King of Martial Arts

Chapter 181 The Change of Mount Sumer

"Yes, you said it was in Xumi Mountain. You have to show evidence!" Most of the practitioners present still have conscience. Although they succumb to the power and ** power of the demon religion, they are still unwilling to believe that Xumiyama is the source of all evil at the critical time.

Shizhen looked at all this in front of him. He gently closed his eyes and recited the scriptures silently. It seemed that only in this way could he make his heart pure now.

Cen Ruoqiu looked at Shizhen and found that there seemed to be a disciple of the Blood Demon Religion looking at them intentionally or unintentionally, so he took a step forward and blocked Shizhen behind him so that those people would not see the abnormal performance of Shizhen.

"Guys, please be quiet!" The ghost said loudly, "I know that the words of the family are not credible, so I invite you to come today to expose the tricks of the Sumeryama monks face to face!"

The ghost said this, and there was a buzzing whisper in the crowd below. Some people believed, doubted, and disdained.

"Alas!" Shi Zhen sighed gently behind Cen Ruoqiu and whispered in her ear, "Sister Cen, you told me earlier that Brother Jiang was framed. I couldn't understand his feelings at that time. Now I fully understand... Nan Wu Amitabha!"

"Brother Shizhen, let's talk about these words later!" Cen Ruoqiu said softly. She was worried that Xumi Mountain had been the target of public at present, and Shi Zhen would be implicated once she was found to be a monk.

"Xumi Mountain is not only the holy place of Buddhism in your mind, but also the holy place in my ghost's mind. I also thought about coming here to become a monk when I was desperate, but my own conditions are limited. In addition, Xumi Mountain is the place where the mountains stop, so I have never been here." After inspecting the whole Voldemort Hall with his eyes, the ghost said slowly, "It's such a sage that such a thing will happen... Please be mentally prepared and come with me!"

After saying that, the ghost jumped off the Buddha statue and turned to the back of the hall. Everyone hesitated for a moment and followed closely.

"Brother Shizhen..." Cen Ruoqiu looked back at Shizhen. At this time, Shizhen was already tearful, and she had never seen him like this.

"It's okay!" Shizhen took a deep breath and squeezed out a smile at Cen Ruoqiu, "I'm fine. Let's go and see what trick that guy is playing."

Shi Zhen and Cen Ruoqiu followed all the way, turned the ear door and entered a long corridor, which was a monastery, which was the place where the monks lived. Along the way, Shizhen deliberately looked into the room. Each of these abbots was clean and spotless. The door was open, but there was no one inside.

"Strange, where have the brothers gone?" Shixin muttered secretly, "I hope nothing happens!" At this moment, Shizhen's only hope is that their peers have no life-threatening, otherwise their Xumi Mountain will really be destroyed.

Through the monastery, there is a mountain on the top of the mountain. The mountain is like a huge stone, and the whole tip of the mountain is pierced and built into a Tibetan sutra pavilion. The Tibetan Sutra Pavilion in Xumi Mountain is also very famous all over the world. After entering here, everyone can't help admiring it.

"Is this the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion? I really didn't expect to have a chance to come to the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion in my life!" Someone smacked his tongue.

"Wow, it's spectacular here. How did they do it? Can you carve a mountaintop rock into an attic? Some people were stunned and seemed to not believe their eyes.

With different opinions, the ghost jumped to the top of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion. Shi Zhen looked up at him and only felt that the evil breath on this person was very strong, but this evil breath seemed to be visible only by Shi Zhen, because others seemed to believe more and more in ghost life.

"Please take a look!" The ghost raised his hand, pointed in mid-air, and said seriously, "That gray fog is the best proof!"

When everyone heard the words, they looked up and saw a wisp of gray smoke rising from the top of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion like a straight chopsticks, straight into the sky, and spreading like a blooming gray flower when approaching the clouds. The gray smoke is so light and transparent that you can't even notice it if you don't look carefully.

