King of Martial Arts

Chapter 204 Kan Cangshan

"Are you looking for me?" Jiang Hanye had just finished washing and was about to go into the room to rest, but he was notified by Linger that there was a guest. He went out and saw that Cen Ruoqiu was standing outside.

Baihua Valley has not been disturbed by the plague, so it is still full of red willows and green branches, squatting on the trees, crickets hidden in the grass, and insects and birds singing everywhere. Jiang Hanya stands here, breathing the long-lost fresh air, and feels very comfortable.

"It's about the demon world." After thinking about it, Cen Ruoqiu still wanted to tell Jiang Hanye about it gently, so as not to regret it if something went wrong.

"Oh, come in. This is your Hundred Flowers Valley." Jiang Hanye got out of his way, sent Linger to bed, and then sat down with Cen Ruoqiu.

"I won't help you pour tea. Here you are the master and I am the guest." Jiang Hanye has never been a person who loves greetings and politely.

"Then I'll tell the truth." Cen Ruoqiu said, "When I was in the emerald world, the fairy gave me a book called the Four Seas Classic." Cen Ruoqiu said as he put the book on the table and pushed it to Jiang Hanye.

Jiang Hanye looked at the book and felt that there was nothing special except for the exquisite and better materials used on the pages.

"What?" He stroked the book with his hand and asked, "Does this book have anything to do with the demon world?"

"Have a look." Cen Ruoqiu Dao. She lowered her eyes, looked at the floor, and asked, "Are you all right? Does the wound still hurt? Well... what the woman gave you to eat didn't make you uncomfortable, did it?"

"The injury is fine, it's just a skin injury." Jiang Hanye smiled and said, "As for that spell, it has no effect on me for the time being."

Jiang Hanye's answer somewhat comforted Cen Ruoqiu. She smiled and said, "This is the best. Then you can read this book and I'll come to you tomorrow."

Cen Ruoqiu was about to stand up and leave when she heard Jiang Hanye ask unexpectedly, "Did you throw this book to me like this?" This is the thing of the fairy family. Even if it is worthless, it is more or less a treasure.

"Money is like manure, what's the use of more?" Cen Ruoqiu Dao.

"Wait a minute. I'll take a look. After reading it, you can take it away." Jiang Hanye said that he is also a person who never takes advantage of others.

After Jiang Hanye finished speaking, he reached out and twisted the book and looked at it casually. After reading it for a while, he put down the book and said to Cen Ruoqiu, "This is just a book of geographical monsters. There is nothing about the demon world?"

"No?" Cen Ruoqiu was surprised to hear Jiang Hanye's words, "How is that possible? You can find the uniqueness of this book if you take a closer look.

After hearing this, Jiang Hanye read it carefully and still looked like that, but this time he had a strong interest in the book. As far as he knows, many treasures will have a certain shielding effect after being cast, which will only have a certain effect on a certain part or a certain person. Is this the case? After all, this is also a fairy thing, and even so, it is not surprising.

"What the hell is going on? It seems that I can't understand the secret of this book. Jiang Hanye handed the book back to Cen Ruoqiu and asked curiously.

Cen Ruoqiu knew that only she could understand the book given to her by the Peach Blossom Fairy. She took the book and turned over and said, "This book tells the history of the world, including six reincarnations and the demon world, among which I just I just read the paragraph about the demon world. Since you can't see it, why don't I read it to you?

"It's okay!" Jiang Hanye nodded.

Cen Ruoqiu then opened the book, found the chapter of the demon world, and read it to Jiang Hanye word by word. Jiang Hanye listened to these contents, frowned and lowered his head, thinking deeply.

"You see, that's it. After I saw it, I felt that theyou yan was unreliable." Cen Ruoqiu said.

"That won't be true. She may not be our friend, but this information may not be unreliable, but, Li Shushan? Where is this?" Jiang Hanye said, "I only know that there is a mountain, but I have never heard of such a place as Lishu Mountain."

"I just think it's strange and want to remind you. Now I've said it. You can rest early. We may be leaving in the next few days." After saying that, Cen Ruoqiu stood up, took away the Four Seas Sutra and left.

After Cen Ruoqiu left, Jiang Hanye fell into deep thought.

"Shushan, Lishushan..." Jiang Hanye medited on these two place names back and forth in his heart, thinking about what Youyan said to him that day. I don't know who is real and who is fake? Or are both real and both fake?

That night, Jiang Hanye thought for a long time, and it was not until dawn that he went to bed reluctantly dozed off. In the morning, he got up again, because today they will get together to discuss going to the demon world.

When Jiang Hanye rushed to the Baihua Valley Hall while inting, the disciples of Baihua Valley and the representatives of the people, Ji Yuan and Kan Cangyue had already sat there waiting. Seeing Jiang Hanye appear, Bai Huan said, "The people have arrived. Let's start."

Everyone nodded one after another, and Jiang Hanye also sat down silently.

