King of Martial Arts

Chapter 191 Difficulty

It's cold, and it's freezing everywhere.

This is the bottom of Xumi Mountain in Kunlun Mountain, and I don't know how high the horizon is. Like the snowy mountains outside, it is full of white, white ice and snow, white ice edges, and white stones (that is because the stones are covered with a thick layer of snow, and the snow turns into ice and snow due to the cold).

In the middle of this layer of white, there is a touch of black. This black is very dazzling. There is a person who is more than long, lying on the ground, covered with a thick layer of frost, which seems to be a person who has been dead for a long time.


No, the man is not dead yet. He moved. First, the layer of frost covering his body broke into pieces, making a click sound, and then the man who fell to the ground. He struggled to stand up, covered with black mucus. After shaking off the broken ice and snow fragments on his body, he slowly raised his head and looked up. Suddenly, there was a roar in the sky: "Ah..."

There is a huge hole in his chest, and the fragments of muscles and bones hang on the edge of the hole, which is particularly cautious as the cold wind drifts. There were black lines on his face, some of which were clearly distinguishable, some such as watermarks on his face, looking at the colors of these lines as if they were gradually changing. If you don't look at the horrible wound on the man's chest and put aside the black stripes on his face, he is a very handsome man.

This man was naturally killed by Jiang Hanye. In such an extreme cold weather, such a deep cliff abyss suffered such a serious injury, but he is not dead!


The fire gradually went out, and the heat in the room dropped. With a loud sneeze, everyone broke away from what Kan Cangshan said.

"This is incredible!" Kong rubbed his nose and said that he had just sneezed loudly. In such a cold weather, his upper body was naked, and how powerful a master would sneeze.

"Yes, in my previous life and this life, who is my previous life?" Jin Danzi also looked sad. His gray-green face, his long pointed ears, and his hands wrapped around his head stick sat against the transparent little white. How funny it looked.

"Maybe your previous life was a big gray-eared rabbit!" Kong ridiculed him.

"You long-haired dog, how dare you talk about me!" Jin Danzi has never been polite to Kong. After hearing Kong's words, he immediately retorted, and then the two of them quarreled in a low voice, and finally even fought with their ears and clothes.

When Kong and Jin Danzi were in a mess, Jiang Hanye stood up. He didn't know how to deal with the scene in front of him.

"Is that so? Will I ask her for my soul unconsciously?" Kan Cangyue was dumbfounded and said after a long time, "If that's really the case, I'm sorry."

Cen Ruoqiu reluctantly smiled. To be honest, she didn't hear any apology from Kan Cangyue's tone, but anyway, since she has apologized, she has to accept it. They are all sons and daughters of the world. Why do they need to be small? But Cen Ruoqiu really doesn't know how to get along with Kan Cangyue now. She asked Kan Cangshan, "Senior, I don't know how you learned about my relationship with Miss Cangyue?"

"This is a ghost secret. It's very long, and you won't understand it, but you two are indeed a relationship in the past and present life. That's right. You two should take care of yourself in the future." Kan Cangshan rubbed his hands, opened the wine gourd stopper, and swallowed a big mouthful of wine.

"I don't know what to do with those walking corpses?" The walking corpses pointed out by Jiang Hanye are naturally those who have changed from living people in the cellar, including Shi Zhen.

"Yes, senior, what should Shizhen do?" Cen Ruoqiu also asked.

"This depends on their lives." Kan Cangshan took a sip of wine and sighed, "Some people may become walking corpses from now on, until we destroy him, some may be alive, and some may die. These are hard to say."

Cen Ruoqiu stood up when she heard this, Jiang Hanye turned his head and stared at her and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I have to go to see Brother Shizhen. I'm a little worried." Cen Ruoqiu replied.

"I'll go with you!" Jiang Hanye said after a moment of silence.

Cen Ruoqiu nodded and went out with Jiang Hanye one by one. Looking at their backs, a trace of pain flashed in Kan Cangyue's eyes, and this scene did not escape his brother's eyes.

"He is not Lori, although they have such a special relationship." Kan Cangshan said slowly.

"I know." Kan Cangyue said that every time Luo Ri is mentioned, his image will unconsciously coincide with Jiang Hanye in her mind.

"You are my sister and my only relative in the world. From this point of view, I hope you can live well and live with me. Our sister and brother have been separated for too long..." Kan Cangshan's voice is very low, "But you are indeed dead. I really can't bear to see you walking like this. Live like meat..."

"I know what you mean..." Kan Cangyue said blankly, "I know what to do in the future, but I can't leave the world for at least half a year... I have to purify the broken soul beads and completely end it with the ghost life."

Kan Cangshan's eyes were very complicated, with reluctance, attachment, sadness and helplessness. After hearing his sister's words, he sighed slightly and his voice was not loud, but sighed out his life. He found that although his sister's appearance had not changed, some things seemed to be different from before. Same.


