Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1575 Unexpected

For the exclusive interview proposed by Dan Feng, Zhu Daidong insisted that it must be arranged after Zhou Baoning. Although Yu Danfeng told him that the interview team's task in Kigawa was almost over, and the Taiwan had urged them to submit the manuscript quickly, Zhu Daidong resolutely did not agree to this principle. This matter is related to Zhou Baoning's face and prestige. He will never make such a low-level mistake on such a problem.

Perhaps Yu Danfeng is kind. Arrange an exclusive interview for himself first, so that he can get more political capital. Even in the news program of CCTV in the future, my interview will be the first to be broadcast. However, Zhu Daidong does not want to publicize himself in this way. Maybe after the program is broadcast, ordinary viewers across the country will not have any ideas. After all, whether it is him or Zhou Baoning, the representative is Muchuan. What's the point of whose interview is broadcast first and then?

But the most important audience of such news is leading cadres at all levels, especially superior leaders. Officialdom has a hierarchical system. Why do many people pay attention to the news broadcast? The smooth appearance of the leader and the length of the speech are very important information. By carefully studying and analyzing this information, we can better understand the country's policies. Whether it is officials or businessmen, it is very important for them.

In order to let the interview team of CCTV complete the task faster, Zhu Daidong deliberately rushed to Chudu. After finishing the exclusive interview with Zhou Baoning, Yu Danfeng immediately gave Zhu Daidong an exclusive interview. Many of Zhu Daidong's questions are about people's livelihood. The interview team of CCTV once conducted a survey in Kikawa. This year's Kikawa Municipal Government is the most practical and most supported government for the people in history.

On this issue, Zhu Daidong quoted the words of the General Secretary when he had just inspected the work in Guangdong Province: "The reason why the Muchuan Municipal Government has achieved the current achievements and can be supported by the people is not my personal achievements, but because there is a wise party organization and a united and progressive leadership team.

Why do you say that? The general secretary once said.' Summarizing the history of our party for more than 70 years, we can draw an important conclusion, which is: our party has won the support of the people because our party in all historical periods of revolution, construction and reform, always represents the development requirements of China's advanced productive forces, represents the direction of China's advanced culture, and represents In the fundamental interests of the vast majority of the Chinese people, and by formulating the correct line, principles and policies, we will make unremitting efforts to realize the fundamental interests of the country and the people. Kikawa City will be guided by the 'Three Represents'. Strive for the early realization of the economic development of Muchuan and the substantial improvement of people's living standards.

"Good to say, Mayor Zhu has a deep understanding of the 'Three Represents'." Yu Danfeng said with a smile that in addition to completing the interview task, she will also pay attention to the news of the whole country and even the world every day. Naturally, she is very clear about the General Secretary's speech in Guangdong Province. But she didn't expect that Zhu Daidong would remember every word.

"The important statement of the 'Three Represents' has distinct characteristics of the times. It is not only a major topic of the Party's construction, but also related to the reform and opening up and the success or failure of the construction of two civilizations. It is related to the overall situation of the whole party's national work, and the future and destiny of the party and the country. It is the foundation, the foundation and the source of our party's governance. For us, Kikawa. The same is true. In the next few years or even decades, whether Kikawa can earnestly study and practice the important thought of the 'Three Represents' will be directly related to the achievements of Kigawa's reform and opening up and the construction of two civilizations. Zhu Daidong firmly said that as long as he had time, he would watch the news broadcast. As for the latest trends of provincial leaders and national leaders, Wu Chengke will prepare the relevant information for him on time.

Zhu Daidong believes that the General Secretary's inspection in Guangdong Province has special significance, especially his speech. It will definitely have a far-reaching impact on the development of the Party and the country. In the past few years, a "three lectures" activity on learning, politics and righteousness has been launched all over the country. But perhaps in the near future, there will soon be an upsurge of learning the "Three Represents".