"This matter is about the survival of the world we live in, so it is of great importance. In any case, survival must be the primary premise." Bai Huan said, "The little sister and several friends plan to go to the demon world. Let's think about what to prepare for them?"

Hearing Bai Huan's words, everyone suddenly began to talk about it. Most people thought it was incredible to say everything, while some people directly considered the most basic and important issue - eating and drinking. Along the way, Jiang Hanye always had to eat and drink, but there were almost deserted cities along the way. It was impossible for them to find food in the wild, so it was important to bring enough food.

"I think they should bring some fried noodles. They can soak in water when they are hungry on the way." A disciple of Baihua Valley said.

What about water? Where does the water come from? Another disciple asked back.

"We have a water diversion!" Someone immediately said.

In a word, eating and drinking is a big problem, and only Baihua Valley are qualified to discuss this problem. After all, they are the host. Whether it is eating or drinking, people who are about to go on the road must get it from here.

"That's it. Let's bring water diversion and some dry food, and this problem will be solved." Cen Ruoqiu finally stood up and said, "But what about the staffing?"

"I'm going too." Bai Huan said.

"No!" Jiang Hanye, who had been silent, immediately objected.

"Why not?" Bai Huan said with a red face, "Do you look down on me?"

"It's not that I look down on you. The fewer people in the demon world this time, the better." Jiang Hanye said, "In different worlds, we know very little about it. According to rumors, it is extremely sinister. It is best not to go to those who practice below the period of spiritual silence..."

Hearing Jiang Hanye's words, Bai Huan seemed to be speechless. She sat down with a sense of disconvincedness and stopped talking.

"I think Jiang Hanye is right." Ji Yuan said, "People with low cultivation just want to die. I think it's best for me, two girls and Jiang Hanye to go together."

Cen Ruoqiu also took her hand and said, "Second sister, I also think it's better for you to stay. After all, we can't predict when the ghost will take action. These people who migrated this time may be the last people in the world. Their safety is very important. Sister, please take care of me."

In the same words, Bai Huan could accept what Cen Ruoqiu said. She patted her sister's hand and said, "Little sister, the future of Baihua Valley is on you alone, so do you know that you have to return safely anyway?"

Cen Ruoqiu nodded and couldn't speak. Life and death, the most painful thing in life is this.


After studying the map for a day, Jiang Hanye and others decided to leave early tomorrow morning. Everything was ready. Jiang Hanye's universe bag played a great role this time. It was full of four people's rations, while Cen Ruoqiu brought a lot of water diversion charms.

This water guide is the treasure of Baihua Valley, which only ignites it in the container. When the charm burns out, there is a bowl of clear and sweet spring water in the container, which is a must-have when going out.

Time flies, and soon came on the morning of the departure. The disciples of Baihua Valley set up wine and practiced for the four people. After each drank three bowls, they rode a fast horse and rode out of the valley.

Now we need to preserve our strength, even if we need to save the little true spirit of flying with the magic weapon, because Jiang Hanye and others don't know what they are facing. After discussion, they still decided to go to Mount Xumi and ride a horse along the way. Maybe they will have a chance to meet survivors and guide them.

Horses are not ordinary horses. They are Pegasus who grew up eating spiritual grass in the Valley of Flowers. They have two wings on the back of the horse. When they are in danger, they will fly into the air with their wings. Not only that, these horses are as fast as thunder and lightning, so they have arrived in just one day and one night. At the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

From the warm south of the Yangtze River to Kunlun Mountain, where the snow is sealed, the gap is not as big as usual. Fortunately, the four of them are all practitioners, and their cultivation is above the spiritual silence period. Therefore, these cold and heat changes are not fearful for them, but the scene in front of them is more or less surprising. .

The whole Kunlun Mountain is gray, and even the snow on the ground has turned gray. The whole world looks gray, and there is no color change at all.

"It seems that the plague is getting worse and worse." Cen Ruoqiu said.

"Well, then let's go to the demon world to see the owner of the plague!" Ji Yuan said. Jiang Hanye listened to Ji Yuan's words. He only felt that Ji Yuan's tone was particularly loud, and his whole temperament had changed, which made him secretly worry. He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to accompany him to the demon world this time.

Kan Cangyue held the moon god bow and was almost silent all the way, and there was basically no expression on her face, which made people unable to see what she was thinking. At this moment, Kan Cangyue couldn't help sneering and saying, "If you can still have such momentum when you enter the demon world, you may still see the owner of the plague."

Jiang Hanye frowned. He felt that Ji Yuan didn't seem to get along with Kan Cangyue, and the conversation between the two was always mixed with a strong smell of gunpowder.

"I think we'd better think about how to find the entrance to the demon world." Jiang Hanye said in a low voice.

"Then let's go and go to Mount Sumeru. You take the way." Ji Yuan said angrily.

