King of Martial Arts

Chapter 205 The Beginning of the Demon

"Is he still alive?" Ji Yuan stared at Kan Cangshan in surprise and said.

"It's probably caused by some kind of magic. He's dead." Jiang Hanye said slowly. Jiang Hanye had a lot of feelings about this Kan Cangshan. He felt that this person had been miserable all his life. He had no parents when he was young, and even the whole family when he was a little older, he floated in the wind and rain all his life, but he seemed to live happily.

"Let's bury our predecessors." Cen Ruoqiu's voice is very low. Although she does not have a deep friendship with Kan Cangshan, Kan Cangshan has given her advice several times. Now it is naturally uncomfortable to see him end like this.

"I still don't want it now. I think the reason why he will persist like this is that he still has something to do." Jiang Hanye said. His eyes looked at the long line, the expressionless walking corpses in the team, and he knew that Kan Cangshan must have deliberately wanted to do this. He wanted to introduce the walking corpses to Xumi Mountain. Did he want to save these walking corpses here? Looking carefully, Jiang Hanye soon found that those walking corpses were very clean and had no wounds. Obviously, they all became walking corpses when they were alive and healthy.

"I understand." Kan Cangyue suddenly said faintly, "My brother wants us to resurrect these people after eliminating this plague."

Jiang Hanye and others turned their heads and looked at her. The girl's younger brother died, but she was still calm on the surface. If it hadn't been for Jiang Hanye's arrival here and saw her shrugging her shoulders, they would even have even thought that she was really cold-blooded.

"Well, let's help him for the last time." Jiang Hanye and Cen Ruoqiu said in one voice.

Several people looked at each other, nodded, silently guarded both sides of the team, and helped Kan Cangshan fulfill his last wish.

I don't know how long it took before this long group of walking dead finally marched to Xumi Mountain. After all the walking dead entered the yard, Jiang Hanye closed the mountain gate and looked at the smaller and smaller stiff figures in the crack of the door. He said secretly in his heart, "Wait for me, I will definitely make you return to the original. What it looks like."

This is his promise to these poor people and his promise to himself.

"Let's go. We should go to the demon world to meet them." Jiang Hanye said.

Ji Yuan and others nodded. Several young people held their own weapons in their hands and looked far away. The whole Xumi Mountain and even Kunlun Mountain were lying at their feet. For a moment, everyone had their own thoughts, but everyone had a tragic feeling in their hearts.


It's the third day.

The weather is getting worse and worse, which makes Jiang Hanye unable to stand the cold. Xiaobai's bone joints are even more rattling, and it has never been cold like this. Because of the thick warm fluff on Xiaobai's body, it is more resistant to freezing than ordinary warriors.

"We have been looking for three days and nights here, but we still haven't. What should we do? I don't think we can find the demon world at all, right? The world is over..." Ji Yuan sat on a rock covered with thick ice and said helplessly.

"It's only three days. When did you become so impatient?" Jiang Hanye glanced at Ji Yuan and said, "Compared with looking for the entrance, what happened after entering the demon world is more unbearable. It is a long process to enter the demon world and restore Wanjian Villa. If you don't have this patience, what will you talk about the future? I think everyone can just go back. Anyway, you can pass by guarding the Baihua Valley, can't you?

Jiang Hanye's words were very sharp and sharp, and even couldn't hang on Cen Ruoqiu's face. She frowned for fear that the team's hearts would be lax. She secretly pulled Jiang Hanye and motioned him not to be too mean. After all, that person used to be his second division. Brother.

"Don't pull me, am I right?" Jiang Hanye said coldly, "Think about it yourself. If you can't bear these, just go back." After saying that, he shut up and looked around carefully looking for suspicious things.

Ji Yuan covered the iron face with one hand, and his eyes were almost angry. He was trying his best to restrain his emotions, but that emotion was finally ignited in Jiang Hanye's words. He stood up and stared at Jiang Hanye and said, "How do you know I can't bear it? How do you know that our Wanjian Villa can't be revived? What right do you traitor have to say this?

The sword is drawn!

The atmosphere between the four people suddenly became tense, and Cen Ruoqiu was a little nervous. She had been able to foresee such a situation for a long time, but she didn't expect it to come so soon.

"Ha ha!" Jiang Hanye sneered, "Then how do you know that the world is over?"

Ji Yuan is dumbfounded, yes, who knows what the future is like? He clenched his fist and squeezed it tightly, as if to hold hope and vitality. Jiang Hanye stared at Ji Yuan, and he was waiting for his next move.

bang! Ji Yuan waved his fist on Jiang Hanye's cheek, which was completely hit by his own strength, without any moves or true spirit.

"Ky, I tell you, I'm your second brother, and I will always be. You can't talk to your second brother like this." Ji Yuan stared at Jiang Hanye, who was knocked to the ground.

Jiang Hanye did not make any precautions, so he was thrown out. Seeing this, Xiao Bai suddenly jumped behind Ji Yuan. A fierce tiger rushed up and threw Ji Yuan out a few feet away and hit a huge rock with a bang. As a result, the snow on the rock fell to the ground.

