King of Martial Arts

Chapter 206 Butterfly Essence A Hong

"This..." Cen Ruoqiu saw that the butterfly spirit was so 'enthusiastic' and said, "This girl, we are new here. I don't know if we can go to your house to drink water as an excuse?"

When the butterfly spirit heard this, she seemed to realize that there were many other people here besides Jiang Hanye, especially two young girls with different appearances and temperaments. Her eyes immediately changed. First, she hummed, and then said, "Yo, where did this woman come out, little brother, I didn't expect you Is it very romantic..." Her eyes were looking forward to circulation, and her hands had been lingered in Jiang Hanye's chest. She didn't mean to leave, which made Cen Ruoqiu feel very uncomfortable, but she couldn't say anything. She was just angry in her heart. Why didn't Jiang Hanye slap open the butterfly's hand?

Butterfly's words and actions are very explicit, but Jiang Hanye's face did not change. He replied faintly, "It's not romantic. They are all friends."

Jiang Hanye didn't know that his own sentence 'all friends' caused waves in Cen Ruoqiu and Kan Cangyue's hearts at the same time.

"Well, for your sake, I'll take you to my house!" Butterfly spirit giggles, gently taps the tip of Jiang Hanye's nose with his hand, then turns his hand behind his neck, slips all the way from his neck, and finally leaves from his waist. After eating Jiang Hanye's tofu, Butterfly essence twisted her waist and led the way in front.

Ji Yuan looked at her back and said to Jiang Hanye, "Is this goblin credible?"

"Trustworthy, we can only take one step at a time. Now that we have just entered the demon world, our eyes are black, we don't know anything, and we don't even know the direction. This is absolutely not good for us." Jiang Hanye said.

Ji Yuan pulled out his sword and whispered, "What are you afraid of? Kill it directly. Anyway, it's the demon world. They are all monsters. It's also appropriate to kill them without leaving any armor.

"None!" Cen Ruoqiu hurriedly said, "Although this is a demon world, it's just like the world. This is the world of monsters. We are aliens here. Don't regard this place as the world."

"Hmm!" Ji Yuan snorted unconvincedly and withdrew the sword.

"Let's go, don't say more. There are many monsters here, and not every one is the same as this butterfly spirit. If it were the one over there, I guess we would have fought a long time ago." Jiang Hanye looked at a monster perched by the river and said. The monster looks strange, carrying a thick shell on its body, with thick and sharp thorns on the shell, sharp hooks on its tail and limbs, and its lips are also bent. It looks like a turtle, but it is much more horrible than the appearance of a turtle.

Only then did everyone notice the strange monster and noticed that its eyes were always cold, and it was scanning their side intentionally or unintentionally.

"What are you doing? Come on!" The butterfly spirit walked out dozens of feet and looked back. Seeing that Jiang Hanye and they hadn't kept up, they shouted.

The home of Butterfly Spring, to be precise, is actually a tree, a tall tree with many branches and leaves. The tree has a strange trunk, and the whole trunk looks like a standing 'two' word. Each of the two thick trunks grows together. From a distance, it looks like two trees, but when you look closer, you find that the two trunks are from the same root system.

"Don't worry, this is nectar." The butterfly spirit said with a smile, "It won't be poisonous."

"Oh." Jiang Hanye gave a sound. When the apex started to drink the nectar, others also hesitated to drink the nectar into their abdomen, of course, except for Kan Cangyue.

"What are you doing here?" A Hong saw that Jiang Hanye ate the nectar and seemed to be very happy, so she sat down and asked.

Jiang Hanye turned his head and looked at the butterfly essence on the table, looking embarrassed.

"Don't worry, once they enter the cultivation cocoon, they will listen to nothing outside the window and can't hear anything. Besides, it doesn't matter even if they hear it. In our demon world, everyone has their own way, and no one has time to pay attention to others, except when they want to seize the treasure." A Hong saw Jiang Hanye's thoughts and said.

"We come from the mortal world." Jiang Hanye said.

"I've known this for a long time. Are you human beings?" A Hong said, "I'm asking why you came here. Don't you know that this is a dangerous place for you?"

"I know." Jiang Hanye Road.

"Do you know you're still here?" Ah Hong looked at Jiang Hanye like an alien.

"I can't help it. The world is about to be destroyed, because of your demon world." Jiang Hanye Road.

"What?" Ah Hong was obviously very unhappy to hear Jiang Hanye's words. Her face became a little angry. She slapped her hand on the table and said, "I'm not happy with what you said!" We monsters also came from the mortal world. When we were in the mortal world, we were bullied by you humans. It was so easy to cultivate and came to the demon world, but you chased us to tell me that we were going to destroy you? Let's figure it out, if you really want to say destruction, it's you who destroy us! Look at your hunters, how many beasts have been killed? Look at your fishermen, how many fish have been caught?

A Hong was very excited. After Jiang Hanye looked at others, she was silent and waited for her to vent. At this time, silence was the best choice.

A Hong complained about a lot of grievances and finally stopped. She looked at Jiang Hanye and said, "What's going on? I think you are different from others, and you still have a good impression on you, otherwise you will just paralyze your whole body with paralysis powder and suck your blood!" After saying that, she made a frightening gesture.

"hehe." Jiang Hanye smiled faintly and said, "Do you have a lot of complaints about human beings?"

"What else?" A Hong showed her left wing angrily to everyone. Her wings are really beautiful and colorful. There is a gossip-like 'eye' between the wings, which adds a lot of color to her, but everyone also saw that there is obviously a scar next to her left wing's eye, because of her own color, this wound The scar can't be seen from a rough look.

