided on the specific position?" Zhu Daidong asked that for going to Muchuan City, whether it was Zhou Baoning or Yu Zhuoyuan, he was very vague. Zhou Baoning only said that he wanted Zhu Daidong to work in the municipal government, but last time Yu Zhuoyuan did not talk about Zhu Daidong's new position at all.

"There are still some disputes in the province about whether you go to the municipal party committee or the municipal government. Some leaders think that you should do party affairs. However, some leaders think that you should give full play to your strengths and focus on economic construction. Xu Lifeng said.

"What is the attitude of the Chu Municipal Committee?" Zhu Daidong asked, perhaps because the province had not been determined, Yuan Qianzhen and Oupuban did not talk to him.

"I heard that Yuan Qianzhen is a little hesitant, and the Oupu class is very supportive of you in going to Kikawa. In addition, Oupuban also suggested that you should serve as the executive vice mayor of Muchuan City, focusing on economic construction. Dai Dong, what do you think? Xu Lifeng said that Zhu Daidong's achievements in Chu City are obvious to all. In order to eliminate this influence, Oupuban adjusted Zhu Daidong's division of labor.

If Zhu Daidong can be transferred from Chudu, the European spectrum class will definitely be happy. As for Yuan Qianzhen's hesitation, Zhu Daidong can also understand that he hasn't talked to himself yet, and it is not clear what he thinks. I have been sleeping in the afternoon, and I don't know if the Oupu class has discussed this issue with Yuan Qianzhen.

"If I had to choose, I don't think it's necessary to move now." Zhu Daidong said slowly that in the final analysis, this matter was caused by Fu Yingxing and Zhou Chaohui. If they don't make much momentum, no one will think of themselves at all. Although Fu Yingxing and others have stopped now, who can guarantee that they will not add some fuel to this matter in Beijing after learning about this matter?

"You should move. Even Governor Qian said that your ability has not been fully realized." Xu Lifeng said.

"Gourer Qian praised it." Zhu Daidong said modestly that there are only a handful of officials who can give full play to their abilities. They are already very lucky to be able to do what they want all the time.

"In front of me, what are you doing here? Do you want to go to the municipal party committee or the municipal government? Xu Lifeng said that he offered to meet with Zhu Daidong tonight, and he also wanted to know Zhu Daidong's [true] idea.

"Do you have to choose one of two?" Zhu Daidong asked that whether he went to the Muchuan Municipal Party Committee or the municipal government, it was not his best choice. This time, my own transfer is not what I expected at all.

"Why don't you add the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference?" Xu Lifeng said jokingly.

"In fact, whether I go to the municipal party committee or the municipal government mainly depends on the attitude of Baoning [book]." Zhu Daidong said slowly.