King of Martial Arts

Chapter 229 Prison Disaster

There are chains everywhere, and moans everywhere. Since Jiang Hanye was imprisoned, his ears have not been clean.

This is the underground prison of the city guard mansion. The prison is full of the smell of decay and death. There are countless cells like tofu pieces. Each room is locked with some sad or unintentional monsters. Of course, there are also people. I'm afraid there is only one person.

Although each cell is as small as a tofu block, the four walls are strong, all of which are rocks infused with demonic power. Even if they want to escape from prison, they may have to be chiseled for thousands of years. If the prisoners are not chiseled through the cell, they will have been tortured to death.

Jiang Hanye was treated with courtesy. The reason for saying this is not because the jailers and the guards who went to arrest him were so polite to him, but that after being imprisoned, he was treated as air. It seemed that no monster was willing to torture him, and those who were tortured were all local prisoners.

After coming here, Jiang Hanye saw all kinds of punishments that torture people and monsters: for example, he opened a small hole with a needle hole at the fontan above his head and put an ant slightly larger than that hole on it. Because the blood was slightly sweet, the ants would desperately drill into it, and the drilled prisoner could only feel helplessly. When itching, scratching desperately, and in the end, the whole scalp was scratched, revealing the white skull; for example, cutting the throat and bleeding, it seems to eliminate bloodthirsty, and there is no shortage of a glass of fishy and sweet blood to make wine in every meal. He is a veritable vampire, and because of this, those jailers selected young and strong and healthy. The prisoners hung upside down and cut their throats to bleed. Because these prisoners are monsters, they are more or less cultivated. If the wound is not deep, they will gradually heal, so they will take turns to cut their throats day after day and become other people's captive animals.

There are countless such punishments, which Jiang Hanye has never seen in his life. Only one day after being imprisoned, he has deeply realized what death is.

Jiang Hanye asked Cen Ruoqiu and others to escape with Kan Cangyue at the last moment. It was not that the heroic spirit was playing a fault, but he felt strange that he had lived for so long. Why did he suddenly come to investigate and arrest people? Where did the horse demon usually get the news from?

Jiang Hanye has shackles on his wrists and ankles, which makes him unable to bow his head, walk or move, and can only sit in the corner of the wall. That's good. It just so happens that he needs a lot of time to straighten out his thoughts now.

Because it is underground, it is dark all day long. Criminals may not need light, but jailers always need it, so torches are inserted on the narrow walls between each prison in the corridor, burning for 12 hours a day.

On the wall of the cell where Jiang Hanye is located, there are mottled traces everywhere, red and black. It should be dry blood, and there are also all kinds of dark stains. Above his forehead, where he looks up, there are deep scratches. The stone wall is cold and hard, and every trace The second time, it was not deep, but everywhere, some were superimposed together. Jiang Hanye even saw a broken nail in the crack of the stone, which showed how bad the prisoner imprisoned here was at that time.

"In the world of demons, there is hell everywhere." Jiang Hanye thought secretly that this truth is the biggest gain in his short day here. There is hell everywhere and the law of the jungle everywhere. If you don't want to live in hell, you must first become stronger, or create your own hell for others.


A not too melodious bell came, and then Jiang Hanye heard the sound of drooling from various cells, the sound of chains dragging on the stone floor, and a voice that he was very familiar with: "It's time to eat!"

That's Ma Yao's usual voice. Jiang Hanye originally closed his eyes, but when he heard this sound, his eyes suddenly opened. He wanted to see what his face would be like when he usually saw himself here.


The fence door of the cell is made of iron wood. It is not clear what iron wood is. However, at the moment he was locked in, the jailer pushed him arrogantly and said, "Stay honest and don't think about breaking the prison door and running out. Let me tell you, this is made of iron wood!"

The bang sound was made by the rice spoon knocking on the fence door. Jiang Hanye was locked in the relatively front cell. As soon as he turned to the corridor, he saw a dead body being dragged out of the cell by the jailer. It must be just the right time to vacavate this room for him.

"It's time to eat!" Usually, he knocked on the fence door outside the door and shouted blankly.

Jiang Hanye heard this sound. Although he was not hungry, he still tried his best to stand up from the innermost corner of the wall and walked to the door step by little. At each step, his shackles would be dragged to the ground, making a shrill sound. In just a few steps, he seemed to have walked for a long time.

"Hand!" Usually, with his head down, he pulled the trailer in one hand, and there was a big wooden bucket that smelled bad. The barrel was mixed with food, and perhaps water. In short, the smell was extremely unpleasant, and the other hand was holding a large wooden spoon. At this moment, he was about to scoop out rice for the prisoner.

Eating in this prison, don't think about the tableware. It's all with hands. A pair of dark hands or claws stick out from the wooden fence door, and the food will fall on that hand, and the prisoner will eat fiercely through the prison door. Although the food is not delicious, and although living is suffering, there is no way. The desire to survive is demons and people, or more precisely, the innate instinct of all creatures, and they want to live.