"Before we met the enemy, we started our own internal fight first. Can we not do this?" Cen Ruoqiu frowned and said.

Kan Cangyue and Ji Yuan did not speak. The four of them stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up at the direction of Xumi Mountain. They were thinking that the entrance to the demon world was really in Xumi Mountain? Isn't that a pure land for Buddhism?

"When you get here, did the Youyan tell you how to get there?" Cen Ruoqiu asked in a low voice next to Jiang Hanye.

"She just said that it was near Xumi Mountain. I think we'd better go directly to Xumi Mountain. As for that Lishu Mountain, it depends on luck." Jiang Hanye Road. In fact, Jiang Hanye has also analyzed the matter of Lishu Mountain. According to their habits, the left is the inside and the right of the outside. The largest mountain system of Shu Mountain is Kunlun Mountain. In fact, it is very likely that Lishu Mountain is another name or ancient name of a mountain in the Kunlun Mountain system. Because of this, Jiang Hanye made no hesitation. I will follow the information and clues provided by Youyan to walk to Mount Sumeru.

The four people discussed it properly. After a short break, they flew to Mount Sumeru. Before landing in mid-air, they saw a long list of moving black spots, which aroused their curiosity.

"Huh? What is that?" Jiang Hanye was secretly surprised, "It looks like a human..."

not only Jiang Hanye thought so, but also several other people. They coincidentally landed on the shortest mountain nearby and observed the captain dragon nearby. Who knew that if they didn't look at it, they were all shocked at a glance. The captain dragon was actually a walking corpse moving slowly.

These walking corpses seem to be guided by someone and move slowly in the same direction. Looking at their destination, it seems to be Mount Sumeru.

"Strange, where did so many walking corpses come from?" Cen Ruoqiu said in surprise.

"No wonder we didn't encounter many walking corpses along the way. It turned out that the walking corpses came here." Ji Yuan also said.

Jiang Hanye stared at the walking corpses, and he was surprised. What kind of power attracted these walking corpses to gather desperately to Xumi Mountain? Kan Cangyue didn't say anything, but what she thought was different from Jiang Hanye.

"It's Cangshan." Kan Cangyue suddenly said.

"What?" Jiang Hanye and Cen Ruoqiu were shocked when they heard the words, but Ji Yuan had no reaction, because he didn't know who Kan Cangshan was anyway.

"How can I see it?" Jiang Hanye asked.

"Only his soul summoning skills can drive these walking corpses. Although I am not a ghost, I have heard a little about this ghost, so I know it." Kan Cangyue replied.

"So he is near us?" Jiang Hanye Road.

"Exact." Cen Ruoqiu nodded and said, "It should be like this, otherwise those walking corpses will easily slip away. As long as one slips away, Kan Cangshan's efforts will be in vain, but I can't figure out what he is going to do to send these walking corpses here?"

"Can't you find it directly?" Jiang Hanye said, let's look for it separately and meet here half an hour later.


Kan Cangyue was actually not very happy all the way, especially when she saw Jiang Hanye and Cen Ruoqiu talking intimately. Somehow, her chest always felt stuffy and painful. Now she finally has the opportunity to leave the two of them and act alone.

Looking along the long line of walking corpses, Kan Cangyue gradually found a problem. The bells kept ringing, but she never saw the person holding the bell. Kan Cangyue has been running forward, because her body is dead, these walking corpses have no interest in her. Probably in the eyes of these walking corpses, this fast guy is just a special kind.

Finally, when she came to the front of the team, Kan Cangyue saw a thin figure that almost shrank together. She felt cold and rushed to the figure and saw a scene that made her sad: her brother Kan Cangshan's beard and hair were frozen, and he was as thin as wood, with a crutch in his hand. A bell was tied to the crutch head, and the bell would ring when the wind blew over, and it was this bell that guided the walking corpses to keep moving forward.

Kan Cangshan was wearing a coat, which was very wide and covered his thin body, so he even felt that he was a child from the back. He can no longer do it. His eyes are wide open, but his eyes are gray, and his mouth is slightly open, but his mouth is full of ice and snow. This is simply the appearance of a dead man.

"Xiaoshan, you talk." Kan Cangyue ordered, "What are you doing here?"

Kan Cangshan naturally can't speak, because he has been dead for a long time. He has been dead since the day he entered Kunlun Mountain. Why can he still walk now? Has he also become a walking corpse?

Naturally, the answer is yes. Kan Cangshan is taking a mechanical step and leading a large group of walking corpses behind him to climb to Xumi Mountain.

Despite the vicissitudes of life and death, Kan Cangyue's eyes are still wet in an instant. After all, this person is her younger brother and her own brother!

"Xiaoshan, what's wrong with you talking? What's wrong with the walking corpses behind you? Kan Cangyue's voice choked and resisted the impulse to cry.

Dingdang! Jingle!

The bell is still ringing, but Kan Cangshan can no longer answer any questions from his sister.