In the cellar.

It is still cold here, and the smell of corruption inside is still coming, but it has become much lighter than before.

Jiang Hanye and Cen Ruoqiu walked into the cellar one after another, and Shizhen was locked in the room closest to the entrance in the cellar. At this time, he seemed to be able to completely calm down.

"What is he doing?" When Cen Ruoqiu came in, he saw Shi really facing the wall, put his body together, lowered his hands, and his head kept hitting the stone wall. He couldn't help but say in surprise, "If it goes on like this, he will die!"

"Let's see." Jiang Hanye also saw this scene. He was much calmer than Cen Ruoqiu, because he had seen that Shi Zhen had begun to slowly change, so he vaguely felt that Shi Zhen might be getting better.

Cen Ruoqiu glanced at Jiang Hanye, and the calmness on his face made her feel a little better. The two walked to the door of the cell and looked at Shi Zhen through the fence door.

"Explain the truth!" Jiang Hanye opened his mouth and said that his voice was not loud, but he was infused with true qi, and its effect was absolutely no less than the Buddha lion skill in Xumi Mountain. Everyone who heard this sound felt shocked, even Cen Ruoqiu.

After hearing this sound, Shizhen's action obviously became much slower. His body gradually changed from leaning forward to back, but he still stood there in a hoarse 'er er' sound in his throat from time to time. The sound was slightly different from other walking corpses, not so stiff and cold, and a little more humane.

"Brother Shizhen, can you hear me now?" Cen Ruoqiu tried to ask. After dealing with the walking corpse during this period, Cen Ruoqiu has a little understanding of the characteristics of the walking corpse. They have no breathing, no heartbeat and blood. From this point of view, the walking corpse is no different from the dead body. But unlike dead bodies, walking corpses can also walk around, make sounds, smell and hunger. Perhaps hunger is the only feeling that the walking corpses have. The sound of the walking corpse is emotionless. It is simply the sound made by the airflow after passing through the vocal cords. Men, women and children are the same, just like the wind blowing through a pipe.

Shizhen slowly turned around. His eyes were still gray-white, and his skin became much more, but unlike ordinary people, the outer ring of his cheeks was gray-white, and his ears, nose and cheeks were a little flushed, as if a person in thin clothes was frozen when he first entered the cold zone.

Shizhen tilted his head and looked curiously at the two people outside the prison door. His fingers were bent, his footsteps staggered, and his walking movements were still the same as walking corpses. He took two steps forward and suddenly accelerated his speed, shouting loudly. His voice was so loud that the Sumeryama monks who had turned into walking corpses in the cells around him also shouted. They hit their heads against the wall and pushed the door with their hands. Suddenly, the whole cellar was full of such a sound.

Cen Ruoqiu and Jiang Hanye frowned and looked at each other. They sighed and left the cellar and closed the door.

"What should we do?" Cen Ruoqiu stood at the door of the cellar and looked at the dilapidated Xumi Mountain Temple and said sadly.

"The source has been destroyed. If Kan Cangshan is right, then all we can do is wait." It is rare for Jiang Hanye to speak such a long sentence.

Waiting? How to wait? Is it the same in the outside world? Cen Ruoqiu said with a wry smile.

"Even if the whole world is like this, at least we are still fine, aren't we?" Jiang Hanye stared at Cen Ruoqiu. His eyes became very gentle at that moment, involuntarily, and even he himself did not notice it.

Cen Ruoqiu's eyes touched Jiang Hanye. Her face turned red. She walked forward first and said as she walked, "We are not ghosts. Let's consult the elders about such a thing."

"Can I ask you something?" Jiang Hanye did not take a step. He stood there and looked at Cen Ruoqiu's back and said.

"Ask." Cen Ruoqiu walked slowly.

"What would you do if she asked you to get her soul back?" Jiang Hanye Road.

Cen Ruoqiu fixed her figure, and she knew who Jiang Hanye meant. This question is very cruel and realistic. Cen Ruoqiu didn't know how to answer it for a moment. After thinking about it for a moment, she said, "Everything is according to God's will. Let's see if God wants to keep me or her."

When they returned to the stone room, Kong and Jin Danzi had already snuggled against each other against the wall. The fire burned darkly, and firewood was added inside. Kan Cangyue still sat there, but did not speak. Their eyes looked at the fire together. Even if the door was pushed open, they could not distract them.

"Cough!" Jiang Hanye coughed and went to Kan Cangshan and sat down, while Cen Ruoqiu went far away to another corner and sat alone. She didn't know how to get along with Kan Cangyue now, because every time Cen Ruoqiu approached her, she felt dizzy, which made her very uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Quan Sen, although she answered Jiang Hanye like that before, subconsciously, Cen Ruoqiu still hopes to live, even ants will secretly live, right?

"Are you back?" Kan Cangshan held a thick branch in his hand and pulled the firewood from time to time, making the fire burn more vigorously.