When he looked up with a spoonful of soup and didn't see the outstretched hands, he couldn't help frowning. He had encountered such a situation many times, because some prisoners were very stubborn and did not like to eat such pig food when they were first captured, so he served rice for such young bird prisoners. Sometimes it is quite painful.

"Hand!" Usually said. At this time, his eyes still did not look at the prisoner's face, so he did not know that it was Jiang Hanye who was imprisoned here.

Jiang Hanye slowly stretched out his hand. Usually, I look down and see the hands, which are slender and white, not like the dirty hands of ordinary monsters. They really look like a novice.

"New? You have to behave well, or you will suffer!" Usually a very sophisticated lesson, he looked up and saw Jiang Hanye.

Jiang Hanye saw the stunned eyes from his usual eyes, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"Why is it you?" Usually, he was stunned and said that the spoon in his hand also fell to the ground with a bang, and the soup was splashed everywhere. The jailer behind him was obviously much higher than him. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but say angrily, "What's wrong with you? Do you come to clean up everywhere? This guy is white and tender, and is likely to be selected to be a sheep, so the place where he lives must be kept clean!"

Jiang Hanye usually didn't listen to him, because both of them were looking at each other.

" boss, there is a situation here!" At this time, at the end of the corridor, there was a rapid shout at the place where the repeat offenders were imprisoned. Jiang Hanye knew that the one who had been following him was not the jailer, but the head of the prison.

When the prison head heard this, he hurriedly said to the usual, "Hurry up, clean up and then leave. Do you hear me?" After saying that, he didn't wait for the usual instructions, so he quickly walked to the place of the accident. That's fine, leaving a space for both of them and Jiang Hanye. I guess they have a lot of questions about each other.

"Why are you here?" I usually ask again.

"I'm afraid you're going to ask yourself about this." Jiang Hanye replied.

"Ask me?" I was usually more surprised, "What do you ask me for? Does it have anything to do with me?"

"Didn't you snitch?" Jiang Hanye doesn't like to sell customs. In this kind of face-to-face gongs and drums, it is best to solve them face to face.

"Fright, don't laugh, how can it be!" He usually shook his head like a rattle and said with determination, "Unless I can sleepwalk, how can I denounce you? I brought you in, my God of Wealth!"

Usually, these words completely cooled Jiang Hanye's heart. He was not cold for anything else, but for himself. He trusted lilacs so much, at least more than usual, but this lilac, which usually looks extremely domineering and righteous, is mostly the person who betrays them.

Seeing Jiang Hanye silent, I couldn't help asking deeply, "Brother, what's going on? Can you tell me no?"

Jiang Hanye looked up doubtfully at usual. He stared into his eyes and looked at him for a long time. Even the prisoners in the back cell were a little dissatisfied, and there were monsters sighing.

"It's okay." Jiang Hanye said, "You go."

"Oh..." Usually, he also had some doubts. He had the intention to scoop some food for Jiang Hanye, but when he looked at the food, he didn't even eat pigs. He was embarrassed to ask others to reach out again, so he whispered, "Brother, you have to bear with it first. I'll come to see you later and get you something to eat by the way, but..."

"Do you want money?" Jiang Hanye said with a wry smile.

"Hey, as long as you know." After saying that, he hurried forward and looked back at him deeply as he walked, and his eyes were full of doubts and sympathy.


"What should we do? What do you think we should do!" Ji Yuan shouted that they had been blown by the sea breeze of the cold supermarket by the black coast for a night and a day. Even if the three of them had reached the period of spiritual silence, they couldn't stand the cold, and their lips turned purple one by one by one. The Black Sea breeze is different from other cold, such as Kunlun Snow Mountain. That kind of cold is dry and cold, but compared with that kind of dry cold, the cooling of the sea is different. It seems that no matter how many clothes you wear, it can eventually become wet, cold and cold.

"Brother Ji Yuan, don't worry, okay?" Cen Ruoqiu frowned and said, "Everyone is in a hurry, so now it's more important to calm down and figure out a way."

"It seems that she is not in a hurry at all." Ji Yuan looked at Kan Cangyue standing a little far away and said, "Doesn't the dead care about this kind of thing? That's right, dead people have no heart, right?

Although the sea breeze beats the waves and covered Ji Yuan's voice, his volume was still loud enough to reach Kan Cangyue's ears.

Kan Cangyue stood quietly on the reef, facing Cangshan with her back to the sea. Her face looked expressionless, but her heart was also covered with a shadow, especially when there was a Ji Yuan behind her who couldn't help saying some sarcastic words.

"Brother Ji Yuan!" Cen Ruoqiu's tone became a little harsher, "Everyone is now a companion in the same boat. No one can live without anyone, and no one can betray anyone at this time, so please stop saying such a thing, okay?"

