Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1807 Dividend

In fact, it is unexpected that Zhu Daidong has achieved such a great success for pharmaceutical factories. The average sales volume of more than 200 million a day is difficult to surpass no matter where it is placed. And this trend of Jiao Sui Pharmaceutical Factory does not seem to stop. It is difficult for him to imagine what kind of glory a pharmaceutical factory will create before the end of the year.

"Secretary Zhu, this is not my credit. If you have to say credit, it's all yours." Shi Feng said with admiration that this was not a slippery horse, but from the bottom of his heart. Pharmaceutical factories can achieve billions of sales in just ten days. I dare not say it is absolute, but it is absolutely unprecedented. And this is not only because of the nameless formula provided, but more importantly, because of his guidance. Otherwise, why can't the pharmaceutical factory achieve such a big result in the first month?

"This is just a special period, and my role is limited. After the New Year, I'm afraid that sales will drop. At that time, pharmaceutical factories can just go to various places to set up specialty stores, which is the guarantee for the sustainable and stable growth of pharmaceutical factories. Zhu Daidong reminded that it is undeniable that the pharmaceutical factory turned over and suddenly became the largest pharmaceutical company in the city and even the province. However, the rapid development of an enterprise is sometimes not necessarily a good thing. For example, if the person in charge is hot-headed and makes irreparable fatal decisions, it is easy to make a company decline rapidly.

"Now some smart agencies have begun to send beauty creams to the local area, so there will be a peak in sales. Of course, this process will also be time-sensitive, but through local agencies, we can sell at both ends, so that we will soon gain popularity all over the country. Shi Feng said with a smile that everything should be well-known now. If you want to be promoted, you have to let your superiors know your achievements. If you want to sell products, you have to let the market know your effect.

"Has the information of more than 2 billion yuan sold this time been returned?" Zhu Daidong was also a little funny when he saw Shi Feng's excitement. For Shi Feng, he should have seen any kind of situation.

"90 percent is back, and the local government dares to owe any kind of money, but the gift money will not be on credit. The rest of the money can definitely be taken back before the New Year. Shi Feng said with a proud smile that beauty cream may not be famous in the market, but in the Beijing office in various places, beauty cream is a myth. After Shi Feng learned about this situation, he immediately revised the payment measures and shipped the goods until the payment arrived. At least the goods will not be handed over in the capital until the payment arrives.

"That's good." Zhu Daidong said that if the sales volume and profits of pharmaceutical factories were known, I'm afraid that many people would be staring at the money. After all, this is not hundreds of thousands, not millions or tens of millions, but billions. Even if it is 5%, there is more than 100 million.

Not long after Shi Feng left, Fei Xuyu arrived at Zhu Daidong's office. Because of the relationship between Fei Xuyu and Zhu Daidong, he rarely took the initiative to come to Zhu Daidong's office, but this time he not only took the initiative to come, but also seemed to be in a good mood.

"Secretary Daidong, I want to report to you about this month's salary and year-end bonus." Fei Xuyu said that originally the party committee was in charge of personnel, the government was in charge of money bags, and paid wages and year-end bonuses to administrative employees, he could make the decision himself.

If it were in the past, Fei Xuyu could indeed make the decision. But now the city has planned the financial expenditure for next year. After the New Year, there are many places to spend money. Although the city's fiscal revenue this year is more than 2 billion, compared with next year's fiscal expenditure, he is not happy at all. Whether the salary of the city's cadres can be paid in full is a true reflection of his ability as a mayor. The amount of year-end bonus is directly related to his prestige in the city.

It can be imagined that a mayor who can't even pay the basic salary will be very dignified in front of the city's cadres. And a year-end bonus is also related to whether a family of cadres and workers can have a good New Year, especially the year-end bonus. If there are too few, I don't know how many people will scold him behind his back.

But the sudden popularity of the pharmaceutical factory solved all his problems. When Shi Feng first went to the pharmaceutical factory, Fei Xuyu was not very optimistic about the prospects of the pharmaceutical factory. But after the official production, the order of one million dollars made the stone in his heart fall to the ground. Anyway, pharmaceutical companies will no longer be a burden to the city in the future.

The sales of beauty creams have made his adrenaline soar. He knows that he will no longer worry about the salaries and year-end bonuses of employees in administrative institutions this year. In August this year, the General Office of the Provincial Government issued a Notice on the Timely and Full Payment of Wages to Employees of Administrative Institutions.

In fact, it is mentioned that some local governments have a heavy financial deficit over the years, a large number of financial support personnel, coupled with the payment of rural cooperation foundations and other factors, the phenomenon of government arrears of wages to employees of administrative institutions at the county and township levels has risen again, and some places are still relatively serious, which has damped the enthusiasm It damages the image of the party and the government, and affects the normal operation of government agencies and institutions and the overall situation of social stability. Ensuring that the wages of employees in office and retirees of administrative institutions are paid on time is the basic prerequisite for governments at all levels to perform their functions, and are important responsibilities of the financial departments and party committees and governments at the same level.

