King of Martial Arts

Chapter 180 Collection of Mount Sumer

Before coming to Xumi Mountain, Cen Ruoqiu never thought about what this place was like. She just knew that this was the supreme place of Buddhism in the world and the home of ten thousand Buddhas. Now that she saw it with her own eyes, she knew why this place was respected by the world.

Xumi Mountain is surrounded by Kunlun mountains. It is not only the name of the sect, but also the name of a mountain. The mountain is like a knife, standing proudly in the vast snowy mountain community, with thousands of walls, allowing the cold wind to blow and the blizzard to sweep.

This was supposed to be a pure place of Buddhism, but now it is not. As soon as they landed, Cen Ruoqiu and Shizhen saw people going to the top of Xumi Mountain. Those people are neither disciples of the Blood Demon God Religion nor the disciples of Xumi Mountain. They look like some scattered people in the world. Among them, Cen Ruoqiu actually saw the old beggar who looked at her.

"... go and have a look!" Everyone walked together and whispered as they walked.

"Yes, it's so shocking..." When those people passed by Shi Zhen and Cen Ruoqiu, they couldn't help looking back at them, especially curious and hostile staring at them.

Shi Zhen frowned, and he couldn't help but feel nervous. Xumi Mountain is a pure land of Buddhism, and now he is falsely blamed as the source of all evil. This matter is unacceptable to anyone.

Cen Ruoqiu took a few steps, caught up with the old beggar who limped and walked hard in the snow, and said, "Senior!"

"Oh? It's you, girl!" The old beggar stopped, looked back at Cen Ruoqiu, smiled and said, "Why, do you dare to come to this denouncement meeting?"

"Concrimence meeting?" Cen Ruoqiu asked in surprise, "I don't know what you mean?"

"All the practitioners in the world, including the old beggars, have received such an invitation, which was issued by Luo Xingyun, saying that the source of the walking corpse has been found. Please be sure to rush to Mount Sumer before today, and the result will naturally be revealed." The old beggar said. As he spoke, he struggled to free his hand and took out a wrinkled invitation from his arms and handed it to Cen Ruoqiu.

Cen Ruoqiu took the invitation and hurriedly looked at it, then saluted the old beggar and said, "Thank you, senior! I wonder if this invitation can be borrowed by the younger generation?

"Oh, take it. It's useless to put it with the old beggar. Most of them will be taken by me to wipe his buttocks..." The old beggar waved his hand openly and continued to move forward.

Cen Ruoqiu hurriedly took the invitation to Shizhen.

"It's really outrageous!" Before Shizhen finished reading the invitation, he trembled angrily. He clenched his hand and crushed the invitation abruptly. "When have I suffered such humiliation for thousands of years!"

"Brother Shizhen, I think there must be something strange at this time. You and I must not act recklessly!" Cen Ruoqiu Dao.

The air has been watching quietly. He talked a lot along the way, but gradually he also found that Shi Zhen and Cen Ruoqiu were worried and didn't seem to have the mood to chat with him, so he resisted and missed the broken Jin Danzi very much.

"Hmm!" Shi Zhenqiang held back his anger and nodded slowly. Fortunately, he is now wearing casual clothes, and he has always been low-key, and no one in the world knows him, so he pretends to be an ordinary person who came here on invitation and walked up the mountain with Cen Ruoqiu.

Xumi Mountain is tall and towering into the clouds. The whole mountain is surrounded by clouds and snow, and its original appearance can't be seen from the foot of the mountain. There is only one road up the mountain, and other places are all cliffs, and the terrain here is extremely high. Even if they are practitioners, if they don't have the realm of spiritual silence, they can't fly here at all. If they barely fly, they are afraid that they will be blown away by the cold wind halfway up the mountain, and the higher the air is, the thinner they are, and they can't exhale at all. Suck.

Step by step along the mountain road, he walked through the mountain gate, and every time he walked, he felt a little pain in his heart. On the way, he actually saw Ji Yuan wearing half an iron mask. At this time, Ji Yuan had become the substitute owner of Wanjian Villa. In fact, it was even so, because except Ji Yuan, no one in Wanjian Villa could take charge. This is the place.

As the head of the three factions, the change of the owner of Wanjian Villa was a very sensational thing. Unfortunately, the Wanjian Villa has been quickly defeated in the past five years. The wall fell and pushed by the trees. Therefore, Ji Yuan's succession as the owner was also quietly carried out without informing others.

Not only is his successor very low-key, but Ji Yuan's temperament also seems to have changed a lot. In Shizhen's memory, Ji Yuan is a person who often talks about jokes. His face always seems to have a smile and can amuse people wherever he goes. However, now Ji Yuan wears a mask on his face, does not smile, and even passes by indifferently after intercourse with Shizhen's four eyes, which makes people can't help but feel I feel sorry.

"Alas!" As he walked, Shi Zhen suddenly sighed for a long time.

"Brother Shizhen, what's wrong?" Cen Ruoqiu asked softly.

