Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1114 Yuan Qianzhen's real thoughts

After Zhu Daidong was transferred to Kikawa, what kind of position is most appropriate? It mainly depends on Zhou Baoning's attitude. If he wants Zhu Daidong to be the "general manager", then Zhu Daidong is of course willing to go to the municipal government. But if it's just a "department manager", Zhu Daidong would rather hang out in the municipal party committee.

Anyway, in addition to the underground drainage system, Zhu Daidong is basically fooling around. The only difference is whether it is in Chudu or in Muchuan. As for the underground drainage system project that he is most concerned about, Zhu Daidong believes that the rules and regulations he has formulated have been specially issued red-headed documents by the municipal party committee and the municipal government. And on the financial payment side, it is also Yuan Jianyao of the Finance Bureau. The underground drainage system should be completed on time and in good quality, and there should be no problem.

What's more, whether Zhu Daidong can be transferred, there is another critical person: Yuan Qianzhen. If Yuan Qianzhen insists on not letting people go, even the province has no choice. This is not the time to move cadres. Zhu Daidong's achievements in Chu City are also well known. But will Yuan Qianzhen still try his best to fight for Zhu Daidong like at the beginning of last year?

For Yuan Qianzhen, this is indeed a dilemma. Leaving Zhu Daidong means that he will be directly opposed to the European spectrum class, which is not allowed for him. The Oupu class is in Muchuan City and Zhou Baoning. Because the relationship is not good, it is often tense, so the provincial party committee adjusted the work of the Oupu class. If you don't have a good relationship with the European spectrum class now, how does the provincial committee think of itself? At the beginning, he asked the Oupu class to work in the province, but the leaders of the provincial party committee specially talked to him. He also promised the leaders of the provincial party committee that he would unite well with the Oupu class and work together to make the economy of Chudu. However, now the Oupu class clearly supports Zhu Daidong to go to Muchuan. If he Adjust? But if Zhu Daidong is released like this, Yuan Qianzhen is unwilling. When Zhu Daidong was in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, he tried his best to dig him up. After Zhu Daidong arrived in Chudu, the speed of economic development in Chudu created a miracle in nine months.

For this matter, Yuan Qianzhen hasn't slept well for the past few nights. As the secretary of the Chu Municipal Party Committee, if the cadres of Chu City want to be transferred, he must first seek his opinion. But now, many people are trying to be the master of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee such as Oupuban, Wei Gengyi and Liu Tingpei, as well as the leaders of the provincial party committee such as Tian Haiyang, Wang Libo and Lei Tongxing. In the past few days, everyone is looking for an opportunity to talk to him. The central purpose is the same. Zhu Daidong can go to Muchuan.

But can Zhu Daidong really go to Kikawa? Yuan Qianzhen has been hesitating. Although there are people talking to him about Zhu Daidong's job transfer every day, Yuan Qianzhen feels that he should have a good talk with Zhu Daidong.

"Does Comrade Daidong have time now?" Yuan Qianzhen called Zhu Daidong in person.

"Secretary Yuan, what can I do for you? I'll be right there." Zhu Daidong was very surprised. In the past, when Yuan Qianzhen looked for him, it was Feng Zhoulong who dialed the phone first, and then Yuan Qianzhen spoke again. It is very rare for Yuan Qianzhen to call himself in person.

"Yes, I'll wait for you in the office." Yuan Qianzhen murmured that this matter had spread widely. I heard that someone in Beijing had said hello to the leaders of the province. Zhu Daidong had no background at all, but his work adjustment this time almost shocked Zhongnanhai.

"Secretary Yuan, is there something urgent?" After Zhu Daidong pushed the door open, he saw Yuan Qianzhen coming out from the back of his desk and immediately said in three steps and two steps.

"Dai Dong, you are really calm. Please sit down." Yuan Qian said with a smile. He didn't believe that Zhu Daidong would not know about this matter, but other members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee had found an opportunity to talk to him about this matter, but every time Zhu Daidong saw him, he seemed to be fine. Is he really allowed to arrange everything? Yuan Qianzhen suspected that this was not an idea that a mature leading cadre should have.

"Thank you." After Zhu Daidong and Yuan Qianzhen sat down in the meeting area, he sat down on the sand on his side. Seeing the smoke on the coffee table, he quickly gave Yuan Qian a toast, and then quickly lit the fire, and then lit another one for himself.

"Dai Dong, do you have any thoughts on your current job?" After taking a sip of the cigarette, Yuan Qianzhen gently spit it out and asked. Zhu Daidong's ability to come to Chudu has a lot to do with him. Now whether to let Zhu Daidong go or not, he will play a key role in it.