"Hmm." Jiang Hanye Road.

"How is he?" Kan Cangshan asked.

"It doesn't seem to have changed much..." Jiang Hanye said, "And those monks are also..."

"That's a matter of time. Not only those monks, but also your Blood Demon Palace can't escape this bad luck." Kan Cangshan said, "The source of this plague is in Kunlun Mountain. The colder the place, the worse it is. Therefore, the whole Kunlun Mountain seems to be difficult to escape, and so is his ethnic group!" What Kan Cangshankou said about him refers to the emptiness.

Jiang Hanye turned his head and looked at the sky. Although he turned into a human form, he was still curled up when he slept, like a docile dog, and Jin Danzi lay on the sky to sleep and stay warm.

Hearing Kan Cangshan's words, Jiang Hanye felt very uncomfortable. He immediately remembered the pink lady. Oh, no, he shouldn't be called a pink lady now. Maybe he should be called a mother. Jiang Hanye's heart feels strange, mother? This mother has been looking forward to it for so many years, but one day when he really knows his mother's identity, he is not so anxious. He is just a little worried about the pink lady and doesn't know how the plague will affect her.

"According to what you said, only those who are injured and whose cultivation is lower than the innate realm will be infected, right?" Jiang Hanye asked that he needed to confirm it again.

"Yes." Kan Cangshan nodded.

"So how can these infected people recover?" Jiang Hanye frowned and asked, "Shizhen and those monks, they won't always be like this, will they?" And those people outside, they are innocent.

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Kan Cangshan stared at Jiang Hanye and asked.

"Naturally it is the truth." Jiang Hanye felt ashamed to laugh and cry about Kan Cangshan's answer.

"Then let me tell you, I don't know. Because of this walking plague, I have only seen it in ancient books. It is rumored that this plague is not owned by Dongsheng Shenzhou, and I don't know where this ghost came from..." Kan Cangshan shook his head and said, "Now his life and death are unknown, and his whereabouts have not yet. I know that what we can do now is to wait and lock them up first. Anyway, during this period, as walking corpses, they can't starve to death. As long as they don't go out to run around, everything is still hopeful.

Jiang Hanye nodded. In fact, what Kan Cangshan said was exactly what he thought. What else can he do besides this?

"Outside the mountain, there is a valley of vitality, where there are many living people..." Kan Cangyue, who had been silent, suddenly said, "They can still live. Why is that?"

"I think it's because it's far away from Mount Sumeru, the climate is warm, and even if it's a plague, it won't make everyone sick..." Kan Cang said. After saying a few words, he suddenly coughed violently and coughed for a long time before he stopped.

"What's wrong with you?" Kan Cangyue stared at Kan Cangshan and asked, "Sick? Injured?"

"Sister, I'm a warlock. Compared with you, I'm a mortal. I'll get sick and grow old... Do you know how old I am this year? I'm 73 years old..." Kan Cangshan said with a wry smile, "Life has been rare for 70 years, and I won't live long. It's actually a blessing that I have cultivated in my last life..."

Kan Cangyue frowned and said nothing.

"You two sometimes give me the same feeling, the same cold and the same arrogance." Kan Cangshan pointed to Kan Cangyue and Jiang Hanye and said, "Be a man, don't be too cold. Life is alive, and the vegetation is autumn. Even if you are a warrior, how long can you live except to fly up? Time will soon pass, and in the end you will find that it is boring to live like this..."

Jiang Hanye didn't say anything. He was thinking about what he should do after leaving here.

"Should we go to find ghosts?" Cen Ruoqiu suddenly said, "He fell down. You suspect that he is not dead, so let's look for it. If we can find his body, it's best. If we can't find it, we can make perfect preparations."

"You must not find his body." Kan Cangyue said coldly.

"My sister is right. He is not dead." Kan Cangshan said, "He is not that simple, by the way..." He seemed to suddenly think of a very important thing, so he said to Kan Cangyue, "Sister, half of that thing is in his hand, and the other half is with me..."

Kan Cangyu raised her eyebrows, and she stared at Kan Cangshan and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Demon refining pot." Kan Cangshan Road.

Hearing these three words, Kan Cangyue's eyebrows piled up high, and she seemed to be immersed in meditation.

"What's wrong?" Kan Cangshan asked.

"Is something there?" Kan Cangyue Road.

"Here, right here!" Kan Cangshan quickly took out something like a pagoda from the coat behind him and handed it to his sister.

Kan Cangyue took a look at the thing. She shook her head and said, "I can't hold it now. You put it away. It will be useful in the future..."

"Alas!" Kan Cangshan sighed, "Sister, didn't you hear what I just said? I'm a mortal. I'm 73 years old this year. Even if warlocks generally live longer than those ordinary people, I'm almost over! You take this thing and put it in my hand. Sooner or later, he will find it..."

Kan Cangyue frowned. She seemed to be thinking about this very serious problem. What should she do?