"The times change, and things are wrong." Shi Zhen whispered, "Look at the three major factions of our past scenery. Now one is bleaker than the other. Why is this?"

Cen Ruoqiu frowned and said nothing. She couldn't answer this question.

"I think someone must be fooling!" Kong said, "Maybe it's your enemy. Your human mind has always been the most complicated and unpredictable, which is one of the reasons why we hate you."

After saying that, he jumped forward and pulled Shi Zhen and Cen Ruoqiu far behind him.

Although the empty words were a little harsh, they couldn't help but be stunned by Shizhen and Cen Ruoqiu. Yes, Kong is right. People's minds are too complicated. For their own selfishness, they can do everything. People often talk about monsters and beasts and always think they are superior, but they don't know that in the eyes of those so-called monsters and beasts, they are pitiful and hateful people.

"Why do I think things are very wrong?" Shi Zhen and Cen Ruoqiu walked up slowly and frowned.

"Brother Shizhen, do you also notice it?" Cen Ruoqiu's eyebrows were also high.

"The demon religion has begun to counterattack." Shi Zhen said in a low voice.

"Yes, I'm afraid the protagonist on the stage this time is Luo Xingyun and the ghost life." Cen Ruoqiu Dao.

"Who is this ghost life?" Shi Zhen frowned and asked, "I have never heard of him before!"

"Who knows? I don't know where a jumping clown came out, and now he is on the stage. Cen Ruoqiu said, "Let's take one step at a time. Maybe there will be a turning point this time, and they may save the master."

"I hope so." Shi Zhen exhaled slowly.

It is extremely cold on Mount Xumi. Every time they exhale, they can quickly form a white fog in the air. Even with such cultivation as Cen Ruoqiu, they feel a piercing chill.

When approaching the mountain gate, Cen Ruoqiu and Shizhen saw the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect standing upright on both sides. They wore thick cotton robes and held various weapons in their hands, staring at these people going up the mountain.

There are many reasons why people in the real world are invited to come. Naturally, people with high cultivation and high nature will not be scared by the ** power of the Blood Demon Religion, but there is an unprecedented disaster in the world today, and they are also out of a sense of responsibility, so come and have a look. More out of fear, some ordinary and schoolless immortals have to succumb to the Blood Demon God Religion. For them, even if they come, they just come to have a look and won't lose anything. If they don't come, they will be lifeless.

A huge temple is standing among the clouds and fog on the top of the mountain. This world-famous Xumi Mountain temple is not as majestic as everyone thinks. On the contrary, its simplicity and quietness are awe of everyone. However, this was originally an extremely quiet place, but now it is faintly shrouded in a gray fog, which can be seen at a glance by anyone with a little cultivation.

"Brother Shizhen, how long has it been since you came back?" Cen Ruoqiu stared at the temple and asked.

"The last time I came back was to pick up something. By the way, it's been half a month." Shi Zhen replied.

"When I came back last time, there was no such a gray fog, right?" Cen Ruoqiu asked.

Shi Zhen shook his head slowly: "Absolutely not."

"This fog seems to be very sad, but it is definitely not a comfortable atmosphere. It's strange." Cen Ruoqiu Dao.

"I think this breath is very familiar." Shi Zhen said, "I just don't remember where I once smelled it."

"Ghost life." Cen Ruoqiu thought for a moment and suddenly said.

"Ghost life?" Shi Zhen frowned. He had never really met the ghost life. Previously, when they encountered ghosts in the Western Regions, he was always in a state of loss of soul.

"Yes, it's his breath. This matter really has something to do with him." Cen Ruoqiu whispered, "It seems that Luo Xingyun and Ghost Destiny have colluded together. Brother Shizhen, we must be careful this time."

As soon as he entered the mountain gate, a smell of blood came to his nose. On the tree on the left side of the gate, a young man was hanging and drifting in the air with the wind. His body had been stiff, as hard as an ice edge hanging under the tree. His face was gray, his tongue spit out long, and his abdomen was cut. Blood flowed down from the wound, forming a long bloody ice edge on the ground and the wound, which was very shocking.

After Shizhen saw the brother's death, his heart was very painful. He clenched his fist tightly, and a sad mood rose. If it hadn't been for the many people here, he would almost have gone and shouted.

Cen Ruoqiu squeezed his shoulder secretly and whispered, "Brother Shi Zhen, calm down."

Shi Zhen nodded slowly. He took a few deep breaths, inhaled the cold air into his lungs, and then spit it out. It seemed that only in this way could he suppress the sadness in his heart. He closed his eyes and couldn't bear to go inside. He only saw such a scene at the door. If he went inside, I don't know what would happen in front of him.

The quaint temple is a wooden structure. Due to its age, all the varnish has fallen off, revealing the essence of thousand-year-old wood. The ground of the temple is paved with raw stone, which is cold and hard, but the floors in the corridor and indoor are made of wood. Like the wood used in buildings, these wooden floors have been creaking when they step on them. This is Shizhen's favorite sound, but now every sound seems to be a needle. Like piercing his heart, it made him very uncomfortable.

