King of Martial Arts

Chapter 190 Become a walking corpse

A bang arrow shot out, and the air arrow hit the stamens of the lotus with a long pale tail. I heard a squeak of screams. There seemed to be tens of thousands of mice wailing in the center of the lotus, and a smell of corruption kept emanating from it, and the whole forest was suddenly filled with thick gray smoke. The smoke quickly dissipated in the air, and the smell of decay was quickly blown away by the wind. The lotus flower disappeared invisibly in front of Jiang Hanye.

"All right." Kan Cangyue said.

"That's it, okay?" Jiang Hanye said in surprise that he didn't expect the headache to be easily solved.

"Yes." Kan Cangyue said, she looked up at Jiang Hanye and asked, "Are you from Xumi Mountain?"

Jiang Hanye nodded: "Yes."

"Tear me there." Kan Cangyue said, "If ghosts make such a disturbance, maybe the people on Mount Xumi have become walking corpses. This plague can not only resurrect the dead, but also turn living people into half-dead walking corpses."

"What?" Jiang Hanye was stunned, "But you and I..."

"You and me?" Kan Cangyue said, "We are all people who have surpassed the innate realm. Naturally, we are different from them. This is the center of the plague, and its destructive power is stronger. Go!"


Cen Ruoqiu and Shi Zhen put Fa Zheng's body in the fire. She turned her head away to look for the traces of the emptiness, because she wanted to ask him to prove a question. Who made Fa Zheng look like that?

"Uh..." Before Cen Ruoqiu saw the empty shadow, he suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him. The reason why it is a familiar voice is that Cen Ruoqiu is very familiar with the sound itself. That is Shizhen's voice. In addition, only the walking corpse can make this sound.

Explanation? Walking corpse? Cen Ruoqiu was shocked. She suddenly turned around and saw that Shizhen's whole body was undergoing terrible changes: his body became stiff, his face was red and quickly retreating, and the dead gray was all over his body. His pupils were dilated, his eyes were dull, and he was opening his mouth slightly, and his mouth couldn't help saying "Uh... Er..."

Cen Ruoqiu took two steps back and asked, "Brother Shizhen, what's wrong with you?"

How can Shizhen answer her? He was muddle-headed and walked slowly, sniffing in the air, as if looking for a good meal.

"What's wrong with him?" Cen Ruoqiu was shocked, and the empty voice suddenly sounded behind her, which scared her.

"Isn't this a walking corpse?" Kong didn't wait for Cen Ruoqiu to answer him. As soon as he saw Shi Zhen, he wanted to pull forward without saying a word.

Cen Ruoqiu grabbed him: "Don't be busy."

"What's wrong?" Kong said, "He has become a walking corpse. Shouldn't we kill him?"

"I told you not to be busy!" Cen Ruoqiu shouted, "Jiang Hanye has gone to find the source. Maybe there will be a result soon!"

"You...women's benevolence!" The air hummed and said, "Then don't stay here. Come with me!" After saying that, Kong jumped to a high place. Cen Ruoqiu hesitated for a moment and followed him. As soon as they settled down, they suddenly heard the sound of Kan Cangshan.

"It has changed, after all." Kan Cangshan was lying on the roof, holding a wine gourd in his hand and drinking while crossing his legs.

"Hey, old man, what have you said?" He grabbed his clothes and asked, "Can you stop talking so desperately?"

"I said that Shizhen has changed after all... He was injured before and consumed too much physical strength, which greatly reduced his strength. During this period, the source of the plague continued to emit a source of infection. A body like him is most likely to be infected with the walking plague." Kan Cangshan shook his head and sighed.

"What should I do?" Cen Ruoqiu is anxious and angry, and she can't stand Kan Cangshan's mysterious appearance. Can't she finish it all at once?