"Brother Shizhen, look at that!" Cen Ruoqiu said to Shizhen, "Have you seen this thing before?"

As Shizhen looked up at the wisp of gray smoke, he frowned and gently shook his head and replied, "Sister Cen, to tell you the truth, every time I come back in the past five years, I have been in a hurry, and I won't stay in the temple for more than a day. That day is very tense. I have to answer the questions of my elders and find a way to settle down. The thoughts of the same family are really negligent..."

"Well, it's not easy to do this time." Cen Ruoqiu sighed, "Now I have been caught by others. Although you and I all know that the three sects are innocent, how can people in the world think so?"

"I'm just worried now, uncles and brothers, what's wrong with them?" Shi Zhenyu said with pain.

"Brother Shizhen, don't worry, once we have their whereabouts, I will do my best to help you save them!" At this moment, what else can Cen Ruoqiu say?

Shizhen looked at her gratefully and nodded and said, "Well, thank you, Sister Cen. For today's plan, we can only take one step at a time.

"Open the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, and we are going to see what evil and foreign things are hidden in it, which actually makes the world dirty!" Someone in the crowd began to shout calmly.

Cen Ruoqiu looked around and found that the person who raised his hand and shouted turned out to be a disciple of the Blood Demon God Religion. He stood here and there, and he would provoke people's anger at any time.

"Yes, open it and have a look!" Sure enough, someone in the crowd was hooked, and once this kind of thing started, it was like a broken thousand-mile embankment, which was out of control.

"I think the continuous war in recent years has something to do with this?" Someone whispered.

"I think so, I didn't run!"

Listening to people's comments, there was a trace of empathy on the ghost's face. He looked deeply at the crowd and said, "The ghost's life is actually exactly what it means. Since everyone thinks so, then we will open this Tibetan scripture pavilion. In case there is nothing evil in it, I will condemn myself. If there is, then I I'm going to ask for an explanation from the famous Sumeruyama on behalf of the whole world!"

"Yes, support Mr. Ghost, open it!" Everyone said one after another.

The Tibetan Sutra Pavilion is the holy place of Xumi Mountain. In the past, only abbot-level people could enter and exit it. Now Shizhen can't help but feel grief and indignation when he sees that many evil people are disrespectful to the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion. If it hadn't been for Cen Ruoqiu pulling him hard, he would have rushed out.

"Good!" The ghost held his fist, first saluted the people on the ground, then to Luo Xingyun beside him, and then raised his palm to condense his breath. He saw a dark light gushing out of his palm.

"Open!" The ghost shouted and pushed out with a big palm. He only heard a loud roar. The whole top of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion was actually overturned by his palm wind.

The ghost's life came out, and even if it shocked those unknown people in the world of cultivation, it surprised Shixin.

Those others who don't know the truth only say that this Mr. Ghost is skilled and amazing, but they don't expect other aspects, but Shizhen is not.

As a disciple of Buddhism, Shi Zhen almost grew up in Mount Xumi. He has a different experience for this Tibetan Sutra Pavilion.

Shizhen's master is the master of enlightenment who died in the hands of Qiongqi when he caught Qiongqi in Yongshan, and the master who can't be the master has been the abbot of Xumishan for more than 400 years. With such a master, Shizhen naturally is a little better than others. He knew from this Tibetan Sutra Pavilion alone that this stone seems ordinary, but it has been supported by the power of monks. Although Master Wutong and others are no longer in the temple now, and those magic powers are also slightly weakened, they can split the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion with one palm. It is still surprising.

Shizhen's face changed, and a cold sweat came out of his forehead. Cen Ruoqiu saw that Shi Zhen's face was wrong, so she whispered, "Brother Shizhen, what's wrong?"

"Today, something bad may happen. His cultivation is too high. According to my observation, he is at least a master of the Yuanying stage, but why can't I feel the true flow of qi from him?" Shi Zhen said in a low voice.