After completing the interview with Zhu Daidong, he returned to the capital that morning. Originally, Zhu Daidong wanted to have lunch with them at noon. After learning that they were really in a hurry to go back, he asked Wu Chengke to see them off at the airport on his behalf. After the emergency, Zhu Daidong personally took them into the car.

"Daidong, I will arrange the broadcast as soon as I go back." Yu Danfeng said with a smile. Her two trips to Kigawa made her very impressed with Zhu Daidong. Who would have thought that the firm and calm young man in front of him had begun to change the fate of millions of people in Kigawa?

"Thank you." Zhu Daidong smiled and said that he didn't care much about when and what program was broadcast. She believes that if Yu Danfeng wants to make this trip to Muchuan an excellent program, it will definitely not be broadcast in ordinary news programs.

"Actually, I should thank you. If it weren't for you, I might still be in the editing group." Yu Danfeng smiled and said that the appearance of Zhu Daidong has completely changed her life trajectory. Now she is very glad that she can still keep in touch with Yan Ruiling after graduation, otherwise, she will lose an opportunity that can never be made up for.

Although she did help Zhu Daidong at the beginning and sent Kikawa's news to the news broadcast, she immediately found out that even if she did not come forward, Zhu Daidong wanted to do it well without any effort. Let's not talk about the relationship between Zhu Daidong and Qin Yali, even if it has nothing to do with it. As long as there is a beauty cream to open the way, she believes that the relationship between Muchuan's office in Beijing can definitely do this matter well. Therefore, she never felt that she had helped Zhu Daidong. On the contrary, she thought that she owed Zhu Daidong a favor.

"Let's not be grateful. I'm deeply honored that you can come to Kikawa for an interview this time. Please take our Kikawa's program." Zhu Daidong said with a smile that he knew that CCTV attached great importance to Kichikawa's interview. In addition to sending a huge interview team, he also asked for Kichikawa's news materials to be transmitted back as much as possible. For some content that cannot be transmitted back for a while, the interview team is required to do a good job of editing and editing in Kikawa.

"Don't worry, I'll do my best." Yu Danfeng said firmly that since she feels that she owes Zhu Daidong a great favor, the best way to repay is naturally to help Zhu Daidong to the maximum extent within the scope of her work ability.

"For Dan Feng, there is something I have to remind you again. Regarding Secretary Zhou's exclusive interview, you have to do everything according to the usual practice." Zhu Daidong told him that he was afraid that Yu Danfeng would put his interview content before Zhou Baoning because he wanted to give him a "surprise". In that case, he would be very troublesome.

"Don't worry, I'll pay attention." Yu Danfeng said that if Zhu Daidong's interview is to be broadcast by Zhou Baoning first, even if she can agree, I'm afraid the program team will not agree. If it's lighter, it's a technical mistake. If it's more important, it can also be regarded as a political event.

What Zhu Daidong didn't expect was that CCTV News World made a series of reports for Kikawa that night. This program has a total of three episodes. It was broadcast that night, mainly the introduction of Mu Chuan and an exclusive interview with Zhou Baoning and Zhu Daidong. Although the interview time for Zhou Baoning and Zhu Daidong is nearly an hour, in fact, the broadcast time is less than five minutes. Among them, Zhu Daidong's visit time obviously exceeded that of Zhou Baoning.

PS: Da Ke is very ashamed. It has been interrupted for three days. I'm really sorry, because I'm out of town. At first, I wanted to use the hotel's computer to code words, but in the chapter of coding every night, I almost broke Da Ke's fingers. The keys of the keyboard are very tight. It's not . On the second and third days, I didn't sleep all night. I went back to the hotel at two o'clock this afternoon and slept until two o'clock in the morning. I have something to do tomorrow, and now I have to sleep for a while.

In a situation like this, it may take a few days. In addition to being sorry, there is really nothing we can do. As for the monthly ticket, I'm even more ashamed to say it. It depends on everyone's feelings. Such a situation may not be completely resolved until around the 20th. ( To be continued) RQ