If Yuan Qianzhen insists on leaving Zhu Daidong in Chudu, I'm afraid the province will also carefully consider his requirements. After all, Zhu Daidong has only been in Chudu for less than a year and a half. He has just made some achievements in Chu City. At this time, Zhu Daidong will be transferred. If the economic development of Chu City slows down because of this, who will bear this responsibility?

"At present, the underground drainage system project is progressing smoothly. The six subcontracting companies have come up with the best construction teams and strive to ensure the quality of materials. But in order to ensure the progress, the relevant departments need to do a good job of coordination in transportation capacity. Zhu Daidong said that although the underground drainage system project has started, it does not mean that the government department has no responsibility. In order to ensure the quality and quantity completion of the underground drainage system project, it is necessary to maintain close contact with the contractor at any time.

No matter what, no one can guarantee that it can be comprehensive. Especially for such a large-scale project, there are more than a dozen government departments involved alone. Water, electricity, gas and communications will also be rebuilt and upgraded in a few years. Of course, their investment is basically one-time. After the underground drainage system is completed, there is no need to treat the road as farmers' land in the future, and it will be turned over after a period of time.

"You are the commander-in-chief of the underground drainage system project. The municipal party committee can only guarantee one thing and resolutely be your strong backing." Yuan Qianzhen said that in fact, the underground drainage system made by Zhu Daidong had a lot of resistance at the beginning. The strongest opposition is not the unit related to urban construction. On the contrary, the most opposed to the relevant departments of urban construction. Even municipal companies and several construction companies in the city are disgusted with such projects.

It's just because of the great determination in the city that they gave up. At first, Yuan Qianzhen thought it was very strange. The municipal company and several construction companies in the city were divided into a big cake in the underground drainage system project. Why did they force them to object before? Later, he realized that although they had made a lot of money this time, the urban construction in the city in the future was basically a one-time project.

At the same time, the city's water, electricity, gas, communication and other departments are not very supportive of the underground drainage system. Even these departments proposed that even if Chu City has the best underground drainage system and special pipes suitable for their departments, they will not use it. Many people emphasize that moving these special pipes or lines buried in shallow places on the surface to special pipes dozens of meters deep underground can indeed save a lot of money in the long run. But let them renovate and upgrade now, and they really can't afford this money. It has not been decided when the relevant equipment will be transferred to the underground drainage system. The subtext is that they may never move their equipment to the underground drainage system.

In recent years, with the rapid development of the economy and the continuous expansion of the city, various public facilities must be constantly upgraded and rebuilt. They are used to small construction every year and big construction every three or five years. They are used to this model. If all of a sudden, there is no need to dig the road surface for all the upgrades, and all of them are under construction dozens of meters below the surface, which will greatly harm the interests of these people.

Last year, the economic development of Chu City made Zhu Daidong win a lot of prestige, especially the state-owned enterprises in Chu City. They are grateful to Zhu Daidong from the bottom of their hearts. However, since the underground drainage system was put on the agenda, complaints about Zhu Daidong have continued.

"Thank you for Secretary Yuan's strong support." Zhu Daidong said sincerely that he knew that Yuan Qianzhen would never just talk about his current job when he came to him, but Zhu Daidong actually did not want to talk about his future work. It is inappropriate for him to say whether he wants to leave Chudu or stay in Chudu.

"Daidong, a leader in the province came to talk to me and wanted to transfer you to work in Kikawa. What do you think about this?" Yuan Qianzhen didn't know whether to admire Zhu Daidong's calmness or blame the teacher for his political ** inadequacy.

"I follow the arrangement of the organization." Zhu Daidong said lightly.

"The organization should also consider your personal opinion." Yuan Qian said with a smile. He looked at Zhu Daidong with encouragement, hoping that he could bravely say his true thoughts.

"Secretary Yuan, where do you think we should go this time?" Zhu Daidong asked sincerely.

"It depends on how the work of Muchuan City arranges for you. If you go to the municipal government, I think it is more appropriate for you to stay in Chu City. Although you are not focusing on the economy now, it is also a great achievement to do a good job in urban construction. But if you go to the municipal party committee, it's not to change the environment. Didn't you study in the provincial party school? At that time, work and life can be achieved at the same time. Yuan Qianzhen said that although the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee does not have such a greater say in the economic development of the city than the executive deputy mayor.

However, the party ranking of the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee is higher than that of the executive deputy mayor. Moreover, the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee needs to take a step forward, whether he is promoted to mayor or the secretary of the municipal party committee. If you are the executive deputy mayor, if you want to serve as the secretary of the municipal party committee, you must make achievements in the position of deputy secretary of the mayor's municipal party committee.

"Thank you for Secretary Yuan's advice." Zhu Daidong said gratefully that although what Yuan Qianzhen said was from the bottom of his heart, he subconsciously revealed his true thoughts: he could let Zhu Daidong go.