"This is the gift left by you human children. If I hadn't fled quickly and died, I would have died at the hands of human beings!" Butterfly said indignantly.

"I'm sorry." Jiang Hanye said after a moment of silence.

"It's none of your business!" Butterfly Jing was stunned when she heard Jiang Hanye say sorry. After a while, she waved her hand and said, "I'm a wise goblin."

"Ha ha." Jiang Hanye smiled again.

"Say, what are you doing here?" Butterfly spirit said, "The passage between the demon world and the mortal world is a secret, and it seems that this passage has been closed all the time. How do you know?"

"The world is no longer the world of human beings." Jiang Hanye pondered for a moment and then said, "Because of a goblin here, the world has now become a hell on earth. Almost all people have died, and the dead have become walking corpses, rampant in the world, attacking the living people, and turning the living people into walking corpses."

"So miserable?" Ah Hong was surprised and said, "Why do I listen to what you said? It seems to be a corpse epidemic?"

"Dead epidemic?" Jiang Hanye said curiously.

"That is, the soul of the poisoned person will be sealed, and then the whole body will slowly die, but it will not rot and will not fall down. It will also walk slowly, and it will be bloodthirsty, and it will be chased and bite when it sees the living thing." Ah Hong said, "This is indeed something in our demon world, but how did it go to the mortal world? You should know that each of the six roads has its own rules. The so-called rule does not make a circle. This rule is that they do not interfere with each other.

"It used to be like this, but it's obvious that someone broke this rule." Jiang Hanye said that he stopped here, looked at his companions and then said to A Hong, "The purpose of our trip is to end this disaster. You goblins can do whatever it takes to protect your territory, and so can we humans. Jiang Hanye was sonorous and powerful when she said this, which shocked A Hong, because she was obviously stunned.

"Oh." Ah Hong recovered after a while, "You little brother, you are really bold! But even if you are bold, I advise you to go back first.

"Why?" Jiang Hanye asked.

"Because this matter obviously can't be done by you, it can be seen that your cultivation is very profound, but no matter how profound it is, it can't compare with our demon gods." When Ah Hong talked about the word demon god, her eyes were full of worship and fear, and her respect and fear were probably all her feelings for the demon god.

"I know there are demons and gods, but so what?" Jiang Hanye said faintly, "I said it. I want to protect our clan.

"Although I am a goblin and not qualified to go to the middle and the high world, I also know the rules of the demon world. Such a plague is managed by the demon god family, and the goblins next to it are impossible to get it, so the monster you are looking for must be related to the demon god, and the demon god is a particularly protective guy, so Once you touch his clan, that is, touch him, move him..." A Hong didn't go on, but everyone understood what she meant.

"I just want to know where the demon family lives?" Jiang Hanye asked, "Middle world? High world? Or is it distributed everywhere?

"There are their people in the initial world, middle world and high world, because the whole demon world is under the control of the demon god." Ah Hong said, "Fortunately, you met me first. If you meet their people, I'm afraid you will die."

Jiang Hanye took a look at everyone, told them not to panic with his eyes, and then asked A Hong, "What do you say?"

"You and you!" A Hong pointed to Jiang Hanye and others and said, "I don't know how your human cultivation realm is divided, but I know that if the demon god wants to kill you, just stretch out a finger casually. It's very simple. There are also many powerful monsters, night forks and so on under him. I advise you to leave quickly. Here, you are such a handsome little brother, I don't want to see you cross the demon world!"

Jiang Hanye smiled and said, "Thank you for your beauty, but I also said that I didn't come here to survive."

"What a stubborn kid. Well, since you have to die, I'll tell you that it's not far from my house. Er, you go north and cross the river. In the depths of the demon forest, there is a cave called the dementor cave. The guy who lives in it is the ethnicity of the demon god. Ask what you want to know. He, I don't know too much!" Ah Hong said, "But I advise you to be careful. That guy is a tiger spirit, very powerful. He comes out to hunt almost once a month. Of course, our butterfly spirit is not his dish, but those python spirits have suffered. What's worse, he is actually the leader here, and we can't listen to him... ”

"Oh?" Jiang Hanye was surprised to get the news from A Hong. He was suspicious and believed it, but anyway, he said gratefully to A Hong, "Thank you, sister!"

"Don't mention it. After all, if what you say is true, the bad luck of your clan is also brought by our demon world. Speaking of which, I still have to feel sorry!" Ah Hong said with guilt on his face.

"Then we won't disturb. Everyone hopes to go early and come back early." Jiang Hanye said.

"If you don't bother, I think you'd better rest here tonight." Ah Hong smiled and said, "This is the demon world. Time is different from the mortal world. Since the moment you came in, your time in the mortal world has been stagnated, so don't worry, you will not delay your time in the world because you stay here. And the demon forest will not open at this time, because the demon forest will only open for half an hour at dawn. Even if you want to go in, you can only take advantage of that time.

"Oh?" Cen Ruoqiu was very surprised by this. When she was in the fairyland, she knew that the time there was much slower than the world. Now when she came to the demon world, she found that the time here was much faster than the mortal world. It seems that the creator is really amazing. The six paths are so mysterious, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. If it is hard to Breaking the balance is afraid that it will bring greater disaster.

"That's good." Jiang Hanye looked at Cen Ruoqiu and said, "We will rest here for one night and leave early tomorrow morning.