"What on earth are you playing with?" Kan Cangyue frowned, came forward with the moon god bow and stared at the two of them and said, "Do you still think it's not ashamed enough?"

Jiang Hanye slowly stood up from the ground and saw that Xiao Bai was preparing to continue to attack Ji Yuan, so he said, "Xiao Bai, forget it."

"Xiao Bai?" Ji Yuan also got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and said coldly, "Is that little beast again? So you still keep it? It's amazing that it dares to attack me today!"

Jiang Hanye stared at Ji Yuan and said, "I warn you, don't say that, Xiaobai. If you don't hit me first, how can it attack you? Xiaobai is the most clear.

When the two of them were arguing, they suddenly heard Cen Ruoqiu say in surprise, "Huh? What is this?"

After searching for three days, all the people were haggard, Cen Ruoqiu's 'hey' obviously brought new hope to everyone. They stopped arguing and looked along Cen Ruoqiu's voice, but saw Cen Ruoqiu leaning down beside a small rock and staring at somewhere carefully.

"What's wrong?" Kan Cangyue stepped forward to ask.

Where the rock came into contact with the ground, there was a crack one finger wide and three feet long, and the gap was pure black, emitting a faint black light. Because the light is very weak, the gap is very narrow, and the location is still very remote, it is almost difficult to find. If Cen Ruoqiu hadn't gone to pick up the purse dropped from Ji Yuan, he might not have found the gap.

At this time, Jiang Hanye and Ji Yuan also came forward and looked at the gap curiously.

"It's really weird." Ji Yuan said.

"The entrance to the demon world." Jiang Hanye said.

"How do you know?" The other three turned their heads and stared at Jiang Hanye with an unbelievable look.

"We have been looking for so long, why have we seen something similar near Mount Sumeru?" Jiang Hanye said, "We can't easily let go of any suspiciousness."

"Well, even if this is the entrance to the demon world, how can we get in if it is so small?" Ji Yuan said that at this time, the two men seemed to have relieved their feelings and forgotten what happened a moment ago, which made Cen Ruoqiu and Kan Cangyu feel a little curious: "Is this the difference between men and women? If the two sisters fight like this, I'm afraid they won't talk to each other again for the rest of their lives.

"Let me try it." As soon as Jiang Hanye finished saying this, he heard Xiaobai humming over and sniffed the gap. Suddenly, he became very excited and jumped up and down around here.

Because Xiaobai is invisible and transparent, and almost only Jiang Hanye can see what it looks like. Therefore, when everyone sees Jiang Hanye staring at a place in a daze, they all feel curious and ask, "What's wrong?"

"What do you think of?" Cen Ruoqiu asked.

"It's Xiaobai." Jiang Hanye became more and more excited, because he found that Xiaobai seemed to be getting smaller and smaller in front of the light.

"Xiao Bai?" Ji Yuan, Cen Ruoqiu and Kan Cangyue frowned at him at the same time, "What's wrong with Xiaobai?"

"Come on, let's get closer!" Jiang Hanye greeted three companions, and the other three people approached the light half-doubtly. At this time, something strange happened. The black light emitted from the gap became brighter and thicker, and the gap became bigger and bigger in front of them, from the width of one finger to the width of a palm and then to the width of his shoulder. Gradually, he We found that the gap was big enough for them to walk in.

"Let's go in and have a look!" Jiang Hanye said to everyone with a little excitement. Xiaobai in front of him has drilled into the gap, and Jiang Hanye did not hesitate. No matter what is in front of him, go in and have a look.

In this way, Xiaobai, Jiang Hanye, Cen Ruoqiu, Kan Cangyue and Ji Yuan entered the gap in turn and walked in a long and dark passage.

"Strange, this gap will get bigger?" While walking Ji Yuan, he said curiously, "What kind of spell is this?"

"I'm afraid this is authentic magic." Jiang Hanye said in front of him, "And it's not that the gap has become bigger, but that we have become smaller."

"What?" The other three were surprised, "How do you know we have become smaller?"

Jiang Hanye then described the changes that happened in front of Xiaobai in front of the gap, and then they became skeptical.

The channel is not too long, and the inside is dry. Although the channel is dark, the front guides them in the way forward with a rare light spot. Jiang Hanye and others kept moving forward in that direction, and finally a light appeared in front of them.

Jiang Hanye came out of the passage. When he looked back, he saw Cen Ruoqiu and others getting out of a narrow gap similar to the mouth of a cave in turn, and then turned around to look at it. He saw Xiaobai jumping and playing on the lawn in front of him, actually chasing a butterfly. The butterfly is also magical. Its huge wings are very dazzling and beautiful in the sun. What's more surprising is that the butterfly actually has a woman's face. At this moment, the woman is laughing and teasing Xiao Bai.

"What the hell is this place?" Ji Yuan was surprised and said, "What's wrong with that butterfly?"

"This should be the demon world." Cen Ruoqiu said, "Otherwise, how can there be such a high-level monster?"

"This is indeed the demon world." Jiang Hanye said slowly. His eyes were fixed in one place, and everyone followed his eyes. They saw behind them, so that next to the crack in the passage, there was a stone tablet with two words written on it: the demon world.