"Woman, don't scold me in your heart. If I had known earlier, our family would not have had such a tragic experience, and my sister would not have died..." Kan Cangshan seemed to know that Cen Ruoqiu was dissatisfied with him, so he pointed to her and said, "If you have money, it's hard to buy it. I would have known. I'm a warlock, but I'm not an immortal. I won't predict!"

"So what should I do?" Cen Ruoqiu asked urgently.

"Apologize first, girl!" Kan Cangshan said while drinking.

"I'm sorry, old man!" If she relies on Cen Ruoqiu's temper, she will not give in to others, but now it's about the real fate, she can't be so capricious.

"It's almost. In fact, I think this boy has a long life and won't die like this. Let's wait for Jiang Hanye to come back and have a look!" After saying that, Kan Cangshan hummed a little song and drank with his legs up. He went away happily and didn't pay attention to Kong and Cen Ruoqiu at all.

"What an arrogant guy!" Kong stared at Kan Cangshan and said dissatisfiedly. He turned his eyes, approached Cen Ruoqiu, and quietly asked, "Do you want me to avenge you?"

"Revenge?" Cen Ruoqiu was stunned. She looked at Kong and asked, "What's the revenge?"

"I'll bite him to death for you!" Kong whispered and showed a shiny and sharp canine tooth to Cen Ruoqiu.

"I ask you, did you bite Fa Zheng to death?"

When Cen Ruoqiu saw the appearance of Kong, she suddenly remembered the law that died tragically in the cellar, so she stared at Kong and asked. Fa Zheng's cultivation is not high, but he will not be bitten to death by a walking corpse so simply, unless the other party is strong.

"Fright, you're here again!" Angry, he snorted heavily at Cen Ruoqiu, "Do you think I will do this? Is it interesting?"

The two people said something like this, one doubted and clarified. When they were arguing fiercely, Jiang Hanye came back. In addition to Xiaobai, there was another person who came back with him - Kan Cangyue. Shortly after they came back, Jin Danzi also limped and came back with white.

Somehow, when Cen Ruoqiu saw Kan Cangyue, she suddenly felt her head buzzing, and she fainted and almost couldn't stand still. Kong held her in time and nagging, "What's the matter? Is it so easy to faint? Are all girls like this?

When Jiang Hanye saw Cen Ruoqiu's state and thought about the current corpse flood, his heart suddenly sank and didn't think much about it. He suddenly jumped to her side, took Cen Ruoqiu from his empty arms, looked at her and asked, "Are you all right? Miss Cen?"

Cen Ruoqiu tried to stabilize her mind. She took a look at Jiang Hanye and found that she was lying in his arms. Her face turned red and she shook her head gently and said, "I'm fine." After saying that, he struggled to break free from Jiang Hanye's arms, then walked to Kan Cangyue and said with a smile, "Here you are, Miss Cangyue."

At this time, Kan Cangshan, who was singing a little song and drinking wine on the roof, suddenly stopped. He stood up from the roof and stared at Kan Cangyue. The whole atmosphere suddenly became very strange.

Kan Cangyue also seemed to be aware of the strangeness. She looked up and looked into the distance. Her eyes were opposite Kan Cang Mountain on the roof. When her eyes intersected, her whole body trembled.

"Are you, Sister Cangyue?" Kan Cangshan stared at Kan Cangyue and muttered.

"I am..." Cangyue suddenly felt that the corners of her eyes were a little wet, and it seemed that something wet came out of her eyes. She reached out and swept it away. It was cold and salty. "What is this?" She muttered.

Kan Cangshan jumped up from the roof and fell among the crowd. He said to Kan Cangyue, "Sister, that's tears... That's your tears..."

"Sister...are you Xiaoshan?" Kan Cangyue almost collapsed when she heard this 'sister'. She looked at Kan Cangshan with tears and looked at him carefully. "Sure enough, you must be Xiaoshan. Now your appearance is very similar to your original grandfather..." Cangyue said, actually bursting with tears.

