Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1576 Keeping pace with the times

After CCTV broadcast a series of reports on Muchuan, due to the huge influence of CCTV, Zhu Daidong received a lot of phone calls that night, including Ge Yiwei, who had just arrived in Gunan Province, who also called Zhu Daidong to inquire about this matter.

Although CCTV's report on Kichikawa, for provincial leaders like Ge Yiwei, CCTV's report is obviously not very detailed, but after the reasonable processing of CCTV's news editor, people feel that Kikawa's development speed last year was very fast. Moreover, Kikawa's investment in people's livelihood is beyond the reach of other places.

Especially compared with the Hunan Province where he had worked before, Ge Yiwei felt that Hunan Province could only look back on these aspects. He took the initiative to propose to Zhu Daidong to hear about Mu Chuan's next work arrangement. Naturally, Zhu Daidong will not refuse the active request of his superiors. No matter when, no matter whether the other party has a conflict with you or not, you can't accept such a request.

At the current level of Zhu Daidong, it is not that the leaders above will sincerely welcome the inspection work. Some leaders obviously come down to inspect the work, but when they arrive at the place, they have become private affairs, or even find trouble. This is not like when working in a township, as long as the leader from above, he should try his best to receive it.

But Kikawa's current publicity work is in place. As long as there are leaders from the province, Zhu Daidong is still very welcome. It's just that not any leader will receive it in person. Zhou Baoning's current main office is in the provincial government and the city, and most of it falls on Zhu Daidong. Although Yuan Deming is presiding over the daily work of the Municipal Party Committee, Zhu Daidong, as the first deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, needs him to make a final plan for many things.

Since the Third Session of the Fourth National People's Congress of Muchuan City, Jian Wushuai was transferred to the executive vice mayor. After Shen Qiangliang was soon appointed as the Minister of Organization by the Provincial Party Committee, Zhou Baoning did not interfere much in Muchuan's work. It turned out that Zhou Baoning was bound to participate in the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee every time. But now. He only participates occasionally. Recently, Kikawa has also begun to frequently adjust the appointment of cadres, and is preparing for the departure of Zhou Baoning and the transfer of Jian Wushuai.

As soon as he went to work the next day, Zhu Daidong received a phone call from Wei Lulang. He had already received a notice that he had just accompanied Ge Yiwei to visit Muchuan. This is the first time that Wei Lulang came to Kikawa after he was transferred to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee. Moreover, Zhu Daidong is already the mayor of Kigawa. For Verulan, the meaning is naturally unusual.

"Dai Dong, this time Kikawa once again showed his face in front of the people of the whole country, and I, the deputy minister of propaganda, also benefited." Wei Lulang said with a smile that he didn't see the news last night, but after receiving a call from someone else, he immediately turned on the phone. This morning, I watched the replay again. He compared the conversation between Zhou Baoning and Zhu Daidong. I found that the styles of the two were very different.

Zhou Baoning is a cliché, while Zhu Daidong keeps pace with the times, especially what Zhu Daidong said about the "Three Represents". Let Verulang's eyes light up. At present, all localities are still emphasizing "three lectures" learning, while Zhu Daidong uses the thoughts of three representatives to explain the development of Muchuan, which will naturally make people feel refreshing.

"We are just actively doing a good job in publicity under the leadership of the Provincial Propaganda Department." Zhu Daidong said with a humble smile that CCTV sent an interview team to Kikawa, and the city reported to the provincial propaganda department as soon as possible. In order to cooperate with the work of the interview team, the Provincial Propaganda Department also sent staff to Kigawa to guide the work.

"You can't say that, if Kagawa's work is not in place, even if it's good publicity. It's also ineffective." Wei Lulang said that although the interview team of CCTV informed the relevant departments of Kikugawa before coming, a considerable part of them avoided Kikugawa's escort during the interview. That is to say. There are a considerable number of cases that the interview team touched by themselves.

If it hadn't been for Kikugawa's work, the interview team would have found clues, and naturally it would not have had such a high evaluation of Kikugawa. This CCTV news program has a very high evaluation of Kikawa, with special emphasis on it. Kikawa is a city suitable for living, business and investment.

"I just received the notice that I will accompany Vice Governor Ge to Kikawa to inspect the work in a few days. At that time, I must take a good look at the development of Kikawa. Last year, Muchuan developed rapidly. If he has good experience, he should also share it, so that everyone can make progress together. Wei Lulang said with a smile that he didn't know much about the government department. But for the work of the publicity mouth, it is his professional business, which is very **.

"Okay, please ask Brother Lang to guide Kikawa's publicity work at that time." Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"Let's learn from each other, Daidong. Seriously, I really want to talk to you about this time." Wei Lulang said that Zhu Daidong quoted the spirit of the General Secretary's important speech in Guangdong Province's development before the superior leadership department sorted it out and conveyed it, and the result was difficult to predict.

"Brother Lang, I didn't say anything wrong, did I?" Zhu Daidong asked carefully, and he naturally knew that he had said some latest words during the interview. Originally, such a manuscript had to be reviewed first, but Zhu Daidong did not prepare the manuscript in advance for this exclusive interview, which was also a request put forward by the CCTV interview team. The interview team only prepared an interview outline in advance, but the specific questions were not listed.

"Since CCTV can broadcast it, naturally there will be no problem." Wei Lulang said with a smile that it is said that the audit room of CCTV's news center has direct calls to Zhongnanhai. CCTV's review of news programs is very strict, and their grasp of the policy is more accurate than the following. Now that CCTV has broadcast the news of Kikawa, it naturally shows that there is no problem with Zhu Daidong's words.

Originally, Wei Lulang felt that Zhu Daidong's words might have two consequences, either being criticized by the superior leadership department or praised for his speech keeping up with the times. Now it seems that the impact on Zhu Daidong should be the latter.

"That's good. I was quite worried just now, Brother Lang, this time it's not at will. It's just that CCTV wants to see a real Kigawa and a real Kikawa leader, so I didn't list the detailed questions." Zhu Daidong said that the reason why his speech was not reviewed in advance was also considering that CCTV would review it before it was broadcast. Besides, Zhu Daidong's grasp of the policy will not deviate too far from the right track.

"I can understand this, Daidong, I just received a phone call. The Central General Office and the Central Propaganda Department may have the practical experience of leaders coming to Muchuan to investigate the three representatives." Wei Lulang said softly that this is likely to be another good opportunity for Zhu Daidong.

PS: If everything goes well, you should be able to go back the day after tomorrow, and then resume the normal update. ( To be continued) RQ