"Hmm!" Ji Yuan snorted coldly, sat on the wet rock, and finally shut up and didn't say anything.

Cen Ruoqiu took care of Ji Yuan and began to walk to Kan Cangyue. Since they came out, Kan Cangyue has not said a word. Because they escaped from their lover's tears and the location was random, no one knows where they are now. Through dozens of experiments, it has been determined that this lover's tears can only choose the entrance and exit somewhere in and outside Chizhou, and the cooling time is probably on a cup of tea without qi. Although the location is uncertain, they are already very satisfied. If there are no lover's tears, I'm afraid that something big will happen to them last night, although something big has happened now.

"Senior..." Cen Ruoqiu thought for a long time before finally decided to say, "Are we going to wait like this?" Don't you want to save him?"

"If he wants to be saved, will he still be captured?" Kan Cangyue sighed, "I think he will stay and have his own plans. We can only believe in what he has done and don't question it, especially at such a grim moment."

Kan Cangyue's words hit Cen Ruoqiu's heart like a heavy hammer. Her whole head also became awake from the previous buzzing state and muttered, "Yes, he never does anything uncertain. Why don't I believe him?" She looked at Kan Cangyue's back and suddenly felt sad: "I'm not as good as her."

"It's nothing." Kan Cangyue said, "Now we are very passive. On the one hand, we have to wait for Lei Tian's news, and on the other hand, we have to take Jiang Hanye into account. Isn't it normal to have some anxiety?"

"Hmm." Cen Ruoqiu nodded. Originally, she wanted to ask for advice and comfort Kan Cangyue by the way, but now she was comforted, which made her have a new opinion and more understanding of Kan Cangyue.


"Why are you here again?" Jiang Hanye was leaning against the wall to count the sheep. Suddenly, he felt a cold wind coming from the corner of the passage. There was no cell at the corner. There was only a table and four chairs. Usually, several jailers and prison leaders were on duty there. The table was a step up. There were eleven steps, and there was a heavy stone door at the end. The door was a dozen. Open, it leads to the ground, and there will be a fresh wind blowing in.

All this was learned by Jiang Hanye when he was imprisoned. Sometimes it may not be a bad thing to remember more trivial things.

"Brothers, there is a former friend of mine in this prison. I came to see him and get you some food by the way. Look, crystal elbow, you can't eat this at ordinary times. Only the city guards can eat it!" Usually laughing.

The attention of those jailers probably shifted from their usual to the crystal elbows in an instant. The crystal elbows and so on are really good. Jiang Hanye can smell the smell in the cell. He couldn't help swallowing his saliva and whispered in his heart, "If I had known to put more dry food in the universe bag, now I won't be so hungry."

"It's scary, it's good." This is the voice of the prison head, "But what's the use of a crystal elbow? It would be better if it was accompanied by some wine!"

"Do you think I'm the heartless monster? Brother, you have taken a lot of photos of me, and you have thought about it for a long time. Usually, before the words fell, there was a sound, as if a wine jar had been stopped on the table, which attracted the cheers of the monsters.

"Yo ho, that's good. After a hard day, I can finally have a dental sacrifice at night!" Several monsters laughed and waved to the usual, "Go ahead, don't take too long."

With a sound of footsteps, or the sound of horses' hoofs, Jiang Hanye soon saw his usual figure.

"Hey, brother, I'm coming!" Usually sneakily ran to the door of Jiang Hanye's prison and whispered. His arrival and the fragrance of crystal elbows at the door of the prison caused many prisoners to rush to the door and shout. These coaxed prisoners brought convenience and inconvenience to Jiang Hanye's peaceful communication, because when they saw that they usually took out a bowl from the basket, they began to coax.

"Yo, what delicious food? Don't give us some!"

"Eccentric, obvious bias, I want Lord Jiancheng, I want to explain this to him!"

There were more and more noisy people, and the voice became louder and louder. In the end, the jailer had to come forward with a whip, and each prison door was whipped fiercely before it was finished.

"I said, don't be too explicit when you do it. Be careful." The jailer has a good attitude towards ordinary times, perhaps because of the crystal elbow.

"Hey, okay, okay! What delicious food will you have in the future, brother, I will definitely want to get you!" He usually nodded and bowed.

After sending away the pestil, he usually stuffed the bowl into Jiang Hanye's hand: "It's not delicious, meat pie, there is a fish underneath, you can eat it."

"Thank you!" Jiang Hanye said.

"Oh, you're welcome. I won't work for you for nothing!" Usually, he smiled and sat down along the prison door and sat face to face with Jiang Hanye.

"It tastes good. Who made it?" Jiang Hanye took a bite of the cake and praised it. In fact, the taste is average, but compared with the smell of bad water he smelled before today, it can be called the most precious in the demon world.

"Me, isn't it good? Hey, I knew that my craftsmanship had improved!" He usually points to his nose and smiles.