Kan Cangshan also smiled, and his eyes were full of tears. He took a step forward and took Kan Cangyue's hand, which was cold and not all the temperature of living people.

"How did you get on this road?" Cangyue had realized that Kan Cangshan was a warlock. She stared at him and asked, "What about Jiuli Village?"

"I can't. I don't have enough talent. It's more than enough to be a warlock, so I went on like this." Kan Cangshan lowered his head and sighed, "Sister, I'm really happy to see you again today. He also died. You came back with Jiang Hanye, which shows that the source of the plague has also been cut off..."

This performance performed by Kan Cangshan and Kan Cangyue is really unacceptable to Jin Danzi and Kong. What? Sister and brother? But look at their appearance. One is a bad old man and the other is a fairy-like beautiful girl. How can they be siblings?

"Do you think it is similar?" Jin Danzi pulled the empty clothes and asked in a low voice.

"You don't think so, do you?" The air whispered.

The opinions of Kong and Jin Danzi are unprecedented. In fact, not only the two of them, but also Jiang Hanye was also very surprised. He had known Kan Cangshan for a long time and knew that Kan Cangyue's existence was also a long time ago, but the connection between these two people and his past, to be precise with Luo Ri's past, only happened recently. He coughed and was about to ask Shi Zhen Well, I suddenly heard a er, er sound from behind.

It turned out that the walking corpse Shizhen had just staggered elsewhere, so Jiang Hanye and Kan Cangyue did not see him. At this time, he turned around and came out again, and Jiang Hanye noticed the existence of the walking corpse.

"Explanation?" Jiang Hanye was stunned, "How did he become like this? Isn't that lotus the source of the plague?

"What you destroyed must be the source of the plague, but his corpse transformation was not a matter of a while. As early as three days ago, he was seriously injured, but everyone didn't pay much attention to it." Kan Cangshan wiped his tears and looked back at Shizhen and said to everyone, "Because of the injury, this monk's physical function has become very poor, and he is naturally very easy to be infected, but now that the source has been removed, there is no need to worry. He will slowly change back."

At this time, Cen Ruoqiu's face turned red. She felt guilty for blaming Kan Cangshan. No wonder he didn't help. The original reason was here, but anyway, she was also very relieved to know that Shizhen would get better.

After hearing what Kan Cangshan said, Jiang Hanye looked at Shizhen's appearance. Sure enough, the dead gray on his face was gradually becoming lighter, and his eyes were also changing from stunned to a little spiritual, but his body movement was still not so flexible, he staggered, his mouth was slightly open, and his saliva kept ticking down.

"Oh, don't mention it, there are many walking corpses here, and the old monk is also dead..." Kong sighed and touched his head and said.

"Thank you all for your hard work!" Jiang Hanye's throat choked. Thinking of everyone's efforts and hardships during this period, he couldn't help but be a little moved. The grief of losing his father and the emotion of his friends made him fall into complex emotions.

"Don't say that, everything is over..." Kan Cangshan said. He looked at his sister, then at Cen Ruoqiu, and said, "It's just that some people still need my help..."

"Who?" Kong asked curiously.

"Miss Cen, and sister." Kan Cangshan stared at the two of them and said, "If everyone is fine now, please come with me..."

"There are still a lot of things to be done now!" Kan Cangyue's attitude suddenly became a little tough. She stared at the ground and said coldly, "Do you think the ghost is really dead?"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Hanye's eyes suddenly changed. He stared at Kan Cangyue and asked, "Are you sure he is not dead yet?"

"No, but you can't be sure that he is dead, can you?" Kan Cangyue asked.

Kan Cangyue's words brought everyone back to that anxiety, and everyone was silent.

"Anyway, it's so cold here. Why don't we find a room to make a fire to warm up?" Kan Cangshan took the lead in breaking the silence, and he said tremblingly.

Warlocks are not as good as warriors. Most of their skills are aimed at ghosts, while martial artists enhance themselves, so Kan Cangshan's own ability to keep out the cold is naturally not as good as the people present.