"He..." Shizhen has never had a relationship with ghost life, but Cen Ruoqiu had this experience. She frowned and said faintly, "Maybe he is not a human?"

Shi Zhen looked at Cen Ruoqiu suspiciously: "Sister Cen, do you know anything?"

"I can't explain these three words. If our two brothers and sisters can leave here alive today, I will tell you then." Cen Ruoqiu Dao.

Seeing that Cen Ruoqiu was unwilling to say it, Shizhen no longer forced him to ask, but he gave a big question mark to this ghost in his heart.

Cen Ruoqiu paid attention to every move of the ghost while looking for a person in the crowd. She thought to herself that that person might be able to help them at the critical moment, and that person was an old beggar. However, somehow, although she saw the old beggar when she went up the mountain, she did not find the figure of the old beggar in the crowd. Cen Ruoqiu couldn't help frowning.

After the ghost split the top of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion with one palm, a very spacious and bright study was exposed. This is the top of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion. The four walls are inlaid with stone bookshelves. The bookshelves are full of scriptures. A spiral stone staircase extends from the floor, presumably leading to other floors.

"Oh, I know, I was shocked at that time. For a moment, it turned out that the little brother was the son of Lord Luo..." Everyone was surprised.

"After this incident, something happened, and perhaps few people knew about it, because everyone who knew about it, except Mr. Luo, had died." A trace of ridicray flashed in the ghost's eyes, but everyone was talking about it one after another, and no one noticed his expression, except Cen Ruoqiu.

When Cen Ruoqiu heard the ghost talking about the cow village, she was shocked. First, she was surprised how the ghost knew about it, and the second thing was that she was afraid that the ghost would expose it.

When Jiang Hanye told Cen Ruoqiu about this matter, he did not intend to announce it to the world again, because he knew that although it was done by Master Wuding, it was not intentional. It is related to the reputation of the master. Even if it is a great hatred, Jiang Hanye also chose to be silent, not to mention that there is something hidden behind this matter.

Now Cen Ruoqiu's fate intends to make this matter public, and he will naturally be surprised, and he is more worried that Shizhen can't help but go up and fight with them, so they will definitely lose.

"When he returned to his hometown to visit his relatives, Mr. Luo found that the fathers of the whole Wuniu Village were in a pool of blood, and hundreds of people in the village were killed overnight." The ghost said in a low voice, "The originator of this matter was one of the four gods and monks at that time - Master Wuding of Xumi Mountain!"

"What?" Everyone was naturally surprised to hear this, including Shi Zhen.

"What you said must not be true!" Shi Zhen said loudly, "Do you think Master Wudian has already passed away and can pour dirty water on him here? What on earth are you from? Such a scheme!"

"Oh?" The ghost looked at Shizhen with a smile. He pointed to him and said, "Brother, you have been defending the monks of Mount Xumi, but I don't know what your relationship is with them?"

Shi Zhen showed himself, jumped on the branch of a cypress tree, and said coldly, "If you don't change your name, don't change your surname. I'm a disciple of Xumi Mountain, Shi Zhen!"

"Ah, it turns out that he is from Xumi Mountain. No wonder!"

"He is not a monk, how can he be a monk?"

"He is the famous lay disciple of Mount Xumi!"

"No matter who he is, he dares to admit that he is a disciple of Xumiyama. Even if he is good, this can't offset the evil deeds done by these bald donkeys. Brothers, take him down and interrogate him slowly!"

When everyone heard that the villains hidden around them were full of righteous indignation, they rushed to catch Shizhen.

"It's ridiculous that you have lived for dozens or hundreds of years, and you have trampled on the towering Xumi Mountain, which has stood for thousands of years, with this man's words?" Shizhen sneered, "Who is he, where did he come from, and what he wants to do..."

"What a rickly lay disciple!" When the ghost interrupted Shizhen's words, he said coldly, "Unfortunately, the facts are like iron. No matter how much you argue, you can't wash this charge for you or your fellow door. Today, I'm going to act for heaven!"