If Jiao Sui is still in accordance with the development momentum of last year, it is likely to belong to the situation mentioned in the province that "some local governments have a heavy financial deficit over the years, a large number of financial support personnel, and the phenomenon of wages owed to employees of administrative institutions at the county and township levels has risen again".

Before Zhu Daidong came to Jiao Sui, Jiao Sui's financial deficit reached more than one billion yuan, and the arrears of wages to employees of administrative institutions occurred from time to time. But from the second half of the year, Jiao Sui not only did not increase the fiscal deficit, but also part of the arrears, which was unimaginable before.

"Comrade Xuyu, you can make a plan about the salary and year-end bonus." Zhu Daidong smiled and said that this was something within Fei Xuyu's authority. As a qualified municipal party secretary, he would not casually stick his hand into the government.

"The salary has actually been arranged by the Finance Bureau. The original year-end bonus was also arranged, but didn't the pharmaceutical factory sell billions at once? I wonder if the financial dividend will be taken out first and subsidized to the year-end bonus? Fei Xuyu said that in fact, this is the real purpose of his coming.

According to the instructions of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, Jiao Sui Pharmaceutical Factory was reorganized into Jiao Sui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., of which the original pharmaceutical factory accounted for 30% of the shares, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Jiao Sui City accounted for 30%, and the remaining But for this 40%, Zhu Daidong can only use 25%. The remaining 15% will be divided between provinces and cities. Among them, the provincial finance will directly allocate 10%, and the remaining 5% will be subsidized to Jiao Sui Finance. Fei Xuyu came to find Zhu Daidong and thought about this 5%.

"There are indeed a lot of places that need money by the end of the year. I'm afraid that Jiao County and Shuichang City also need the support of the city." Zhu Daidong said with a faint smile that his main work this year is focused on urban areas. The GDP growth rate of Jiao County this year is not bad, and the fiscal revenue should be good, but in Shuichang City, it is worse.

"Yes, Jiao County is relatively better, but Shuichang City only has the ability to solve the basic salary." Fei Xuyu sighed and said. At the end of the year, all these people came to ask him for money, especially after knowing that the city's fiscal revenue exceeded 2 billion this year, the palace of Jiao County and Mao Zhiwen of Shuichang City almost knocked on the door of his office.

"Jiao County and Shuichang City should properly arrange the wages of employees. They should not transfer the responsibility of financial payment of wages to higher-level governments, and should not have the idea of 'wait, rely on, want'. Forget it this year, if we can't solve such a problem next year, it's the ability of local governments. Zhu Daidong waved his hand and said.

In front of Fei Xuyu, Zhu Daidong called Shi Feng and conveyed his intention to him, asking the finance department of the pharmaceutical factory to calculate the profits up to today, and transfer their respective profits tomorrow.

"Secretary Daidong, a pharmaceutical factory you caught this year can solve the big problem in the city. I don't have to worry about such a problem in the future." Fei Xuyu sighed that a dead pharmaceutical factory almost sold it as a burden in the city, but in the hands of Zhu Daidong, in just a few months, it immediately became the most dazzling star enterprise in the city. He thought he couldn't do such a method.

The next day, the pharmaceutical factory transferred the dividend to the special account of the Finance Bureau, and the 5% was separately divided by Fei Xuyu. In the afternoon of the same day, the municipal government issued a year-end bonus policy for the city's administrative staff. Gong Wendao and Mao Zhiwen also went back happily after asking for 12 million and 35 million respectively.

Jiao Sui's GDP growth rate this year has reached 173 percent, and the fiscal revenue suddenly reached 2 billion, which is good in the whole province. But even so, in order to solve the year-end bonus problem of employees, Fei Xuyu still needs to work in the main pharmaceutical factory, let other cities. If each place can properly solve the salary problem of employees, why should the provincial government make a special notice?

Of course, the reason why Fei Xuyu wants to make a pharmaceutical factory is mainly because of the people's livelihood projects to be implemented in the city after the New Year. On this, Zhu Daidong is willing to spend money. Not only will the Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission put in all 30% of the dividends from pharmaceutical factories, but also 25% of Zhu Daidong's will be used. Even this year's Jiao Sui's fiscal revenue will take a considerable part. Coupled with next year's fiscal revenue, it can be said that next year's Jiao Sui's investment in people's livelihood and welfare will be unmatched by any city in the province.

PS: Monthly tickets are really a powerful driving force for Da Ke. Continue to ask for tickets. RS