"Okay, let's go in and have a rest. If there is anything, we can discuss it slowly, but before that, we need to do one thing first." Jiang Hanye said.

What Jiang Hanye said was to do something to lock up Shizhen so that he would not run around. After closing Shizhen, Jiang Hanye and several others came to a monk's room, lit a fire, and gathered together to discuss.

"Everyone, except for this Wolf King, you must know the relationship between Luo Ri and Jiang Hanye, right?" Kan Cangshan was still wearing a blanket while burning the fire. Even so, his nose still flowed down.

"I said, old man, you are so afraid of the cold. Why were you afraid of coming up the mountain at the beginning?" Kong asked curiously.

The empty problem is also what everyone is curious about. Kan Cangshan smiled and said, "We warlocks also know some spells, but most of these spells can't last. For example, I can make my blood flow faster in a short time, and the blood flow will become faster, and the heat in my body will become more, so that I can resist the cold, but that It can't last. After a long time, not to mention the rapid physical consumption, the blood will also change back to its original speed, and I naturally can't resist the severe cold of Xumi Mountain.

"Oh... no wonder the warlocks will become extinct." Kong and Jin Danzi said at the same time.

"Well, don't say anything else. Let's get back to business." Jiang Hanye said righteously, "Old man, what do you mean by what you said before?"

"I mean, you are not the only thing in the past and present life." Kan Cangshan stared at Jiang Hanye and said, "The two of them are also."

"What?" Jiang Hanye was quite shocked. He never thought that Cen Ruoqiu would have anything to do with Kan Cangyue, but when he remembered the last time in the Tusi family in the Western Regions, he was a little strange and worried when he heard Jin Danzi and Linger say that Kan Cangyu once wanted to devour Cen Ruoqiu's soul, but he never expected such a relationship between the two.

"After you killed Luo Ri, I don't know why you were seriously injured and died..." Kan Cangshan said slowly. Up to now, although my sister is still 'living' sitting opposite him, remembering the scene decades ago, he still seems to be very sad, and tears are involuntarily. When she fell down, she couldn't help crying in the face of Kan Cangyue. She was about to forget what tears were.

"It's really touching..." An empty man, the wolf king of the wolf clan, actually accompanied the two sisters and brothers to tears at this moment.

"Don't mention it, I also think of my relatives..." Jin Danzi sobbed, stretched out his hand to pick up the hem of the empty leather skirt and blow his nose. He was hit in the empty hand and scolded, "What are you doing? This is my robe. I have such a robe!"

"Why did you die? In fact, I don't know so far. All I know is that the day after your death, everyone was preparing to have a funeral for you and the dead people, but suddenly something happened..." Kan Cangshan stared at the firelight and seemed to return to the night decades ago, the blood pool on the ground, the horizontal The erect corpse and the bloody feet.

"It's Gui Ming..." Kan Cangyue said slowly, "He told me about this. My death was also caused by him, including Luo Ri..." At this point, she looked up at Jiang Hanye and suddenly felt strange in her heart. It was clear that there were two completely different-looking people. Why did there be such a similarity? What about the familiar feeling of acquaintance?

"Yes, it's Gui Ming." Kan Cangshan said, "Only a few children survived in the village. I escaped with them, and then we met another one. It was because I became a warlock that I was able to find out and find your descendants..."

"What's the pain?" Kan Cangyue laughed sadly and said, "Death is dead..."

"Sister, don't you think it's strange? Every time you approach her, she will feel dizzy..." Kan Cangshan stared at his sister and said.

"It's a little strange." Kan Cangyue also looked at Ruoqiu, "Every time I approach her, I can't help but want to kill her, and I don't know why..."

"Because you want to seek souls." Kan Cangshan said, "And if you do that, you will definitely suffer God's punishment and fall into an eternal place. Sister, I finally found you and can help you..."