Such simply, except for the corpse at the door, Shi Zhen and Cen Ruoqiu did not see any other bodies. They followed the crowd into the Voldemort Hall.

The Fumo Hall is solemn and solemn. This was originally the main hall of the Xumi Mountain Temple, but now it has been changed. In just half a month, Shizhen is about to recognize this place.

All the Buddha statues fell to the ground, the bronze tripod was kicked over, there was no faint cigarettes in the incense burner, the bright lights went out, and the hall was dim.

There seems to be a person sitting on the largest Buddha statue, which is the greatest disrespect for the Buddha.

The person sitting on the Buddha statue was Luo Xingyun. He closed his mouth and looked at everyone seriously. The momentum emanating from his body was enough to scare ordinary warriors.

Behind Luo Xingyun, there is a handsome young man with a beautiful face, but three black prints on his forehead is standing proudly. The two of them are closed tightly, as if waiting for everyone to gather together.

I don't know how long it took. It seems that all the people have arrived. Shizhen and Cen Ruoqiu and Kong are also hiding in the corner near the door. They are not too tall or too short. Except for Cen Ruoqiu's appearance, they are safe, because everyone is in danger at this time, and who is still thinking about caring about others. What does it look like?

"Gentlemen!" Seeing that everyone came, Luo Xingyun said slowly, "You must know about the disaster that has recently broken out in the world, and you must be confused about this disaster - why do good people suddenly become walking corpses, why have they have been buried, and people who have been buried in peace will come from the tomb Climb out of the ground and harm their descendants?"

Luo Xingyun's few words made everyone suddenly start to talk about it. For a long time, in the war between demons, the devil's road has always been at a disadvantage. In the world of cultivation, all people are accusing them. However, at that time, because of the three factions were in power, it seemed that the righteous side had a slight advantage. Now the situation seems to have a big reversal. The three factions have basically disappeared, and the rest are dead in name only. Those scattered immortals are all in danger and want to protect themselves. Now it seems that they don't care too much about who speaks here and who is making the decision in the world of cultivation.

However, there will always be one or two outstanding figures who are not used to Luo Xingyun and the Demon Sect. For example, someone in this crowd said loudly, "Yes, we can't figure it out about it, but we don't know what you have?"

Shi Zhen and Cen Ruoqiu and everyone present don't know the speaker. He is not good-looking, maybe he is just an ordinary warrior, but what he exudes is the kind of unyielding momentum.

In the face of this person's questioning, Luo Xingyun was not angry. He just smiled faintly. At this time, Cen Ruoqiu suddenly found that Luo Xingyun's smile was so like a person - Jiang Hanye.

"Good question, I know that everyone has always been biased against our blood demon religion. Today, we happen to kill two birds with one stone. I, Luo, not only want to solve this pimple in everyone's heart, but also to solve a mystery." Luo Xingyun said, "I invite everyone to come today to tell you that this disaster is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster!"

"What?" As soon as Luo Xingyun's words came out, the crowd burst into exclamation.

"A man-made disaster?"

Is it true? What kind of man-made disaster can cause such a bleak scene today?

Everyone is expressing their inner surprise.

"The originator of this man-made disaster is Mount Sumeru." Luo Xingyun said again, "Someone in Xumi Mountain, in order to achieve their unspeakable purpose, sowed the seeds of the plague all over the mountains, resurrised those who died, and made these resurrised people hurt their descendants. Finally, a group of living people turned into walking corpses in the land of Shenzhou. The world is rapidly Withered."

Luo Xingyun's words calmed everyone down. They pricked up their ears and listened carefully to every word Luo Xingyun said. They seemed to be unable to believe it, but there was no reason not to believe it.

"How do you know?" Shi Zhen finally couldn't help shouting, "How do you know that this source came from Mount Sumeru?"

"Good question, little brother!" Luo Xingyun took a look at Shizhen and quickly looked away. He said to everyone, "The one behind me is Mr. Ghostming. He has a profound cultivation and has been assisting us in investigating this matter recently. Next, I will ask Mr. Ghostming to come out and talk about it."

Everyone doesn't know about ghosts, and many people even see Luo Xingyun for the first time, so it feels like they are in the clouds to speak. However, in any case, the strong aura here makes them have to be obedient for the time being, because those who are disobedient have been killed.

"Guys, I'm a ghost, but you must not know me. I have inherited a very inconspicuous sect. Until then, I have been unknown." The ghost said, "until one day, I saw a walking corpse in the city. The walking corpse was crazy and couldn't stop attacking human beings. People who had been hurt by him would soon become walking corpses. I accidentally found a problem, that is, in addition to the rotten smell, there is another smell on these walking bodies.

"My nose is very sensitive. We followed this smell all the way, from south to north, from east to west. Unfortunately, we finally arrived at Mount Sumeru." The voice of the ghost is a little low.

"Don't say so much. You said that the source is in Xumi Mountain, so what about the evidence?" Another person in the crowd asked loudly.