The two words on this stone tablet are powerful, and the font is quite ancient. Each word is as big as an adult's palm. It doesn't look like it is written, but it seems that someone has scratched it with his fingers.

"Sure enough, it's the demon world, but why is this demon world different from what we imagined?" Cen Ruoqiu said, "How can the demon world be so sunny and spring?"

"What do you think the demon world is like?" Kan Cangyue said, "Does it have to be as dark and lifeless as the underworld?" Don't forget that these monsters that can be here today used to be the most spiritual beasts in the world, and their minds are even smarter than human beings.

"Yes." When Cen Ruoqiu heard Kan Cangyue's words, he suddenly realized, "Monsters are also spiritual, and the place where they don't live must be hell." After saying that, she took a deep look at Jiang Hanye, which meant to tell him, "Maybe Youyan is really lying to you."

"What should we do now?" Ji Yuan said, "Where can I find the culprit?"

"You can only take one step at a time." Jiang Hanye said.

Out of the passage connecting the world and the demon world, there is a green grassland in front of you. The grass is wide and boundless. A little ahead is a long green river. The river is calm and waveless. Opposite the river bank is a cobblestone beach, and behind the stone beach is a dense forest. The trees in the forest are not tall or short. The forest is good. It is not sparse or dense, lush and looks very eye-catching. No wonder people will doubt whether this is a demon world, because the scene in front of them can probably only be seen in fairyland. It is only when they move their eyes to various animals walking on the grass that they are sure that this is indeed a demon world.

Look at those butterflies with human faces, those three-headed and six-armed apes, and a human snake-tailed python spirit. This is indeed the demon world, and only the demon world can have so many high-level monsters.

Xiaobai was called back by Jiang Hanye. He reluctantly left the playmate and licked its claws and returned to Jiang Hanye. At this time, the butterfly also found Jiang Hanye and others. First, she was stunned, then frightened and flapped her wings everywhere for cover. Unfortunately, the river bank was full of lawn. Where can there be anything for her to hide? After flying like a headless fly, the butterfly spirit seemed to find that Jiang Hanye and others had no malice towards her, so she boldly came closer to them.

"Oh, who is it?" The butterfly spirit flapped its wings and flew around Jiang Hanye and looked at Jiang Hanye with lustful eyes. "Tut, this little face is really handsome, much better than the previous man."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help laughing secretly, but Jiang Hanye said to her very seriously, "Thank you very much for your praise. I don't know what that person looked like before?"

"That guy? In fact, he is also good-looking, but it's a pity that he is demonic, and there is a dark bar on his face and a hole on his body, which is a great disaster!" The butterfly flapped its wings, and the beautiful patterns on her body were particularly dazzling in the sun.

Hearing what the butterfly spirit said, Jiang Hanye looked back at Cen Ruoqiu and others. They all knew that the "demon spirit" man mentioned in the butterfly spirit must be a ghost.

"So, when did he come here and what did he do here?" Jiang Hanye asked again.

"Alas, we just met. It's all fate. Let's not talk about those unpleasant topics, why not..." The butterfly flicked its wings and suddenly emitted a gorgeous light from her body, and then her whole body was shrouded in light. After this colorful light, everyone was surprised to find that this The butterfly turned into a human appearance, but there was a pair of small wings flashing behind the man.

"Why don't you tell your sister what your name is and what you are doing here? It seems to be a very spiritual guy. Don't you know that this is a terrible demon world? The butterfly spirit stepped forward, stretched out its white arm on Jiang Hanye's shoulder, and said with a giggle.

"This sister." Jiang Hanye was surprisingly respectful. Of course, his apparent obedience was just to get more information from the butterfly's mouth. "Is this the legendary demon world? But why is the demon world better than the world?

"Cluck!" Butterfly smiled, but in turn, her smile was a little helpless. "Monsters are different from people. What you think is beautiful in the world may not be good for us. For example, this blue sky, white clouds, grass and green trees are useless decorations for us, not only decoration, but also practice with us. What about the opponent who robs the aura of heaven and earth..."

"Oh..." Jiang Hanye gave a meaningful sound, looked at Cen Ruoqiu and others, and then asked, "So since the demon world is so bad, why did you come here at the beginning?"

"Ge, little brother, you talk so much..." The butterfly spirit put his face on Jiang Hanye's face and sniffed it. He closed his eyes very well. "The demon world is not only in this place. This is called the initial world. The initial world is the place where the goblins who have just cultivated to achieve small achievements gather. It is the lowest place. And even here, the speed of cultivation is more than three times that in the world. Naturally, we will come here!"

"Oh..." Jiang Hanye shifted his eyes to the distance. There seems to be no difference here. The sun is also in the center, which makes people unable to distinguish the direction. Such a place is still indistinguishable from the southeast and northwest. How can he find another place?

Butterfly spirit is not a fool. She soon saw that Jiang Hanye was worried, so she turned around and looked at Jiang Hanye and asked, "Little brother, there is no reason for you to come here, and you are a human being. How can you find the entrance to the demon world?" However, when she lowered her head and saw Xiaobai, she said relievedly, "Oh, can't you find it?"